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This article is about Ravager, not to be confused with  Direwolf

Steam.svg 275.0
Dec 12, 2017
Xbox One.svg 768.0
Dec 12, 2017
PS.svg 518.0
Dec 12, 2017
Nintendo Switch.svg 605.0
Dec 13, 2022
Epic Games.svg 311.74
Jun 11, 2020
Spawn Command
cheat summon CaveWolf_Character_BP_C
cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Aberration/Dinos/CaveWolf/CaveWolf_Character_BP.CaveWolf_Character_BP'" 500 0 0 35

Variant Ravager (Gauntlet)

cheat summon CaveWolf_Character_BP_Gauntlet_C
cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Genesis/Dinos/MissionVariants/Gauntlet/Volcanic/CaveWolf_Character_BP_Gauntlet.CaveWolf_Character_BP_Gauntlet'" 500 0 0 35

Variant Ravager (Summoned)

cheat summon CaveWolf_Character_BP_Summoned_C
cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Genesis2/Dinos/Summoner/SummonedDinos/CaveWolf_Character_BP_Summoned.CaveWolf_Character_BP_Summoned'" 500 0 0 35

Variant Ravager (Gauntlet2)

cheat summon CaveWolf_Character_BP_STA_C
cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Genesis2/Missions/ModularMission/Gauntlet2/STA/Dinos/CaveWolf_Character_BP_STA.CaveWolf_Character_BP_STA'" 500 0 0 35

Variant VR Ravager (Gauntlet2)

cheat summon CaveWolf_Character_BP_TameSTA_C
cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Genesis2/Missions/ModularMission/Gauntlet2/STA/Endless/Tames/CaveWolf_Character_BP_TameSTA.CaveWolf_Character_BP_TameSTA'" 500 0 0 35
Gestation Time
4h 10m 37.593s
Baby Time
4h 52m 23.859s
Juvenile Time
19h 29m 35.438s
Adolescent Time
1d 21m 59.297s
Total Maturation Time
2d 43m 58.594s
Breeding Interval
18h - 2d

Aberration Topographic Map.jpg
Spawning Ravager Aberration.svg

Valguero Topographic Map.jpg
Spawning Ravager Valguero.svg

Genesis Part 1 Topographic Map.jpg
Spawning Ravager Genesis Part 1.svg

Crystal Isles Topographic Map.jpg
Spawning Ravager Crystal Isles.svg

Genesis Part 2 Map.jpg
Spawning Ravager Genesis Part 2.svg

Lost Island Map.jpg
Spawning Ravager Lost Island.svg

Fjordur Map.jpg
Spawning Ravager Fjordur Midgard.svg

Fjordur Vanaheim Topographic Map.jpg
Spawning Ravager Fjordur Vanaheim.svg

Common        Rare
  Untameable   Cave

The Ravager, also called the Barghest or Cave wolf, is one of the creatures in ARK: Survival Evolved, being introduced in the Aberration expansion pack. It is a small, carnivorous mammal known for its ability to run on natural vines and survivor-made zip lines.

Basic Info


This section is intended to be an exact copy of what the survivor Helena Walker, the author of the dossiers, has written. There may be some discrepancies between this text and the in-game creature.


Canis barghest








Anywhere else, Canis barghest's powerful muscles, wicked claws, and fearsome countenance would put it near the top of the food chain. Yet in these caves, this common, lupine predator resides somewhere in the middle. That said, it is an intelligent hunter with an exceptional ability to adapt. For example, it has learned to utilize the zip lines that survivors have built as a means of travel, all on its own. Remarkable!


The strong legs of the Canis barghest make it an effective mount for many survivors, particularly for long distance travel. While other creatures outshine it when it comes to bursts of speed, its stamina and ability to climb across both natural vines and artificial zip lines makes it a highly versatile travelling companion.


The Ravager is an aggressive pack animal which usually travels in packs of 3 to 5, attacking most herbivores its size or smaller. Even without a pack, a Ravager can be very aggressive and dangerous, but if there's only one, then they won't get any buffs for being in a pack. When tamed, the Ravager is a great mount for transport or scouting; it has decent weight, speed, and stamina and it’s capable of climbing up zip lines and vines.


