Console commands

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ARK features a command console, which lets players perform actions normally not allowed otherwise, such as cheating. Listed below are all known commands along with their parameters.

Opening the console

The key-bindings used to open the console differ by platform/controller and game version:

Ark: Survival Ascended

  • On Steam.svg PC and consoles with keyboard and mouse active: press ~;
  • On Xbox One.svg Xbox or when using an Xbox controller: enable console access in the game settings, then open the pause screen with Menu and press View, as shown in the lower-left in game, to open the console;
  • On PS.svg Playstaton or when using a PS controller: enable console access in the game settings, then open the pause screen with Right Options and press Left Options, as shown in the lower-left in game, to open the console.

Ark: Survival Evolved

  • On Steam.svgEpic Games.svg PC and consoles with keyboard and mouse active: press Tab ↹;
  • On Xbox One.svg Xbox: enter the pause screen and simultaneously press LBRBXY;
  • On PS.svg PlayStation: simultaneously press L1R1SquareTriangle;
  • On Nintendo Switch.svg Switch: go to the settings either in-game or at the title screen and enable Console Access. Afterwards hit Minus on the controller in-game while the game is paused.


  • On multi-player servers, some of the commands (primarily cheats) require the player to authenticate with the enablecheats command, and need to be prefixed with cheat or admincheat if used on a multiplayer server. There is no such need in single-player.
  • Commands that target a creature / entity under your cross-hair are marked appropriately in the "Target" column, and commands that affect the executing player are marked with "Self". These commands cannot be used in the remote console.
  • Console commands are not case-sensitive.
  • Boolean parameters can be specified as "true", "false", or the numbers 1 or 0 (or 1.0 / 0.0) respectively.
  • All distances used in these commands are in game units, i.e. centimetres.
  • You can combine multiple commands to run in a single line using vertical bars |. For example: LeaveMeAlone | Fly | God. On multi-player servers, each of them will need to be prefixed with cheat individually.
  • All commands can be run through the graphical admin manager.




<amount>ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information
Target: Items in hotbar and equipped armor
Argument information
Name Type Description

<amount> float amount of durability/water/energy to add.

add specific amount of durability/water/energy to items in hotbar and equipped armor.

cheat addequipmentdurability 99999


<type>ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information
Argument information
Name Type Description

<type> String Type of weather. Possible values: see below. Mind the quotation marks necessary for commands with space between words.

Starts and stops weather.

The Island
starttime, stoptime, heatwave, coldfront, makeitrain, stoprain, fogitup, stopfog
Scorched Earth
start_superheat, stop_superheat, start_sandstorm, stop_sandstorm, start_electricalstorm, stop_electricalstorm, start_rain, stop_rain
"start rain", "stop rain", "start electricalstorm", "stop electricalstorm", "start sandstorm", "stop sandstorm", "start superheat", "stop superheat", Start_Volcano
startquake, stopquake
"start meteors"
SpawnRainbow, TestNorthernLights1

1 After activating the Auroras on Valguero using the command, Auroras will cease to appear.

cheat ce start_superheat


<property><value>ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information
Argument information
Name Type Description

<property> String
<value> Integer Unknown

Sets a property on the Day Cycle Manager. On Genesis: Part 2 for first argument of value "skybox" this command changes current asteroid configuration:

  • 0: Ambergris
  • 1: Crystal
  • 2: Sulfur
  • 3: Element Shards
  • 4: Obsidian
  • 5: Oil
  • 6: Element Dust
  • 7: Black Pearls
dcmset skybox 0


ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information
Target: Self (executing player)

quits spectatormode (as the character is killed when enable spectating, the respawn menu is displayed)


<Password>ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg X mark.svg
General information
Target: Self (executing player)
Added in: 0.0 (UE1)
Argument information
Name Type Description

<Password> String Server administrator password

Enable server administrator commands for the current player. The password provided should match the server's ServerAdminPassword option (see Server configuration). In single player games you don't need this command, see the introduction above.

enablecheats pass123


ARK: Survival Ascended<DestroyCharacter>ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg X mark.svg
General information
Target: Self (executing player)
Added in: 191.0
Argument information
Name Type Description

ARK: Survival Ascended<DestroyCharacter> Boolean true or 1 to destroy the character and its inventory; false or 0 to leave the character frozen in place, which you will return to when you disable spectator. This only works in  ARK: Survival Ascended.

Switches to spectator mode. This command will destroy the player's inventory, so leave all your important stuff at safe place first.

Spectator mode keybindings:

Key Description
Ctrl + M Toggle floating player huds for the entire map (helpful to spot where everyone is)
Ctrl + P Toggle Only Show Nearby Floating Huds
Ctrl + N Display a list of players to jump to
Lmb or Rmb Click to cycle attached player
Lmb Attach to the player in front of you
Spacebar Detach from a player
⇧ Shift Fly upwards quickly
Ctrl Fly upwards slowly
Mousewheel Adjust flight speed
⇧ Shift + F1 ... F10 Save current location and camera position
F1 ... F10 Teleport to a saved location

stopspectating for leaving See also Admin Spectator

cheat EnableSpectator


ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg X mark.svg
General information

Prints locations of nearby spawned Mutagen Bulbs to the console. Only works on Genesis: Part 2.

cheat FindMutagenDrops


ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information
Target: Self or Ridden

This Command allows you to put Status Effects on yourself or the dino you're riding use the Admin Blink Rifle (Inspect Mode) or PC/Mouse And KeyBoard for console and type in ListMyBuffs to find the Buff ID's.

cheat ForceGiveBuff Buff_NamelessPreggers 1 (1 to enable 0 to disable the effect)


ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information

Forces nearest Mutagen Bulb to spawn?

cheat ForceMutagenSpawn


<TheCommand>ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg X mark.svg
General information
Argument information
Name Type Description

<TheCommand> String Command

Runs a game-mode specific command / trigger. For example, to start the game in the SoTF mod game mode, run:

cheat gamecommand startgame


<NumMutationsToAdd>ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information
Target: Entity under crosshair
Argument information
Name Type Description

<NumMutationsToAdd> Integer[32] The number of random mutations.

This Command will allow you to spawn a fertilized egg from the targeted egg laying dino to your feet. Warning! Picking up the fertilized egg will result in the dino going hostile to you.

cheat GetEgg 5


<BlueprintPathPart><Quantity><Quality><ForceBlueprint>ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information
Target: Self (executing player)
Added in: 258.0
Argument information
Name Type Description

<BlueprintPathPart> String significant part of the blueprint path
<Quantity> Integer[32] Number of items to add
<Quality> Float Quality of added items
<ForceBlueprint> Boolean true or 1 to add the item's blueprint; false or 0 to add the item

Adds the specified item (or its blueprint) to the player's inventory in the specified quantity and with the specified quality.
This is a shortcut version for GiveItem. But instead of the complete blueprint path it is sufficient to specify only a significant part of it.
E.g. the blueprint path of the Tek ATV end in PrimalItemVHBuggy. You can use "vhbuggy" or "vhb" or "buggy" or "bugg" or "uggy" or... On the other hand "atv" will not work because it's the name of the item but not a part of the blueprint path.
For ambiguous parts you will maybe not get the item you want. Instead you get one that the search mechanism finds first. E.g. for Bug Repellant (PrimalItemConsumable_BugRepellant) you can't just say "bug" because this part is also included in "buggy". You will get the Tek ATV in this case. But "bugr" is specific enough to find definitely the Bug Repellant.
To specify items by their item number, use GiveItemNum.
To give items to another player, use GiveItemToPlayer.

cheat gfi bugr 10 0 0


ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information
Target: Entity under crosshair

Despite the name of the command, it doesn't actually hatch the egg you are looking at but only set its incubating progress to 0% meaning that you still need the appropriate temperature for it to properly hatch. If the temperature is not adequate, the egg will have the "broken icon" and you won't be able to consume it after performing this command.



ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg X mark.svg
General information
Added in: 286.103

Lists all current active Orbital Supply Drop and Element Node in the extended console (you can access it by using Tab ↹ a second time).
NOTE: This command will only work on Extinction

cheat ListActiveHordeEvents


ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information

Lists all current players connected to the server and their ARK IDs.

cheat ListPlayers


<IP:Port>ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information
Argument information
Name Type Description

<IP:Port> Group of integers:Integer Server IP and game port (7777, not query port 27015).

join specific server by IP:Port (server domain name instead IP not work). If you need to specify password, use <?Password> at the end: IP:Port?Password (not checked information!).



ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information
Added in: 0.0 (UE1)

Stops all creature movement in the game world and halts crafting. Players can still move normally. Repeat the command to disable its effects.

cheat PlayersOnly


ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information

Changes graphics when executed.



ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg X mark.svg
General information

Prints the Color IDs.


<shadow quality><?>ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg X mark.svg
General information
Argument information
Name Type Description

<shadow quality> float Changes shadow settings. 0-off to 5-epic.
<?> float Seems to affect shadows, not sure what it does though

Sets shadow quality depending on the number given

Cheat r.shadowquality 0 1


ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information

Remove all world buffs on map Genesis: Part 2.

cheat RemoveAllWorldBuffs


<Radius>ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg X mark.svg
General information
Argument information
Name Type Description

<Radius> Integer? Radius in UE units. For example foundation length is ~300.

Repairs all structures in given radius around player. Only seems to work on structures that have been damaged since last server/session restart? Can be used to repair bugged resource nodes (for example to resolve bug of stop spawning of metal in single player and non-dedicated/temporary servers)?

cheat RepairArea 2000000


<Password>ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg X mark.svg
General information
Target: Self (executing player)
Added in: 191.0
Argument information
Name Type Description

<Password> String Spectator password.

Requests spectator mode on servers where there is a spectator password. The password given must match the server's "SpectatorPassword".



<CommandString>ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg X mark.svg
General information
Added in: 197.x
Argument information
Name Type Description

<CommandString> String Command string.

Runs a game mode specific command / script. These can be implemented by mod authors. Currently, there are no official game modes that use custom scripts.



<Command><Value>ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information
Argument information
Name Type Description

<Command> Unknown Unknown
<Value> Unknown Unknown

This command will allow you to change the max level of wild dino spawns make sure you do DestroyWildDinos to allow the High Level Dino's to spawn in.

cheat SetDifficultyValue 12


<Enable>ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information
Argument information
Name Type Description

<Enable> Boolean true or false

Show player names in spectator mode. A shortcut for the this command is SAP.


ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg X mark.svg
General information
Target: Self (executing player)
Added in: 185.0

Opens the admin manager GUI, which gives you easy access to a number of useful admin things. It shows your player's current position, some useful server info, key server configurations, a list of currently logged in players, a list of banned players, a list of whitelisted players, allows you to modify the MoTD, and shows you a list of a good amount (but not all) admin commands. If you select a player in the connected player's list, you can easily copy their UE4 player ID (a 10 digit number) into a command's parameters for commands that require a player ID. Supposedly you should also be able to copy their Int64 encoded Steam ID for commands that require it, but it seems to be broken at the moment. Use the ListPlayers command or grep the server's save files to get a player's Int64 encoded Steam ID.



<SpeedMult>ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information
Added in: 0.0 (UE2)
Argument information
Name Type Description

<SpeedMult> Float Speed multiplier

Sets the game speed multiplier. Change back to 1 to set back to normal. The max valid arg1 is 16 and any bigger number will have just the same effect.



<Type><Difficulty>ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information
Added in: 286.103
Argument information
Name Type Description

<Type> String Crate for Orbital Supply Drop or Element for Element Node
<Difficulty> Integer available numbers are 1-4 with 1 being easy and 4 legendary difficulty

Spawns a Orbital Supply Drop or Element Node at the nearest location to you. It can take a moment before you see anything happening.
NOTE: This command will only work on Extinction

cheat StartNearestHorde Crate 2


ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information

Leaving the spectator mode which was started with EnableSpectator.



ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information
Target: world

Toggles floating damage numbers on the server



<SteamID>ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg X mark.svg
General information
Argument information
Name Type Description

<SteamID> Integer[64] Player to whitelist

Adds the player specified by the their Integer encoded ARK account ID to the server's whitelist. Note that for Steam accounts such ID is the Steam ID itself and is typically 17 digits long (although 16 digits is theoretically possible), while Epic account IDs are of 19 digits.

cheat AllowPlayerToJoinNoCheck 76561198092541763


<SteamID>ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg X mark.svg
General information
Added in: 178.0
Argument information
Name Type Description

<SteamID> Integer[64] Player to ban

Add the specified player to the server's banned list.

cheat BanPlayer 18446744073709551615
Xbox/playstation use cheat BanPlayer myname84937593


<MessageText>ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information
Added in: 170 or earlier
Argument information
Name Type Description

<MessageText> String Message to broadcast

Broadcast a message to all players on the server.

cheat Broadcast Hi, everybody!


<TribeId><Message>ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information
Argument information
Name Type Description

<TribeId> Integer[32] UE4 internal Id of the Tribe
<Message> String The Message you want to display

Adds a message to the specified tribe's Tribelog

cheat tribemessage 12358748 Hello my friends


<SteamID>ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg X mark.svg
General information
Argument information
Name Type Description

<SteamID> Integer[64] Player to remove

Removes the specified player from the server's whitelist.

cheat DisallowPlayerToJoinNoCheck 18446744073709551615


ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg X mark.svg
General information

Shuts down the server as soon as possible.


ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg X mark.svg
General information
Added in: 185.4

Returns the latest chat buffer (the same amount that the clients see).


ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg X mark.svg
General information
Added in: 224.0

Print 100 entries at a time also outputs to dated file in in "\Logs". Launch server with "-servergamelog" for this command to work.

Set buffer size ?RCONServerGameLogBuffer e.g:

TheIsland?RCONEnabled=true?RCONServerGameLogBuffer=600?listen -server -servergamelog



<TribeID>ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information
Added in: 254.0
Argument information
Name Type Description

<TribeID> Integer[32] use setcheatplayer 1 and look at a tribe structure to see the TeamID which is the TribeID

prints a list of every player of a specified tribe with both PlayerID and SteamID in the console and in a special ingame chat window



<TribeID>ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information
Argument information
Name Type Description

<TribeID> Integer[32] use setcheatplayer 1 and look at a tribe structure to see the TeamID which is the TribeID

Console output of the types and counts of a given TribeId's structures.



<TribeID>ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information
Argument information
Name Type Description

<TribeID> Integer[32] use setcheatplayer 1 and look at a tribe structure to see the TeamID which is the TribeID

Console output of the types and counts of a given TribeId's dinos.



<MessageText>ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg X mark.svg
General information
Argument information
Name Type Description

<MessageText> String Message

Sends a chat message to all currently connected players.



<Player Identifier><MessageText>ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg X mark.svg
General information
Argument information
Name Type Description

<Player Identifier> String  ARK: Survival Evolved: Player's SteamID wrapped in double quotes.
 ARK: Survival Ascended: Player's EOS ID wrapped in double quotes.
<MessageText> String Message

Sends a direct chat message to the player specified by their int64 encoded steam id.



<PlayerName><MessageText>ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg X mark.svg
General information
Added in: 189.0
Argument information
Name Type Description

<PlayerName> String  ARK: Survival Evolved: Player's Steam name.
 ARK: Survival Ascended: Player's EOS name.
<MessageText> String Message

Sends a direct chat message to the player specified by their Steam name.



ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg X mark.svg
General information

Forces the server to save the game world to disk in its current state. In single-player mode, the game saves this information locally.

cheat saveworld


<IsPaused>ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg X mark.svg
General information
Argument information
Name Type Description

<IsPaused> Boolean Pause game?

Pauses everything game related.
This command doesn't seem to work in some cases, then the SloMo command with speed parameter 0 (i.e. SloMo 0) could serve as a replacement.

cheat SetGlobalPause true


<Day>ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information
Added in: 319.14
Argument information
Name Type Description

<Day> Integer The day number to set. (Min: 0, Max: 2147483647)

Sets the current day number.

cheat setday 1


<Hour><Minute><Second>ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information
Argument information
Name Type Description

<Hour> Integer 0..23
<Minute> Integer 0..59
<Second> Integer 0..59, (optional; defaults to 0)

Sets the game world's time of day to the specified time.

cheat settimeofday 06:30:00


ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information
Target: Self (executing player)

Displays the message of the day.


ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information


<SteamID>ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg X mark.svg
General information
Argument information
Name Type Description

<SteamID> Integer[64] Player to unban

Remove the specified player from the server's banned list.

cheat UnbanPlayer 18446744073709551615


<bValue>ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information
Target: Self (executing player)
Added in: 170 or earlier
Argument information
Name Type Description

<bValue> Bool true to enable, false to disable

Enable cheat commands that affect the current player, mounted dinosaurs and the game world

setcheatplayer true


<PlayerID><ClearInventory><ClearSlotItems><ClearEquippedItems>ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg X mark.svg
General information
Argument information
Name Type Description

<PlayerID> Integer[32] Player's in-game UE4 ID
<ClearInventory> Boolean Clear player's inventory?
<ClearSlotItems> Boolean Clear player's slot items?
<ClearEquippedItems> Boolean Clear player's equipped items (armor)?

Clears the specified player's inventory, equipped items, and/or slot items.


<type>ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information
Argument information
Name Type Description

<type> String Classname of desired actor, child classes included

Prints all entities of given class to console (on dedicated, to server console, not ingame) and to server log file 'ShooterGame.log' after a while (some minutes) if logging to file is enabled in server configs. Useful to check whether specific dinos are spawned on map. Does not function well for singleplayer unless hibernation has been prevented.

Example output:

[2017.01.03-09.38.34:907][490]21) Ankylo_Character_BP_C /Game/Mods/TheCenter/TheCenter.TheCenter:PersistentLevel.Ankylo_Character_BP_C_317

[2017.01.03-09.38.34:907][490]22) Ankylo_Character_BP_C /Game/Mods/TheCenter/TheCenter.TheCenter:PersistentLevel.Ankylo_Character_BP_C_316

cheat getallstate Ankylo_Character_BP_C


<Amount><FromTribeShare><PreventSharingWithTribe>ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg X mark.svg
General information
Argument information
Name Type Description

<Amount> Float Amount to add
<FromTribeShare> Boolean Apply as if experience came from tribe.
<PreventSharingWithTribe> Boolean 1: player only; 0: share with tribe

Same as AddExperience, but adds it to the player or dino you're currently looking at.
Does only work on dinos currently

Cheat GiveExpToTarget 9999 0 0


ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg X mark.svg
General information

Gives infinite stats to player or dino you're looking at.
Does only work on dinos currently

cheat GiveInfiniteStatsToTarget


<SteamID>ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg X mark.svg
General information
Added in: 178.0
Argument information
Name Type Description

<SteamID> Integer[64] Player to kick[1]

Forcibly disconnect the specified player from the server.



ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information
Target: Entity under crosshair

Instantly kills the targeted structure or dinosaur, leaving behind a corpse.

Deals approximately 10000000 damage that is sufficient enough to kill non-boss entities. notably, this command factors in any damage reduction. You may need to execute the command twice or more on bosses.

To eliminate an entity without leaving behind a corpse, use the DestroyMyTarget command.


<category><Radius>ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg X mark.svg
General information
Argument information
Name Type Description

<category> string See below.
<Radius> number

Categories can be abbreviated into the first 3 letters of the name, (EG: str - structures) Radius defaults to 2000 if not specified

pawnsall nearby pawns (not structures)
dinosall nearby dinos
wildall nearby wild dinos
tamedall nearby tamed dinos
playersall nearby players
structuresall nearby structures
Cheat KillAOE Wild 2500


<PlayerID>ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information
Target: Parameter or crosshair if 0
Argument information
Name Type Description

<PlayerID> Integer[32] Player's in-game UE4 ID

Kills the specified player in game

Cheat KillPlayer 915874562


<"PlayerName"><NewName>ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information
Argument information
Name Type Description

<"PlayerName"> String Player's current name. String must be wrapped in double quotes.
<NewName> String New name for player. Naked string.

Renames the player specified by their in-game string name.



<PlayerID><NewName>ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information
Argument information
Name Type Description

<PlayerID> Integer[32] Player's in-game UE4 ID
<NewName> String New name for player. Naked string.

Renames the player specified specified by its in-game player ID.



<"TribeName"><NewName>ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information
Argument information
Name Type Description

<"TribeName"> String Tribe's current name. String must be wrapped in double quotes.
<NewName> String New name for Tribe. Naked string.

Renames the tribe specified by its string name.

cheat renametribe "bad name" good name


<TribeID><NewName>ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information
Argument information
Name Type Description

<TribeID> Integer[32] UE4 internal Id of the Tribe
<NewName> String New name for Tribe. Naked string.

