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Items are a feature in  ARK: Survival Evolved.

Item Lists

For lists separated by category:

List of Items

Item Stack Size Weight
 Aberrant Helmet Skin 1 0
 Aberrant Sword Skin 0
 Absorbent Substrate 100 0.25
 Achatina Paste 100 0.01
 Adobe Ceiling 100 4
 Adobe Dinosaur Gate 100
 Adobe Dinosaur Gateway 100 4
 Adobe Door 100 4
 Adobe Doorframe 100 4
 Adobe Double Door 100 4
 Adobe Double Doorframe 100 4
 Adobe Fence Foundation 100 4
 Adobe Fence Support 100 4
 Adobe Foundation 100 4
 Adobe Hatchframe 100 4
 Adobe Ladder 100 4
 Adobe Pillar 100 4
 Adobe Railing 100 4
 Adobe Ramp 100 4
 Adobe Staircase 100 4
 Adobe Stairs 100 4
 Adobe Trapdoor 100 4
 Adobe Triangle Ceiling 100 2
 Adobe Triangle Foundation 100 2
 Adobe Triangle Roof 100 4
 Adobe Wall 100 4
 Adobe Window 100 4
 Adobe Windowframe 100 4
 Advanced Bullet 100 0.1
 Advanced Rifle Bullet 100 0.1
 Advanced Sniper Bullet 100 0.2
 Aggeravic Mushroom 100 0.2
 Air Conditioner 1 4
 Algae Sushi 10
 Allosaurus Brain 100 0.5
 Allosaurus Egg 100 12
 Allosaurus Saddle 20
 Alpha Basilisk Fang 100 0.5
 Alpha Carnotaurus Arm 100 2
 Alpha Crystal Talon 100 2
 Alpha Deathworm Trophy 1 0.5
 Alpha Karkinos Claw 100 0.5
 Alpha Leedsichthys Blubber 100 2
 Alpha Megalodon Fin 100 2
 Alpha Mosasaur Tooth 100 2
 Alpha Raptor Claw 100 2
 Alpha Raptor Swim Bottom Skin 1 0
 Alpha Raptor Swim Top Skin 1 0
 Alpha Reaper King Barb 100 0.5
 Alpha Rex Trophy 1 0.5
 Alpha Tusoteuthis Eye 100 2
 Alpha Tyrannosaur Tooth 100 2
 Alpha Wyvern Trophy 1 0.5
 Alpha X-Triceratops Skull 1 1
 Amarberry 100 0.1
 Amarberry Seed 100 0.01
 Amargasaurus Egg 100 13
 Amargasaurus Saddle 1 20
 Amargasaurus Spike 1 0.05
 Ambergris 1 5
 Ammo Box 100 4
 Ammonite Bile 50 0.2
 Andrewsarchus Saddle 1 20
 Angler Egg 3
 Angler Hat Skin 1 0
 AnglerGel 100 0.01
 Ankylo Egg 100 5
 Ankylo Saddle 20
 Aquatic Mushroom 100 0.1
 Araneo Egg 100 9
 Araneo Saddle 12
 Araneo Swim Bottom Skin 1 0
 Araneo Swim Top Skin 1 0
 Archaeopteryx Egg 100 3
 Archelon Algae 100
 Archelon Egg 100 5
 Archelon Saddle 20
 Argentavis Egg 100 12
 Argentavis Saddle 20
 Argentavis Talon 100 2
 ARK Anniversary Cake Slice 1.12
 ARK Anniversary Surprise Cake 100 4
 ARK Tester Hat Skin 1 0
 ARK Wildcard Dev Admin Hat Skin 0
 Armadoggo Armor 1 20
 Arthropluera Egg 100 16
 Arthropluera Saddle 20
 Artifact of Chaos 1 5
 Artifact of Growth 1 5
 Artifact of the Brute 1 5
 Artifact of the Clever 1 5
 Artifact of the Crag 1 5
 Artifact of the Cunning 1 5
 Artifact of the Depths 1 5
 Artifact of the Destroyer 1 5
 Artifact of the Devious 5
 Artifact of the Devourer 1 5
 Artifact of the Gatekeeper 1 5
 Artifact of the Hunter 1 5
 Artifact of the Immune 1 5
 Artifact of the Lost 1 5
 Artifact of the Massive 1 5
 Artifact of the Pack 1 5
 Artifact of the Shadows 1 5
 Artifact of the Skylord 1 5
 Artifact of the Stalker 1 5
 Artifact of the Strong 1 5
 Artifact of the Void 1 5
 Artifact Pedestal 100 4
 Ascerbic Mushroom 100 0.1
 Assault Rifle 10
 Astrocetus Tek Saddle 1 20
 Astrodelphis Starwing Saddle 1 20
 Auric Mushroom 100 0.1
 Auto Turret 4
 Azulberry 100 0.1
 Azulberry Seed 100 0.01
 Ballista Turret 1 4
 Barrel Storage 100 4
 Baryonyx Egg 100 7
 Baryonyx Saddle 1 20
 Basic Kibble 100 0.1
 Basic Maewing Egg 100 6
 Basilisk Egg 100 20
 Basilisk Ghost Costume 1 0
 Basilisk Saddle 1 20
 Basilisk Scale 100 0.5
 Basilosaurus Blubber 100 0.5
 Basilosaurus Saddle 1 20
 Battle Tartare 100 0.1
 BattleRig Garage 1 4
 Bear Trap 10 2
 BearHug Swim Bottom Skin 1 0
 BearHug Swim Top Skin 1 0
 Bee Hive 1 4
 Beelzebufo Egg
 Beelzebufo Saddle 8
 Beer Barrel 3 4
 Beer Jar 20 6
 Beer Liquid 100 0.02
 Behemoth Adobe Dinosaur Gate 5 4
 Behemoth Adobe Dinosaur Gateway 5 4
 Behemoth Gate 5 4
 Behemoth Gateway 5 4
 Behemoth Reinforced Dinosaur Gate 5 4
 Behemoth Stone Dinosaur Gateway 5 4
 Behemoth Tek Gate 5 4
 Behemoth Tek Gateway 5 4
 Beyla Relic 100 0.25
 Bio Toxin 100 0.1
 Bio-Grinder 5 4
 Birthday Cake 100 4
 Birthday Candle 200 0.1
 Birthday Suit Pants Skin 0
 Birthday Suit Shirt Skin 0
 Black Coloring 100 0.1
 Black Pearl 200 2
 Bladewasp Hive 1 4
 Blood Extraction Syringe 1 0.5
 Blood Pack 100 0.05
 Bloodstalker Egg 100 8
 Blue Coloring 100 0.1
 Blue Crystalized Sap 100 0.5
 Blue Gem 100 0.5
 Blue-Ball Winter Beanie Skin 1 0
 Bola 10 0.5
 Bonnet Hat Skin 1 0
 Bookshelf 4
 Boomerang 10 0.8
 Boulder 100 1.5
 Bow 8
 Bow & Eros Skin 1 0
 Bowler Hat 1 0
 Box o' Chocolates 1 2.14
 Brachiosaurus Costume 0
 Brick Coloring 100 0.1
 Bronto Bone Costume 1 0
 Bronto Egg 100 20
 Bronto Platform Saddle 20
 Bronto Saddle 20
 Broodmother Trophy 1 0.5
 Broth of Enlightenment 100 0.1
 Brown Coloring 100 0.1
 Bug Repellant 100 0.1
 Bulbdog Ghost Costume 1 0
 Bulbdog Mask Skin 0
 Bulbdog-Print Shirt Skin 1 0
 Bunk Bed 3 4
 Bunny Costume Skin 1 0
 Bunny Ears Skin 1 0
 Bunny Egg 100 4
 Bunny Tail Skin 1 0
