This section is intended to be an exact copy of what the survivor Helena Walker, the author of the dossiers, has written. There may be some discrepancies between this text and the in-game creature.
Lutra peloso
Early Miocene
Found along the Island’s many inland waterways, Lutra Peloso have become exceptionally adept at hunting and foraging. This species of Otter has to be particularly cunning because of its diminutive size, and fierce competition for its preferred food source: fish. It is not a creature that excels at combat, and would not naturally pose an intimidating threat to any predators.
Finding packs of river Otters is simple enough: They are distinguished by their elongated bodies, bushy tails, and webbed feet. Their trusting and inquisitive nature ensures they are often hunted for their lustrous fur, but many prefer to tame them to become trusted companions.
There are few creatures which provide the companionship that Lutra Peloso does. Rather than traveling beside you, it would prefer to comfortably rest on your back, providing insulation. Once domesticated, it can be told to harvest fish on demand, with a specific goal in mind from the fish that it consumes, the otter has a knack for foraging silica pearls, and can even yield a slight chance at finding black pearls within!
Otters spend most of their life in the water, darting rapidly around without wandering too far from their origin. They target fish, from which they can harvest raw fish, silica pearls. and black pearls.
They can harvest meat from dead corpses too but, after taming, they only eat fish.
The otter is a very small animal, easily overlooked, and clearly resembling the modern otter. Their short, lustrous fur is brown, and when on land they move with a distinctive loping gait.
Color Scheme and Regions
This section displays the Otter's natural colors and regions. For demonstration, the regions below are colored red over an albino Otter. The colored squares shown underneath each region's description are the colors that the Otter will randomly spawn with to provide an overall range of its natural color scheme. Hover your cursor over a color to display its name and ID.
This information can be used to alter the Otter's regions by entering cheat SetTargetDinoColor <ColorRegion> <ColorID> in the cheat console. For instance, cheat SetTargetDinoColor 0 6 would color the Otter's "body main" magenta.
Region 0: Body Main
Region 1 is not used for this Creature.
Region 2 is not used for this Creature.
Region 3 is not used for this Creature.
Region 4: Body Stripes and Highlights
Region 5: Underbelly
This section displays the Otter's natural colors and regions. For demonstration, the regions below are colored red over an albino Otter. The colored squares shown underneath each region's description are the colors that the Otter will randomly spawn with to provide an overall range of its natural color scheme. Hover your cursor over a color to display its name and ID.
This information can be used to alter the Otter's regions by entering cheat SetTargetDinoColor <ColorRegion> <ColorID> in the cheat console. For instance, cheat SetTargetDinoColor 0 6 would color the Otter's "main body" magenta.
X-Otter is the X variant of Otter found in the Snowy Biome on Genesis: Part 1. It is identical to the normal species except for its patterned robe. It is tameable.
Type in values of a wild creature to see on which stats it's emphasized. Green values on a high-level creature are very good for breeding. If you have already tamed your creature you can try to recover the breeding stats with an external tool.[1]
The stat-calculator does not work in the mobile-view, see here for alternatives: Apps
Note that after the creature is tamed it gets bonuses on some stats depending on the taming effectiveness. This makes it hard to retrieve the levels on a tamed creature, so this tool is only for wild ones, but gives a first impression, how well the stats are distributed.
All small fishes drop silica pearls for the Otter, but when a fish drops it black pearls it will show black pearls with this action instead, showing the player the most valuable of both type of pearls that it gets.
Can be used every 0.967s by both a rider and the AI.
Shoulder Pet
The Otter is a shoulder pet, meaning that it can be picked up by the player on his neck, allowing the Otter to attack from the player's shoulder if it has range, also it cannot take damage unless the player dies or is thrown off the shoulder by the player.
While in neck the weight that the Otter has in its inventory will weigh half as much to the player.
Standing next to an Otter provides 75-82 Hypothermic insulation and 34-38 Hyperthermic insulation, which increases with its Melee Damage stat, and decreases based on your distance from it. It also gives this protection to the player if he has the Otter around his neck.
Artifact Backpack
The Otter is the only creature on the entire game that its inventory works as a structure instead of a normal creature, which means that it can carry with Artifacts even of the same type simultaneously. However, this function comes with a small disadvantage, which is that because its inventory works as a structure, does not increases the spoilage time of the objects.
The Otter can be equipped with helmets for extra damage resistance.
The Otter is a friendly creature and will attempt to flee when attacked, so be ready for a small chase.
Because of its low health, even a Spear can make quick work of an Otter.
The Otter poses essentially no dangers to even a low-level survivor, but its decent speed in water can quickly lead a survivor into a more dangerous area.
Very low HP, can be easily killed by Piranhas or swarms of Salmon.
The Otter is passively tamed in a manner similar to the Hesperornis. Fish must be killed, and their corpses dragged to the Otter. While still holding the fish, press E, , , to feed the fish to the Otter.
Larger fish, and fish killed by the Ichthyornis, provide a higher taming percentage per fish.
If having trouble relocating the Otter you can merely track it using your Taming List.