Renames the tribe specified by its TribeId

cheat renametribe "bad name" good name


ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information
Target: Entity under crosshair
Added in: 252.4

Changes ownership of all dinos of the tribe the player is currently looking at to the tribe of player.



ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information
Target: Entity under crosshair
Added in: 252.4

Changes ownership of all structures of the tribe the player is currently looking at to the tribe of player, including those not snapped or not in render area. This command differs from GiveAllStructure, which instead changes recursively ownership only to the structures the player is looking up.



<StatName><NumLevels>ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information
Argument information
Name Type Description

<StatName> string possible values: Health, Stamina, Torpidity, Oxygen, Food, Water, Temperature, Weight, MeleeDamageMultiplier, SpeedMultiplier, TemperatureFortitude, CraftingSpeedMultiplier
<NumLevels> Integer[32] Number of Levelups

Auto-adds some XP, then levels up a stat on your player character, or if riding a dino, on that dino

cheat LevelUp MeleeDamageMultiplier 25


<StatName><Radius><NumLevels>ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information
Argument information
Name Type Description

<StatName> string possible values: Health, Stamina, Torpidity, Oxygen, Food, Water, Temperature, Weight, MeleeDamageMultiplier, SpeedMultiplier, TemperatureFortitude, CraftingSpeedMultiplier
<Radius> float specifies the radius which is affected
<NumLevels> Integer[32] Number of Levelups

Auto-adds some XP, then levels up a stat on all nearby players and dinos in the specified radius

cheat LevelUpAOE Health 2500 15


<StatName><NumLevels>ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information
Target: Entity under crosshair
Argument information
Name Type Description

<StatName> string possible values: Health, Stamina, Torpidity, Oxygen, Food, Water, Temperature, Weight, MeleeDamageMultiplier, SpeedMultiplier, TemperatureFortitude, CraftingSpeedMultiplier
<NumLevels> Integer[32] Number of Levelups

Auto-adds some XP, then levels up a stat on your targeted player or dino.

cheat LevelUpTarget MeleeDamageMultiplier 25


ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg X mark.svg
General information

Force an update of the dynamic config. See Server configuration for details.

cheat forceupdatedynamicconfig


ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg X mark.svg
General information
Target: Self (executing player)

Moves the player character forward in the direction the player is facing until the character collides with an object or the terrain. If the player wouldn't hit the terrian or an object, they are teleported to 0,0 instead.

See also SetPlayerPos, TPCoords

cheat teleport


<PlayerID>ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information
Target: Other player
Argument information
Name Type Description

<PlayerID> Integer[32] Player's in-game id.

Teleports the player specified by their in-game ID to the current player.

To teleport yourself to the other player, use the TeleportToPlayer command.

To specify a player to teleport by their player name, use the TeleportPlayerNameToMe command.



<PlayerName>ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information
Target: Other player
Argument information
Name Type Description

<PlayerName> String Player's in-game name.

Teleports the player specified by their name to the current player.

To specify a player to teleport by their in-game id, use the TeleportPlayerIDToMe command.



<PlayerID>ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information
Target: Self (executing player)
Argument information
Name Type Description

<PlayerID> Integer[32] Player's in-game id.

Teleports the current player to the player specified by their in-game ID.

To teleport the other player to yourself, use the TeleportPlayerIDToMe command.



<PlayerName>ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information
Target: Self (executing player)
Argument information
Name Type Description

<PlayerName> String Player's in-game name

Teleports the user to the player named as given in command.

A short version is TPName



<type>ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg X mark.svg
General information
Argument information
Name Type Description

<type> String Type for a list of the Creature IDs; you need to add the number of that specific actor at the end with _<number>

Lets you teleport to a specific actor in the gameworld. You need to know the Actor ID and his number.



<locationname>ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information
Argument information
Name Type Description

<locationname> String check table to see which location name works

Lets you teleport to defined locations quickly, the example will teleport you to the red obelisk on any DLC map.

Location NameMapLocation
redThe IslandRed Obelisk -260638 238923 -11202 121.41 -0.33
greenThe IslandGreen Obelisk 178454 71660 -10081 121.41 -0.33
blueThe IslandBlue Obelisk -195154 -195984 33858 -121.79 -20.82
cave1The IslandEntrance of Lower South Cave 28780 242180 -13292 -121.79 -20.82
cave2The IslandEntrance of Upper South Cave 49580 146350 -13533 59.56 -24.90
cave3The IslandEntrance of Lava Cave 289030 165000 -14145 -129.93 -7.49
cave5The IslandEntrance of Central Cave -23520 -67430 -101 -0.56 1.06
cave6The IslandEntrance of North West Cave -247490 -245850 -11300 80.25 -8.41 (spawns you in the ground )
cave7The IslandEntrance of North East Cave 283820 -281680 -13699 152.53 12.08
cave8The IslandEntrance of Swamp Cave -101776 101764 -5189 13.19 -15.63
cave9The IslandEntrance of Snow Cave -143966 -164657 -5 -109.95 2.65
cave10The IslandEntrance of Tek Cave -87039 -54406 33489 -99.94 -10.32
blueScorched EarthBlue Obelisk -128529 -261433 -15439 -13.87 -6.04
greenScorched EarthGreen Obelisk 195186 186 -12513 0.31 8.64
redScorched EarthRed Obelisk -86375 168902 -16340 0.31 8.64
redAberrationRed Obelisk -237249 246932 53390 0.00 0.00
greenAberrationGreen Obelisk 222546 -219529 57313 0.00 0.00
blueAberrationBlue Obelisk -271144 -248355 66754 0.00 0.00
redExtinctionDesert Titan Terminal 321836 377222 -60260 60.00 0.00
greenExtinctionForest Titan Terminal 5439 -272891 -145851 -23.85 -6.83
blueExtinctionIce Titan Terminal 286565 -346100 -40719 -108.38 10.44
kingExtinctionKing Titan Terminal -8131 -373611 36660 -107.57 8.54
redThe CenterRed Obelisk 37242 -210931 2066 -4.38 0.00
greenThe CenterGreen Obelisk -376571 43020 -13552 -4.38 0.00
blueThe CenterBlue Obelisk 250968 194402 -8487 -4.38 0.00
redRagnarokRed Obelisk 467435 -195919 -14209 -50.00 0.00
greenRagnarokGreen Obelisk -155773 91671 11619 -50.00 0.00
blueRagnarokBlue Obelisk -427662 -417081 -13747 -50.00 0.00
redValgueroRed Obelisk -268136 213499 -39 -61.42 6.08
greenValgueroGreen Obelisk 213785 -9234 -12739 -61.42 6.08
blueValgueroBlue Obelisk -267025 -331553 688 -61.42 6.08
cheat tp red



<Lat><Lon><Altitude>ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information
Target: Self (executing player)
Argument information
Name Type Description

<Lat> Float GPS Coordinates
<Lon> Float GPS Coordinates
<Altitude> Float UE4 Coordinates

Moves the player's character to the specified GPS position instantly.

See also Teleport, SetPlayerPos



<x><y><z><yaw><pitch>ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information
Target: Self (executing player)
Argument information
Name Type Description

<x> float Coordinates
<y> float Coordinates
<z> float Coordinates
<yaw> float Defines the yaw of the camera
<pitch> float Defines the pitch of the camera

Does the same as SetPlayerPos but lets you set a yaw and pitch for a specified view too

cheat spi -371471 -408636 -13584 -173.80 -12.91


<x><y><z>ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg X mark.svg
General information
Target: Self (executing player)
Argument information
Name Type Description

<x> Float Coordinates
<y> Float Coordinates
<z> Float Coordinates

Moves the player's character to the specified position instantly.

See also Teleport, TPCoords, Data maps.

cheat SetPlayerPos -71467 -52156 0


<x><y><z>ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information
Target: Entity under crosshair
Argument information
Name Type Description

<x> Float Coordinates
<y> Float Coordinates
<z> Float Coordinates

Sets the world location of the player or dino you are currently looking at

cheat MoveTargetTo -71467 -52156 12536


<EventIndex>ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information
Argument information
Name Type Description

<EventIndex> string

Teleports you to the specified horde event.

cheat TeleportToActiveHorde 4


<Type><exact match>ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information
Argument information
Name Type Description

<Type> String Type to destroy
<exact match> Bool Always 1.

Destroy all entities (creatures, structures, etc.), including tamed ones of the specified type.

  • cheat DestroyAll Ankylo_Character_BP_C 1
  • To destroy all eggs laid by  Wyvern,  Magmasaur,  Rock Drake,  Crystal Wyvern:
    cheat destroyall DroppedItemGeneric_FertilizedEgg_RockDrake_NoPhysics_C 0


<ClassName><bExactMatch>ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information
Argument information
Name Type Description

<ClassName> FString Type to destroy
<bExactMatch> Bool

Destroys all wild creatures of the specified Class.

cheat DestroyWildDinoClasses "Ankylo_Character_BP_C" 1


ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information

Destroys all non-player creatures on the map, including tamed creatures. This does not prevent new ones from spawning as usual.

cheat destroyallenemies


<Radius><PutFoliageResourcesInInventory>ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information
Argument information
Name Type Description

<Radius> float radius in UE units for command.
<PutFoliageResourcesInInventory> Bool

Destroys all foliage and resource nodes in radius

admincheat DestroyFoliage 1000 1


ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information
Target: Entity under crosshair

Instantly destroys the creature or structure in the current player's crosshairs, without leaving any corpse.

To kill an entity and leave a corpse, use the Kill command.

cheat DestroyMyTarget


ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information
Added in: 207.0

Destroys all structures owned by all players on the map.



ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information
Target: Entity under crosshair
Added in: 226.4

Will destroy all dinos on the ARK, based on the Tribe owner (or player owner) of the thing that you are currently looking at. Unclaimed dinos are in their own separate tribe, so using this command while targeting an unclaimed dino will destroy all unclaimed dinos and leave the tamed and wild dinos alone. This can be useful if config settings for breeding are very fast and a tribe or player leaves a pair of dinos to breed unchecked, crippling the performance of the singleplayer game or server by causing endlessly increasing lag/stutter from thousands of unclaimed dinos walking around freely. This will also destroy motorboats owned by the tribe.