 Buried Hex-Infected Junk
 Buried Treasure Chest
 C4 Charge 100 0.1
 C4 Remote Detonator 1 0.5
 Cactus Broth 100 0.1
 Cactus Sap 100 0.1
 Cake Slice 50 1
 Calien Soup 100 0.1
 Camelsaurus Egg 100 9
 Camera 1 0.5
 Campfire 3 4
 Candy Cane Club Skin 1 0
 Cannon 1 4
 Cannon Ball 1 20
 Cannon Shell 1 15
 Canoe 1 15
 Cantaloupe Coloring 100 0.1
 Canteen 1 2
 Captain's Hat Skin 0
 Carbonemys Saddle 1 20
 Carcharo Saddle 1 20
 Carcharodontosaurus Egg 100 40
 Carno Bone Costume 1 0
 Carno Egg 100 12
 Carno Saddle 20
 Castoroides Saddle 20
 Catapult Turret 1 4
 Cementing Paste 100 0.01
 Cerato Venom Spine 2
 Ceratosaurus Egg 100 15
 Ceratosaurus Saddle 1 20
 Chain Bola 20 20
 Chainsaw 20
 Chalicotherium Saddle 20
 Charcoal 100 0.25
 Charge Battery 1 0.25
 Charge Lantern 1 6
 Charge Node
 Chemistry Bench 1 4
 Chibi Party Rex 1 0
 Chibi-Achatina 1 0
 Chibi-Allosaurus 1 0
 Chibi-Amargasaurus 1 0
 Chibi-Ammonite 1 0
 Chibi-Andrewsarchus 1 0
 Chibi-Anglerfish 1 0
 Chibi-Animated Series Raptor 1 0
 Chibi-Ankylosaurus 1 0
 Chibi-Araneo 1 0
 Chibi-Archaeopteryx 1 0
 Chibi-Argentavis 1 0
 Chibi-Astrocetus 1 0
 Chibi-Astrodelphis 1 0
 Chibi-Baryonyx 1 0
 Chibi-Basilisk 1 0
 Chibi-Beelzebufo 1 0
 Chibi-Bloodstalker 1 0
 Chibi-Bonnet Otter 1 0
 Chibi-Brontosaurus 1 0
 Chibi-Broodmother 1 0
 Chibi-Bulbdog 1 0
 Chibi-Bunny 1 0
 Chibi-Carbonemys 1 0
 Chibi-Carcharodontosaurus 1 0
 Chibi-Carno 1 0
 Chibi-Castroides 1 0
 Chibi-Cnidaria 1 0
 Chibi-Crystal Wyvern 1 0
 Chibi-Daeodon 1 0
 Chibi-Deal With It Dodo 1 0
 Chibi-Deinonychus 1 0
 Chibi-Desmodus 1 0
 Chibi-Dilophosaur 1 0
 Chibi-Dinopithecus 1 0
 Chibi-Diplodocus 1 0
 Chibi-Direbear 1 0
 Chibi-Direwolf 1 0
 Chibi-Dodo 1 0
 Chibi-Doedicurus 1 0
 Chibi-Dunkleosteus 1 0
 Chibi-Easter Chick 1 0
 Chibi-Enforcer 1 0
 Chibi-Equus 1 0
 Chibi-Featherlight 1 0
 Chibi-Fenrir 1 0
 Chibi-Ferox (Large) 1 0
 Chibi-Ferox (Small) 1 0
 Chibi-Festive Bulbdog (Green) 1 0
 Chibi-Festive Bulbdog (Red) 1 0
 Chibi-Festive Featherlight (Green) 1 0
 Chibi-Festive Featherlight (Red) 1 0
 Chibi-Festive Glowtail (Green) 1 0
 Chibi-Festive Glowtail (Red) 1 0
 Chibi-Festive Noglin 1 0
 Chibi-Festive Shinehorn (Green) 1 0
 Chibi-Festive Shinehorn (Red) 1 0
 Chibi-Fjordhawk 1 0
 Chibi-Gacha Claus 1 0
 Chibi-Gallimimus 1 0
 Chibi-Gasbag 1 0
 Chibi-Ghost Basilisk 1 0
 Chibi-Ghost Direwolf 1 0
 Chibi-Ghost Mantis 1 0
 Chibi-Ghost Rex 1 0
 Chibi-Giganotosaurus 1 0
 Chibi-Gigantopithecus 1 0
 Chibi-Gigantopithecus Chieftan 1 0
 Chibi-Glowtail 1 0
 Chibi-Griffin 1 0
 Chibi-Iguanodon 1 0
 Chibi-Jerbunny 1 0
 Chibi-Kairuku 1 0
 Chibi-Kaprosuchus 1 0
 Chibi-Karkinos 1 0
 Chibi-Kentrosaurus 1 0
 Chibi-Lovebird 1 0
 Chibi-Lymantria 1 0
 Chibi-Maewing 1 0
 Chibi-Magmasaur 1 0
 Chibi-Mammoth 1 0
 Chibi-Managarmr 1 0
 Chibi-Manta 1 0
 Chibi-Mantis 1 0
 Chibi-Megalania 1 0
 Chibi-Megaloceros 1 0
 Chibi-Megalodon 1 0
 Chibi-Megatherium 1 0
 Chibi-Mesopithecus 1 0
 Chibi-Microraptor 1 0
 Chibi-Mosasaurus 1 0
 Chibi-Moschops 1 0
 Chibi-Noglin 1 0
 Chibi-Onyc 1 0
 Chibi-Otter 1 0
 Chibi-Oviraptor 1 0
 Chibi-Ovis 1 0
 Chibi-Pachy 1 0
 Chibi-Paraceratherium 1 0
 Chibi-Parasaur 1 0
 Chibi-Pelagornis 1 0
 Chibi-Phiomia 1 0
 Chibi-Phoenix 1 0
 Chibi-Plesiosaur 1 0
 Chibi-Procoptodon 1 0
 Chibi-Pteranodon 1 0
 Chibi-Pulmonoscorpius 1 0
 Chibi-Purlovia 1 0
 Chibi-Queen Bee 1 0
 Chibi-Quetzal 1 0
 Chibi-Raptor 1 0
 Chibi-Reaper 1 0
 Chibi-Reindeer 1 0
 Chibi-Rex 1 0
 Chibi-Rhino 1 0
 Chibi-Rock Drake 1 0
 Chibi-Rock Golem 1 0
 Chibi-Rollrat 1 0
 Chibi-Sabertooth 1 0
 Chibi-Sarco 1 0
 Chibi-Seeker 1 0
 Chibi-Shadowmane 1 0
 Chibi-Shinehorn 1 0
 Chibi-Sinomacrops 1 0
 Chibi-Skeletal Brontosaurus 1 0
 Chibi-Skeletal Carno 1 0
 Chibi-Skeletal Giganotosaurus 1 0
 Chibi-Skeletal Jerboa 1 0
 Chibi-Skeletal Quetzal 1 0
 Chibi-Skeletal Raptor 1 0
 Chibi-Skeletal Rex 1 0
 Chibi-Skeletal Stego 1 0
 Chibi-Skeletal Trike 1 0
 Chibi-Skeletal Wyvern 1 0
 Chibi-Snow Owl 1 0
 Chibi-Spino 1 0
 Chibi-Spooky Bulbdog 1 0
 Chibi-Spring Shinehorn 1 0
 Chibi-Stego 1 0
 Chibi-Straw Hat Otter 1 0
 Chibi-Stuffed Glowtail 1 0
 Chibi-Tapejara 1 0
 Chibi-TEK Raptor 1 0
 Chibi-Tek Stryder 1 0
 Chibi-Terror Bird 1 0
 Chibi-The Witching Owl 1 0
 Chibi-Therizino 1 0
 Chibi-Thorny Dragon 1 0
 Chibi-Thylacoleo 1 0
 Chibi-Trike 1 0
 Chibi-Troodon 1 0
 Chibi-Tropeognathus 1 0
 Chibi-Tusoteuthis 1 0
 Chibi-Unicorn 1 0
 Chibi-Velonasaur 1 0
 Chibi-Voidwyrm 1 0
 Chibi-Vulture 1 0
 Chibi-Wyvern 1 0
 Chibi-X-Sabertooth 1 0
 Chibi-Yutyrannus 1 0
 Chibi-Zombie Wyvern 1 0
 Chieftan Hat Skin 1 0
 Chili Helmet Skin 0
 Chitin 100 0.01
 Chitin Boots 3
 Chitin Chestpiece 6
 Chitin Gauntlets 3
 Chitin Helmet 4
 Chitin Leggings 6
 Chocolate Rabbit Club Skin 1 0
 Christmas Bola Skin 1 0
 Cianberry 100 0.1
 Cianberry Seed 100 0.01
 Citronal 100 0.1
 Citronal Seed 100 0.04
 Clay 100 0.05
 Climbing Pick 1 2
 Clockface 5 4
 Cloning Chamber 1 4
 Cloth Boots 0.25
 Cloth Gloves 0.25
