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Steam.svg 253.0
Dec 23, 2016
Xbox One.svg 749.0
Jan 17, 2017
PS.svg 503.0
Jan 18, 2017
Nintendo Switch.svg 521.0
Nov 30, 2018
Epic Games.svg 311.74
Jun 11, 2020
Logo Mobile.svg 1.0
May 24, 2018
Spawn Command
cheat summon Cnidaria_Character_BP_C
cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Cnidaria/Cnidaria_Character_BP.Cnidaria_Character_BP'" 500 0 0 35

Variant Aberrant Cnidaria

cheat summon Cnidaria_Character_BP_Aberrant_C
cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Cnidaria/Cnidaria_Character_BP_Aberrant.Cnidaria_Character_BP_Aberrant'" 500 0 0 35

Variant Cnidaria (Retrieve)

cheat summon Cnidaria_Character_BP_Retrieve_C
cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Genesis/Dinos/MissionVariants/Retrieve/Ocean/Cnidaria_Character_BP_Retrieve.Cnidaria_Character_BP_Retrieve'" 500 0 0 35

The Island Topographic Map.jpg
Spawning Cnidaria The Island.svg

The Center Topographic Map.jpg
Spawning Cnidaria The Center.svg

Ragnarok Ocean Topographic Map.jpg
Spawning Cnidaria Ragnarok.svg

Valguero Topographic Map.jpg
Spawning Cnidaria Valguero.svg

Genesis Part 1 Topographic Map.jpg
Spawning Cnidaria Genesis Part 1.svg

Crystal Isles Topographic Map.jpg
Spawning Cnidaria Crystal Isles.svg

Genesis Part 2 Map.jpg
Spawning Cnidaria Genesis Part 2.svg

Lost Island Map.jpg
Spawning Cnidaria Lost Island.svg

Fjordur Map.jpg
Spawning Cnidaria Fjordur Midgard.svg

Aberration Topographic Map.jpg
Spawning Aberrant Cnidaria Aberration.svg

Crystal Isles Topographic Map.jpg
Spawning Aberrant Cnidaria Crystal Isles.svg

Common        Rare
  Untameable   Cave

The Cnidaria (Nye-dare-e-ah) is a small carnivorous invertebrate known for its ability to stun survivors as well most of other creatures simply getting in contact with them. It is also the only creature source of  Bio Toxin. It was first added in  ARK: Survival Evolved on the 23rd of December, 2016.

Basic Info


This section is intended to be an exact copy of what the survivor Helena Walker, the author of the dossiers, has written. There may be some discrepancies between this text and the in-game creature.


Cnidaria omnimorph


Cambrian - Holocene




Passive, but aggressive at close range


Cnidaria omnimorph is another example of a creature which should not exist. It has traits that seem derived from many types of jellyfish. It possesses the size and shape of large egg-yolk jellies, the powerful sting of certain box jellies, and the bioluminescence of deep-sea jellies. This all combines to make a dangerous creature that lights up the deepest reaches of the ocean. Cnidaria is not generally aggressive, because it lacks normal perceptive senses. It generally just floats along on the current until something gets close enough to sense, at which point it attacks. While its attacks are not directly powerful, its sting injects an incredibly strong and fast-acting sedative.


As Cnidaria is barely more intelligent than a plant, there's no effective method to tame one. Most tribes kill Cnidaria on sight, then collect its reserve of powerful sedative, to use in technically advanced long-distance tranquilizers.


Although they seem to be primarily herbivores, feeding off algae, they seem to have another favorite target: humans, and the occasional tame we bring along with. The Cnidaria may be an herbivore but this makes them act very predatory, pursuing survivors at a slow pace, but a shockingly large aggressive range, especially for a creature that’s not supposed to have any sensory organs or even a brain. Its attacks include torpor inducing stings and knocking riders off of their mounts. Do not underestimate this creature, as they can cripple almost anything, including apex predators such as Giganotosaurus and Mosasaurus, leaving them helpless as they slowly feed on them. However if one can avoid the crippling effect, it has low health and can be killed easily by players of any level. This makes the Cnidaria a common, deadly aquatic pest. They can be found alone but are most often found floating around in groups of two to seven. Wild Cnidarias do not take damage from nor show aggression towards any other fully aquatic animals unless caught in the middle of a fight between other creatures. They will react defensively if attacked by terrestrial or semi-aquatic ones.


Cnidaria Omnimorph is a relatively large jellyfish compared to a human, with long trailing tentacles packed with venom to sedate both prey and predators. They are typically easy to spot at night and in deeper waters, as they glow a bright neon cyan color, but blend in during daylight near the surface, as they’re similar in color to the water. As they are translucent, they do not cast shadows.

Color Scheme and Regions

X mark.svg

The Cnidaria always spawns with the same color scheme and has no color regions.

This means it is currently impossible to make alterations to the Cnidaria's colors.


Base Stats and Growth

Attribute Base Value Level Increase
 Health 180 +36
 Stamina 120 +12
 Oxygen N/A N/A
 Food 1200 +120
 Weight 25 +0.5
 Melee Damage 30 +1.5
 Movement Speed 100% N/A
 Torpidity 250 +15
Base Speed Sprinting Speed
Wild Wild
Walking 250

Swimming 250

  • For a comparison of the stats of all creatures, see Base Creature Statistics.
  • For an explanation of exactly how the levelup calculation works, see Creature Stats Calculation.
  • 1These are the base speeds of the tamed creature at 100% Movement Speed, i.e. without a possible taming bonus.
  • 2These are the speeds of the creature once tamed including a possible taming bonus and no imprinting bonus.
  • For a comparison of the speeds of all creatures, see Base Creature Speeds.