<TribeId>ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information
Target: Parameter or crosshair if 0
Argument information
Name Type Description

<TribeId> Integer[32] Id of tribe to destroy

Will destroy a tribe.



<TribeId>ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information
Target: Parameter or crosshair if 0
Argument information
Name Type Description

<TribeId> Integer[32] Id of tribe to destroy all tames

Will destroy all tames in a tribe.



<TribeId>ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information
Target: Parameter or crosshair if 0
Argument information
Name Type Description

<TribeId> Integer[32] Id of tribe to destroy all players

Will destroy all players in a tribe.



<TribeId>ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information
Target: Parameter or crosshair if 0
Argument information
Name Type Description

<TribeId> Integer[32] Id of tribe to destroy all structures

Will destroy all structures in a tribe.



ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information
Target: Entity under crosshair
Added in: 226.4

Will destroy all players of a tribe on the ARK, based on the Tribe owner (or player owner) of the thing that you are currently looking at.


ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information
Target: Entity under crosshair
Added in: 226.4

Will destroy all structures on the ARK, based on the Tribe owner (or player owner) of the thing that you are currently looking at.



<TribeTeamID><Connections>ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information
Added in: 284.104
Argument information
Name Type Description

<TribeTeamID> Integer[32] The ID of the tribe that owns the structures to be destroyed. Use setcheatplayer 1 and look at any structure owned by the tribe to see its ID.
<Connections> Integer[32] Any structures owned by the given tribe that have less than the given connections (snapped structures) will be destroyed.

Destroy all the structures owned by the given tribe that have less than the given connections (snapped structures). The given example below would remove all the lone structures owned by the tribe matching the 1234567890 ID. A shortcut to this command is LessThan (added in 298.3).

cheat DestroyTribeStructuresLessThan 1234567890 2


ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information
Added in: 207.0

Destroys all untamed creatures on the map. Useful for helping newly-released creatures to spawn.

cheat destroywilddinos


<Type><exact match>ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information
Argument information
Name Type Description

<Type> String classname of actors to destroy
<exact match> Bool

Destroys all actors of the specified type.

cheat DestroyActors ? 1


<PlayerID>ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information
Added in: 196.0
Argument information
Name Type Description

<PlayerID> Integer[32] Player's in-game player ID

Forces the player specified by their in-game player ID to the tribe that the target entity or structure of the current player belongs to. Known to have problems if there are currently no longer members in the tribe, but this may be fixed in the future.
A shortcut for this command is ForceJoinTribe



<PlayerID><TribeName>ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg X mark.svg
General information
Argument information
Name Type Description

<PlayerID> Integer[32] Player's in-game player ID
<TribeName> String Tribe's Name

Forces the player specified by their in-game player ID to the tribe specified by its name. Known to have problems if there are currently no longer members in the tribe, but this may be fixed in the future.



<PlayerID><TribeTeamID>ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg X mark.svg
General information
Argument information
Name Type Description

<PlayerID> Integer[32] Player's in-game player ID
<TribeTeamID> Integer[32] UE4 internal Id of the Tribe

Forces the player specified by their in-game player ID to the tribe specified by its TribeTeamID. Known to have problems if there are currently no longer members in the tribe, but this may be fixed in the future.



ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information
Target: Self (executing player)

Lets you join a targeted Tribe this command is a shortcut for ForcePlayerToJoinTargetTribe 0



<PlayerName1><PlayerName2><NewTribeName>ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg X mark.svg
General information
Argument information
Name Type Description

<PlayerName1> ? Unknown?
<PlayerName2> ? Unknown?
<NewTribeName> String Unknown?




ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information
Target: Entity under crosshair
Added in: 201.4

Gives the current player ownership of all the structures it is looking up and all structures connected to it recursively. All the structures not connected and not looked at will keep the previous ownership. This command differs from TakeAllStructure, which instead changes ownership of all structures of the tribe the player is currently looking at.



ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information
Target: Self (executing player)
Added in: 196.0

Promotes you to an admin of the tribe you're currently a member of.



ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information
Target: Self (executing player)
Added in: 196.0

Makes you the founder of the tribe you're currently a member of.



ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg X mark.svg
General information
Added in: 196.0


<TribeID>ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information
Target: Parameter or crosshair if 0
Argument information
Name Type Description

<TribeID> Integer[32] enable setcheatplayer and check a structure/dino for the TeamId to get the TribeID

Gives you all of the tribe's dinos and structures. If 0 is provided it uses your target.



ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information
Target: Self (executing player)
Added in: 278.0

Sets yourself in Creative Mode. The command can be abbreviated as GCM.

See also GiveCreativeModeToTarget, GiveCreativeModeToPlayer

cheat GiveCreativeMode<br/>cheat gcm


ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information
Added in: 278.0

Sets the target you are visiting in Creative Mode. The command can be abbreviated as GCMT.

See also GiveCreativeMode, GiveCreativeModeToPlayer

cheat GiveCreativeModeToTarget<br/>cheat GCMT


<PlayerID>ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg X mark.svg
General information
Added in: 278.0
Argument information
Name Type Description

<PlayerID> Integer[64] Player's in-game UE4 ID

Sets a certain player identified by the player's ID in Creative Mode. The command can be abbreviated as GCMP.

See also GiveCreativeMode, GiveCreativeModeToTarget

cheat GiveCreativeModeToPlayer 1234


<HowMuch><FromTribeShare><PreventSharingWithTribe>ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information
Target: Self (executing player)
Argument information
Name Type Description

<HowMuch> Float Amount to add
<FromTribeShare> Boolean Apply as if experience came from tribe.
<PreventSharingWithTribe> Boolean 1: player only; 0: share with tribe

Adds the specified number of experience points to the player (or the currently mounted dinosaur if the player is mounted). To give another player experience, use the GiveExpToPlayer command.

This command is affected by the XPMultiplier setting and the hardcoded multiplier of 4 since 313.5. I.e. the amount you will get is the value of the argument HowMuch × 4 × your XPMultiplier setting value.

cheat addexperience 1000 0 1


<HowMuch>ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information
Target: Self (executing player)
Argument information
Name Type Description

<HowMuch> Float Amount to add

Adds an amount experience points equal to 4 * XPMultiplier * KillXPMultiplier to the command-executing player's currently equipped Chibi-Pet. The same amount of total experience points are added to the player too, despite wearing or not a Chibi. Note: each Chibi level can be unlocked one at a time, this mean despite the amount of experience points added, if such point would virtually unlock more than one Chibi level, at least another experience points must be earned or added to unlock the next Chibi level.



<PlayerID><HowMuch>ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information
Argument information
Name Type Description

<PlayerID> Integer[32] Player's in-game UE4 ID
<HowMuch> Float Amount to add

Adds an amount experience points equal to 4 * XPMultiplier * KillXPMultiplier to the target player's currently equipped Chibi-Pet. The same amount of total experience points are added to the player too, despite wearing or not a Chibi. Note: each Chibi level can be unlocked one at a time, this mean despite the amount of experience points added, if such point would virtually unlock more than one Chibi level, at least another experience points must be earned or added to unlock the next Chibi level.



ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information
Target: Self (executing player)

Allows teleport in Genesis: Part 1 to the final boss without completing missions.



<MissionStateSimValues>ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information
Target: Self (executing player)
Argument information
Name Type Description

<MissionStateSimValues> String

Completes the current mission successfully on Genesis Part 1 and Part 2. This does unfortunately put you at the top of the scoreboard in most cases.

cheat ForceCompleteActiveMission 0


<BlueprintPath>ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information
Added in: 254.0
Argument information
Name Type Description

<BlueprintPath> String a blueprint path

Unlocks Tekgram (Tek Engrams)

cheat UnlockEngram "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/...something'"


<visible>ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information
Target: Self (executing player)
Argument information
Name Type Description

<visible> Boolean true or 1 to hide a player, false or 0 to make player visible again

Makes a rider of a dino visually invisible. You stay invisible after un-mounting.

cheat hideriders 1


<SizeMult>ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information
Target: Self (executing player)
Added in: 0.0 (UE2)
Argument information
Name Type Description

<SizeMult> Float Size multiplier

Changes the current player's size. Your player character's model will only stretch or squash so far however, and if made too big will seem to float and bob up and down during different animations (too small and you'll sink through the ground). You will not become any slower or faster. Set back to 1 to go back to your normal size.


ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg X mark.svg
General information
Target: Self (executing player)

Resets all tutorials on your client (make them so that they will re-appear without being forced).



<bValue>ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information
Target: Self (executing player)
Argument information
Name Type Description

<bValue> Bool true to be ignored by enemy creatures, false for normal behavior

When enabled, all creatures on the map will ignore the current player, even when attacked.

See also LeaveMeAlone.

cheat EnemyInvisible true


<bValue>ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information
Target: Self (executing player)
Argument information
Name Type Description

<bValue> Bool true to put to sleep, false to wake up

Puts the current player character to sleep or wakes them up.

cheat ExecSetSleeping true


ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information
Target: Self (executing player)
Added in: 0.0 (UE1)

Activates "fly mode", permitting the player character to move freely in any direction without physics or gravity being applied. Use the walk command to disable the mode.
If the command is issued while mounted (or the player mounts a tame while in "fly" mode) the animal cannot be moved straight up and down via the keys, but can be made to "fly" by either walking off a cliff, or by pointing the cursor up while moving forward (or point down to descend). Currently, the flying command does not work while mounted on Megalania

See also Ghost

cheat fly


ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information
Target: Self (executing player)
Added in: 0.0 (UE1)

Activates "no clip" mode, permitting the player character to pass freely through objects in the world that normally block movement, including the terrain itself. Use the walk command to disable the mode.

cheat ghost


<Quantity>ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information
Target: Self (executing player)
Added in: 209.4
Argument information
Name Type Description

<Quantity> Integer[32] Item quantity

Gives you quantity of each dye in the game. In vanilla Ark, this equates to only 2.6 weight units per set.

cheat GiveColors 100


ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information
Target: Self (executing player)

Unlocks all crafting recipes for the player character. May lag a little.

cheat giveengrams


ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information
Target: Self (executing player)

Gives you all tek engrams (like GiveEngrams, lasts until the player disconnects from the server)



<playerid><partial name>ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information
Argument information
Name Type Description

<playerid> Integer Player's in-game UE4 ID
can be found by looking at the implant of a player
<partial name> String significant part of the Blueprint that can be found here: Item IDs

provide the partial string of a tek engram to give them to players, works similar to GFI
Tekgrams unlocked this way will stay even after a relog and server restart.
Using the example will unlock almost all Tekengrams

cheat GiveTekengramsTo 125785415 tek


<PlayerID><HowMuch><FromTribeShare><PreventSharingWithTribe>ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information
Argument information
Name Type Description

<PlayerID> Integer[32] Player's in-game UE4 ID
<HowMuch> Float Amount to give
<FromTribeShare> Boolean Apply as if experience came from tribe.
<PreventSharingWithTribe> Boolean 1: player only; 0: share with tribe

Gives the specified player the specified amount of experience points. To easily give yourself experience, use the AddExperience command.