 Cloth Hat 0.5
 Cloth Pants 1
 Cloth Shirt 1
 Clown Mask Skin 1 0
 Cluster Grenade 100 0.55
 Coal 200 5
 Code-Key 100 0.05
 Companion Ammo Box 1 20
 Companion Bait Trap 1 20
 Companion Battle-Spikes 1 20
 Companion Camping Gear 1 20
 Companion Chibi-Carrier 1 20
 Companion Extra Armor 1 20
 Companion Medpack 1 20
 Companion Oxygen Tank 1 20
 Companion Picnic Set 1 20
 Companion Rucksack 1 20
 Companion Speed Booster 1 20
 Companion Spykit 1 20
 Compass 0.5
 Compost Bin 100 4
 Compound Bow 12
 Compy Egg 100 3
 Condensed Gas 100 1
 Congealed Gas Ball 100 0.1
 Cooked Fish Meat 50 0.1
 Cooked Lamb Chop 30 0.1
 Cooked Meat 50 0.1
 Cooked Meat Jerky 50 0.1
 Cooked Prime Fish Meat 30 0.1
 Cooked Prime Meat 30 0.1
 Cooking Pot 100 4
 Cool Noglin-Print Shirt Skin 1 0
 Corrupt Heart 100 0.2
 Corrupted Avatar Boots Skin 1 0
 Corrupted Avatar Gloves Skin 1 0
 Corrupted Avatar Helmet Skin 1 0
 Corrupted Avatar Pants Skin 1 0
 Corrupted Avatar Shirt Skin 1 0
 Corrupted Boots Skin 1 0
 Corrupted Chestpiece Skin 1 0
 Corrupted Gloves Skin 1 0
 Corrupted Helmet Skin 1 0
 Corrupted Nodule 20 0.25
 Corrupted Pants Skin 1 0
 Corrupted Wood 100 0.5
 Cosmo Egg 9
 Cosmo Wrist-Shooter 10
 Crab Fest Swim Bottom Skin 1 0
 Crab Fest Swim Top Skin 1 0
 Crossbow 8
 Cruise Missile 1 20
 Cryofridge 4
 Cryopod 1 0.5
 Crystal 100 1
 Crystal Talon 100 1
 Crystal Wyvern Egg 1 37.5
 Crystal Wyvern Queen Flag 100 4
 Crystal Wyvern Queen Trophy 1 0.5
 Cupid Couture Bottom Skin 1 0
 Cupid Couture Top Skin 1 0
 Custom Consumable 20
 Cute Dino Helmet Skin 0
 Cyan Coloring 100 0.1
 Daeodon Saddle 1 20
 Dark Altar 1 10
 Deathworm Horn 20 8
 Decorative Ravager Saddle Skin 1 0
 Deinonychus Egg 100 6
 Deinonychus Saddle 1 20
 Deinosuchus Egg 100 15
 Deinosuchus Saddle 1 20
 Delivery Crate 100 4
 Dermis 1 0.5
 Desert Cloth Boots 2
 Desert Cloth Gloves 1 1
 Desert Cloth Pants 1 6
 Desert Cloth Shirt 1 6
 Desert Goggles and Hat 1 1
 Desert Titan Trophy 1 0.5
 Desmodus Saddle 20
 Dilo Egg 100 3
 Dilo Mask Skin 1 0
 Dimetrodon Egg 100 15
 Dimorph Egg 100 5
 Dino Bunny Ears Skin 1 0
File:Dino Candy.png Dino Candy 1 0.1
File:Dino Candy.png Dino Candy 1 0.1
File:Dino Candy.png Dino Candy 1 0.1
File:Dino Candy.png Dino Candy 1 0.1
File:Dino Candy.png Dino Candy 1 0.1
File:Dino Candy.png Dino Candy 1 0.1
File:Dino Candy.png Dino Candy 1 0.1
 Dino Easter Chick Hat Skin 1 0
 Dino Easter Egg Hat Skin 1 0
 Dino Glasses Skin 1 0
 Dino Leash 100 4
 Dino Marshmallow Hat Skin 1 0
 Dino Ornament Swim Bottom Skin 1 0
 Dino Ornament Swim Top Skin 1 0
 Dino Party Hat Skin 0
 Dino Santa Hat Skin 1 0
 Dino Uncle Sam Hat Skin 1 0
 Dino Witch Hat Skin 1 0
 Dinopithecus Costume Skin 1 0
 Dinopithecus King Flag 100 4
 Dinopithecus King Trophy 1 0.5
 Dinosaur Bone 200 0.5
 Dinosaur Gate 100 4
 Dinosaur Gateway 100 4
 Diplo Egg 100 15
 Diplocaulus Egg 3
 Diplodocus Saddle 20
 Dire Bear Saddle 20
 Direwolf Ghost Costume 1 0
 Display Case
 Dodo Egg 100 3
 Dodo Pie Swim Bottom Skin 1 0
 Dodo Pie Swim Top Skin 1 0
 DodoRex Mask Skin 1 0
 Dodorex Swim Bottom Skin 1 0
 Dodorex Swim Top Skin 1 0
 Dodorex-Print Shirt Skin 1 0
 DodoWyvern Mask Skin 1 0
 Doedicurus Saddle 20
 Dragon Flag 100 4
 Dragon Trophy 1 0.5
 Dreadnoughtus Platform Saddle 25
 Drifter Boots Skin 1 0
 Drifter Chestpiece Skin 1 0
 Drifter Gauntlets Skin 1 0
 Drifter Helmet Skin 1 0
 Drifter Leggings Skin 1 0
 Dunkleosteus Saddle 20
File:Dynamite Skin Skin.png Dynamite Skin Skin 1 0
 E4 Remote Eggsplosives Skin 1 0
 Easter Chick Hat Skin 1 0
 Easter Egg Hat Skin 1 0
 Easter Egghead Skin 1 0
 Eel Egg 3
 Eel Swim Bottom Skin 1 0
 Eel Swim Top Skin 1 0
 Egg Incubator 5 25
 Electric Prod 6
 Electrical Cable Intersection 100 3
 Electrical Generator 100 5
 Electrical Outlet 100 7.5
 Electronic Binoculars (ARK: Survival Evolved) 100 0.5
 Electronics 100 0.01
 Element 100 0.01
 Element Dust 1000 0.05
 Element Node
 Element Ore 100 0.5
 Element Shard 1000 0.05
 Element-Imbued Gasoline 100 0.1
 Elevator Track 100 4
 Embryo Incubator 5 25
 Enduro Stew 100 0.1
 Energy Brew 100 0.1
 Equus Saddle 20
 Excavation Rig 1 0
 Exceptional Kibble 100 0.1
 Exceptional Maewing Egg 100 6
 Explosive Spear 10 3
 Extinguisher Grenade 10 0.5
 Extraordinary Kibble 100 0.1
 Extraordinary Maewing Egg 100 6
 Fabricated Pistol 2.5
 Fabricated Sniper Rifle 25
 Fabricator 1 4
 Fan Ballcap Skin 1 0
 Fasolasuchus Egg 100 15
 Fasolasuchus Saddle 1 20
 Featherlight Egg 100 3
 Feces 1 0.1
 Federation Exo Boots 1 3
 Federation Exo Boots Skin 1 0
 Federation Exo Chestpiece 1 6
 Federation Exo Gauntlets 1 3
 Federation Exo Gloves 1 3
 Federation Exo Helmet 1 4
 Federation Exo Helmet Skin 1 0
 Federation Exo Leggings 1 6
 Federation Exo-Chestpiece Skin 1 0
 Federation Exo-Gloves Skin 1 0
 Federation Exo-leggings Skin 1 0
 Feeding Trough 100 4
 Felt Reindeer Antlers Skin 1 0
 Fenrisúlfr Flag 100 4
 Fenrisúlfr Trophy 1 0.5
 Fertilizer 1 0.1
