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Dec 14, 2021
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Dec 14, 2021
Spawn Command
cheat summon Amargasaurus_Character_BP_C
cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/LostIsland/Dinos/Amargasaurus/Amargasaurus_Character_BP.Amargasaurus_Character_BP'" 500 0 0 35

1 Requires Insulating Soup, and combat with wild creatures

Taming Method
Preferred Food
 Amargasaurus Saddle (Level 55)
Check mark.svg Yes
26 - 29 °C / 79 - 84 °F
 Incubator: 28 °C / 82 °F
Incubation Time
4h 59m 58.56s
Baby Time
9h 15m 33.333s
Juvenile Time
1d 13h 2m 13.333s
Adolescent Time
1d 22h 17m 46.667s
Total Maturation Time
3d 20h 35m 33.333s
Breeding Interval
18h - 2d

Lost Island Map.jpg
Spawning Amargasaurus Lost Island.svg

Common        Rare
  Untameable   Cave

The Amargasaurus (AH-mar-gah-saur-us; often shortened to Amarga) is one of the creatures in ARK: Survival Evolved, being introduced in the Lost Island expansion map. It is a large, herbivorous dinosaur known for its ability to fire spines that can break a foe's armor, set them on fire, or freeze them. Additionally, its spines are also excellent for gathering Sap.

Basic Info


This section is intended to be an exact copy of what the survivor Helena Walker, the author of the dossiers, has written. There may be some discrepancies between this text and the in-game creature.


Amargasaurus Titanicus


Early Cretaceous






Of all the creatures in the sauropod family, Amargasaurus titanicus is likely the most unique in appearance. It sports two parallel rows of dorsal spines down the length of its neck, back, and tail--though the neck spines are significantly longer than the back or tail spines. These spines are a remarkable adaptation, giving Amargasaurus unmatched control of its body temperature. Made even more marvelous by their time on this ARK, their spines store both extreme heat AND extreme cold, effectively allowing Amargasaurus to live comfortably in any environment. Its sails also make it an abnormally capable swimmer, for a sauropod. Unlike most sauropods, Amargasaurus is very prone to violent aggression, attacking most predators (and humans!) on sight. I suspect this behavior developed alongside the dangerous spines it uses as weapons.


Once finally tamed, it's no surprise that Amargasaurus' regenerating spines can be put to potent use. If removed early, their thermal storage becomes erratic, which is perfect for catalyzing sap extraction in large trees. Some tribes, inevitably, have adapted this thermal quirk for combat. By coaxing the Amargasaurus to eject a spine before it sheds naturally, the disruptive thermal waves which emanate from the spike can wreak havoc on nearby armor materials. Interestingly, simple armor is barely affected, while armors constructed of more complex attributes are rendered largely useless. Such a strange reaction, but then, little about this particular ARK seems sensible to me.


The Amargasaurus is something of a wild card compared to the rest of its sauropod kin, but shares similar traits to its larger cousins; occasionally living on its lonesome akin to a Titanosaur, or travelling in small herds like the Brontosaurus and Diplodocus. What sets the Amargasaurus apart, however, is its 'small sauropod syndrome': treating any perceived threat with extreme aggression. The Amargasaurus, whether on its own or in a herd, behaves much like a victim turned bully; charging at and attempting to kill ANY creature with a Territorial, Aggressive, or highly Aggressive Temperament, including, in most cases, even Humans: making use of every attack it has at its disposal to get the job done. In areas where many creatures of these temperaments can be found, Amargasaurus herds often end up escalating their violence into wholesale, rampaging slaughter; to a point approaching genocidal vendetta rather than self-defense. The sole exception to this hair-trigger violence in regards to Humans is when they are under the effects of either Fria Curry or Calien Soup; the easily enraged herbivores leave Humans who have recently consumed these dishes alone, though eating these meals when the Amargasaurus' aggression has already been triggered will not be enough to convince it to ease off.


The Amargasaurus is a Sauropod, in the same family as the Brontosaurus and Diplodocus, though compared to the rest of its kin in ARK, it has a lot of quirks to its appearance. It looks almost like a chimera of sorts; having a similar body and moving akin to an Iguanodon, possessing spikes like a Kentrosaurus, and with all the colourful and flamboyant markings of a Tapejara.