This command is affected by the XPMultiplier setting and the hardcoded multiplier of 4 since 313.5. I.e. the amount you will get is the value of the argument HowMuch × 4 × your XPMultiplier setting value.



<BlueprintPath><Quantity><Quality><ForceBlueprint>ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information
Target: Self (executing player)
Argument information
Name Type Description

<BlueprintPath> String The blueprint path of the item to give.
<Quantity> Integer[32] Number of items to add
<Quality> Float Quality of added items
<ForceBlueprint> Boolean true or 1 to add the item's blueprint; false or 0 to add the item

Adds the specified item (or its blueprint) to the player's inventory in the specified quantity and with the specified quality.

To specify items by their item number, use GiveItemNum.

To specify items by a part of its blueprint path, use GFI.

To give items to another player, use GiveItemToPlayer.

cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Consumables/PrimalItemConsumable_BloodPack.PrimalItemConsumable_BloodPack'" 1 0 0


<ItemNum><Quantity><Quality><ForceBlueprint>ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information
Target: Self (executing player)
Argument information
Name Type Description

<ItemNum> Integer[32] Item ID to add
<Quantity> Integer[32] Number of items to add
<Quality> Float Quality of added items
<ForceBlueprint> Boolean true or 1 to add the item's blueprint; false or 0 to add the item

Adds the specified item (or its blueprint) to the player's inventory in the specified quantity and with the specified quality.

To specify items by their blueprint path, use GiveItem.

To specify items by a part of its blueprint path, use GFI.

To give items to another player, use GiveItemNumToPlayer.

cheat GiveItemNum 1 1 1 0


<PlayerID><BlueprintPath><Quantity><Quality><ForceBlueprint>ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information
Argument information
Name Type Description

<PlayerID> Integer[32] PlayerID to give the item to.
<BlueprintPath> String The blueprint path of the item to give.
<Quantity> Integer[32] Number of items to add
<Quality> Float Quality of added items
<ForceBlueprint> Boolean true or 1 to add the item's blueprint; false or 0 to add the item

Adds the specified item (or its blueprint) to the player's inventory in the specified quantity and with the specified quality.

To specify items by their item number, use GiveItemNumToPlayer.

To give items to yourself, use GiveItemNum.



<PlayerID><ItemNum><Quantity><Quality><ForceBlueprint>ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information
Argument information
Name Type Description

<PlayerID> Integer[32] PlayerID to give the item to.
<ItemNum> Integer[32] Item ID to add
<Quantity> Integer[32] Number of items to add
<Quality> Float Quality of added items
<ForceBlueprint> Boolean true or 1 to add the item's blueprint; false or 0 to add the item

Adds the specified item (or its blueprint) to the player's inventory in the specified quantity and with the specified quality.

To specify items by their blueprint path, use GiveItemToPlayer.

To give items to yourself, use GiveItemNum.

cheat GiveItemNumToPlayer 1234567890 1 1 0 0


ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information
Target: Self (executing player)

Add 50 units of each resource in the game to the player's inventory. In vanilla Ark, this equates to 300+ units of weight, so you will probably be encumbered. (200 of which comes from Metal Ore, Metal Ingots, Obsidian, and Crystal)

cheat giveresources


<BlueprintPath><SlotNum><Quantity>ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg X mark.svg
General information
Target: Self (executing player)
Argument information
Name Type Description

<BlueprintPath> String Item's blueprint path.
<SlotNum> Integer[32] Inventory slot number. (0-9)
<Quantity> Integer[32] Number of items to add

Adds the item specified by its blueprint path into one of your item slots. If the item does not support stacking, items after the first will be dumped into your inventory. Specifying an invalid slot id will dump all the item(s) into your inventory. Item quality will always be 0 and you cannot request adding a blueprint.

To specify items by their item ID, use the GiveSlotItemNum command.



<ItemNum><SlotNum><Quantity>ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg X mark.svg
General information
Target: Self (executing player)
Argument information
Name Type Description

<ItemNum> String Item ID to add.
<SlotNum> Integer[32] Inventory slot number. (0-9)
<Quantity> Integer[32] Number of items to add

Adds the item specified by its item id into one of your item slots. If the item does not support stacking, items after the first will be dumped into your inventory. Specifying an invalid slot id will dump all the item(s) into your inventory. Item quality will always be 0 and you cannot request adding a blueprint.

To specify items by their blueprint path, use the GiveSlotItem command.



ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information
Target: Entity under crosshair

Changes the owner of the targeted entity (structure or dino) to the current player. However, note that this command does not actually tame dinos - their inventory will not be accessible and they will not be rideable unless they were already tamed by another player or you use one of the dino taming commands afterwards.



ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information
Target: Self (executing player)
Added in: 252.4

Gives player God, InfiniteStats, EnemyInvisible true, and a bunch of experience.

For the same effect but without experience you can use LeaveMeAlone.



ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg X mark.svg
General information
Target: Self (executing player)
Added in: 292.103

A shortcut that internally executes GMBuff, GiveArmorSet Tek 0, stat fps and stat unit.



ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information
Target: Self (executing player)
Added in: 0.0 (UE1)

Toggles "god mode", making the player invulnerable to damage from attacks, explosions or from falling. This does not prevent player character death by drowning (InfiniteStats must be enabled to prevent this). Repeat the command to disable the mode.

To specifically enable or disable god mode, use the SetGodMode command.

cheat god


<TutorialIndex>ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg X mark.svg
General information
Target: Self (executing player)
Argument information
Name Type Description

<TutorialIndex> Integer[32] Tutorial index

Hides the tutorial specified by its tutorial index. See the ShowTutorial command description for a list of tutorial ids.



<Amount>ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information
Target: Self (executing player)
Argument information
Name Type Description

<Amount> Integer[64] Damage to deal

Damages the player character.

cheat HurtMe 50


ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information
Target: Self (executing player)

Refills the player's health, stamina, oxygen, food & water immediately, and keeps them at their maximum level while the command is active. If the player is mounted the effects only apply to his mount, but not the player himself.

When firing weapons in infinitestats mode, no ammo is consumed from the inventory.
For weapons with magazines, bullets are removed from the magazine though. Once it is empty, and the "NO AMMO" message appears on the screen, it can be reloaded by either opening/closing the inventory or by switching weapons.

The command does not make the player invincible (i.e. he can still die from falls or high-level attacks such as a Dragon's bite, if the single-hit damage exceeds the player's maximum health stat). The command also has no effect on the carrying capacity.

Repeat the command to disable its effects.

cheat infinitestats


ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information
Target: Self (executing player)

Combination of God, InfiniteStats and EnemyInvisible true.

See also GMBuff


ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg X mark.svg
General information
Target: Self (executing player)

Opens or closes the in-game menu (when you hit the escape key).

To specifically show the in-game menu, use the ShowInGameMenu command.



<MapName>ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg X mark.svg
General information
Argument information
Name Type Description

<MapName> String Map's Name

Loads the map specified by its name. (not sure if a file path is accepted)

cheat OpenMap TheIsland


<CommandName>ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information
Argument information
Name Type Description

<CommandName> String possible values:
Ascend1 (for Gamma)
Ascend2 (for Beta)
Ascend3 (for Alpha)
AbAscend1 (for Aberration's Gamma)
AbAscend2 (for Aberration's Beta)
AbAscend3 (for Aberration's Alpha)
EXTAscend1 (for Extinction's Gamma)
EXTAscend2 (for Extinction's Beta)
EXTAscend3 (for Extinction's Alpha)
Genascend1 (for Genesis: Part 1's Gamma)
Genascend2 (for Genesis: Part 1's Beta)
Genascend3 (for Genesis: Part 1's Alpha)
Gen2Ascend1 (for Genesis: Part 2' Gamma)
Gen2Ascend2 (for Genesis: Part 2' Beta)
Gen2Ascend3 (for Genesis: Part 2' Alpha)

Currently used to give the player the ascension effect.

cheat playercommand Ascend1


<bValue>ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information
Target: Self (executing player)
Argument information
Name Type Description

<bValue> Bool true to enable, false to disable

Hides the Admin Icon next to the name in chat when a player that has enabled cheats writes something.

cheat SetAdminIcon 0


<Length>ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information
Target: Self (executing player)
Added in: 254.0
Argument information
Name Type Description

<Length> Float Value to set relative length of facial hair.

Sets value in the range from 0 to 1 (= 100%).

See also SetHeadHairPercent, SetHeadHairStyle, SetFacialHairStyle.



<Number>ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information
Target: Self (executing player)
Added in: 254.0
Argument information
Name Type Description

<Number> Integer Number of facial hairstyle, see below.

Sets value in the range from 0 to 7.

NumberFacial Hairstyle
4Dread Beard
5Mutton Chops
6Curly Beard
7Viking Beard

See also SetHeadHairStyle, SetFacialHairPercent, SetHeadHairPercent.



<Length>ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information
Target: Self (executing player)
Added in: 254.0
Argument information
Name Type Description

<Length> Float Value to set relative hair length.

Sets value in the range from 0 to 1 (= 100%).

See also SetFacialHairPercent, SetHeadHairStyle, SetFacialHairStyle.



<Number>ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information
Target: Self (executing player)
Added in: 254.0
Argument information
Name Type Description

<Number> Integer Number of head hairstyle, see below.

Sets value in the range from 0 to 7.

NumberFacial Hairstyle

See also SetFacialHairStyle, SetHeadHairPercent, SetFacialHairPercent.



<Enable>ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information
Target: Self (executing player)
Argument information
Name Type Description

<Enable> Boolean Enable god mode?

Enables or disables god mode for the current player.

To simply toggle between god mode states, use the command God.



<BodyValIndex><BodyVal>ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information
Target: Entity under crosshair
Added in: 201.4
Argument information
Name Type Description

<BodyValIndex> Integer[32] Body Regions
<BodyVal> Float ...