Argy Fishing: It is possible for an Argentavis to pick up an otter right out of the water, provided the otter is close to the surface and the Argentavis doesn't touch the water. Simply fly on the waters surface, grab the desired otter and bring it to land. If the Otter is in the Argentavis's talons, drop the Otter and pick it up with the beak. You can then land, and the Otter will remain stationary for you to bring fish to. Additionally, if Ally Looking is enabled, the Argentavis will lean the Otter towards you.
Lasso Fishing: If said Otter tends to stay deep under the water surface for an Argentavis to grab a Lasso and an Equus can reel it back to shore where it can then be put into the bird's beak.
Grappling Hook: You can use a Grappling Hook with a Crossbow to reel in the Otter for an easy tame
Honey Baiting: Perhaps the easiest method for people that play solo is to harvest honey (by hand or a Dire Bear depending on your comfort level and situation) and equip it to the last slot on your hot bar like you would if you were taming a Roll Rat. Next, go near the shoreline (or wherever the Otter you want is), press zero to deposit a honey glob onto the ground with a spoil timer of 45 seconds - this will attract any and all Otters in a radius (similar to that of a Feeding Trough) to the honey even straight out of the water; be aware that Trilobites and other wild creatures (requires further testing) will also be attracted to the glob and may eat the honey or pose a threat to the survivor or the Otters. To take it one step farther you could leave a trail of Honey globs leading into a taming pen, then you can kill and drag fish at your leisure without worry of having to track down or lose the Otter to carnivores.
After being tamed the Otter will only eat Fish Meat.
Early Hunter: The relative ease of taming an Otter can provide early survivors with a reliable food source as the Otter retrieves fish for them to cook, staving off hunger until better food sources can be acquired.
Pearl Collector: The Otter's ability to collect Silica Pearls and rarely Black Pearl from fish can provide early survivors - and even advanced survivors with no ocean presence - limited access to these resources until survivors have the ability to go diving for large concentrations themselves. However, as they have a limited Oxygen supply, leaving them on aggressive, even if following a creature out of water, can cause them to drown if a large fish spawn occurs, or they get trapped behind or under something under water. This severely limits their use as an automatic gatherer of any resource. (Level Weight)
Tip: Keep them away from Piranhas and Salmon, their low health makes them easy to be killed. Kill fish by yourself and make them gather the corpses. Otters can work in a team with Ichthyornis (Ichthyornis brings fish, otter collects (prime) fish); however the otter seem to not collect pearls in this case.
Alternatively the Otter can guarded by a Castoroides or any other herbivore for that matter set to aggressive (Carnivores will harvest the fish) take care and note that the Guard will attack anything even the normally peaceful Bronto risking both the Guardian and Otter's lives and the Excess Raw Fish can encumber the Otter possibly drowning if left unchecked.
Portable Insulation: Like the Dimetrodon, the Otter provides a stacking insulation effect to nearby survivors. Unlike the Dimetrodon, however, the Otter can be carried around on a survivor's shoulder, which allows a passive insulation bonus while out and about. Leveling the Otter's Melee Damage increases the amount of insulation provided, granting approximately 75-82 hypothermic insulation and 34-38 hyperthermic insulation per 100% melee damage (converted to per-100% for readability; the actual value increases per %). Equation for Insulation is Hypo .753X+6.88, Hyper .347X+2.81. Aberrant Otter equation for insulation is Hypo ,8x-.075, Hyper .37x-.483. Insulation drops to 0 at .5 foundations.
Artifact Transporter: Since the Otter's introduction at ARK's launch, it has been able to store as many of the same Artifact as its weight allows*; despite the fact that no other creature, including players, in ARK can hold more than one of the same type of Artifact. This is a feature, not a bug. There is also a disadvantage, due to that feature the Otter's inventory does not increases the preserve time of the spoilage items inside its inventory, working as any common inventory structure instead.
Backpack: Only half their weight is put on your shoulder, meaning you can carry extra weight (Level Weight).
Companion/Pet: Because of their all around cuteness, Otters are a popular pet among survivors, especially with the ability to put a hat on them.
Wingman: The Otter will attack opponents from your shoulder if they are within melee range. Although the damage isn't much, the extra hits could mean the difference between life and death for the survivor. (Level Melee Damage)
For information pertaining specifically to the real-world Otter, see the relevant Wikipedia article.
The Otter was first revealed on August 5, 2017.[2]
Although the Dossier states they are omnivores, they are in fact piscivores and only eat fish meat.
The in-game scientific name translates as Hairy Otter, there is no such real-world classification. This may be a reference to the character and series, Harry Potter.
Real Otters are social animals that live in a group called a romp, however Ark's Otters don't have this behavior.
Otters will not receive a pack bonus when nearby other Otters.
Double tap "F" to throw the otter off your shoulder.
Abberant Otters are not immune to radiation.
Curiously, the otter's inventory works like that of a structure and not like that of a creature, this is because it allows Artifacts to be stored inside but with the disadvantage that it does not better preserve objects with spoilage inside its inventory.