Color Scheme and Regions

This section displays the Amargasaurus's natural colors and regions. For demonstration, the regions below are colored red over an albino Amargasaurus. The colored squares shown underneath each region's description are the colors that the Amargasaurus will randomly spawn with to provide an overall range of its natural color scheme. Hover your cursor over a color to display its name and ID.

This information can be used to alter the Amargasaurus's regions by entering cheat SetTargetDinoColor <ColorRegion> <ColorID> in the cheat console. For instance, cheat SetTargetDinoColor 0 6 would color the Amargasaurus's "main body" magenta.

Amargasaurus PaintRegion0.png
Region 0:
Main Body
Amargasaurus PaintRegion1.png
Region 1:
X mark.svg

Region 2 is not used
for this Creature.

X mark.svg

Region 3 is not used
for this Creature.

Amargasaurus PaintRegion4.png
Region 4:
Amargasaurus PaintRegion5.png
Region 5:
Side Stripes


Base Stats and Growth

Attribute Base Value Level Increase Taming Bonus
Wild Tamed Additive Multiplicative
 Health 1250 +250 +5.4% 0.07
 Stamina 425 +42.5 +10%
 Oxygen 300 +30 +10%
 Food 6300 +630 +10%
 Weight 475 +9.5 +4%
 Melee Damage 40 +2 +1.7% 7% 17.6%
 Movement Speed 100% N/A +1%
 Torpidity 2250 +135 N/A 0.5
Base Speed Sprinting Speed Stamina
Wild Tamed1 Tamed2 Wild Tamed1 Tamed2
Walking 264 264 264 1485 1485 1485 14
Swimming 315 315 315 482 482 482 3
  • For a comparison of the stats of all creatures, see Base Creature Statistics.
  • For an explanation of exactly how the levelup calculation works, see Creature Stats Calculation.
  • 1These are the base speeds of the tamed creature at 100% Movement Speed, i.e. without a possible taming bonus.
  • 2These are the speeds of the creature once tamed including a possible taming bonus and no imprinting bonus.
  • For a comparison of the speeds of all creatures, see Base Creature Speeds.

Wild Stats Level-up

Type in values of a wild creature to see on which stats it's emphasized. Green values on a high-level creature are very good for breeding. If you have already tamed your creature you can try to recover the breeding stats with an external tool.[1]


The stat-calculator does not work in the mobile-view, see here for alternatives: Apps

Note that after the creature is tamed it gets bonuses on some stats depending on the taming effectiveness. This makes it hard to retrieve the levels on a tamed creature, so this tool is only for wild ones, but gives a first impression, how well the stats are distributed.


The Amargasaurus can be cloned with the  Cloning Chamber.

Cloning calculations for  Amargasaurus
Base Cost Values
 Element Shards 575 + 55 per level
Time 4025s + 385s per level



Melee Attack
  • The Amargasaurus has 4 different melee attacks, with left/right variants, all dependent on movement and camera direction.
  • Bite: Deals 40 base damage. Least damaging attack, but is only used when sprinting.
  • Gore: the Amargasaurus gores opponents with its neck. Deals 46 base damage, and is used while walking or standing still with the camera faced forward. This is the only melee attack that afflicts status effects dependent on the current Spike Mode.
  • Tail Whip: The Amargasaurus whips its long tail to one side behind it, depending on the direction the camera is facing while backwards. Deals 50 base damage. Has a large area of effect, making it useful against groups of creatures.
  • Stomp: The Amargasaurus stomps with its frontal left or right foot based on the direction the camera is facing while looking downwards. Deals 55 damage in a small area. Only used while standing still or walking.

Cycle Spikes
  • Cycles the current Spike Mode of the Amargasaurus, with 3 different modes to choose from: Armor Spikes, Heat Spikes, and Cold Spikes. The status effects applied by Amargasaurus spikes do not affect  Bosses or  Titans.
  • Amargasaurus Spike (Lost Island).png Armor Spikes: Afflicts a percentage-based debuff called  Armor Reduction, which grows stronger depending on how many times the target is hit by the debuff per tick, and causes the target to take increased damage from all sources; up to 25% and reduces its armor value in relation with the percentage of the effect down to its default value (Just if the armor or saddle has quality).
  • Amargasaurus Spike (Lost Island).png Heat Spikes: Afflicts a percentage-based debuff called  Igniting, which deals moderate damage over time. If Igniting reaches 100%, the  Enflamed debuff does 75 damage per second and will be continuously applied until hte target get out of the spike's aura, then it will last for 10 seconds.
  • Amargasaurus Spike (Lost Island).png Cold Spikes: Afflicts a percentage-based variant of the  Frozen debuff, which deals no damage, but progressively slows the target. If this debuff reaches 100%, the Frozen debuff is applied for a short duration, locking all movement and preventing attacks. This effect also gives 6 seconds of  Freeze Immunity effect after the target releases from the frozen.
  • This move IS technically an attack as well; hitting opponents in melee range and doing a hefty 70 base damage, technically making it the Amargasaurus's strongest attack, at the cost of being abysmally slow.
  • Can be used every 3.5s by both a rider and the AI.