The Ravager is a mostly hairless almost scaly, quadrupedal canine predator. It has large ears, possibly for hunting at low light levels, and it possesses large teeth and claws for ripping apart prey. It is around the size of a Direwolf, but has a jump comparable to a Thylacoleo although in a more vertical direction for overcoming obstacles. Alphas will have a reddish orange glow around them to distinguish them from the rest of their pack.

Color Scheme and Regions

Region 0:Body Main
Ravager PaintRegion0 ASA.png
Natural colors:
Region 1:Unused
X mark.svg
This region does not show on the body.
Region 2:Unused
X mark.svg
This region does not show on the body.
Region 3:Unused
X mark.svg
This region does not show on the body.
Region 4:Underbelly
Ravager PaintRegion4 ASA.png
Natural colors:
Region 5:Top Highlights
Ravager PaintRegion5 ASA.png
Natural colors:

This section displays the Ravager's natural colors and regions. For demonstration, the regions below are colored red over an albino Ravager. The colored squares shown underneath each region's description are the colors that the Ravager will randomly spawn with to provide an overall range of its natural color scheme. Hover your cursor over a color to display its name and ID. This information can be used to alter the Ravager's regions by entering cheat SetTargetDinoColor <ColorRegion> <ColorID> in the cheat console. For instance, cheat SetTargetDinoColor 0 6 would color the Ravager's "body main" magenta.

Ravager PaintRegion0.png
Region 0:
Body Main
X mark.svg

Region 1 is not used
for this Creature.

X mark.svg

Region 2 is not used
for this Creature.

X mark.svg

Region 3 is not used
for this Creature.

Ravager PaintRegion4.png
Region 4:
Ravager PaintRegion5.png
Region 5:
Top Highlights


Base Stats and Growth

Attribute Base Value Level Increase Taming Bonus
Wild Tamed Additive Multiplicative
 Health 400 +80 +5.4% 0.07
 Stamina 350 +35 +10%
 Oxygen 150 +15 +10%
 Food 1200 +120 +10% 15%
 Weight 500 +10 +4%
 Melee Damage 25 +1 +1.36% 4.2% 13.2%
 Movement Speed 100% N/A +1% 35%
 Torpidity 500 +30 N/A 0.5
Base Speed Sprinting Speed Stamina
Wild Tamed1 Tamed2 Wild Tamed1 Tamed2
Walking 300 ? ? 924 924 1247.4 7
Swimming 300 ? ? ? ? ? ?
  • For a comparison of the stats of all creatures, see Base Creature Statistics.
  • For an explanation of exactly how the levelup calculation works, see Creature Stats Calculation.
  • 1These are the base speeds of the tamed creature at 100% Movement Speed, i.e. without a possible taming bonus.
  • 2These are the speeds of the creature once tamed including a possible taming bonus and no imprinting bonus.
  • For a comparison of the speeds of all creatures, see Base Creature Speeds.

Wild Stats Level-up

Type in values of a wild creature to see on which stats it's emphasized. Green values on a high-level creature are very good for breeding. If you have already tamed your creature you can try to recover the breeding stats with an external tool.[1]


The stat-calculator does not work in the mobile-view, see here for alternatives: Apps

Note that after the creature is tamed it gets bonuses on some stats depending on the taming effectiveness. This makes it hard to retrieve the levels on a tamed creature, so this tool is only for wild ones, but gives a first impression, how well the stats are distributed.



  • The Ravager bites the target for 25 damage.
  • Can be used every 0.89s by both a rider and the AI.

Claw Strike
  • The Ravager strikes the target with its claws for 25 damage.
  • Wild Ravagers applies  Gnashed effect to the target, reducing 5% of its total  Health over 10 seconds and reducing its  Movement Speed by 90% during the duration of the effect.
  • Can be used every 1.16s by both a rider and the AI.

  • The Ravager roars without any effect.
  • The rest of the pack roars with the alpha.
  • Can be used every 3.5s by both a rider and the AI.