Setting a value between -1.0 and 1.0 will adjust the targeted player area. Standard value is 0.



<ColorValIndex><ColorVal>ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information
Target: Entity under crosshair
Added in: 201.4
Argument information
Name Type Description

<ColorValIndex> Integer[32] 0 : body, 1 : hair, 2 : eyes
<ColorVal> Float For eyes: 0 is yellow-ish, 0.4 is green-blue-ish, 0.5 is green 0.7 is orange, 0.8 is red

Changes the color of various parts of the body. Does not use Color IDs, but a percentage of the slider seen at character creation.


ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg X mark.svg
General information
Target: Self (executing player)

Displays the in-game menu (same as when you hit the escape key).


<TutorialIndex><ForceDisplay>ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg X mark.svg
General information
Target: Self (executing player)
Argument information
Name Type Description

<TutorialIndex> Integer[32] Tutorial index.
<ForceDisplay> Boolean True = show tutorial even if you've already seen it.

Displays the tutorial specified by its tutorial ID. Tutorials are localized messages coded into the game that are displayed in the same area as the message of the day that shows new users hints about the game. These tutorials disappear after some time, just like the message of the day. Currently there are only two tutorials:

1Your first day.


ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg X mark.svg
General information
Target: Self (executing player)
Added in: 0.0 (UE2)

Kills yourself. Does the same thing as hurting yourself (see HurtMe command) for your current health, so it will not work if you are invincible. Was originally part of the game when it came out, but it was removed in a later patch. Since then it was re-added. This does not work on console due to word moderation.



ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg X mark.svg
General information
Target: Self (executing player)

Provides unlimited ammunition for all of the player character's weapons. Repeat the command to disable its effects.

cheat ToggleInfiniteAmmo


ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information
Target: Self (executing player)
Added in: 0.0 (UE1)

Deactivates "fly mode" (activated by the Fly command). Physics and gravity will be applied to the player character normally.

cheat walk


ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg X mark.svg
General information
Target: Self (executing player)

Prevents the player character's equipped item (or hands if nothing is equipped) from being displayed. Repeat the command to disable its effects.

cheat togglegun


ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information
Target: Self (executing player)
Added in: 281.107

Sets all stats to maximum once ,like InfiniteStats

Cheat RefillStats


<Tier><Quality>ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information
Target: Self (executing player)
Added in: 281.107
Argument information
Name Type Description

<Tier> String/Int use one of the specified tiersets below
<Quality> String/Int can use numbers between 0 - 20

Gives you a full armor set of the tier specified, and equips them for you.

Tier is required and should be one of the following:

  • 0 (or Cloth)
  • 1 (or Chitin)
  • 2 (or Metal or Flak)
  • 3 (or Tek)
  • Hide
  • Fur
  • Desert
  • Ghillie
  • Riot
  • Scuba
  • Hazard

Quality can be one of the following: Primitive, Ramshackle, Apprentice, Journeyman, Mastercraft, Ascendant, Alpha. You can also use a numeric value between 0 and 20 (higher than 20 is not accessible to players).

When using this command for Tek tier you will also get 40 ×  Element and GiveEngramsTekOnly is executed, means you get the ability to use Tek stuff until the next server or single player restart.

Cheat GiveArmorSet Cloth 1


<Tier><Quality>ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information
Target: Self (executing player)
Added in: 281.107
Argument information
Name Type Description

<Tier> Integer[32] see table below
<Quality> float optional float between 0 and 20 that determines how good the weapons are

Gives you all weapons in the specified tier, as well as the correct ammo for them.

Tier is a required integer and should be one of the following:

0 (or Primitive) Bow,  Pike,  Spear,  Bola
1 (or Basic) Assault Rifle,  Shotgun,  Longneck Rifle,  Sword,  Grenade
2 (or Advanced) Compound Bow,  Fabricated Sniper Rifle,  Rocket Launcher,  C4 Charge
3 (or Tek) Tek Grenade,  Tek Rifle,  Tek Railgun,  Tek Sword

Quality can be one of the following: Primitive, Ramshackle, Apprentice, Journeyman, Mastercraft, Ascendant, Alpha. You can also use a numeric value between 0 and 20 (higher than 20 is not accessible to players).

Cheat GiveWeaponSet 0 1


<Tier>ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information
Target: Self (executing player)
Added in: 281.107
Argument information
Name Type Description

<Tier> Integer[32] See table below

Gives you all items in the specified item set tier.

Tier is a required integer and should be one of the following:

090 ×  Cooked Meat, 200 ×  Stimberry, 2 ×  Waterskin
12 ×  Water Jar, 200 ×  Stimberry, 90 ×  Cooked Meat, 100 ×  Medical Brew
2100 ×  Medical Brew, 100 ×  Energy Brew, 100 ×  Cactus Broth,60 ×  Cooked Meat Jerky, 2 ×  Canteen
35 ×  Shadow Steak Saute, 5 ×  Enduro Stew, 5 ×  Focal Chili, 5 ×  Lazarus Chowder, 100 ×  Medical Brew, 100 ×  Energy Brew, 100 ×  Cactus Broth, 90 ×  Cooked Meat Jerky
Food30 ×  Cooked Meat Jerky, 30 ×  Prime Meat Jerky
Waterone  Canteen Refill
Brews100 ×  Medical Brew, 100 ×  Energy Brew
Cheat GiveItemSet 0


ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information
Target: Self (executing player)
Added in: 281.107

Attempts to deactivate all of your buffs (works on some buffs but not others)

Cheat ClearMyBuffs


ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information
Target: Entity under crosshair
Added in: 281.107

Knocks out target Dino or player

Cheat setmytargetsleeping 1 (1 to knock target out 0 to wake target up)


<PlayerId>ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information
Added in: 298.3
Argument information
Name Type Description

<PlayerId> Integer[32] The ID of the player to ascend (0 for local/single-player profile).

Unlock Alpha Overseer and Alpha Rockwell ascensions for the player matching the given ID. While the player will unlock the levels and the tekgrams associated with the ascensions, his implant won't change until his character is uploaded then downloaded back and/or the current server save is wiped.

cheat MaxAscend 0


<PlayerId><BossName><Difficulty>ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information
Added in: 298.3
Argument information
Name Type Description

<PlayerId> Integer[32] The ID of the player to unlock the boss (0 for local/single-player profile).
<BossName> String The name of the boss to unlock (see table below).
<Difficulty> Integer[32] The difficulty to unlock (0=Gamma, 1=Beta and 2=Alpha).

Unlock the given boss for the player matching the given ID. While the Tekgrams associated to the given boss are unlocked instantly, the extra levels unlocked by the ascensions won't be available until the player respawn or reconnect and its implant won't be updated until he dies (unlike the extra levels, reconnecting won't update it). Possible BossName values:

BossName ValueBoss Name
UberspiderBroodmother Lysrix
King TitanKing Titan
IceKaijuIce Titan
ForestKaijuForest Titan
DesertKaijuDesert Titan
VrMainBossCorrupted Master Controller
Gen2Rockwell Rockwell Prime

It is currently impossible to unlock the modded variants of these bosses thus making it impossible to unlock the mod-specific Tekgrams such as the Tek Light, Tek Shield, etc. with that command.

cheat DefeatBoss 0 "King Titan" 2


<PlayerId>ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information
Added in: 298.3
Argument information
Name Type Description

<PlayerId> Integer[32] The ID of the player to unlock all the alpha bosses (0 for local/single-player profile).

Unlock all the bosses of alpha difficulty for the player matching the given ID.

cheat DefeatAllBosses 0
Would be the equivalence of individually running the [[#DefeatBoss|DefeatBoss]] command for all the available bosses with a difficulty of 2.


ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information
Target: Self (executing player)
Added in: 279.224

Unlock all the Explorer Notes and Fjordur Runes for every ark for the player issuing the command. Your client might freeze for a while after performing this command.

cheat GiveAllExplorerNotes


<NoteIndex>ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information
Target: Self (executing player)
Added in: 279.224
Argument information
Name Type Description

<NoteIndex> Integer[32] The index of the explorer note to unlock.

Unlock the note matching the specified index.
As of 310.94, the player issuing that command must be standing next to an actual "Explorer Note" to unlock the notes that aren't "Creature Dossier".

cheat GiveExplorerNote 17
Would unlock the [[#Carnotaurus|Carnotaurus]] dossier for the player issuing the command.


<HowMuch>ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information
Target: Self (executing player)
Argument information
Name Type Description

<HowMuch> Float Amount to add

Adds the specified amount of hexagons to the player issuing the command.

cheat AddHexagons 1000


ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg X mark.svg
General information
Target: Self (executing player)
Added in: 310.62

Toggle infinite weight. However, your character will still be limited to 299 slots of inventory (300, minus your implant).

If used while riding a creature, it will be able to move around while encumbered but you won't be able to transfer to its inventory more than the usual 2x its current max weight.

An alias of this command is DeepPockets.



ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg X mark.svg
General information
Target: Dino under crosshair

Prints details about the dino you are currently looking at (to see the printed details you need to open console command a second time, this will display the large console command window).
Warning: This command will destroy all other dinos (only your target dino will remain)!

cheat DebugMyDinoTarget


ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information
Target: Entity under crosshair

Tames the targeted creature if the creature is capable of being tamed, activating all triggers as if the player had tamed the creature normally (sound effect, dossier entry, gives experience, etc). Will crash game/server if done while mounted.

See also ForceTame.



ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg X mark.svg
General information
Target: Entity under crosshair

Dumps the stats for the dino you are riding or looking at to the cheat console output. Same data as the Admin Blink Rifle's inspect mode.



ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information
Target: Entity under crosshair

Immediately tames the dinosaur under the player's crosshairs. Dinosaurs tamed with this command can be ridden even when no saddle is equipped (to remove this, cryopod and throw out the creature). Will crash game/server if done while mounted.

