Forest Titan

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Steam.svg 285.104
Nov 6, 2018
Xbox One.svg 779.29
Nov 13, 2018
PS.svg 528.23
Nov 13, 2018
Nintendo Switch.svg 608.0
Mar 17, 2023
Epic Games.svg 311.74
Jun 11, 2020
Spawn Command
cheat summon ForestKaiju_Character_BP_C
cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Extinction/Dinos/ForestKaiju/ForestKaiju_Character_BP.ForestKaiju_Character_BP'" 500 0 0 35
XP for kill
0 XP
Special Loot Chance
Crater Forest, summoned through the Forest Titan Terminal.

The Forest Titan is one of the creatures and one of four Titans in the Extinction DLC of ARK: Survival Evolved, found in the Forest Cave in the north of the map. The boss is a temporary tameable creature.

Basic Info

Guardian Hologram

link=Dossiers #Manuals

So succumbs the Lord of the Forest, the titan wreathed in green, who lashed out with root and vine to pin its foes to the ground or drag them to their doom. The forest itself rose to shield it, but even that could not save it. Not from you.


The Forest Titan, while being slow, is an aggressive Titan that'll swipe its opponent with incredible range. When it's killed, or it dies, it turns into a brownish colored tree statue, being inactive for generations to come.


The Forest Titan measures in at roughly 276 feet (84.2 meters) tall. To get a grasp on the scale of the forest titan, the original Godzilla from the 1954 film is only 164 feet (or 50 meters) tall. Some of its parts glow from  Element. It appears to be made of  Element surrounded by weaving and gnarly branches (the size of redwood trunks). The Forest Titan is a bipedal Titan that has itself surrounded in vines and branches, with a tree on its back. The Forest Titan also has hands that also has vines that resemble fingers and it also has branches sprouting outward from its face.


  • Lord of the Forest
  • Tree Titan
  • Elemental Tree
  • King of the Forest
  • Forest King

Color Scheme and Regions

X mark.svg

The Forest Titan always spawns with the same color scheme and has no color regions.

This means it is currently impossible to make alterations to the Forest Titan's colors.



  • Quality range: 100% - 100%
  • The crate contains of at least 12 and at most 18 of the following tier sets.
Items Common

The tier set "Items Common" contains exactly 1 of the following item entries.

Items Rare

The tier set "Items Rare" contains exactly 1 of the following item entries.

The item entry "" contains at least 1 and at most 2 of the following items.
only as blueprint
with quality 180% - 360%
Very Rare

The tier set "Very Rare" contains exactly 1 of the following item entries.

Mek Saddles
The item entry "Mek Saddles" contains exactly 1 of the following items.
only as blueprint
with quality 180% - 300%

The tier set "Ammo" contains at least 10 and at most 20 of the following item entries.

Element - Chance 40%
The item entry "Element" contains at least 1 and at most 3 of the following items.
The item entry "Bullets" contains at least 10 and at most 30 of the following items.
MekAmmo - Chance 10%
The item entry "MekAmmo" contains at least 1 and at most 3 of the following items.


Base Stats and Growth

  • NOTE that the Forest Titan always spawns at level 1000 and that the stats below are for it's 1000 stats not level 1 stats.
Attribute Base Value Level Increase Taming Bonus
Wild Tamed Additive Multiplicative
 Health 400000 +0 +0% 0.07
 Stamina 6000 +0 +0%
 Oxygen 150 +0 +0%
 Food 864 +0 +0%
 Weight 50000 +0 +0%
 Melee Damage 0 +0 +0%
 Movement Speed 100% N/A +0%
 Torpidity 1818800 +109128 N/A 0.5
Base Speed Sprinting Speed Stamina
Wild Tamed1 Tamed2 Wild Tamed1 Tamed2
Walking 800 ? ? 1200 1200 1200 300
Swimming 300 ? ? ? ? ? ?
  • For a comparison of the stats of all creatures, see Base Creature Statistics.
  • For an explanation of exactly how the levelup calculation works, see Creature Stats Calculation.
  • 1These are the base speeds of the tamed creature at 100% Movement Speed, i.e. without a possible taming bonus.
  • 2These are the speeds of the creature once tamed including a possible taming bonus and no imprinting bonus.
  • For a comparison of the speeds of all creatures, see Base Creature Speeds.

