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List of items that can be crafted.
Pages in category "Crafting"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 1,342 total.
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- Absorbent Substrate
- Achatina Paste
- Adobe Ceiling
- Adobe Dinosaur Gate
- Adobe Dinosaur Gateway
- Adobe Door
- Adobe Doorframe
- Adobe Double Door
- Adobe Double Doorframe
- Adobe Fence Foundation
- Adobe Fence Support
- Adobe Foundation
- Adobe Hatchframe
- Adobe Ladder
- Adobe Pillar
- Adobe Railing
- Adobe Ramp
- Adobe Staircase
- Adobe Stairs
- Adobe Trapdoor
- Adobe Triangle Ceiling
- Adobe Triangle Foundation
- Adobe Triangle Roof
- Adobe Wall
- Adobe Window
- Adobe Windowframe
- Advanced Bullet
- Advanced Rifle Bullet
- Advanced Sniper Bullet
- Advanced Workbench (Primitive Plus)
- Aggeravic Mushroom
- Air Conditioner
- Air Drums Emote
- Air Guitar Emote
- Alchemy Table (Primitive Plus)
- Algae Sushi
- Allosaurus Egg
- Allosaurus Saddle
- Alpha Raptor Swim Bottom Skin
- Alpha Raptor Swim Top Skin
- Amarberry
- Amarberry Juice (Primitive Plus)
- Amargasaurus Saddle
- Amargasaurus Spike
- Ammo Box
- Ammonite Bile
- Andrewsarchus Saddle
- Angler Hat Skin
- AnglerGel
- Ankylo Egg
- Ankylo Saddle
- APS Mailbox (Primitive Plus)
- Aquatic Mushroom
- Araneo Saddle
- Araneo Swim Bottom Skin
- Araneo Swim Top Skin
- Archaeopteryx Egg
- Archelon Saddle
- Archer Flex Emote
- Argentavis Egg
- Argentavis Saddle
- Argentavis Talon
- ARK Anniversary Cake Slice
- ARK Anniversary Surprise Cake
- Armadoggo Armor
- Arthropluera Saddle
- Artifact Pedestal
- Ascerbic Mushroom
- Assault Rifle
- Astrocetus Tek Saddle
- Astrodelphis Starwing Saddle
- Auric Mushroom
- Auto Turret
- Azulberry
- Azulberry Juice (Primitive Plus)
- Azulberry Seed
- Backflip Emote
- Baked Bread Loaf (Primitive Plus)
- Baked Honey Loaf (Primitive Plus)
- Bakers Oven (Primitive Plus)
- Ballista Turret
- Barrel of Gunpowder (Primitive Plus)
- Barrel Storage
- Baryonyx Egg
- Baryonyx Saddle
- Basic Kibble
- Basilisk Egg
- Basilisk Saddle
- Basilosaurus Saddle
- Battle Tartare
- BattleAxe (Primitive Plus)
- BattleRig Garage
- Bear Trap
- BearHug Swim Bottom Skin
- BearHug Swim Top Skin
- Bee Hive
- Beelzebufo Saddle
- Beer Barrel
- Beer Jar
- Beer Liquid
- Beeswax (Primitive Plus)
- Behemoth Adobe Dinosaur Gate
- Behemoth Adobe Dinosaur Gateway
- Behemoth Gate
- Behemoth Gateway
- Behemoth Reinforced Dinosaur Gate
- Behemoth Stone Dinosaur Gateway
- Behemoth Tek Gate
- Behemoth Tek Gateway
- Belly Rub Emote
- Bicep Smooch Emote
- Big Bonfire (Primitive Plus)
- Big Campfire (Primitive Plus)
- Big Fence - Opening (Primitive Plus)
- Big Fence - Post (Primitive Plus)
- Big Fence - Section (Primitive Plus)
- Big Stone Fence (Primitive Plus)
- Bio Toxin
- Bio-Grinder
- Birthday Suit Pants Skin
- Birthday Suit Shirt Skin
- Biscuit (Primitive Plus)
- Biscuit Batter (Primitive Plus)
- Black Coloring
- Black Pearl
- Bladewasp Hive
- Blood Extraction Syringe
- Blood Pack
- Blue Coloring
- Blue Crystalized Sap
- Blue Gem
- Blue-Ball Winter Beanie Skin
- Bola
- Bonemeal Fertilizer (Primitive Plus)
- Bonnet Hat Skin
- Bookshelf
- Boomerang
- Boulder
- Bow
- Bow & Eros Skin
- Box o' Chocolates
- Braggot Mead (Primitive Plus)
- Brazier (Primitive Plus)
- Bread Dough (Primitive Plus)
- Brick (Primitive Plus)
- Brick Ceiling (Primitive Plus)
- Brick Coloring
- Brick Dinosaur Gate (Primitive Plus)
- Brick Dinosaur Gateway (Primitive Plus)
- Brick Doorframe (Primitive Plus)
- Brick Foundation (Primitive Plus)
- Brick Pillar (Primitive Plus)
- Brick Ramp (Primitive Plus)
- Brick Wall (Primitive Plus)
- Brick Windowframe (Primitive Plus)
- Bronto Egg
- Bronto Platform Saddle
- Bronto Saddle
- Broth (Primitive Plus)
- Broth of Enlightenment
- Brown Coloring
- Bug Repellant
- Bulbdog-Print Shirt Skin
- Bunk Bed
- Bunny Costume Skin
- Bunny Ears Skin
- Bunny Egg
- Bunny Hop Dance Emote
- Bunny Tail Skin
- C4 Charge
- C4 Remote Detonator
- Cactus Broth
- Cactus Sap
- Cake (Primitive Plus)
- Cake Batter (Primitive Plus)
- Cake Slice
- Calien Soup
- Camelsaurus Egg
- Camera
- Campfire
- Candle (Primitive Plus)
- Candy Cane Club Skin
- Cane Sugar (Primitive Plus)
- Cannon
- Cannon Ball
- Cannon Shell
- Canoe
- Cantaloupe Coloring
- Canteen
- Carbon (Primitive Plus)
- Carbonemys Saddle
- Carcharo Saddle
- Carno Egg
- Carno Saddle
- Caroling Emote
- Cashew (Primitive Plus)
- Cashew Milk (Primitive Plus)
- Castoroides Saddle
- Catapult Turret
- Cauldron (Primitive Plus)