cheat summon Gacha_Claus_Character_BP_C
cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Extinction/Dinos/Gacha/Gacha_Claus_Character_BP.Gacha_Claus_Character_BP'" 500 0 0 35
GachaClaus is one of the Event Creatures in ARK: Survival Evolved.
Basic Info
Place a single Mistletoe or Coal in GachaClaus' Inventory. He will walk around, then sit and eat everything in his inventory, and single crystals will grow on his back until one drops. You will get varying quality levels of Gacha Crystals which turn into Armor, Festive Dino Candy or weapons when consumed from your inventory (hitting the use key on the crystal). Only one mistletoe or coal is required to yield a crystal. GachaClaus will eat as many as 10 if placed in its inventory, yielding no better quality of loot. To determine if a GachaClaus will be lootable, check the crystals on its back. If there are crystals, you will get loot. If there are no crystals, he will consume the Mistletoe or Coal and not drop a crystal. The GachaClaus replenishes its crystals by smacking resources, so as long as it has access to resources, it will re-generate over time. Gacha Crystals will often times weigh less than the loot they contain.
If any wild creatures are nearby, it is best to kill them, as Gacha Claus hates being near them and will cause them to move more frequently. Predators may attack and kill Gacha Claus, so be prepared to defend him.
Merry Christmas and have fun!
Color Scheme and Regions
This section displays the GachaClaus's natural colors and regions. For demonstration, the regions below are colored red over an albino GachaClaus. The colored squares shown underneath each region's description are the colors that the GachaClaus will randomly spawn with to provide an overall range of its natural color scheme. Hover your cursor over a color to display its name and ID.
This information can be used to alter the GachaClaus's regions by entering cheat SetTargetDinoColor <ColorRegion> <ColorID>
in the cheat console. For instance, cheat SetTargetDinoColor 0 6
would color the GachaClaus's "skin" magenta.
GachaClaus has the same drops as the Gacha when killed, as well as the drops from the Gacha Crystals, albeit at a higher chance of ascended items. The difference between the Gacha Crystals from GachaClaus and any other Gacha is the chance to get Coal, Mistletoe, and other event loot, including Chibi-Pets from Fear Evolved.
Base Stats and Growth
Attribute | Base Value | Level Increase | Taming Bonus | ||
Wild | Tamed | Additive | Multiplicative | ||
Health | 750 | +150 | +0% | ||
Stamina | 325 | +32.5 | +0% | ||
Oxygen | 150 | +15 | +0% | ||
Food | 3000 | +300 | +0% | ||
Weight | 550 | +22 | +0% | ||
Melee Damage | 32 | +1.6 | +0% | ||
Movement Speed | 100% | N/A | +0% | ||
Torpidity | 600 | +36 | N/A |
- For a comparison of the stats of all creatures, see Base Creature Statistics.
- For an explanation of exactly how the levelup calculation works, see Creature Stats Calculation.
- 1These are the base speeds of the tamed creature at 100% Movement Speed, i.e. without a possible taming bonus.
- 2These are the speeds of the creature once tamed including a possible taming bonus and no imprinting bonus.
- For a comparison of the speeds of all creatures, see Base Creature Speeds.
This section describes how to fight against GachaClaus.
Killing GachaClaus requires similar strategies to the ones employed on a regular Gacha.
The GachaClaus is easy to beat so long as you use ranged weapons. It's slow and doesn't deal much damage.
Most weapons will suffice against GachaClaus, but a Longneck Rifle is generally useful to kill it with.
It can be very distracting of other things around you.
Due to its slow speed and low damage, ranged weapons will kill it easily.
- Gacha Claus is the second "Santa Claus" to be introduced in Winter Wonderland, the first being Raptor Claus.
- Gacha Claus can be forcetamed although it will require a saddle to be ridden (PC version). After being tamed it has production options to produce either mistletoe or coal, but if these are not selected and left untampered after forcetaming it will continue to produce crystals like a wild Gacha Claus. These crystals, however, provide no loot when consumed.
- Gacha Claus doesn't despawn after the Winter Wonderland event, meaning one can still find them, but will be gone once killed
- Unlike its regular variant, Gacha Claus does not become "happy" if mate-boosted by a nearby opposing-gender gacha claus, or sad at near same-gender gacha claus within 12 foundation or below.
- After conducting experiments with two groups of GachaClaus that were each fed Coal and Mistletoe respectively, mistletoe evidently produced more higher quality crystals on average than coal. 30 crystals were collected from each group and a ratio of 5:1 was observed in the group fed coal, with the numerator representing non-tiered Gacha crystals and the denominator representing every other tier. Conversely, the group fed mistletoe produced a ratio of 1:4.
- Although stated here that the GachaClaus can be carried by a Quetzal, this is not the case, unlike the normal Gacha. It is possible to glitch the GachaClaus onto the back of a Quetzal platform saddle, but regardless of structures in place, the GachaClaus inevitably glitches back out and off the platform. Furthermore, there appears to be a safeguard in place to prevent abuse of the GachaClaus, causing it to de-spawn after excessive glitchy behavior (at least by way of player interaction in attempt to relocate the GachaClaus). It is therefore a waste of time to try to use a Quetzal to relocate GachaClaus to a protected area in attempt to continue to farm them after the event has ended.
Creatures |
- Event creatures
- Fantasy creatures
- Mammals
- Omnivores
- Docile creatures
- Creatures released in v288
- Creatures released in 2018
- Creatures released in v781
- Creatures released in v530
- Creatures released in v605
- Creatures released in 2022
- Unavailable on Mobile
- Winter Wonderland
- Untameable creatures
- Unbreedable creatures
- Creatures that don't drop feces
- Creatures
- Variant creatures