Bear Trap
This article is about Bear Trap, not to be confused with Large Bear Trap
cheat giveitemnum 379 1 0 0
cheat gfi BearTrap 1 0 0
cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Structures/Misc/PrimalItemStructure_BearTrap.PrimalItemStructure_BearTrap'" 1 0 0
The Bear Trap is an item used to temporarily immobilize humans and small creatures. When a creature gets trapped, durability slowly depletes at a rate of one unit per eight seconds. With a total durability of one hundred this takes some time (800 seconds or 13.33 minutes) to let go, unit can also be repaired with a captive in its jaws. It is unknown if the 800 second value is for tamed or wild creatures, or both. Be aware that humans can be trapped and that they can't open it, so they need to wait 800 seconds.
Once placed, the trap can be picked up by anyone. If sprung it can only be demolished by either the tribe responsible, or the owner (depending on tribe settings). This works on PVE servers currently. If you are caught in your own trap you can not demolish it, so use caution in order to save time killing yourself by consuming Feces or Spoiled Meat and then retrieving your corpse may be a better option note that the trap's durability will continue going down and cannot be reused.
Traps can only be set within a certain distance of each other (3 foundations for small traps). Traps can be placed underwater, but if a player is swimming, they do not seem to be triggered.
"Small animals" seems to cover Gallimimus, Baryonyx, and anything that an Argentavis would be able to carry.
Traps can be hidden in the tops of pillars.
A player can set off their own bear trap.
Bear Traps last considerably longer than Large Bear Trap, and even longer if the trapped creature is tamed.
Creatures Affected
- Achatina
- Alpha Raptor
- Araneo
- Archaeopteryx
- Argentavis
- Baryonyx
- Beelzebufo
- Bulbdog
- Bulbdog Ghost
- Bunny Dodo
- Bunny Oviraptor
- Compy
- Daeodon
- Deinonychus
- Desert Titan Flock
- Dilophosaur
- Dimorphodon
- Diplocaulus
- Direwolf
- Direwolf Ghost
- Dodo
- Dung Beetle
- Equus
- Featherlight
- Gallimimus
- Gigantopithecus
- Glowbug
- Glowtail
- Griffin
- Human
- Ichthyornis
- Iguanodon
- Jerboa
- Jug Bug
- Kairuku
- Kaprosuchus
- Kentrosaurus
- Lymantria
- Lystrosaurus
- Macro-Summoner
- Macrophage
- Mantis
- Mantis Ghost
- Megalania
- Megaloceros
- Mesopithecus
- Microraptor
- Noglin
- Otter
- Oviraptor
- Ovis
- Pachy
- Parasaur
- Party Dodo
- Pegomastax
- Pelagornis
- Phiomia
- Pteranodon
- Pulmonoscorpius
- Quetzal
- Raptor
- Ravager
- Sabertooth
- Scout
- Shinehorn
- Summoner
- Tapejara
- Terror Bird
- Thorny Dragon
- Thylacoleo
- Troodon
- Tropeognathus
- Unicorn
- Vulture
- Yeti
- Zomdodo
Creatures Not Affected
- Allosaurus
- Alpha Basilisk
- Alpha Blood Crystal Wyvern
- Alpha Carnotaurus
- Alpha Deathworm
- Alpha Fire Wyvern
- Alpha Karkinos
- Alpha Leedsichthys
- Alpha Megalodon
- Alpha Mosasaur
- Alpha Surface Reaper King
- Alpha T-Rex
- Alpha Tusoteuthis
- Alpha X-Triceratops
- Amargasaurus
- Ammonite
- Andrewsarchus
- Anglerfish
- Ankylosaurus
- Arthropluera
- Astrocetus
- Astrodelphis
- Attack Drone
- Basilisk
- Basilisk Ghost
- Basilosaurus
- Beyla
- Beyla Spawn
- Blood Crystal Wyvern
- Bloodstalker
- Bone Fire Wyvern
- Brontosaurus
- Broodmother Lysrix
- Carbonemys
- Carcharodontosaurus
- Carnotaurus
- Castoroides
- Chalicotherium
- Cnidaria
- Coelacanth
- Crystal Wyvern
- Crystal Wyvern Queen
- Deathworm
- Defense Unit
- Desert Titan
- Desmodus
- Dimetrodon
- Dinopithecus
- Dinopithecus King
- Diplodocus
- Dire Bear
- Dire Polar Bear
- Dodo Wyvern
- DodoRex
- Doedicurus
- Dragon
- Dunkleosteus
- Eel Minion
- Electrophorus
- Elemental Reaper King
- Ember Crystal Wyvern
- Enforcer
- Enraged Corrupted Rex
- Enraged Triceratops
- Eurypterid
- Exo-Mek
- Experimental Giganotosaurus
- Fasolasuchus
- Fenrir
- Fenrisúlfr
- Ferox
- Fjordhawk
- Forest Titan
- Forest Wyvern
- Gacha
- GachaClaus
- Gasbags
- Giant Bee
- Giant Queen Bee
- Giant Worker Bee
- Giganotosaurus
- Golden Striped Brute Megalodon
- Golden Striped Megalodon
- Hati and Sköll
- Hesperornis
- Hyaenodon
- Ice Titan
- Iceworm Male
- Iceworm Queen
- Ichthyosaurus
- Injured Brute Reaper King
- Insect Swarm
- Karkinos
- King Titan
- Lamprey
- Lava Elemental
- Leech
- Leedsichthys
- Liopleurodon
- Maewing
- Magmasaur
- Mammoth
- Managarmr
- Manta
- Manticore
- Mega Mek
- Megachelon
- Megalodon
- Megalosaurus
- Meganeura
- Megapithecus
- Megatherium
- Mek
- Moeder, Master of the Ocean
- Morellatops
- Mosasaurus
- Moschops
- Nameless
- Onyc
- Overseer
- Pachyrhinosaurus
- Paraceratherium
- Parakeet Fish School
- Phoenix
- Piranha
- Plesiosaur
- Polar Bear
- Procoptodon
- Purlovia
- Rare X-Sabertooth Salmon
- Reaper
- Reaper King
- Reaper Prince
- Reaper Queen
- Rex
- Rex Ghost
- Rhyniognatha
- Rock Drake
- Rock Elemental
- Rockwell
- Rockwell Node
- Rockwell Prime
- Roll Rat
- Rubble Bear
- Sabertooth Salmon
- Sarco
- Seeker
- Shadowmane
- Sinomacrops
- Snow Owl
- Snow Owl Ghost
- Spino
- Stegosaurus
- Steinbjörn
- Subterranean Reaper King
- Super Turkey
- Surface Reaper King
- Surface Reaper King Ghost
- Therizinosaur
- Titanoboa
- Titanomyrma
- Titanosaur
- Triceratops
- Trilobite
- Tropical Crystal Wyvern
- Tusoteuthis
- Velonasaur
- Voidwyrm
- Woolly Rhino
- Wyvern
- Yutyrannus
- Zombie Wyvern
Painting and Color Regions
The Bear Trap is not currently paint-able, however this object may be re-mapped to include paint regions in a future update.
For more information on Paint Regions and how to use them, please view the Dye, Paintbrush, or Spray Painter pages.
Patch | ARK: Survival Evolved Changes |
193.0 | Bear Trap is added to the game. |
194.0 |
201.4 | You can no longer escape a bear trap by climbing a ladder. |