See also DoTame

cheat forcetame


<Radius>ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information
Argument information
Name Type Description

<Radius> number

Force tames every dino in specified radius, default's to 2000 if no number is given.

cheat ForceTameAOE 2500


<NumCritters><SpreadAmount><ZOffset>ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information
Argument information
Name Type Description

<NumCritters> number Number of critters to spawn
<SpreadAmount> number Smaller number - more clustered, higher number, more spread out
<ZOffset> number height above the player

Spawns a mix of sheep and dodos above the player, cannot change the creatures as it's hard coded into the game.
Similar to SpawnActorSpread.
Default numbers are 30 300 200

Cheat RainCritters 10 500 25


<NumDinos><SpreadAmount><ZOffset>ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information
Added in: 281.107
Argument information
Name Type Description

<NumDinos> number Number of critters to spawn
<SpreadAmount> number Smaller number - more clustered, higher number, more spread out
<ZOffset> number height above the player

Spawns a mix of trikes and parasaurs above the player, cannot change the creatures as it's hard coded into the game.
Similar to SpawnActorSpread.
Default numbers are 30 300 200

Cheat RainDinos 10 500 25


<NumDinos><SpreadAmount><ZOffset>ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information
Added in: 281.107
Argument information
Name Type Description

<NumDinos> number Number of critters to spawn
<SpreadAmount> number Smaller number - more clustered, higher number, more spread out
<ZOffset> number height above the player

Spawns a mix of rexes and allos above the player, cannot change the creatures as it's hard coded into the game.
Similar to SpawnActorSpread.
Default numbers are 30 300 200

Cheat RainDanger 10 500 25


<NumDinos><SpreadAmount><ZOffset>ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information
Added in: 281.107
Argument information
Name Type Description

<NumDinos> number Number of critters to spawn
<SpreadAmount> number Smaller number - more clustered, higher number, more spread out
<ZOffset> number height above the player

Spawns a mix of Dinopithicus above the player, cannot change the creatures as it's hard coded into the game.
Similar to SpawnActorSpread.
Default numbers are 30 300 200

Cheat RainMonkeys 10 500 25


<NamePart><Tamed><level>ARK: Survival Ascended<bLoadIfUnloaded>ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information
Argument information
Name Type Description

<NamePart> String significant part of a creature's Entity ID (without _C)
<Tamed> Boolean true or 1: tamed, false or 0: wild
<level> float Give creature a specific level, set to 0 for random
ARK: Survival Ascended<bLoadIfUnloaded> Boolean Typically  ARK: Survival Ascended does not load or keep around complete creature data in memory, unless the creature (or a variant) exists in the world. This option forces the game to load the creature into memory if it hasn't been already (however, it is possible the creature will not be unloaded later).

Realistically, for an average player this should always be 1.

Spawn a creature of the specified type in front of the player character. For tames, it is necessary to put the creature in and out of a cryopod after spawning to get the correct stat values.

The NamePart has to be unique enough to specify the desired creature. E.g. "mega" is part of a lot of creature Entity IDs and is not suitable to specify what you want, but "Griff" is significant enough to address a Griffin.

For a list of all Entity IDs see Creature IDs.

See also GMSummon, Summon, SpawnDino, SDFRide

cheat sdf dodo 1 192


<NamePart><Tamed><level>ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg X mark.svg
General information
Argument information
Name Type Description

<NamePart> String significant part of a creature's Entity ID (without _C)
<Tamed> Boolean true or 1: tamed, false or 0: wild
<level> Float Give creature a specific level, set to 0 for random

Similar to SDF except you control as either a Wild or Tamed Dino but you cannot access the creature's inventory by yourself

The NamePart has to be unique enough to specify the desired creature. E.g. "mega" is part of a lot of creature Entity IDs and is not suitable to specify what you want, but "Griff" is significant enough to address a Griffin.

Note: this command has started spawning in creatures with unstable melee and/or health stats. You can spawn the creature in, note the health and or melee then cryo the creature. When you throw the creature out you may find that one or both stats have changed.

For a list of all Entity IDs see Creature IDs.

See also GMSummon, Summon, SpawnDino,ForceTame, SDF

cheat sdfride trilobite 1 150


<AgeValue>ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information
Target: Entity under crosshair
Argument information
Name Type Description

<AgeValue> Boolean Value to set age to (0.01 to 1).

Sets the age of the target baby dino.

See also SetImprintQuality.



<ImprintValue>ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information
Target: Entity under crosshair
Argument information
Name Type Description

<ImprintValue> Float Value to set imprint quality to.

Sets value in the range from 0 to 1 (= 100%) of the target baby or adult bred dino.

See also SetBabyAge



<NewImprinterName><playerID>ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information
Target: Entity under crosshair
Argument information
Name Type Description

<NewImprinterName> String
<playerID> Integer[32] In  ARK: Survival Ascended this argument requires the players EOS ID instead of the player ID.

Changes the imprinted player of the target dino to the provided player name/id.

cheat SetImprintedPlayer "Test" 589563953


<StatName><stat value>ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information
Target: Entity under crosshair
Argument information
Name Type Description

<StatName> string (without quotes) Possible values are Health, Stamina, Torpidity, Oxygen, Food, Weight, Speed, Torpidity

Food and Torpidity is capped at the current max stat value.
The current values of speed is not updated in the inventory but are in effect until a levelup.
The needed parameter value of the damage stat is currently unknown.

<stat value> integer For multiplier stats (speed, damage, craftingSpeed), 1 represents 100 %.

Changes the current value on the set stat. It will not change the max value, when the stat value is recalculated the value will be reset, e.g. after a level up or for HP if the creature is damaged.

cheat SetStatOnTarget Speed 5


<oldPlayerID><newPlayerID><NewImprinterName>ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information
Argument information
Name Type Description

<oldPlayerID> Integer[32] In  ARK: Survival Ascended this argument requires the players EOS ID instead of the player ID.
<newPlayerID> Integer[32]
<NewImprinterName> String

Transfers all dinos that are imprinted on the oldPlayerId to the newPlayerId. If the newPlayerId is online or located it will use that player's name otherwise it will use NewImprinterName.



<tameEff>ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information
Target: Entity under crosshair
Argument information
Name Type Description

<tameEff> Float Value of taming effectiveness from 0 to 1.0. Value 1.0 corresponds to 100 %

Set value taming effectivenes for dino that is being tamed now.

cheat SetTamingEffectivenessModifier 1.0


<ColorRegion><ColorID>ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information
Target: Entity under crosshair
Argument information
Name Type Description

<ColorRegion> Integer[32] Color Region
<ColorID> Integer[32] Color ID.

Sets the dino you target to specified color/s.

cheat SetTargetDinoColor 0 0


<StatType><HowMany>ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information
Target: Entity under crosshair
Argument information
Name Type Description

<StatType> Integer[32] The type of mutation. Possible values: 0 (Health), 1 (Stamina), 2 (Torpidity), 3 (Oxygen), 4 (Food), 5 (Water), 6 (Temperature), 7 (Weight), 8 (MeleeDamageMultiplier), 9 (SpeedMultiplier), 10 (TemperatureFortitude) or 11 (CraftingSpeedMultiplier).
<HowMany> Integer[32] The number of mutation points to add. Possible values: A digit between 1 and 255.

This console command is only available in  ARK: Survival Ascended. It adds a given amount of mutation points to the dino you target.
StatType is a digit which can be set to: 0 (Health), 1 (Stamina), 2 (Torpidity), 3 (Oxygen), 4 (Food), 5 (Water), 6 (Temperature), 7 (Weight), 8 (MeleeDamageMultiplier), 9 (SpeedMultiplier), 10 (TemperatureFortitude) or 11 (CraftingSpeedMultiplier).
HowMany is a digit between 1 and 255 (Note: The maximum number of mutation points a dino can have in one stat is 255).

cheat AddMutations 0 2


ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information
Added in: 286.103

Copies your current coordinates and rotation to your clipboard in the form: X Y Z Yaw Pitch. A shortcut for this command is ccc.



ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information
Target: Self (executing player)

Toggles the display of debug information on structures when you look at them, including the structure's class name and entity ID. You can use the class name in other commands.


<Command>ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg X mark.svg
General information
Added in: 0.0 (UE2)
Argument information
Name Type Description

<Command> String See below.

Enables an on-screen display showing various debug information.

Only the standalone stat commands from UE3/UE4 are available - the multi stat output table has been disabled. Prefix all stat commands with the "stat" command (example: "stat fps" to show fps.) Enter the same stat command to disable showing it.

FPSDisplays the current number of frames being rendered per second and the amount of time taken to render the frame in milliseconds (ms).
LevelsDisplays a list of currently active levels and displays their status through color coding. Streaming levels are grouped under the persistent level. The number of seconds next to the level name is the time it took from load request to load finish.
UnitDisplays the time spent for the current frame on the CPU, the time spent in the game thread, the time spent in the render thread, and the time spent for the current frame on the GPU. The GPU frame time is only displayed if the time spent is greater than 0 (e.g. the GPU is actually being used / does exist).
UnitGraphNormally graphs the information in the "stat unit" command in UE4 games, but the graph is apparently also disabled. Color codes the labels in the "stat unit" command output.
cheat Stat fps


<value>ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information
Argument information
Name Type Description

<value> String See below.

Enables an on-screen overlay showing various debug information.

Prefix the value in the first column with ShowDebug, e.g. ShowDebug reset

resetResets everything to normal
physicsThis will show you Location, Speed & Gravity
cameraThis will show you information about your camera (position, FOV, angle, etc.)
bonesUse 3rd person view to see skeletal mesh
animationShows information about animation
inputAll input keys are show with their action while pressing them + mouse & joystick input
collisionShows radius and height of your collision model (not sure)
netShows remoterole and NetNode
weaponNo special information is given
aiNo special information is given


<Quality>ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg X mark.svg
General information
Target: Self (executing player)
Argument information
Name Type Description

<Quality> Float Graphics quality.

Sets your client's graphics quality. Note that Ark claims the quality parameter is actually an Integer[32], but it does accept decimals (so I called it a float, not sure if that's correct). This command is a general command that affects many different graphics settings, all of which will be set to the new value (rounding if necessary). This command does not change the quality to the graphics presets, which are generally much better to use. The table below lists the approximate corresponding graphics qualities.



<BlueprintPath><SpawnDistance><SpawnYOffset><ZOffset>ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information
Added in: 207.0
Argument information
Name Type Description

<BlueprintPath> String Blueprint path
<SpawnDistance> Float Distance in direction of viewing.
<SpawnYOffset> Float Distance above or below of the direction of viewing.
<ZOffset> Float Distance right or left of the direction of viewing.

Spawns the entity specified by its blueprint path at a random level.