  • The Ravager jumps.
  • To use a Zip-Line aim at it and jump.


Pack Boost

The Ravager receives the Pack Boost whenever it is near to another allied Ravager. A "pack" of two Ravagers will receive a +1 Bonus, which will go up to +4 in a Group of 5 or more Ravagers, they receive +5% extra  Melee Damage and -3.5% damage resistance per extra pack member up to 4 members.

Pack Leader

The  Pack Leader buff is obtained by the creature of the pack with the highest level, in the case of Ravager there is one alpha for every 5 Ravagers. This buff increases the pack leader's  Melee Damage by 25% and damage resistance by 12.5%.

Weight Reduction

The Ravager reduces the weight of the following resources by the listed amount while they are in its inventory:

Resource Reduction
 Crystal 50%
 Fiber 50%
 Fungal Wood 50%
 Green Gem 50%
 Metal 50%
 Obsidian 50%
 Stone 50%
 Thatch 50%
 Wood 50%


This section describes how to fight against this creature.


These creatures will attack you if you get too close and are powerful even at low levels, especially with its bleeding attack and the pack buff. They are a common spawn.


Keep clear of this creature. If you are going to be attacked however, running into water occasionally will work and will sometimes break aggro, but don't always count on it.


As a lone survivor, straight up melee combat is not recommended with its Gnash attack, especially when pack boosted. Shooting it instead with a ranged weapon at a distance works best. If dealing with a single ravager, use a bola to make quick work of it. Another method is to use a mount to absorb the gnash attack while you swing your weapon at at. Their gnash attack may bleed a percentage of health, but it's no match if you put points into character strength.


They are very fast and will easily run down a low level player. They also hunt in packs (receiving the pack bonus) and have a slow attack that "Gnashes" a player. The Gnash attack is powerful and can even kill a Spino with ease as it induces a harsh bleed.

They are able to climb player placed zip lines to get to you. Be cautious!

If you are out at "night" without a capable mount, be very careful, the Ravagers DO NOT glow and the most visible way to spot them in the dark is if you see a pack alpha. This only applies on ARK: Survival Evolved as they got a glow pattern in ARK:Survival Ascended.


They can easily be stopped by using a Bola. You can use a Raptor to attack Ravagers, make 2-3 attacks, run away from the Ravager's attacks, heal and attack next time (similar strategy can be used on raptors against every slower opponent). Megalosauruses, Carno and Spino can easily kill Ravagers.


For general info about domesticating a wild creature see Taming.

KO Strategy

Using a  Bola will make it stand still so it's easily knocked out, like a Direwolf tame or a Sabertooth.

The pack bonus on Ravagers makes them more difficult to tame so it is recommended that you bola the Ravager you wish to tame and either kill its packmates or simply lead them far enough away and lose aggro.