Take Aim
  • Holding this button enables the aiming mode for firing spikes. Firing the spikes themselves is done by using the primary attack buttons.
  • Spikes that are fired will travel in an arc rather than a relatively straight line like an arrow or bullet, which can make precise aiming at long distances difficult. The spikes generally travel further the higher the cursor is aimed.
  • When spikes land, they will begin to emit an AoE charged with whatever Spike Mode the Amargasaurus was in when it fired, and will apply the status effects of said Spike Mode.
  • These spikes count as Structures when they land, and will slowly degrade, indicated by a sinking animation, until they break or are refreshed by another spike landing in the same location. When the spike breaks, the AoE it applies will also disappear.
  • The spikes will not land on certain harvestable environmental structures like rocks, and will instead bounce off and around until they either hit solid ground or disappear.

Fixed Movement
  • Locks the Amargasaurus into walking in a straight line, designed to help fire spikes with accuracy while moving.
  • Can be toggled on and off.


Amargasaurus Spikes

The Amargasaurus naturally regenerates  Amargasaurus Spikes after it uses or lost one, the regeneration time seems to be around ~8 seconds per spike, using this numbers if the Amarga loses all its 20 spikes it will need to wait a total time of 160 seconds (or 2:40 minutes) to regenerate them all.

To retrieve an  Amargasaurus Spike use the radial wheel, once retrieved it can be used to craft the  Amargasaurus Saddle or to increase the production speed of  Sap by placing it inside a  Tree Sap Tap.


Similar to the  Basilosaurus, riding the Amargasaurus provides the player with the  Insulation buff, massively increasing the player's Cold.pngHypothermic and Hot.pngHyperthermic insulation.


This section describes how to fight against the Amargasaurus.


The Amargasaurus is highly aggressive to most carnivores and Humans, including ones that are relatively docile such as Dimetrodon and Beelzebufo. These sauropods will go out of their way to chase down and kill any perceived threats to their safety, and from a surprising distance as well; having a very large area that it considers its personal space. Violate that personal space at your peril.


Never engage this creature on foot. Despite their size, Amargasaurus run with surprising swiftness, and can easily chase down survivors on foot. When mounted, even some tames that are faster than humans are not able to easily get away, and the Amargasaurus will pursue with an almost relentless frenzy. If escape is your only option, the best tames for the job are those that can fly or are too swift and agile to be chased down. If that is not at your disposal, the Amargasaurus is easily distracted by other threats; merely run in the direction of the types of creatures it is aggressive to, and you can lose it as it switches targets from you to something else. Just be mindful that these creatures, in most cases, will almost certainly attack you as well, given their Temperament, so it is best to lead the Amargasaurus to something else you can outrun, otherwise, you'll just be adding to your problems.

The best options for killing Amargasaurus are larger, healthier, and more dangerous creatures you have tamed for combat (or a large swarm of smaller ones). Likewise similar to predators chasing you, Amargasaurus are often blind to environmental dangers while in pursuit; and can reliably be lured into pits and other obstacles to shake or trap them. If you want to avoid confrontation with an Amargasaurus completely, as long as nothing is following you or you are riding any creature it is naturally aggressive too, you have the option to eat Fria Curry or Calien Soup; the prolonged buff provided by both insulating dishes, somehow, causing the Amargasaurus to ignore you. If you have already triggered its aggression, however; eating these dishes while it is already attacking will do nothing to stop the assault.