Wild Stats Level-up

Type in values of a wild creature to see on which stats it's emphasized. Green values on a high-level creature are very good for breeding. If you have already tamed your creature you can try to recover the breeding stats with an external tool.[1]

Forest Titan

The stat-calculator does not work in the mobile-view, see here for alternatives: Apps

Note that after the creature is tamed it gets bonuses on some stats depending on the taming effectiveness. This makes it hard to retrieve the levels on a tamed creature, so this tool is only for wild ones, but gives a first impression, how well the stats are distributed.


This section describes how to fight and kill the Forest Titan.


The player teleports back to the Crater forest from the terminal of the forest cave. At the center, the Forest Titan assimilates and lets out a loud roar. The battle begins as the Titan uses its root attack.

While being the least mobile of the 4 titans it makes up for it with mobility hindering abilities such as its root attack trapping tames and survivors, its root attack dragging creatures and survivors towards it, and it spreading poisonous trees around the battlefield limiting survivor safe zones so it should not be underestimated due to its speed.


The Forest Titan is rather slow with some easy predictability for its attacks, arguably making it the easiest titan to fight despite being the most durable. Even then, killing the Forest Titan is a job easier said than done unless handled with care. The Forest Titan even spawns several  Forest Wyvern which can benefit the player. Once landed these wyverns can temporarily be mounted by players and used to burn the trees and the titan itself with fire attacks.

  • Rushing the Forest Titan with war mounts such as Rexes and Gigas is arguably the easiest way to get through this fight. Players can be mounted on creatures capable of flight to prevent themselves from being rooted on the ground and forced off their mounts while the war mounts do their work. Gigas have the added bonus of being able to destroy the poison trees with relative ease.
  • Utilizing Meks equipped with M.R.L.M. or M.S.C.M. can deal considerable damage but these are expensive investments. It should be noted that the Forest titan actually takes reduced damage from standard Mek weaponry. (About 40% less from the sword and 60-65% less from the Mek Pistol.) Being in a Mek does allow the players themselves to avoid damage from the poison trees the Forest Titan spawns, but even a Mek will start to lose a lot of health passively while the fight drags on. The Mek Pistol can clear poison trees if needed as well.
  • Keeping your distance in Tek suits while using fabricated weapons can also work but again this is an expensive investment.


  • The Forest Titan has durability on its side so be prepared for a lengthy fight.
  • Getting close to it without a mount is dangerous as its stomp or swipe can outright kill or heavily injure a survivor in one hit.
  • It also has a move where it will send out vines from its right arm in an attempt to grab the player and even certain mounts and getting hit by this is pretty much guaranteed death as it deals 15,000 damage, however it can not grab players that are occupying meks.
  • The Forest Titan can also spread poisonous trees around the battlefield that can rack up consistent damage and should be destroyed when possible if their presence is impeding progress.
  • Lastly, the Forest Titan can send roots through the ground to immobilize grounded tames and survivors. Those on flying mounts should take to the sky and other survivors that can get in the air by any means possible should definitely do so because this root will dismount you from tames.


The Forest Titan is very slow and can be vulnerable to long aggro chains on distant targets. This can allow a lot of free damage or progress on destroying the corruption. Most of its attacks are easily telegraphed and can be evaded with quick movement. With the right strategy and tools on your side the titan is nearly helpless in thwarting your attempts to kill or tame it.

The wild Forest titan has a blind spot to Mek sword attacks when attacking just lateral of its right foot. It is also risky attacking because of its foot clipping into the movement of a Mek, making them vulnerable to its stomps.

Its vine attack seems to have a weight capacity, as it can grab multiple small creatures and very few to one giant tames such as a Bronto, making rushing with giant creatures able to take it down.

The Forest Titan can only attack targets that are either in front or below it. It is unable to attack anything above it, so multiple players with high damage melee weapons such as Tek swords or Tek claws can go right above its neck and repeatedly attack its neck. Pair the melee weapons with a tek suit and grappling hooks to help evade the Forest Titans area of effect attacks when it shakes itself or does its root attack.

Like any other titan, the Forest Titan will take increased damage from a Compound Bow, though at a reduced amount compared to the other titans.