Wild Stats Level-up

Type in values of a wild creature to see on which stats it's emphasized. Green values on a high-level creature are very good for breeding. If you have already tamed your creature you can try to recover the breeding stats with an external tool.[1]


The stat-calculator does not work in the mobile-view, see here for alternatives: Apps

Note that after the creature is tamed it gets bonuses on some stats depending on the taming effectiveness. This makes it hard to retrieve the levels on a tamed creature, so this tool is only for wild ones, but gives a first impression, how well the stats are distributed.



Electric Shock
  • The Cnidaria shocks the target for 30 damage.
  • This attack gives  Electrocuted effect to the target, immobilizing it for a few seconds and slowly increasing its  Torpor over 10 seconds, the torpor increase stacks indefinitely.
  • Can be used every 0.67s by both a rider and the AI.


This section describes how to fight against the Cnidaria.


Cnidaria are aggressive but have a smaller aggro radius than other aquatic predators and are very slow. The easiest way to deal with them is to just swim around them or kill them with ranged weaponry.

Do not engage the Cnidaria in a melee fight. It only takes a single Cnidaria to stunlock your mount and force you off of it, and the stunned creature effectively can't do anything while the Cnidaria slowly chips it down. Their stun attack makes it nearly impossible to defeat one with a melee weapon, as you are effectively stuck in their attack while they either chip away at your health or drown you..

Be wary of Cnidaria camouflaged into the walls of underwater caves.


It’s best to stay out of their deadly attack, and fire at them with a bow or gun. Use their low speed to your advantage, and make sure to swim away before they get too close.  SCUBA Flippers are fantastic for this purpose.

Alternatively, you can use a  Basilosaurus to kill them without any risk, because the Basilosaurus is immune to stuns. Neither you nor your mount will be stunned or damaged, and you will not be forced off your mount. In the underwater caves, they are considered the safest option for clearing out predators because Cnidaria in caves are significantly stronger than ones in the open ocean.


Using a Crossbow from a raft or mount will work. If you don't have either of those, or don't want to use them, you can lure them to the shore and safely attack them from land.

 Tusoteuthis can make for an effective hunter of Cnidaria due to its resistance to dismounts and large attack range.

 Plant Species X and  Auto Turrets do not target Cnidaria.


Other than the well-known stun-lock effect, Cnidaria's attack has a base damage of 30, which is quite high and especially dangerous when they come in swarms. For a comparison,  Manta only has 28 base damage.


Cnidaria are very slow and have low health and attack range. Even a  Pike can be used to kite them.

Cnidaria cannot harm  Basilosaurus at all.



  • Swarming Tactics/Troll: Despite being untameable and usually useless beyond harvesting their Bio Toxin, they can be utilized for the cheeky purpose of congregation. All one has to do is to take a sea creature that is immune to the electric shocks of the Cnidaria, like a  Basilosaurus or  Tusoteuthis, and aggro a group of them, allowing them to follow you wherever is desired. Knowing this, one can attract sizable swarms of these jelly-fish, which can be led to another survivor's underwater base (if insufficiently protected) to harass, knock-out, and/or kill tames and survivors. This trick can also be applied in underwater combat (though only reliable in specific circumstances) when used as a small buffer to protect oneself or deter an enemy as well as stun-locking and eventually killing survivors and tames if given the chance.


For information pertaining specifically to the real-world Cnidaria, see the relevant Wikipedia article.

  • Dino Dossier was revealed on 09/30/15 on Steam.[2]
  • Cnidaria is actually the name of the phylum containing all jellyfish - plus corals, anemones, and other related animals.
  • Cnidaria's genus name comes from the Greek word knide, meaning 'nettle'. Its species name Omnimorph roughly translates to "all forms". This refers to the fact that it resembles many different species of jellyfish rather than just one, as Helena points out in the dossier.
  • Despite its similarities to real-world jellies, the Ark's Cnidaria can produce electricity, along with the explosive harpoon-like stinging cells called Nematocysts or Cnidocytes shared by all animals within the phylum Cnidaria, to tranquilize prey into submision.
  • Basilosaurus, Liopleurodon and Tusoteuthis are the only creatures that won't be paralyzed by Cnidaria, however Tusoteuthis's movement speed will be decreased if it's being zapped by them.
  • The dossier states that Cnidaria could be harvested and used for "technically advanced long-distance tranquilizers", referring to the Shocking Tranquilizer Dart you are able to craft from the Bio Toxin dropped by Cnidaria.
  • Version 253.9 brought the Cnidaria to The Center map.
  • Interestingly, the dossier calls it a herbivore but if forcetamed it will eat meat. This is most likely an oversight of the developers.
  • The Cnidaria being a carnivore ingame is actually accurate to real life, as jellyfish (or all Cnidarians for that matter) are in fact carnivorous.
  • Despite not recieving buffs and debuffs, it can be one-shot with a tropical wyvern's breath attack
  • This is one of the most deadly creatures as it can stun lock you and your Dino it has huge detection range and if you open your inventory to craft or grab something it can make it to you in that amount of time. Make sure to be far away or you could lose your items or Dino.
  • Curiously, on  ARK: Survival Ascended this creature lost dominance in the ocean, is less common to see and it is no longer on big groups, and also it can no longer stun its victim indefinitely due to the arrival of  Dimish CC on this game.
  • Cnidaria dermis preserves the bioluminescence aspect of the creature, making it as peculiar decorative element.


Patch  ARK: Survival Evolved Changes
253.0 Added the  Cnidaria
254.5 Cnidaria can no longer receive buffs or debuffs
275.0 Aberration Expansion Release  Aberrant Cnidaria added
303.1 Reduced stun duration of  Electrocuted debuff from Cnidaria by 20%, from 4 seconds to 3.2 seconds