If you do not have access to tames that are capable of defending you from an Amargasaurus attack, and you cannot get away; fighting with your own Human Weapons should be a last resort done in desperation. Amargasaurus is big, and have a large amount of health for their aggressors to plough through, making most forms of weaponry, especially early-game options like more primitive firearms, outright ineffective to use. If push comes to shove and weaponry is your last resort, the best options are the Pump-Action Shotgun and Minigun; the higher the quality the better. The Rocket Launcher and Tek Rifle are ill-advised, as Amargasaurus like to get right in your face, and the splash damage from these weapons can see you killing yourself rather than them. Alternatively, a Large Bear Trap can be used to briefly snare a charging Amargasaurus and allow you enough time to escape or gun it down at a distance.


First and foremost is that large aggression radius; the Amargasaurus has a huge line of sight, and will charge at any threat a large distance away. The second problem is its speed; being very swift for its size, and capable of running down a surprisingly wide variety of its targets. If escape is the aim, rather than killing the Amargasaurus; do NOT run to water thinking you'll be safe. Unless you have the aid of a proper swimming tame to carry you swiftly through the water, the Amargasaurus itself is nearly as surprisingly fast in water as it is on land, and as easily swims you down as chases you down.

Lastly, and perhaps most dangerous of all, is the fact that it doesn't limit itself to its standard attacks while chasing you down. Much like a Wyvern or Magmasaur using its breath attack, the Amargasaurus will use, and regularly swap between, its various special spike modes; Armor Spikes, Heat Spikes, and Cold Spikes. It will regularly fire shots at you when you're at a distance, which lays down AoE hazards, and when you are in melee range: its standard neck-swing attack applies the effects of its current spike mode. Not only can these different spike modes inflict their debuffs on riding animals, but also the riders themselves; the Enflamed debuff from the Heat Spikes in particular can easily kill a rider if they get caught in the Heat Spike AoE's, so be very careful when engaging an Amargasaurus, even while on the saddle.


The Amargasaurus, though formidable and aggressive, can be as easily taken down by tames levelled and/or bred to deal with their threats as most other aggressors their size. Their primary weakness is their large hitbox; it is very easy for a large tame or large groups of tames, and even your weapons, to land shots on them. Likewise, their aggressive nature can easily be their downfall; as they're more than capable of being tricked into falling off cliffs, getting caught between rocks, or led into environmental hazards like lava.


Amargasaurus can be tamed non-violently rather than through the usual methods.

To be able to start the taming progress, the creature must be fed with  Exceptional Kibble or any of the crops. However, due to its highly aggressive nature, it is best to keep hidden from its view with armors or buffs that lowers the wild creature's vision. To feed the creature as well, however, another note is having armor that insulates you. This can be circumvented with  Calien Soup or  Fria Curry to trick the creature into believing you are wearing the armor.

Upon feeding it, the creature will temporarily follow you around until either they are tamed (or dead), you are no longer "synchronized with its temperature" (i.e: the buff from Calien Soup runs out, it is best to keep the buff effect up if you are going to this route), or you are too far from it. During this period, it will become highly aggressive to any wild creature that has the Temperament of Territorial, Aggressive or highly Aggressive and ignores any other kind of temperament, and will attack them on sight.

While its being tamed, any wounds on its health can be recovered much like any other Herbivores with  Sweet Veggie Cake by simply feeding it with it on Slot 0. It is important to keep its health above 80% when attacking with the creature, as any lower will affect its taming effectiveness while its being attacked by other aggressive creatures. More importantly, it is advised to be careful when attacking as any attack source like  Pump-Action Shotgun can easily harm its effectiveness to the point of it becoming aggressive to you.

At some point, it will stop attacking, requesting for either  Exceptional Kibble or  Crops before it continues hunting.

Trap Method

An easier way is to lure the creature into a trap after synchronizing it to better protect the Amargasaurus. Some specific requirements must be made for a trap design to function properly such as the Amargasaurus needing to have its head outside of it for it to engage/aggro with hostile creatures. Additionally, you can not go too far away from the trapped Amargasaurus or taming will stop. A easy and effective trap design that compensates for theses factors can be followed with the link below to help maximize taming effectiveness and limiting frustration when doing this complex tame method.

Giga Trap Method

Yet another method suggested by captain fatdog, this includes traping a wild giga and a wild amarga in 2 traps near each other (but not too close) and damaging a giga with pump shotgun and throwing a dodo at it while it's low on health. After the amarga is tamed you can also tame that giga.