 Fiber 300 0.01
 Fireworks Flaregun Skin 0
 Fireworks Rocket Launcher Skin 0
 Fish Basket 5 4
 Fish Bite Swim Bottom Skin 1 0
 Fish Bite Swim Top Skin 1 0
 Fish Net 10 0.5
 Fishing Rod 1 10
 Fjordhawk Egg 100 7
 Flak Boots 4
 Flak Chestpiece 10
 Flak Gauntlets 2
 Flak Helmet 4
 Flak Leggings 10
 Flame Arrow 100 0.2
 Flamethrower 20
 Flamethrower Ammo 30 0.1
 Flaming Medium Animal Feces 1 1.5
 Flaming Spear 10 3
 Flare Gun 0.5
 Flashlight Attachment 0.1
 Flexible Electrical Cable 100 1
 Flint 100 0.05
 Floaty Swim Bottom Skin 1 0
 Floaty Swim Top Skin 1 0
 Floppy Straw Summer Hat Skin 1 0
 Floral Swim Bottom Skin 1 0
 Floral Swim Top Skin 1 0
 Flying Disc Skin 1 0
 Focal Chili 100 0.1
 Forest Coloring 100 0.1
 Forest Titan Trophy 1 0.5
 Fossil Pile
 Fragmented Green Gem 100 0.5
 Fria Curry 100 0.1
 Frozen Fur 20
 Fungal Wood 100 0.5
 Fur Boots 1 4
 Fur Cap 1 4
 Fur Chestpiece 1 12
 Fur Gauntlets 1 2
 Fur Leggings 1 12
 Gacha Crystal 1 1
 Gacha Saddle 1 20
 Gallimimus Egg 100 5
 Gallimimus Saddle 20
 Gas Collector 1 28
 Gas Mask 12
 Gasbags bladder 100 0.5
 Gasbags Saddle 1 20
 Gasbags-Print Shirt Skin 1 0
 Gasoline 100 0.1
 Gene Scanner 20
 Ghillie Boots 2
 Ghillie Chestpiece 8
 Ghillie Gauntlets 2
 Ghillie Leggings 8
 Ghillie Mask 4
 Giant Adobe Hatchframe 5 4
 Giant Adobe Trapdoor 5 4
 Giant Bee Honey 1 0.1
 Giant Metal Hatchframe 5 4
 Giant Metal Trapdoor 5 4
 Giant Reinforced Trapdoor 5 4
 Giant Stone Hatchframe 5 4
 Gift Box 100 4
 Giga Bionic Costume 1 0
 Giga Poop Swim Bottom Skin 1 0
 Giga Poop Swim Top Skin 1 0
 Giganotosaurus Bone Costume 1 0
 Giganotosaurus Egg 100 40
 Giganotosaurus Heart 100 0.5
 Giganotosaurus Saddle 20
 Gigantoraptor Egg 100 15
 Gigantoraptor Feather 1 0.01
 Gigantoraptor Saddle 1 20
 Glider Suit Skin 20
 Glow Stick 20 0.5
 Glowtail Egg 100 3
 Golden Hesperornis Egg 1 3
 Golden Nugget 1 1
 Golden Striped Megalodon Tooth 1 1
 Goo Gun 20
 Gorilla Flag 100 4
 GPS 0.5
 Grappling Hook 10 1
 Gravestone 100 4
 Gray-Ball Winter Beanie Skin 1 0
 Green Coloring 100 0.1
 Green Gem 100 0.5
 Green-Ball Winter Beanie Skin 1 0
 Greenhouse Ceiling 100 4
 Greenhouse Door 100 4
 Greenhouse Doorframe 100 4
 Greenhouse Double Door 100 4
 Greenhouse Double Doorframe 100 4
 Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling 100 2
 Greenhouse Triangle Roof 100 4
 Greenhouse Wall 100
 Greenhouse Window 100 4
 Grenade 10 0.5
 Grilling Spatula Skin 1 0
 Gunpowder 100 0.1
 Halo Headband Skin 1 0
 Handcuffs 1
 Harpoon Launcher 1 10
 Hati Relic 100 0.25
 Hazard Suit Boots 4
 Hazard Suit Gloves 1
 Hazard Suit Hat 1 2
 Hazard Suit Pants 1 8
 Hazard Suit Shirt 1 8
 Headless Costume Skin 1 0
 Heart-shaped Shield Skin 1 0
 Heart-shaped Sunglasses Skin 1 0
 Heavy Auto Turret 1 16
 Heavy Miner's Helmet 4
 Hemogoblin Cocktail 100 15
 Hesperornis Egg 100 3
 Hex-Infected Junk 1 0.1
 Hide 200 0.01
 Hide Boots 1
 Hide Gloves 0.5
 Hide Hat 1
 Hide Pants 4
 Hide Shirt 4
 Hide Sleeping Bag 3 10
 High Quality Pollen 1 1
 HLN-A Winter Beanie Skin
 Hockey Mask Skin 1 0
 Holiday Lights 100 4
 Holiday Stocking 100 4
 Holiday Tree 100 4
 Holo-Scope Attachment 0.1
 Homing Underwater Mine
 HomoDeus Boots Skin 0
 HomoDeus Gloves Skin 0
 HomoDeus Helmet Skin 0
 HomoDeus Pants Skin 0
 HomoDeus Shirt Skin 0
 Hoversail-Print Shirt Skin 1 0
 Human Feces 1 1
 Human Hair 200 0.05
 Hunter Hat Skin 1 0
 Hyaenodon Meatpack 1 20
 Ice Pop-Print Shirt Skin 1 0
 Ice Titan Trophy 1 0.5
 Ichthy Isles Swim Bottom Skin 1 0
 Ichthy Isles Swim Top Skin 1 0
 Ichthyornis Egg 100 7
 Ichthyosaurus Saddle 20
 Iguanodon Egg 100 5
 Iguanodon Saddle 20
 Improvised Explosive Device 10 0.5
 Inclined Electrical Cable 100 2
 Industrial Cooker 1 4
 Industrial Forge 1 50
 Industrial Grill 1 4
 Industrial Grinder 1 4
 Industrial Preserving Bin 5 4
 Inflatable Rex Costume Skin 1 0
 Jack-O-Lantern Swim Bottom Skin 1 0
 Jack-O-Lantern Swim Top Skin 1 0
 Jack-O-Lantern-Print Shirt Skin 1 0
 Jar of Pitch 100 1.5
 Jellyfish Swim Bottom Skin 1 0
 Jellyfish Swim Top Skin 1 0
 Jerboa Bone Costume 1 0
 Jerboa Wreath Swim Bottom Skin 1 0
 Jerboa Wreath Swim Top Skin 1 0
 Kairuku Egg 100 3
 Kaprosuchus Egg 100 7
 Kaprosuchus Saddle 20
 Karkinos Saddle 1 20
 Kentro Egg 100 6.5
 Keratin 100 0.01
 Kibble (Allosaurus Egg) 100 0.1
 Kibble (Amargasaurus Egg) 100 0.1
 Kibble (Ankylo Egg) 100 0.1
 Kibble (Archaeopteryx Egg) 100 0.1
 Kibble (Argentavis Egg) 100 0.1
 Kibble (Baryonyx Egg) 100 0.1
 Kibble (Bronto Egg) 100 0.1
 Kibble (Carbonemys Egg) 100 0.1
 Kibble (Carno Egg) 100 0.1
 Kibble (Compy Egg) 100 0.1
 Kibble (Dilo Egg) 100 0.1
 Kibble (Dimetrodon Egg) 100 0.1
 Kibble (Dimorph Egg) 100 0.1
 Kibble (Diplo Egg) 100 0.1
 Kibble (Dodo Egg) 100 0.1
 Kibble (Fasolasuchus Egg) 100 0.1
 Kibble (Gallimimus Egg) 100 0.1
 Kibble (Gigantoraptor Egg) 100 0.1
 Kibble (Iguanodon Egg) 100 0.1
 Kibble (Kairuku Egg) 100 0.1
 Kibble (Kaprosuchus Egg) 100 0.1
