Assault Rifle

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Assault Rifle
Assault Rifle.pngAssault Rifle ASA.png

The fastest way to fill a target with holes.

Ammo used
Ranged damage
Rate of fire
10 RPS
Magazine size
Reload time
02.18 seconds
304.2 / 470
40.0 (0.05 per shot)
Single use
Found in Supply Crate
Spawn Command
cheat giveitemnum 2 1 0 0
cheat gfi WeaponRifle 1 0 0
cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Weapons/PrimalItem_WeaponRifle.PrimalItem_WeaponRifle'" 1 0 0
Required level
Engram points
24 EP
Crafting XP
140 XP
Required stations

The Assault Rifle is one of the Weapons in ARK: Survival Evolved. It is unlocked at Level 58 for 24 Engram Points.

With a high rate of fire, good damage per shot (only slightly less than the  Fabricated Pistol), and a 40-round magazine, the Assault Rifle is one of the best weapons for dealing damage at close to medium ranges. In continuous fire, only a  Pump-Action Shotgun at point-blank range is capable of beating its DPS capability. However, the Assault Rifle's high firerate quickly shows how expensive its ammunition is, and it possessing lower burst damage than a  Fabricated Sniper Rifle of similar stats makes fire-and-cover tactics with this weapon unwise.

The Assault Rifle has 40 Durability, costing 0.05 Durability per use, for a total of 800 uses.

The Assault Rifle is superseded by the  Tek Rifle.


  • The Assault Rifle cannot equip the  Scope Attachment.
  • The  Flashlight Attachment is less effective when attached to the Assault Rifle, having a lower radius of light when compared to other guns.
  • The Assault Rifle has a lot of recoil, so watch out when firing. Consuming a  Shadow Steak Saute can provide the recoil reduction needed to keep the crosshair at targets during continuous fire.
  • Without cheats or mods, the highest damage of an Assault Rifle is 755.3%.
  • The Assault Rifle's high rate of fire means that one must carry around a lot of ammunition for it to truly be effective, which can get quite heavy. As such, most players eschew the Assault Rifle in favor of other weapons like the Pump-Action Shotgun or Fabricated Sniper Rifle.
  • The Genesis: Part 1 Gauntlet variant of the Assault Rifle has a magazine capacity of 150, more than three times the capacity of the standard Assault Rifle. This variant is only seen in the volcanic biome version of The Gauntlet in later rounds. The view kick from firing this variant gets absurd very quickly.


  • In the lore, Helena had an Assault Rifle that is exactly like the in-game design.


Patch  ARK: Survival Evolved Changes
209.0 Reduced Assault Rifle Per-Shot Durability cost by 50%.