Taming Food

Ravager.png Level 1 Narcoberry Narcotic Bio Toxin Time
Raw Mutton.png Raw Mutton 1 0 0 0 0:07:02
Cooked Lamb Chop.png Cooked Lamb Chop 1 0 0 0 0:04:01
Raw Prime Meat.png Raw Prime Meat 4 0 0 0 0:07:30
Cooked Prime Meat.png Cooked Prime Meat 7 0 0 0 0:13:07
Raw Prime Fish Meat.png Raw Prime Fish Meat 9 0 0 0 0:08:27
Raw Meat.png Raw Meat 10 0 0 0 0:18:45
Cooked Prime Fish Meat.png Cooked Prime Fish Meat 17 0 0 0 0:16:23
Cooked Meat.png Cooked Meat 20 0 0 0 0:18:45
Raw Fish Meat.png Raw Fish Meat 25 0 0 0 0:23:27
Cooked Fish Meat.png Cooked Fish Meat 49 0 0 0 0:22:59
KO: Wooden Club Hits × 50; Slingshot Hits × 21; Tranquilizer Arrows with a Bow × 6; Tranquilizer Arrows with a Crossbow × 4; Tranquilizer Dart Shots × 3; Shocking Tranquilizer Dart Shots × 2
Torpidity-depletion: 0.3 / s, Time until all torpidity is depleted: 00:27:46
Ravager.png Level 30 Narcoberry Narcotic Bio Toxin Time
Raw Mutton.png Raw Mutton 2 0 0 0 0:14:04
Cooked Lamb Chop.png Cooked Lamb Chop 3 0 0 0 0:12:03
Raw Prime Meat.png Raw Prime Meat 8 0 0 0 0:15:00
Cooked Prime Meat.png Cooked Prime Meat 15 0 0 0 0:28:06
Raw Prime Fish Meat.png Raw Prime Fish Meat 19 0 0 0 0:17:49
Raw Meat.png Raw Meat 22 0 0 0 0:41:15
Cooked Prime Fish Meat.png Cooked Prime Fish Meat 37 0 0 0 0:35:39
Cooked Meat.png Cooked Meat 44 0 0 0 0:41:15
Raw Fish Meat.png Raw Fish Meat 55 20 4 2 0:51:34
Cooked Fish Meat.png Cooked Fish Meat 110 20 4 2 0:51:34
KO: Wooden Club Hits × 137; Slingshot Hits × 56; Tranquilizer Arrows with a Bow × 16; Tranquilizer Arrows with a Crossbow × 9; Tranquilizer Dart Shots × 7; Shocking Tranquilizer Dart Shots × 4
Torpidity-depletion: 0.5 / s, Time until all torpidity is depleted: 00:45:49
Ravager.png Level 60 Narcoberry Narcotic Bio Toxin Time
Raw Mutton.png Raw Mutton 4 0 0 0 0:28:08
Cooked Lamb Chop.png Cooked Lamb Chop 4 0 0 0 0:16:04
Raw Prime Meat.png Raw Prime Meat 12 0 0 0 0:22:30
Cooked Prime Meat.png Cooked Prime Meat 24 0 0 0 0:44:58
Raw Prime Fish Meat.png Raw Prime Fish Meat 29 0 0 0 0:27:12
Raw Meat.png Raw Meat 35 31 7 4 1:05:38
Cooked Prime Fish Meat.png Cooked Prime Fish Meat 58 0 0 0 0:55:53
Cooked Meat.png Cooked Meat 70 31 7 4 1:05:38
Raw Fish Meat.png Raw Fish Meat 87 97 21 11 1:21:34
Cooked Fish Meat.png Cooked Fish Meat 174 97 21 11 1:21:34
KO: Wooden Club Hits × 227; Slingshot Hits × 93; Tranquilizer Arrows with a Bow × 26; Tranquilizer Arrows with a Crossbow × 15; Tranquilizer Dart Shots × 11; Shocking Tranquilizer Dart Shots × 6
Torpidity-depletion: 0.66 / s, Time until all torpidity is depleted: 00:58:11
Ravager.png Level 90 Narcoberry Narcotic Bio Toxin Time
Raw Mutton.png Raw Mutton 5 0 0 0 0:35:10
Cooked Lamb Chop.png Cooked Lamb Chop 5 0 0 0 0:20:05
Raw Prime Meat.png Raw Prime Meat 16 0 0 0 0:30:00
Cooked Prime Meat.png Cooked Prime Meat 32 0 0 0 0:59:57
Raw Prime Fish Meat.png Raw Prime Fish Meat 40 0 0 0 0:37:30
Raw Meat.png Raw Meat 48 110 24 12 1:30:00
Cooked Prime Fish Meat.png Cooked Prime Fish Meat 80 48 11 6 1:17:04
Cooked Meat.png Cooked Meat 95 105 23 12 1:29:04
Raw Fish Meat.png Raw Fish Meat 119 213 46 23 1:51:34
Cooked Fish Meat.png Cooked Fish Meat 238 213 46 23 1:51:34
KO: Wooden Club Hits × 317; Slingshot Hits × 130; Tranquilizer Arrows with a Bow × 36; Tranquilizer Arrows with a Crossbow × 21; Tranquilizer Dart Shots × 15; Shocking Tranquilizer Dart Shots × 8
Torpidity-depletion: 0.79 / s, Time until all torpidity is depleted: 01:07:09
Ravager.png Level 120 Narcoberry Narcotic Bio Toxin Time
Raw Mutton.png Raw Mutton 6 0 0 0 0:42:12
Cooked Lamb Chop.png Cooked Lamb Chop 6 0 0 0 0:24:05
Raw Prime Meat.png Raw Prime Meat 21 0 0 0 0:39:23
Cooked Prime Meat.png Cooked Prime Meat 41 14 4 2 1:16:48
Raw Prime Fish Meat.png Raw Prime Fish Meat 51 0 0 0 0:47:49
Raw Meat.png Raw Meat 61 216 47 24 1:54:23
Cooked Prime Fish Meat.png Cooked Prime Fish Meat 101 124 27 14 1:37:18
Cooked Meat.png Cooked Meat 121 211 46 23 1:53:27
Raw Fish Meat.png Raw Fish Meat 151 361 79 40 2:21:34
Cooked Fish Meat.png Cooked Fish Meat 302 361 79 40 2:21:34
KO: Wooden Club Hits × 407; Slingshot Hits × 167; Tranquilizer Arrows with a Bow × 46; Tranquilizer Arrows with a Crossbow × 26; Tranquilizer Dart Shots × 19; Shocking Tranquilizer Dart Shots × 10
Torpidity-depletion: 0.92 / s, Time until all torpidity is depleted: 01:14:12
Ravager.png Level 150 Narcoberry Narcotic Bio Toxin Time
Raw Mutton.png Raw Mutton 7 0 0 0 0:49:14
Cooked Lamb Chop.png Cooked Lamb Chop 7 0 0 0 0:28:06
Raw Prime Meat.png Raw Prime Meat 25 0 0 0 0:46:53
Cooked Prime Meat.png Cooked Prime Meat 49 69 16 8 1:31:47
Raw Prime Fish Meat.png Raw Prime Fish Meat 61 0 0 0 0:57:12
Raw Meat.png Raw Meat 73 334 74 37 2:16:53
Cooked Prime Fish Meat.png Cooked Prime Fish Meat 122 220 49 25 1:57:31
Cooked Meat.png Cooked Meat 146 334 74 37 2:16:53
Raw Fish Meat.png Raw Fish Meat 183 537 118 59 2:51:34
Cooked Fish Meat.png Cooked Fish Meat 365 534 118 59 2:51:06
KO: Wooden Club Hits × 497; Slingshot Hits × 203; Tranquilizer Arrows with a Bow × 56; Tranquilizer Arrows with a Crossbow × 32; Tranquilizer Dart Shots × 23; Shocking Tranquilizer Dart Shots × 12
Torpidity-depletion: 1.04 / s, Time until all torpidity is depleted: 01:20:01