 Kibble (Lystrosaurus Egg) 100 0.1
 Kibble (Megalosaurus Egg) 100 0.1
 Kibble (Moschops Egg) 100 0.1
 Kibble (Oviraptor Egg) 100 0.1
 Kibble (Pachy Egg) 100 0.1
 Kibble (Pachyrhino Egg) 100 0.1
 Kibble (Parasaur Egg) 100 0.1
 Kibble (Pelagornis Egg) 100 0.1
 Kibble (Pteranodon Egg) 100 0.1
 Kibble (Pulmonoscorpius Egg) 100 0.1
 Kibble (Quetzal Egg) 100 0.1
 Kibble (Raptor Egg) 100 0.1
 Kibble (Rex Egg) 100 0.1
 Kibble (Sarco Egg) 100 0.1
 Kibble (Snow Owl Egg) 100 0.1
 Kibble (Spino Egg) 100 0.1
 Kibble (Stego Egg) 100 0.1
 Kibble (Superior Maewing Egg) 100 0.1
 Kibble (Tapejara Egg) 100 0.1
 Kibble (Terror Bird Egg) 100 0.1
 Kibble (Therizinosaurus Egg) 100 0.1
 Kibble (Titanboa Egg) 100 0.1
 Kibble (Trike Egg) 100 0.1
 King Titan Flag 100 4
 King Titan Trophy 1 0.5
 Lamppost 100 4
 Lance 1 20
 Large Adobe Wall 100 16
 Large Animal Feces 1 4
 Large Bear Trap 10 4
 Large Crop Plot 100 4
 Large Elevator Platform 1 4
 Large Metal Wall 100 16
 Large Stone Wall 100 16
 Large Storage Box 100 4
 Large Taxidermy Base 100 30
 Large Tek Wall 100 16
 Large Wood Elevator Platform 100 4
 Large Wooden Wall 100 16
 Laser Attachment 0.1
 Lasso 10 3
 Lazarus Chowder 100 0.1
 Leech Blood 50 0.2
 Lesser Antidote 100 0.1
 Library Storage 5 4
 Linked Storage Box
 Loadout Mannequin 100 4
 Longneck Rifle 1 15
 Longrass 100 0.1
 Longrass Seed 100 0.04
 Lootcrate 1 75
 Love Bug Heart 100 1
 Love Shackles Skin 1 0
 Lovely Fishing Rod 1 10
 Lymantria Saddle 1 12
 Lystro Egg 100 3
 M.D.S.M. 1 200
 M.O.M.I. 1 20
 M.R.L.M. 1 200
 M.S.C.M. 1 200
 Maewing Saddle 1 20
 Magenberry 100 0.1
 Magenberry Seed 100 0.01
 Magenta Coloring 100 0.1
 Magmasaur Egg 100 50
 Magmasaur Saddle 1 20
 Magnifying Glass
 Makeshift Megalab 1 4
 Mammoth Saddle 1 20
 Managarmr Saddle 1 20
 Manta Saddle 20
 Manticore Boots Skin 1 0
 Manticore Chestpiece Skin 1 0
 Manticore Flag 100 4
 Manticore Gauntlets Skin 1 0
 Manticore Helmet Skin 0
 Manticore Leggings Skin 0
 Manticore Shield Skin 0
 Manticore Trophy 1 0.5
 Mantis Egg 100 9
 Mantis Ghost Costume 1 0
 Mantis Saddle 1 20
 Marshmallow Hat Skin 1 0
 Massive Animal Feces 1 35
 Master Controller Helmet Skin 1 0
 Master Controller Trophy 1 0.5
 Maze Key 1 1
 Meat Swim Bottom Skin 1 0
 Meat Swim Top Skin 1 0
 Medical Brew 100 0.1
 Medium Animal Feces 1 1.5
 Medium Crop Plot 100 4
 Medium Elevator Platform 1 4
 Medium Taxidermy Base 100 10
 Medium Tek Teleporter 1
 Medium Wood Elevator Platform 100 4
 Megachelon Egg 100 50
 Megachelon Platform Saddle 1 20
 Megalania Egg 100 7
 Megalania Saddle 1 20
 Megalania Toxin 100 0.5
 Megaloceros Reindeer Costume 1 0
 Megaloceros Saddle 12
 Megalodon Saddle 20
 Megalodon Tek Saddle 20
 Megalodon Tooth 100 8
 Megalosaurus Egg 100 12
 Megalosaurus Saddle 1 20
 Megapithecus Trophy 1 0.5
 Megatherium Saddle 1 20
 Mejoberry 100 0.1
 Mejoberry Seed 100 0.01
 Metal 300 1
 Metal Arrow 0.4
 Metal Billboard 100 8
 Metal Catwalk 100 4
 Metal Ceiling 100 4
 Metal Cliff Platform 3 90
 Metal Dinosaur Gate 100 4
 Metal Dinosaur Gateway 100 4
 Metal Door 100 4
 Metal Doorframe 100 4
 Metal Double Door 100 4
 Metal Double Doorframe 100 4
 Metal Fence Foundation 100 4
 Metal Fence Support 100 4
 Metal Foundation 100 4
 Metal Hatchet 2
 Metal Hatchframe 100 4
 Metal Ingot 300 1
 Metal Irrigation Pipe - Flexible 100 1
 Metal Irrigation Pipe - Inclined 100 2
 Metal Irrigation Pipe - Intake 100 5
 Metal Irrigation Pipe - Intersection 100 3
 Metal Irrigation Pipe - Straight 100 1
 Metal Irrigation Pipe - Tap 100 4
 Metal Irrigation Pipe - Vertical 100 1
 Metal Ladder 100 4
 Metal Ocean Platform 3 90
 Metal Pick 2
 Metal Pillar 100 4
 Metal Railing 100 4
 Metal Ramp 100 4
 Metal Shield 45
 Metal Sickle 2
 Metal Sign 100 4
 Metal Spike Wall 100 4
 Metal Staircase 100 4
 Metal Stairs 100 4
 Metal Trapdoor 100 4
 Metal Tree Platform 1 90
 Metal Triangle Ceiling 100 2
 Metal Triangle Foundation 100 2
 Metal Triangle Roof 100 4
 Metal Wall 100 4
 Metal Wall Sign 100 4
 Metal Water Reservoir 100 4
 Metal Window 100 4
 Metal Windowframe 100 4
 Microraptor Egg 100 3
 Mindwipe Tonic 100 0.1
 Mini-HLNA Skin 1 0
 Minigun 1 20
 Minigun Turret 1 4
 Mining Drill 1 20
 Mirror 100 8
 Mistletoe 200 1
 Mjolnir Skin 0
 CS Gacha Gavager (Mod:Cybers Structures) 100 4
 Modern Canoe Costume 1 0
 Moeder Flag 100 4
 Moeder Trophy 1 0.5
 Morellatops Saddle 1 20
 Mortar and Pestle 100 4
 Mosasaur Platform Saddle 20
 Mosasaur Saddle 20
 Mosasaur Tek Saddle 20
 Mosasaurus Bionic Costume 0
 Moschops Egg 100 5
 Moth Egg 100 5
 Motorboat 1 170
 Mud Coloring 100 0.1
 Multi-Panel Flag 100 4
 Murder Turkey Swim Bottom Skin 1 0
 Murder Turkey Swim Top Skin 1 0
 Murder-Turkey-Print Shirt Skin 1 0
 Mushroom Brew 100 0.1
 Mutagel 100 0.1
 Mutagen 100 0.1
 Mutated Survivor Costume Skin 1 0
 Nameless Venom 1 0.1
 Narcoberry 100 0.1
 Narcoberry Seed 100 0.01
 Narcotic 100 0.1
 Natural Armor 1 0
 Navy Coloring 100 0.1