No Trap Method (Snow Biome Taming)

You don't actually need a trap to tame amargas with little trouble. If you have one, bring a Desmodus, a cryo'd Snow Owl, a shotgun, and a Tek Helmet. Scout out targets and prevent ambushes with the helmet radar. Sync with the Amarga and fly ahead of it on your bat, and hit its targets as many times as you can as soon as it aggroes and before it gets within attack range. Then if you can, carry the creature, and since you won't get taming progress from attacking it in your claws, just drop it midair, hit once or twice, then pick it back up. Heal the Amarga with the owl as often as needed. The snow biome is actually great for taming if the player knows what they're doing, since there are many targets, unlike grasslands where they're far more spread out, and doesn't require finding a high hp creature that's needed for a trap. Don't hesitate to finish off dangerous targets even if the Amarga wants to be fed; plenty of other targets to go for. Below is a list of good to bad snow biome targets for this method:

  • Great:
    • Daeodons - you can let them heal themselves while you carry them for extra taming percentage. If there are multiple, just kill the others away from the amarga, then do this process for the last one.
    • Argentavis - Get them to aggro on the Desmodus so you can hit them freely without the Amarga giving/receiving damage
    • Ice Wyverns - Same as argies, lots of taming progress.
  • Good:
    • Rexs/Carnos - shotguns's often needed for these dinos.
    • Direwolf packs - Just fly ahead of your Amarga and hit as many at a time as you can. Then carry each one and kill them (keeping them alive is risky) until 2-3 remain. Fight 1-2 of these onto your bat, away from the amarga, while the last one distracts the amarga. (a single wolf won't hurt taming progress). Then finish off the last wolf as you would with a daeodon. Alternatively, a slightly riskier method involves flying ahead and dropping a single wolf onto the Amarga to distract it and then dispatching the entire pack on your own. You can get huge amounts of taming progress from wolf packs provided they don't ambush you.
  • Bad:
    • Yutyrannus + Carno packs - avoid these entirely or kill them before you temperature sync.

The entire process will take about 15–20 minutes (tested with Sanguine Elixir). Sure, traps may suit some players better but it's a pretty fun taming process without one, that requires the player to set up beforehand and plan carefully. I used to just try kiting them over to the grasslands but the process was insanely tedious and the creatures were of pretty poor quality. Since then I've tamed multiple in just the snow biome with relative ease, given careful planning. If you don't have a Desmodus, this can theoretically be done with just an Argy but it's less ideal.

If the server's running the Ark Additions mod, Archelons (the sea turtles) are fantastic targets as well, providing massive taming progress with little damage in return.



Arguably one of the hardest creatures to tame in ARK 1, the Amargasaurus strengths do not lie in raw damage, but in its special abilities and a health pool higher than a rex. An Amargasaurus is a formidable mount that can apply burn, freeze, and damage debuff with a single attack based on its spike mode. These spike-necked sauropods can make it easier for ally tames to take down very tough creatures like Gigas with the exception of the 4 Titans and bosses.