Meks can very easily dodge and fly around all his attacks while taking barely any hits. even a single Mek can defeat it with careful aiming and dodging, though this would be very costly in Element. (tested in single player)

A single max level and imprint Stegosaurus can shred the Forest Titan's health in seconds. (tested with and without single player settings; a stegosaurus with an imprinted base melee stat of 770 can deal 11k damage per tick)


The loot will sometimes appear in a dropped item cache, even if your tames don't destroy the body. You only have 3 minutes before this cache expires, so clear the area and find it quickly


The Forest Titan is tamed by attacking the corruption nodes on the body in a designated sequence. First, you need to destroy the 2 nodes on its shoulders. Destroying these nodes will cause the Forest Titan arms to break off but they will regrow after some time. It will do a jumping attack which can deal tremendous damage and the arm will regrow. After both shoulder nodes are destroyed, a node on its chin will appear. After all corruption has been destroyed, the Forest Titan will fall down and lie on the ground. After this, you will need to press E to tame it. Once this happens, it will stand up and will equip itself with a special  Platform Saddle. The saddle placement varies per Titan and the Forest Titan can be controlled via a special cockpit area on the saddle.

The taming process can be quite difficult or lengthy depending on the strategy but the best ways involve a Mek due to their versatility and capability to hover over the root attack.

The slower approach is to use the Mek Pistol from afar and slowly pelt away at the corruption nodes. This is quite expensive on element and will result in a lengthy taming procedure due to it taking reduced damage from the Mek Pistol. However it is quite reliable so long as you have the element to spare.

A quicker yet more reckless approach is to use a Mek with a M.S.C.M also it will be able to hit the corruption nodes, so long as careful aim is taken. This is also quite an expensive investment and missed shots will greatly impact the final result of the tame.

A way to help taming become more trivial is by using several Purlovia, Basilisk, or Reaper King and have them burrow in the arena. While burrowed they can not take damage from the Titan and will act as an infinite distraction to the Titan allowing for easy shots at the corrupt nodes to be taken from a distance with little risk. Placing several of any of the burrowed creatures will be most effective as it gives a greater chance the Titan will aggro onto them and nothing else in the area.

When the first corruption node is destroyed the Forest Titan will change up some of its attacks. At this point it'll start attempting to use its vine grab which will pull players out of Meks and nearly guarantee their death. It will also have a longer delay yet wider radius when using its root attack. On rare occasions it can get stuck in doing its rooting attack, leaving it open to a lot of free damage.

It is important to note that the more damage done to the Forest Titan during the taming process will reflect on the amount of damage done by the Forest Titan after it has been tamed. Two ways you can see if you damage the corruption node is either with damage numbers being turned on and seeing "1" damage being dealt or watching the corruption node flare out in response to being damaged. The titan will only take 1 damage per attack if correctly attacked. As of current, it is uncertain how much health the corruption node has, but its destruction is based on damage dealt and not the number of hits taken. (Tests showed that with a ~650% damage Fabricated Sniper Rifle it took 316 bullets to break a corruption node whereas a primitive sniper rifle took more. This is equivalent to ~244,000 damage but this isn't factoring in damage reduction that the titan gets for bullets. This was tested in playersonly mode.)

Tribute Requirements

The following items are needed to open the Forest Titan Portal:

Item Required Forest Titan
Player Level 1
 Artifact of Growth 1
 Corrupt Heart 100
 Sauropod Vertebra 10
 Tyrannosaurus Arm 10

Tribute Spawn Commands

Uses these commands to give yourself all the items needed for tribute:

Forest Titan
cheat GiveItem "Blueprint'/Game/Extinction/CoreBlueprints/Items/Artifacts/PrimalItemArtifact_Extinction_ForestKaiju.PrimalItemArtifact_Extinction_ForestKaiju'" 1 0 0 | cheat GiveItem "Blueprint'/Game/Extinction/CoreBlueprints/Resources/PrimalItemResource_RareDrop_CorruptHeart.PrimalItemResource_RareDrop_CorruptHeart'" 100 0 0 | cheat GFI ApexDrop_Sauro 10 0 0 | cheat GFI ApexDrop_Rex 10 0 0



Raiding, material gathering and to defeat the  King Titan.