 Nerdry Glasses Skin 0
 Net Projectile 100 2
 Night Vision Goggles 0.5
 Noglin Regift Winter Beanie Skin
 Noglin Swim Bottom Skin 1 0
 Noglin Swim Top Skin 1 0
 Note 0.005
 Nutcracker Slingshot Skin 1 0
 Obsidian 100 1
 Odd Couple Swim Bottom Skin 1 0
 Odd Couple Swim Top Skin 1 0
 Oil 100 0.2
 Oil Jar 10 0.5
 Oil Pump 1 28
 Olive Coloring 100 0.1
 Omnidirectional Lamppost 100 4
 Onyc Swim Bottom Skin 1 0
 Onyc Swim Top Skin 1 0
 Orange Coloring 100 0.1
 Organic Polymer 20 0.25
 Otter Mask Skin 0
 Outlaw Boots Skin 1 0
 Outlaw Chestpiece Skin 1 0
 Outlaw Gauntlets Skin 1 0
 Outlaw Helmet Skin 1 0
 Outlaw Leggings Skin 1 0
 Oviraptor Egg 100 3
 Pachy Saddle 20
 Pachycephalosaurus Egg 100 7
 Pachyrhino Egg 100 9
 Pachyrhinosaurus Saddle 1 20
 Paintbrush 0.5
 Painting Canvas 100 4
 Pair-o-Saurs Chibi 1 0
 Paracer Platform Saddle 20
 Paracer Saddle 20
 Parachute 20 3
 Parasaur 'ARK: The Animated Series' Costume 1 0
 Parasaur Bionic Costume 0
 Parasaur Egg 100 5
 Parasaur Saddle 20
 Parasaur Stylish Saddle Skin 1 0
 Parchment Coloring 100 0.1
 Party Hat Skin 0
 Pegomastax Egg 100 9
 Pelagornis Egg 100 7
 Pelagornis Saddle 1 20
 Pelt 200 0.5
 Phase Cannon Rig 1 0
 Pheromone Dart 100 0.2
 Phiomia Saddle 20
 Piano 1
 Pike 10
 Pilgrim Hat Skin 1 0
 Pink Coloring 100 0.1
 Pitchfork Skin 1 0
 Plant Pot
 Plant Species R
 Plant Species R Seed
 Plant Species X
 Plant Species X Seed 100 0.01
 Plant Species Y
 Plant Species Y Seed 100 0.01
 Plant Species Y Trap 10 2
 Plant Species Z
 Plant Species Z Fruit 100 5
 Plant Species Z Seed 100 0.01
 Platform Cart 1 20
 Plesiosaur Platform Saddle 20
 Plesiosaur Saddle 20
 Pliers 1 4
 Poglin Mask Skin 1 0
 Poison Grenade 10 1.5
 Polymer 100 0.25
 Portable Rope Ladder 100 10
 Preserving Bin 100 4
 Preserving Salt 6 0.1
 Pressure Plate 5 4
 Primal Crystal 1 1
 Prime Meat Jerky 30 0.1
 Procoptodon Bunny Costume 1 0
 Procoptodon Saddle 20
 Propellant 100 0.5
 Pteranodon Egg 100 7
 Pteranodon Saddle 1 20
 Pulmonoscorpius Egg 100 9
 Pulmonoscorpius Saddle 20
 Pulse Cannon Rig 1 0
 Pump-Action Shotgun 15
 Pumpkin 100 0.5
 Purple Coloring 100 0.1
 Purple-Ball Winter Beanie Skin 1 0
 Purple-Ball Winter Beanie Skin (Winter Wonderland 5) 1 0
 Quetz Platform Saddle 20
 Quetz Saddle 20
 Quetzal Bionic Costume 0
 Quetzal Egg 100 12
 Quetzalcoatlus Bone Costume 1 0
 Radar Rig 1 0
 Radio 1 0.5
 Rancher Hat 1 0
 Raptor 'ARK: The Animated Series' Costume 1 0
 Raptor Bionic Costume 0
 Raptor Bone Costume 1 0
 Raptor Egg 100 7
 Raptor Saddle 20
 Raptor Sleighing Winter Beanie Skin
 Rare Flower 100 0.15
 Rare Mushroom 100 0.2
 Ravager Saddle 20
 Raw Fish Meat 40 0.1
 Raw Meat 40 0.1
 Raw Mutton 1 0.1
 Raw Prime Fish Meat 1 0.1
 Raw Prime Meat 1 0.1
 Raw Salt 100 0.1
 Re-Fertilizer 0.3
 Reaper Ghost Costume 1 0
 Reaper Helmet Skin 0
 Reaper King Pheromone Gland 1 1
 Reaper Pheromone Gland 100 0.01
 Reaper Swim Bottom Skin 1 0
 Reaper Swim Top Skin 1 0
 Reaper-Print Shirt Skin 1 0
 Red Coloring 100 0.1
 Red Crystalized Sap 100 0.5
 Red Gem 100 0.5
 Red-Ball Winter Beanie Skin 1 0
 Refining Forge 100 4
 Refrigerator 1 4
 Regular Kibble 100 0.1
 Regular Maewing Egg 100 6
 Reinforced Dinosaur Gate 100 4
 Reinforced Double Door 100 4
 Reinforced Trapdoor 100 4
 Reinforced Window 100 4
 Reinforced Wooden Door 100 4
 Remote Keypad 100 4
 Resin 100 0.5
 Resource Attractor Rig 1 0
 Retro Sunglasses Skin 1 0
 Rex Bionic Costume 0
 Rex Bone Costume 1 0
 Rex Bone Helmet Skin 0
 Rex Egg 100 15
 Rex Ghost Costume 1 0
 Rex Saddle 1 20
 Rex Stomped Glasses Saddle Skin 1 0
 Rex Tek Saddle 20
 Rhyniognatha Pheromone 100 0.1
 Rhyniognatha Saddle 20
 Riot Boots 5
 Riot Chestpiece 14
 Riot Gauntlets 1 3
 Riot Helmet 6
 Riot Leggings 1 14
 Riot Shield 1 30
 Rock Drake Egg 100 50
 Rock Drake Feather 100 0.5
 Rock Drake Saddle 1 20
 Rock Drake Tek Saddle 20
 Rock Golem Saddle 1 20
 Rockarrot 100 0.1
 Rockarrot Seed 100 0.04
 Rocket Homing Missile 100 2.1
 Rocket Launcher 20
 Rocket Pod 1 10
 Rocket Propelled Grenade 100 0.1
 Rocket Turret 1 4
 Rockwell Final Form Flag 100 4
 Rockwell Final Form Trophy
 Rockwell Flag 100 4
 Rockwell Recipes 0.1
 Rockwell Recipes 0.1
 Rockwell Recipes 0.1
 Rockwell Recipes 0.1
 Rockwell Recipes 0.1
 Rockwell Recipes 0.1
 Rockwell Recipes 0.1
 Rockwell Recipes 0.1
 Rockwell Recipes 0.1
 Rockwell Recipes 0.1
 Rockwell Recipes 0.1
 Rockwell Recipes 0.1
 Rockwell Recipes 0.1
 Rockwell Recipes 0.1
 Rockwell Trophy 1 0.5
 Roll Rat Saddle 1 20
 Rope Ladder 100 4
 Royalty Coloring 100 0.1
 Runestone 200 0.25
 Sabertooth Saddle 20
 Safari Hat Skin 1 0
 Sand 100 0.5
 Sanguine Elixir 1 0.5
 Santa Costume Skin
 Santa Hat Skin 1 0
 Santiago's Axe Skin 1 0
 Santiago's Spear Skin 1 0
 Sap 30 0.5
 Sarco Egg 100 15
 Sarco Saddle 20
 Sarcosuchus Skin 100 0.5
 Sauropod Heart Swim Bottom Skin 1 0
 Sauropod Heart Swim Top Skin 1 0
 Sauropod Vertebra 100 4
 Savoroot 100 0.1