  • Environmental Travel: Capable of quickly traveling through water and providing Insulation, the Amargasaurus makes a great travel mount.
  • Mortar Dino: Capable of firing explosive spikes at large and higher distance regardless of the type of spike used.
  • Harasser: Subverted. Its armor-piercing AoE for said spike easily harasses nearby enemy tribe or wild creatures, causing them to receive increased damage from any attack source as long as the spike continue to be refreshed with new spikes so long as they are not too close.
  • Damage Support: When its armor piercing AoE affects wild creatures, tames can deal a maximum of 25% more damage affected creatures. In tandem with a Yutyrannus, the armor piercing and courage roar can increase tame damage in dealing 50% more damage per attack. This does not, however, work against Bosses or Titans.
  • Stunlocker: Perhaps the greatest yet most overlooked feature of the Amarga is its ability to stunlock large dinos with the ice spike. While multiple launched spikes don't stack with each other, a launched spike effect WILL stack with neck attacks from multiple Amargas, provided it's currently in the same mode as the launched spike. For instance, a creature affected by only the AoE spike will receive it's effects in about 10 seconds, whereas constantly hitting creatures in the AoE with the corresponding neck attack will deliver the effects in about 5–6 seconds, with a single Amarga. With multiple Amargas (tested 3) all (mostly) doing their neck attacks, enemy creatures will be frozen in just about 3 seconds, potentially even lower with more Amargas, and will be frozen for about 7 seconds, which is pretty significant. The target creatures only get 5 seconds of freeze immunity, and you can bodyblock them with your amargas to ensure they don't leave your spike's AoE. Make sure to replace spikes that they destroy. Supplement with high dps creatures like carchas to melt targets with little resistance. These dinos are extremely cool.
  • Tree Sap Farmer: Though not capable of harvesting  Sap from Redwood Trees directly, the  Amargasaurus Spike that can be harvested from them via the Circle HUD are able to be stored in a  Tree Sap Tap. Though the removed spikes have a spoil timer of roughly 5 hours inside a tree sap tap and 30 minutes outside one and do not stack together. While a spike remains in the tap; sap production within that tap is increased. Spikes removed in this manner regenerate on the Amargasaurus' neck just like spikes that are fired in combat, and no harm is done to the animal in the process.
  • Orbital Supply Drop Support: When enabling an Amargasaurus to use its special abilities when the rider is not on it, they can support ally tames based on the spike mode the player sets it to. Them being able to use special abilities without a rider can make their simple attacks apply the burning effect, freeze effect, and most importantly, the armor debuff. This makes it easier for damage tames to kill incoming corrupted creatures and the Enraged Corrupted Rexes. Level up most of its points into health as a simple scratch from an amargasaurus can make a corrupted creature experience the debuff the amargasaurus' spike mode is set to.
  • Genesis 2 Dungeon Boss Damage Debuff: Being overshadowed by creatures such as the R-reapers, Rexes, and Shadowmanes in damage, the Amargasaurus when set to the armor debuff spike mode can apply a debuff to all VR creatures, including the dungeon bosses. Paired with players wielding Tek pistols, the amargasaurus can cause a player when wielding an ascendant max quality 296.6% Tek pistol that normally deals 495 rate at 20x damage to increase to 619 damage rate, making the boss fight much easier.



For information pertaining specifically to the real-world Amargasaurus, see the relevant Wikipedia article.

  • Amargasaurus is one of the few aggressive herbivores that exist within the game, others being  Pegomastax, Kentrosaurus, and Therizinosaur.
    • While  Pegomastax only attack to steal items, and both  Kentrosaurus and  Therizinosaur are territorial, Amargasaurus are highly hostile to territorial/(highly)aggressive creatures.
  • Amargasaurus spikes do not stack meaning the creation of expensive saddles that cost hundreds of spikes can´t become possible without the use of a Tek Replicator, a creature with a smithy saddle like the Argentavis, or if on an unofficial server the server owner can make the spikes stackable by editing the server ini files. Furthermore, several Amargasaurus will be required to gain enough spikes to craft a saddle before the spikes expire in 30 minutes.
  • Amargasaurus is one of the few creatures completely immune to the fear roar of the Yutyrannus. This is due to their extreme aggression towards other creatures.
  •  Fire Wyvern is immune to Amargasaurus heat spike's burn effect, however  Ice Wyvern is not immune to cold spike's freezing effect.
  • Amargasaurus is the only Sauropod that's allowed in Boss Arena, it's also the only one that can be affected by  Net Projectile
  • While projectile-firing the spines on its neck and the various effects they have might seem more along the lines of fantasy, there ARE animals in reality that utilize similar (though less extraordinary) means of defense; mixing reactive chemicals in their bodies gained from their diet. The best example of this chemical weaponry in reality is perhaps the Bombardier Beetle. If the Amargasaurus' spines were similarly hollow and loose like that of a porcupine's, then it wouldn't be too big of a leap to see a pressurized chemical reaction sending those spines soaring through the air. This ability to cocktail chemicals is likely how the Amargasaurus provides insulation to itself and its rider in-game against harsh temperatures. The Amargasarus of ARK's real-life counterpart, however, was incapable of any of these feats.
  • Wild Amargasaurus won't aggro on tamed Amargasaurus or a tamed  Managarmr despite it being a carnivore, however, it will attack  Megatherium, but it is likely because Megatherium is at the placement of Large Carnivore, evidence shows that even  Yutyrannus and  Rex will leave them alone.
    • They also aggro on wild Oviraptors as they are treated as small carnivores


Patch  ARK: Survival Evolved Changes
341.19 Lost Island Expansion Release  Amargasaurus is added to the game
341.28 Improved Amargasaurus AI
342.2 Adjustments & fixes to Amargasaurus

