Rockwell Node

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Rockwell Node.png
Rockwell Node
Rockwell Node.jpg
Steam.svg 329.5
Jun 3, 2021
Xbox One.svg 928.4
Jun 3, 2021
PS.svg 689.4
Jun 3, 2021
Nintendo Switch.svg 620.0
Jul 31, 2023
Epic Games.svg 329.5
Jun 3, 2021
Spawn Command
cheat summon RockwellNode_Character_BP_FinalFight_C
cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game//Game/Genesis2/Missions/ModularMission/FinalBattleAlt/Dinos/RockwellNode_Character_BP_FinalFight.RockwellNode_Character_BP_FinalFight'" 500 0 0 35
XP for kill
8 XP
Terminus Mission.

The Rockwell Node is one of the creatures in ARK: Survival Evolved.

Basic Info

Rockwell nodes are stationary semi bosses that are part of the Terminus mission, or the final fight against Rockwell Prime.

Discovery/ Quotation

"Must've struck a nerve to get him to stick his hand up a meat puppet to swat at you himself." -HLN-A

"Oh, you're one to talk... How long has your latest puppet here even been thawed out?" -Rockwell Prime

"Hahaha... your weapons are pitiful against ME. You are nothing but an ant, trying to bite at the toes of a GOD." -Rockwell Prime


After being exposed the node will remain stationary until a target comes in range where upon it will strike down the enemy.


It looks like a praying mantis human hybrid.

Awkwardly it has the head of a Future Predator from the European show primeval .

other features include guts on the outside and chords attaching it to the wall

Color Scheme and Regions

This creature has no paint or color region they will spawn with the same color always.

X mark.svg

The Rockwell Node's information is currently unknown, because it was recently released.

If you want to help with this section, you can add the color region descriptions by clicking "Edit Source" at the top of the page. See Template:PaintRegions for documentation on how to use this template.


Base Stats and Growth

Attribute Base Value Level Increase Taming Bonus
Wild Tamed Additive Multiplicative
 Health ? ? ?
 Stamina ? ? ?
 Oxygen ? ? ?
 Food ? ? ?
 Weight ? ? ?
 Melee Damage ? ? ?
 Movement Speed ? N/A ?
 Torpidity ? ? N/A
Base Speed Sprinting Speed Stamina
Wild Tamed1 Tamed2 Wild Tamed1 Tamed2
Walking ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Swimming ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
  • For a comparison of the stats of all creatures, see Base Creature Statistics.
  • For an explanation of exactly how the levelup calculation works, see Creature Stats Calculation.
  • 1These are the base speeds of the tamed creature at 100% Movement Speed, i.e. without a possible taming bonus.
  • 2These are the speeds of the creature once tamed including a possible taming bonus and no imprinting bonus.
  • For a comparison of the speeds of all creatures, see Base Creature Speeds.


This section describes how to fight against the Rockwell Node.






KO Strategy




Patch  ARK: Survival Evolved Changes
329.3 Genesis: Part 2 Expansion Release  Rockwell Node is added to the game