 Savoroot Seed 100 0.04
 Scarecrow 100 0.5
 Scary Dino Pumpkin Helmet Skin 1 0
 Scary Pumpkin Helmet Skin 1 0
 Scary Skull Helmet Skin 0
 Scissors 1 2
 Scope Attachment 0.1
 Scorched Spike Skin 0
 Scorched Sword Skin 0
 Scorched Torch Skin 0
 Scrap Metal 200 1
 Scrap Metal Ingot 300 1
 SCUBA Flippers 0.5
 SCUBA Leggings 2
 SCUBA Mask 0.5
 SCUBA Tank 20
 Sea Life-Print Shirt Skin 1 0
 Shadow Steak Saute 100 0.1
 Shadowmane Fishing-Print Shirt Skin 1 0
 Shag Rug 100 4
 Shastasaurus Submarine Saddle 1
 Shell Fragment 100 0.01
 Shield Generator Rig 1 0
 Shield Projector Rig 1 0
 Shocking Tranquilizer Dart 100 0.2
 Shotgun 10
 Silence Cannon Rig 1 0
 Silencer Attachment 0.1
 Silica Pearls 100 0.02
 Silicate 100 0.02
 Silk 200 0.01
 Silver Coloring 100 0.1
 Simple Bed 3 8
 Simple Bullet 100 0.1
 Simple Kibble 100 0.1
 Simple Maewing Egg 100 6
 Simple Pistol 5
 Simple Rifle Ammo 100 0.1
 Simple Shotgun Ammo 100 0.1
 Single Panel Flag 100 4
 Sinister Hat 1 0
 Sinomacrops Egg 100 5
 Skeleton Costume Skin 1 0
 Skelly-Print Shirt Skin 1 0
 Sköll Relic 100 0.25
 Sky Coloring 100 0.1
 Slate Coloring 100 0.1
 Slingshot 3
 Sloped Adobe Roof 100 4
 Sloped Adobe Wall Left 100 4
 Sloped Adobe Wall Right 100 4
 Sloped Greenhouse Roof 100 4
 Sloped Greenhouse Wall Left 100 4
 Sloped Greenhouse Wall Right 100 4
 Sloped Metal Roof 100 4
 Sloped Metal Wall Left 100 4
 Sloped Metal Wall Right 100 4
 Sloped Stone Roof 100 4
 Sloped Stone Wall Left 100 4
 Sloped Stone Wall Right 100 4
 Sloped Tek Roof 100 4
 Sloped Tek Wall Left 100 4
 Sloped Tek Wall Right 100 4
 Sloped Thatch Roof 100 4
 Sloped Thatch Wall Left 100 4
 Sloped Thatch Wall Right 100 4
 Sloped Wood Wall Left 100 4
 Sloped Wood Wall Right 100 4
 Sloped Wooden Roof 100 4
 Small Animal Feces 1 0.3
 Small Crop Plot 100 4
 Small Elevator Platform 1 4
 Small Taxidermy Base 100 4
 Small Tek Teleporter 1
 Small Wood Elevator Platform 100 4
 Smithy 100 4
 Smoke Grenade 10 0.5
 Snow Owl Egg 100 12
 Snow Owl Ghost Costume 1 0
 Snow Owl Pellet 1 0.3
 Snow Owl Saddle 1 20
 Snowman 100 4
 Snowy Winter Beanie Skin
 Soap 100 0.1
 Sparkpowder 100 0.1
 Spear 10 3
 Spear Bolt 100 0.4
 Specimen Implant 1 0.01
 Spider Flag 100 4
 Spino Egg 100 12
 Spino Saddle 20
 Spinosaurus Sail 100 0.5
 Spoiled Meat 100 0.1
 Spray Painter 0.5
 Spyglass 0.5
 Standing Torch 3 4
 Steam Forge 50
 Stego Bone Costume 1 0
 Stego Egg 100 12
 Stego Saddle 20
 Stegosaurus Bionic Costume 0
 Steinbjörn Relic 100 0.25
 Stimberry 100 0.1
 Stimberry Seed 100 0.01
 Stimulant 100 0.1
 Stolen Headstone 100 0.5
 Stone 100 0.5
 Stone Arrow 100 0.2
 Stone Ceiling 100 4
 Stone Cliff Platform 3 90
 Stone Dinosaur Gateway 100 4
 Stone Doorframe 100 4
 Stone Double Doorframe 100 4
 Stone Fence Foundation 100 4
 Stone Fence Support 100 4
 Stone Fireplace 3 4
 Stone Foundation 100 4
 Stone Hatchet 2
 Stone Hatchframe 100 4
 Stone Irrigation Pipe - Flexible 100 1
 Stone Irrigation Pipe - Inclined 100 2
 Stone Irrigation Pipe - Intake 100 5
 Stone Irrigation Pipe - Intersection 100 3
 Stone Irrigation Pipe - Straight 100 1
 Stone Irrigation Pipe - Tap 100 7.5
 Stone Irrigation Pipe - Vertical 100 1
 Stone Pick 1 2
 Stone Pillar 100 4
 Stone Railing 100 4
 Stone Staircase 100 4
 Stone Stairs 100 4
 Stone Triangle Ceiling 100 2
 Stone Triangle Foundation 100 2
 Stone Triangle Roof 100 4
 Stone Wall 100 4
 Stone Windowframe 100 4
 Storage Box 100 4
 Straight Electrical Cable 100 1
 Strawman Costume Skin 1 0
 Stygimoloch Costume 0
 Styracosaurus Costume 0
 Sulfur 100 0.05
 Sunglasses Skin 1 0
 Superior Kibble 100 0.1
 Superior Maewing Egg 100 6
 Survival of the Fittest Trophy
 Survivor's Hat Skin 1 0
 Survivor's Trophy 1 0
 Sweet Spear Carrot Skin 1 0
 Sweet Vegetable Cake 10 6
 Sword 5
 T-Rex Swim Bottom Skin 1 0
 T-Rex Swim Top Skin 1 0
 Tan Coloring 100 0.1
 Tangerine Coloring 100 0.1
 Tapejara Egg 100 7
 Tapejara Saddle 20
 Tapejara Tek Saddle 20
 Taxidermy Tool 1 0.5
 Teddy Bear Grenades Skin 1 0
 Teeny Tiny Titano 1 0
 Tek ATV 1 200
 Tek Behemoth Cellar Door
 Tek Binoculars (ARK: Survival Ascended) 100 0.5
 Tek Boots 3
 Tek Bow 1 12
 Tek Bridge 100 4
 Tek Canoe Costume 1 0
 Tek Canteen 1 2
 Tek Catwalk 100 4
 Tek Ceiling 100 4
 Tek Chestpiece 1 6
 Tek Claws 1 5
 Tek Crop Plot 100 4
 Tek Dedicated Storage 100 20
 Tek Dinosaur Gate 100 4
 Tek Dinosaur Gateway 100 4
 Tek Door 100 4
 Tek Doorframe 100 4
 Tek Double Door 100 4
 Tek Double Doorframe 100 4
 Tek Fence Foundation 100 4
 Tek Fence Support 100 4
 Tek Forcefield 1 4
 Tek Foundation 100 4
 Tek Gauntlets 3
 Tek Generator 1 4
 Tek Gravity Grenade 10 0.5
 Tek Grenade 10 0.5
 Tek Grenade Launcher 1 12
 Tek Hatchframe 100 4
 Tek Helmet 4
 Tek Hoversail 1 0
 Tek Jump Pad 1 4
 Tek Ladder 100 4
 Tek Large Cellar Door
 Tek Leggings 1 6
 Tek Light 100 4
 Tek Parasaur Egg 100 5
 Tek Phase Pistol 1 2.5
 Tek Pillar 100 4
 Tek Quetzal Egg 100 12
 Tek Railgun 1 10
 Tek Railing 100 4