Note that the values are for optimal cases, always bring extra supplies!
For a level-dependent count of resources needed, try an external taming calculator.



  • Scouting: The Ravager's decent stamina and speed, the ability to use Ziplines (natural or unnatural), coupled with its jump make it an excellent early game mount, especially for travelling great distances. Look at a zipline until you see a cursor and jump to mount the zipline. It is able go up and down the ziplines, walk back to turn around and is able to sprint up and slide down. It is also able to jump from zipline to zipline. (Level up  Movement Speed and  Stamina)
  • Transport:  WoodFungal Wood, ThatchMetal, Green Gem, Fiber, Crystal, Obsidian, and  Stone weigh less while being carried by the Ravager. These resources weigh only 50% of their usual value.
  • Hunter/Meat Gatherer: The Ravager's decent base damage coupled with its pack bonus makes it an excellent hunting animal, especially in groups. While mounted, players can use the bite attack (default Lmb) for gathering things such as  Hide,  Chitin, etc., while the paw swipe attack (default Rmb) will gather mostly meat. (Level up  Melee Damage,  Stamina,  Weight)
  • Damage: Ravagers gain a pack buff when in a group of 3 or larger in a similar fashion to the Allosaurus or the Dire Wolf giving the pack increased damage and damage resistance. This can be utilized to its fullest potential using a large group of Ravagers for the purpose of taking down large prey, in warfare against other tribes, and as a base defense. Be mindful that tamed Ravagers do not inflict a bleeding effect. (Level up  Health,  Stamina, and  Melee Damage)


