It is called Great Albino Leedsichthys, as its whole body has a bright white color.
Color Scheme and Regions
This section displays the Alpha Leedsichthys's natural colors and regions. For demonstration, the regions below are colored red over an albino Alpha Leedsichthys. The colored squares shown underneath each region's description are the colors that the Alpha Leedsichthys will randomly spawn with to provide an overall range of its natural color scheme. Hover your cursor over a color to display its name and ID.
This information can be used to alter the Alpha Leedsichthys's regions by entering cheat SetTargetDinoColor <ColorRegion> <ColorID> in the cheat console. For instance, cheat SetTargetDinoColor 0 6 would color the Alpha Leedsichthys's "body" magenta.
This section describes how to fight against the Alpha Leedsichthys.
The Alpha Leedsichthys has the increased movement speed and attack power that alphas typically possess. However, it is unique in that it's the only Alpha Creature that doesnt have higher health than its regular counterpart as well as no size increase (albeit in trade for this it gains the ability to one shot wooden rafts). Because of this, it is relatively easy to kill and can be dispatched with a Megalodon or Sarco without much risk. Be careful not to accidentally run into other aquatic predators.
The Alpha Leedsichthys is as large as a normal Leedsichthys with an equally awful attack rate/turning radius- use a water mount and dispatch it with ease.
When lured to beachside, firearms may be utilized (though not recommended.)
Crossbows and TEK Rifles can be used to chip the Alpha Leedsichthys from a distance. As with most aquatic creatures, however, it is generally safer and more effective to use a mount.
It is a natural boat destroyer. Like the Leedsichthys, it is capable of tearing down rafts if you don't see it coming, but it can do so even faster than regular Leedsichthys
It also has the ability to one shot Wooden Rafts unlike the normal variant albeit it still will need to deal damage to motorboats.
It should be noted that, unlike the regular variant, the Alpha Leedsichthys can outspeed Motorboats.
It has relatively low health due to having no increase in health and will always spawn at level 1 just like the normal Leedsichthys, so high-damage mounts can kill it very easily.
For information pertaining specifically to the real-world Alpha Leedsichthys, see the relevant Wikipedia article.
The Alpha Leedsichthys will only attack boats on sight; it will not attack the player without provocation.
Can destroy rafts in one hit, Even if you have a "rock boat", with stone structures around and beneath it.
The Alpha Leedsichthys is white in reference to the novel Moby Dick as there was a white whale that a captain died trying to kill. This is also why it drops the Captain's Hat Skin.
The Alpha Leedsichthys can be scraped for prime fish meat, much like it's regular counterpart.
The Alpha Leedsichthys used to not have increased size but now it does.
It's the only alpha that is not aggressive to players, but aggressive to rafts and boats instead.