 Tek Ramp 100 4
 Tek Raptor Egg 100 7
 Tek Remote Camera 1 4
 Tek Replicator 1 4
 Tek Rex Egg 100 15
 Tek Rifle 1 10
 Tek Sensor 1 4
 Tek Shield 1 30
 Tek Shoulder Cannon 1 15
 Tek Sleeping Pod 3 4
 Tek Staircase 100 4
 Tek Stairs 100 4
 Tek Stego Egg 100 12
 Tek Surveillance Console 5 4
 Tek Sword 1 15
 Tek Teleporter 1 4
 Tek Transmitter 1 4
 Tek Trapdoor 100 4
 Tek Triangle Ceiling 100 2
 Tek Triangle Foundation 100 2
 Tek Triangle Roof 100 4
 Tek Trike Egg 100 9
 Tek Trough 1 4
 Tek Turret 1 4
 Tek Wall 100 4
 Tek Window 100 4
 Tek Windowframe 100 4
 Tent 1 24
 Tentacle-Print Shirt Skin 1 0
 Terror Bird Egg 100 7
 Terror Bird Saddle 20
 Tesla Coil
 Thatch 200 0.02
 Thatch Ceiling 100 4
 Thatch Door 100 4
 Thatch Doorframe 100 6
 Thatch Foundation 100 6
 Thatch Wall 100 2
 Therizino Claws 100 0.5
 Therizino Egg 100 12
 Therizinosaurus Saddle 1 20
 Thorny Dragon Egg 100 9
 Thorny Dragon Saddle 1 20
 Thorny Dragon Vagabond Saddle Skin 1 0
 Thylacoleo Hook-Claw 100 0.5
 Thylacoleo Saddle 1 20
 Tinkering Desk 5 4
 Tintoberry 100 0.1
 Tintoberry Seed 100 0.01
 Titanboa Egg 100 20
 Titanoboa Venom 100 0.5
 Titanosaur Platform Saddle 200
 Toilet 100
 Top Hat Skin 0
 Torch 1 1
 Torch Sparkler Skin 0
 Train Engine 1 500
 Training Dummy 100 4
 Tranq Arrow 100 0.2
 Tranq Spear Bolt 100 0.4
 Tranquilizer Dart 100 0.2
 Transponder Node 100 0.1
 Transponder Tracker 1 0.5
 Treasure Map 1 0.1
 Tree Sap Tap 100 4
 Tribe Tower 1 4
 Triceratops Bionic Costume 0
 Trike Bone Costume 1 0
 Trike Bone Helmet Skin 1 0
 Trike Egg 100 9
 Trike Saddle 20
 Tripwire Alarm Trap
 Tripwire Narcotic Trap
 Troodon Egg 100 3
 Tropeognathus Egg 100 7
 Tropeognathus Saddle 1 20
 Trophy Wall-Mount 100 4
 Turkey Costume Skin 1 0
 Turkey Hat Skin 1 0
 Turkey Leg Skin 1 0
 Turkey Swim Bottom Skin 1 0
 Turkey Swim Top Skin 1 0
 Turtle Egg 100 3
 Tusoteuthis Egg 3
 Tusoteuthis Saddle 1 20
 Tusoteuthis Tentacle 100 1
 Tyrannosaurus Arm 100 2
 Ugly Bronto Sweater Skin 1 0
 Ugly Bulbdog Sweater Skin 1 0
 Ugly Carno Sweater Skin 1 0
 Ugly Caroling Sweater Skin 1 0
 Ugly Chibi Sweater Skin 1 0
 Ugly Cornucopia Sweater Skin 1 0
 Ugly Dodo's Revenge Sweater Skin 1 0
 Ugly Foliage Friends Sweater Skin 1 0
 Ugly Noglin Regift Sweater Skin
 Ugly Raptor Claws Sweater Skin
 Ugly Rockwell Sweater Skin
 Ugly T-Rex Sweater Skin 1 0
 Ugly Trike Sweater Skin 1 0
 Ugly Turkey Target Sweater Skin 1 0
 Unassembled Enforcer 1 200
 Unassembled Exo-Mek 1 500
 Unassembled Mek 1
File:Unassembled Sir 5rM8.png Unassembled Sir 5rM8 1 500
 Unassembled TEK Hover Skiff 1 800
 Uncle Sam Hat Skin 1 0
 Unstable Element 1 0.05
 Unstable Element Shard 1 0.05
 Vacuum Compartment 5 4
 Vacuum Compartment Moonpool 5 4
 Valentine's Cake 20 0.1
 Vampire Dodo Swim Bottom Skin 1 0
 Vampire Dodo Swim Top Skin 1 0
 Vampire Eyes Skin 1 0
 Vault 1 20
 Velonasaur Egg 100 3
 Velonasaur Saddle 1 20
 Verdberry 100 0.1
 Verdberry Seed 100 0.01
 Vertical Electrical Cable 100 1
 Vessel 100 4
 Viking Canoe Costume 1 0
 Voidwyrm Egg 1 50
 VR Boss Flag 100 4
 Vulture Egg 100 5
 Wall Torch 3 4
 War Map 100 4
 Wardrums 100 4
 Water Jar 1 5
 Water Reservoir 100 4
 Water Reservoir (Frontier Adventure Pack) 20 4
 Water Soaker Skin 1 0
 Water Well 100 45
 Waterskin 1 0.3
 Werewolf Mask Skin 1 0
 Whip 1 8
 White Coloring 100 0.1
 White-Collar Kairuku Chibi 1 0
 Wind Turbine 1 70
 Wishbone 200 0.1
 Witch Hat Skin 1 0
 Wizard Ballcap Skin 1 0
 Wood 100 0.5
 Wood Elevator Top Switch 100 4
 Wood Elevator Track 100 4
 Wood Ocean Platform 3 90
 Wooden Bench 100 4
 Wooden Billboard 100 4
 Wooden Cage 1 8
 Wooden Catwalk 100 4
 Wooden Ceiling 100 4
 Wooden Chair 100 4
 Wooden Club 2
 Wooden Door 100 4
 Wooden Doorframe 100 4
 Wooden Double Door 100 4
 Wooden Double Doorframe 100 4
 Wooden Fence Foundation 100 4
 Wooden Fence Support 100 4
 Wooden Foundation 100 4
 Wooden Hatchframe 100 4
 Wooden Ladder 100 4
 Wooden Pillar 100 4
 Wooden Raft 1 85
 Wooden Railing 100 4
 Wooden Ramp 100 4
 Wooden Shield 15
 Wooden Sign 100 4
 Wooden Spike Wall 100 4
 Wooden Staircase 100 4
 Wooden Stairs 100 4
 Wooden Table 100 4
 Wooden Trapdoor 100 4
 Wooden Tree Platform 1 90
 Wooden Triangle Ceiling 100 2
 Wooden Triangle Foundation 100 2
 Wooden Triangle Roof 100 4
 Wooden Wall 100 4
 Wooden Wall Sign 100 4
 Wooden Window 100 4
 Wooden Windowframe 100 4
 Wool 200 1
 Woolly Rhino Horn 20 8
 Woolly Rhino Saddle 1 20
 Wreath 100 4
 Wyvern Bone Costume 1 0
 Wyvern Egg 1 50
 Wyvern Gloves Skin 0
 Wyvern Milk 1 0.1
 Wyvern Talon 100 1
 Xiphactinus Egg 100 15
 Xiphactinus Saddle 1 20
 Yellow Coloring 100 0.1
 Yeti Swim Bottom Skin 1 0
 Yeti Swim Top Skin 1 0
 Yi Ling Egg 100 15
 Yi Ling Saddle 1
 Yutyrannus Egg 100 15
 Yutyrannus Lungs 100 0.5
 Yutyrannus Saddle 1 20
 Zeppelin 1 85
 Zip-Line Anchor 100 0.05
 Zip-Line Motor Attachment Skin 20
 ZombDodo-Print Shirt Skin 1 0
 Zombie Wyvern-Print Shirt Skin 1 0