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A powerful, heavy weapon of war, capable of demolishing heavily reinforced structures.

Ammo used
Item slots
Decay time
Stack size
Added in
Spawn Command
cheat gfi Structure_Cannon 1 0 0
cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Structures/Misc/PrimalItemStructure_Cannon.PrimalItemStructure_Cannon'" 1 0 0
Required level
Engram points
25 EP
Crafting XP
22 XP
Crafting time
Required stations

The Cannon is one of the Emplacements in ARK: Survival Evolved. It is unlocked at Level 34 for 25 Engram Points.

The Cannon is a powerful siege weapon that fires  Cannon Balls. It is highly adept at bringing down both enemy creatures and structures, dealing much higher damage per shot than both the  Ballista Turret and  Catapult Turret. However, the Cannon cannot be aimed and fired at the same time like other emplacements, making it very difficult to hit moving targets. Additionally, it can only fire once before having to be reloaded manually, making it difficult for a single survivor to operate on their own.

Additionally, the Cannon is a great way to tame the  Titanosaur,  Astrocetus,  Rock Elemental, and  Karkinos, dealing far more Torpor per shot than the Catapult Turret.


  • To aim the Cannon, the degrees of attack can be changed in 5% steps. There is little to no real time control, though using a creature with a platform saddle can compensate for this, having the creature in question aim for you. For example, a  Quetzal with a Cannon on its platform can be aimed by the rider while a partner fires it, helping somewhat with smaller targets.
  • While the Cannon deals less damage than the  Rocket Launcher, its projectiles cannot be shot down by defending  Auto Turrets or  Plant Species X. This means the Cannon can safely damage enemy structures directly without having to eliminate other defenses first.
  • It is possible to fire the Cannon from directly in front of it. However, this is highly advised against as the Cannon will likely damage you in the process.
  • Due to the Cannon's projectiles being so heavy and the fact that they do not stack, it is advised to keep a  Storage Box or some other container near it stocked with ammunition when needed.
  • The Cannon is treated as a wooden structure and can not be damaged by hands, stone weapons, or non-explosive ranged attacks.
  • The following aggressive creatures can not damage the Cannon:

Painting and Color Regions

X mark.svg

The Cannon is not currently paint-able, however this object may be re-mapped to include paint regions in a future update.

For more information on Paint Regions and how to use them, please view the Blue Coloring.png Dye,  Paintbrush, or  Spray Painter pages.


Patch  ARK: Survival Evolved Changes
239.0 Cannon is added to the game.
239.1 Removed Cannon  Engram from Primitive Servers.
250.2 Changed the Cannon to have only 1 stack, and retroactively applied this to help deal with an exploit.
253.98 Cannon can no longer be used within Electrical Storms.
318.9 Fixed an exploit that allowed Cannons to be healed using the tent.