Tank: With one of the highest health pools in the game and an ability in reducing incoming damage from the front, the forest titan can withstand multiple attacks while receiving only a fourth of damage when its protection is active.

Siege Tower: Because its platform saddle is on its back, players can build a building on its back, allowing storage of ammo, weapons and cryo fridges of tames for prolonged sieges. Those cryo fridges can also store tank tames to assist the titan when absorbing all of the turret damage. Even beds can be placed on the saddle so players can jump right back into the action as well as a mobile respawn point.


Resource Efficiency
Corrupted Nodule.png Corrupted Nodule ?



  • The Forest Titan is the 5th largest creature in the game (the largest being  King Titan, second being  Rockwell, the third being the  Alpha Deathworm/ Iceworm Queen,and finally the 4th being  Ice Titan.
  • The Forest Titan is taller than the  Ice Titan however the Ice Titan is longer and bulkier.
  • There is a scrapped building Material from Genesis Part 2 that was capable of regrowing itself, it bears a striking resemblance to the Forest Titan with a vine based look, green bioluminescence and could even regrow itself similarly to how the Forest Titan can regenerate its limbs if they were severed and could only be permanently destroyed if every piece of it was destroyed.
  • The Forest Titan is the only boss with "Minions" that help the survivors instead of the boss itself.
  • When one of the nodes on the shoulders is destroyed, the arm will fall off, but it will regrow after some time. For some reason the game still treats the fallen arms like a part of the Forest Titan's body, so you can still deal damage to the titan through them
  • The  Dermis of the Forest Titan will appear without arms when displayed in a  Taxidermy Base, this is assumed to be a bug.
  • The Forest Titan is the only one out of the three tamable Titans to have a death animation, the other Titans just fall to the ground.
  • The Forest Titan's internal name, ForestKaiju, is a reference to the Japanese Kaiju film genre.
  • Design wise it resembles Treebeard from the Lord of the Rings trilogy, in Peter Jackson’s film Treebeard has a small stump on his right shoulder and the Forest Titan has a large tree on the same shoulder, it is also worth saying that the ‘cockpit’ for the saddle is on the shoulders similar to how Treebeard carried Merry and Pippin on his shoulders.
  • Prior to Patch 287.110, Titans were able to be fed with Kibble to prevent them from starving to death.
  • (On singlerplayer), A tamed Forest Titan’s health will reset to 400k after exiting the world whether it is Alpha, beta or gamma. This should be a bug.
  • When taming, the corruption on its body will have a purple hit marker, opposed to a red hit marker when the titan itself is hit. This can he helpful when taming the titan on official, where you cannot have floating damage text.
  • An Alpha has 700k health, Beta has 550k health, Gamma has 400k.
  • Redwood trees on extinction show the break icon, however they can only be broken by the forest titan


  • The Forest Titan is the only Titan other than the King Titan to have a large role in the explorer notes.
    • After Mei Yin's mek broke down when wandering around Extinction for a while after defending Helena's ascension, the Forest Titan appeared and overwhelmed her until Diana appeared and took it down with ease (temporarily) by using Santiago's mek.
  • According to the One Who Waits/Homo Deus Helena, the Forest Titan is the oldest of the 3 tamable in-game titans.
    • In how it started, Helena described at how it went from a tiny weed to what it is now.
      • Since Titans are made of Element, the Forest Titan started to grow when Element infected that same weed.


Patch  ARK: Survival Evolved Changes
285.104 Extinction Expansion Release  Forest Titan is added to the game
  • Fixed vine attack not showing up on low fps servers
  • Speculative fix for Forest Titan falling through the floor
  • Fix for Forest Titan hitting things through ground terrain
  •  Forest Wyvern now takes damage from the Forest Titan
  • Trees will now be cleaned up and disappear properly after Forest Titan has despawned
  • Fixed server crash related to Forest Titan and damage numbers
289.100 Improved placement of visible health bar
  • Can no longer grab through  Tek Forcefield
  • Can no longer grab players who are piloting a  Mek
307.2  Bloodstalker can no longer grab and pull the Forest Titan with webbing

Note: For changelog on all titans in general, go to  Titans