Resource Efficiency
Raw Meat.png Raw Meat ★★★★☆
Chitin.png Chitin ★★★☆☆
Raw Prime Meat.png Raw Prime Meat ★★★☆☆
Keratin.png Keratin ★★★☆☆
Hide.png Hide ★★★☆☆


For information pertaining specifically to the real-world Ravager, see the relevant Wikipedia article.

  • The Ravager has a roar ability activated by pressing C,Right Stick. Like the  Direwolf it cannot roar while running. If you are on a zipline this will cause them to hang upside down.
  • There is a saddle skin available for the Ravager. Similar to the Parasaur Founder saddle it adds a purple blanket-like piece decorated with the Ark "A" with studs on the saddle.
  • Ravagers take heavily reduced fall damage, see Fall Damage for more info.
  • The Ravager is capable of climbing across zip lines and vines. On consoles holding down Left Stick while moving on the zipline increases the movement speed.
  • Ravagers set to follow will follow you on ziplines. However to prevent them from jumping onto the zipline in front of you it is suggested to whistle stop, get on and move up the zipline, then whistle follow again.
    • (Baby) Ravagers on follow will attempt to jump towards the nearest zipline to catch up with the survivor or dino they are following.
  • When on a zipline on a Ravager, to operate the whistle radial wheel you need to use RS to select instead of LS.
  • The Ravager is the second member of the in game Genus Canis ,the other being the Direwolf.
  • In fact the Canis genus is a real life genus that contains the Grey wolf, Dingo, Coyote etc.
  • Since there are no Aberrant  Direwolf, the Ravager might simply be a mutated wolf, adapted to the warmer, darker environments of the caverns (this is supported by their size- almost identical to that of a direwolf, its genus and pack mentality, lack of radiation tolerance, and various other similar abilities and features).
  • The second part of Ravager's scientific name, Barghest, can be found in English folklore, where it's the name of a being that usually takes a shape of a monstrous black dog, and is considered an omen of death. The most notable similarity is the folklore's creature's ability to inflict wounds that would never heal and the game's bleed debuff the Ravager applies.
  • Like  Nameless, Ravager’s appearance also resembles that of one of the depictions of the famous mythical creature known as the Chupacabra.
    • In one depiction it is said to take the form of a strange breed of wild dog similarly to the Ravager.
    • The other depiction resembles that of the  Nameless as a bipedal creature with fangs and a body highly reminiscent of a demon.
  • The creature was first announced in Community Crunch 102 on September 9, 2017.[2]
  • Ravager's roar is similar to the sound of dying  Carbonemys.
  • Like  Allosaurus and  Direwolf, when a Ravager roars other pack member also roar.
  • Tamed and Imprinted Ravagers do not inflict the Gnashed status effect.
  • The Ravager is one of the few native Aberration creatures that isn't immune to  Radiation.
  • The first shown image of the Ravager, that being the torn dossier of it, is rather unlike the final design, in that it is much less dog-like, with little to no hair, gremlin-like ears, more spikey protrusions and a neck frill, making it look even stranger than it already does.
  • The neck frill on the Ravager’s torn dossier belongs to a Reaper.
  • Raw mutton recover Ravager's hunger around 200 points.


Patch  ARK: Survival Evolved Changes
275.0 Ravager is added to the game.
275.31 Reduced Ravager  Melee Damage by approximately 40%.
275.32 Ravagers can now be properly downloaded to ARKs other than Aberration.
275.4 Fixed multiple cases where Ravagers could get through the map.
275.44 Fixed a case where the Cavewolf would get stuck on ziplines.
  • Fixed Ravager getting stuck when dismounting and remounting on the  Zip-Line.
  • Fixed issue with Ravager being offset above a Zip-Line when reconnecting to server.
329.5 VR Ravager is added to the game.