See also SpawnActorSpread, SpawnDino, Summon, SummonTamed, GMSummon

cheat spawnactor "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Dodo/Dodo_Character_BP.Dodo_Character_BP'" 500 0 0


<BlueprintPath><SpawnDistance><SpawnYOffset><ZOffset><NumberActors><SpreadAmount>ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg X mark.svg
General information
Argument information
Name Type Description

<BlueprintPath> String Blueprint path
<SpawnDistance> Float Distance in direction of viewing.
<SpawnYOffset> Float Distance above or below of the direction of viewing.
<ZOffset> Float Distance right or left of the direction of viewing.
<NumberActors> Integer[32] Number of the specified entities to spawn.
<SpreadAmount> Float Unknown?

Spawns a number of entities in the specified area.

cheat SpawnActorSpread "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Dodo/Dodo_Character_BP.Dodo_Character_BP'" 500 10 00 15 200  
See also <code>[[#SpawnActor|SpawnActor]]</code>, <code>[[#SpawnDino|SpawnDino]]</code>, <code>[[#Summon|Summon]]</code>, <code>[[#SummonTamed|SummonTamed]]</code>, <code>[[#GMSummon|GMSummon]]</code>


<BlueprintPath><SpawnDistance><SpawnYOffset><ZOffset><NumberActors><SpreadAmount>ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg X mark.svg
General information
Argument information
Name Type Description

<BlueprintPath> String Blueprint path
<SpawnDistance> Float Distance in direction of viewing.
<SpawnYOffset> Float Distance above or below of the direction of viewing.
<ZOffset> Float Distance right or left of the direction of viewing.
<NumberActors> Integer[32] Number of the specified entities to spawn.
<SpreadAmount> Float Unknown?

Spawns a number of entities in the specified area.

cheat SpawnActorSpreadTamed "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Dodo/Dodo_Character_BP.Dodo_Character_BP'" 500 10 00 15 200  
See also <code>[[#SpawnActor|SpawnActor]]</code>, <code>[[#SpawnDino|SpawnDino]]</code>, <code>[[#Summon|Summon]]</code>, <code>[[#SummonTamed|SummonTamed]]</code>, <code>[[#GMSummon|GMSummon]]</code>


<BlueprintPath><SpawnDistance><SpawnYOffset><ZOffset><DinoLevel>ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information
Argument information
Name Type Description

<BlueprintPath> String Blueprint path, see creature's page or Creature IDs
<SpawnDistance> Float Distance in direction of viewing.
<SpawnYOffset> Float Distance above or below of the direction of viewing.
<ZOffset> Float Distance right or left of the direction of viewing.
<DinoLevel> Integer[32] Dino level

Spawns a leveled dino specified by its blueprint path.

See also SpawnActor, SpawnActorSpread, Summon, SummonTamed, GMSummon

cheat spawndino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Dodo/Dodo_Character_BP.Dodo_Character_BP'" 500 0 0 120


<type>ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information
Added in: 0.0 (UE1)
Argument information
Name Type Description

<type> String Entity ID to summon

Spawn a creature of the specified type at the place of the player character. Also usable to spawn Beacons.

See also SpawnActor, SpawnActorSpread, SpawnDino, SummonTamed, GMSummon

cheat summon Ankylo_Character_BP_C


<type>ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information
Argument information
Name Type Description

<type> String Entity ID to summon

Spawn a force-tamed creature of the specified type at the place of the player character.

See also SpawnActor, SpawnActorSpread, SpawnDino, Summon, GMSummon

cheat summontamed Ankylo_Character_BP_C


<"type"><level>ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information
Target: Self (executing player)
Added in: 252.4
Argument information
Name Type Description

<"type"> string Entity ID to summon, enclosed in quotation marks
<level> string Level w/o taming bonus

Spawn a creature of the specified type at the place of the player character and tames it. The dino isn't cheat-tamed, so still requires a saddle. The level is without taming bonus, so if you want to end with a level x you should divide that number by 1.5. E.g. you want level 150, that is 150 / 1.5 = 100. You type 100 and the result is 100 plus 50% taming bonus: 150.

The quotation marks around the type are mandatory.

See also Summon, SpawnDino

cheat GMSummon "Dodo_Character_BP_C" 100


<Tier><Quantity>ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg X mark.svg
General information
Argument information
Name Type Description

<Tier> String See below
<Quantity> Integer[32] number of dinos to spawn. Use 0 to spawn the full set.

Spawns a set of dinos in the specified tier, fully set up with reasonably optimized stats and saddles.

cheat GiveDinoSet Mek 0


<DinoBlueprintPath><SaddleBlueprintPath><SaddleQuality><BaseLevel><ExtraLevels><BaseStats><AddedStats><DinoName><Cloned><Neutered><TamedOn><UploadedFrom><ImprinterName><ImprinterPlayerID><ImprintQuality><Colors><DinoID><Exp><spawnDistance><YOffset><ZOffset>ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information
Argument information
Name Type Description

<DinoBlueprintPath> String If there is a typo in the blueprint path the game will crash!

Blueprint path

<SaddleBlueprintPath> String Blueprint path

To spawn the creature without saddle pass an empty string ("")

<SaddleQuality> float Quality of the equipped saddle
<BaseLevel> Integer[32] Level of the spawned Dino.

If the level is not the sum of BaseStats + 1, the creature stats may be broken.

<ExtraLevels> Integer[32] Sum of the domesticated levels

If the value is not the sum of AddedStats, the creature stats may be broken.

<BaseStats> String Comma separated string with the base levels

The order is health, stamina, oxygen, food, weight, melee damage, movement speed, crafting skill
The set levels will only be visible after putting the creature in and out of a crypod.
Syntax example: "0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0"

<AddedStats> String Comma separated string with the domesticated levels

The order is health, stamina, oxygen, food, weight, melee damage, movement speed, crafting skill
The set levels will only be visible after putting the creature in and out of a crypod.
Syntax example: "0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0"

<DinoName> String Unknown
<Cloned> Integer[8] Unknown
<Neutered> Integer[8] Unknown
<TamedOn> String Unknown
<UploadedFrom> String Unknown
<ImprinterName> String If left empty, there will be no imprint
<ImprinterPlayerID> Integer[32] Unknown
<ImprintQuality> float Normalized value between 1.0 and 0, where 1.0 means 100% imprint quality.
<Colors> String Comma separated string with the color ids

Syntax example: "0,0,0,0,0,0"
The colors will appear if the creature was put in and out of a cryopod.
If an empty string ("") is passed, the colors will be randomly taken from the natural occuring colors of that species.

<DinoID> Integer[64] If 0 is passed, the game will roll the id.
<Exp> Integer[64] Unknown
<spawnDistance> float Unknown
<YOffset> float Unknown
<ZOffset> float Unknown

Warning: This command will crash your game if there's a typo in one of the blueprint paths. The creature must be put in and out of a cryopod or it will display wrong stat values and colors. Only use this command if you cannot use any of the stable alternatives like Summon or SpawnDino. Make sure to follow the requirements of the spawn commands (e.g. the sum of the ExtraLevels needs to be the value of ExtraLevels). It is necessary to put the creature in and out of a cryopod after spawning to get the correct stat values and colors - without doing so, the creature will have random colors and display wrong stat values.
Spawns a fully set up dino with the specified saddle, specified base and domesticated levels, colors.
This cheat tends to be long and cumbersome - you might want to write them in notepad and copy-paste them into the game when needed
Note that some parameters like SaddleBlueprintPath and DinoStats are string arguments, so if you don't want to use them, you should use "" (the empty string)
The tool provided by ArkUtils may be used to generate a command.

cheat SpawnExactDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Raptor/Raptor_Character_BP.Raptor_Character_BP'" "" 1 1 0 "0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0" "0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0" "Raptor" 0 0 "" "" "" 0 0 "" 0 0 0 20 20


<DinoBlueprintPath><SaddleBlueprintPath><SaddleQuality><DinoLevel><DinoStats><SpawnDistance><YOffset><ZOffset>ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg X mark.svg
General information
Argument information
Name Type Description

<DinoBlueprintPath> String Blueprint path
<SaddleBlueprintPath> String Blueprint path
<SaddleQuality> float Quality of the equipped saddle
<DinoLevel> Integer[32] Level of the spawned Dino
<DinoStats> String DinoStats is a string that contains a comma separated list of domesticated levels to give the creature

base stats are: Health, Stamina, Torpidity, Oxygen, Food, Water, Temperature, Weight, MeleeDamageMultiplier, SpeedMultiplier, TemperatureFortitude, CraftingSpeedMultiplier
Syntax example: "Health=30,MeleeDamageMultiplier=20,Weight=10"

<SpawnDistance> float Distance in front of you in which the Dino will be spawned
<YOffset> float Offset to the side in which the Dino will be spawned
<ZOffset> float Height at which the Dino will be spawned

Spawns a fully set up dino with the specified saddle, tamed at Level with random base stats, and preapplied levels to the selected stats up to 88 total levels.
The spawned creature will be tamed, regarding achievements this counts as taming it.

cheat SpawnSetupDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Raptor/Raptor_Character_BP.Raptor_Character_BP'" "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Armor/Saddles/PrimalItemArmor_RaptorSaddle.PrimalItemArmor_RaptorSaddle'" 1 80 "Health=30,MeleeDamageMultiplier=20,Weight=10" 500 500 0


ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information
Target: Crosshair or Ridden

Forces the dino you are riding (or if not riding a dino, the dino you are looking at) to poop



ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information
Target: Entity under crosshair
Added in: 297.17

Clears the cryo-sickness status of the tame you are looking at and wakes it up.



ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information
Target: Entity under crosshair

Put in new cryopod your creature.

cheat CryoMyTarget

Dino-specific commands

The following Commands will only work on the dinos they are listed under If you're riding a dino, these cheats will apply to that dino. Otherwise they will apply to the dino you're currently looking at.


Dino Reset

ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information

Resets all blink cooldowns

cheat Dino Reset

Dino InfiniteBlink

ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information

Don't use blink cooldown slots, just always allow blinking


DinoSet Cooldowns

<Number>ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information
Argument information
Name Type Description

<Number> Integer[32] Number of Blinks

Set the number of blink cooldown slots the enforcer has

cheat DinoSet Cooldowns 7

Dino DontHideRiderDuringBlink

ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information

Prevents the Enforcer from touching rider visibility during blink, allowing the HideRiders cheat to work like it does for other dinos

cheat Dino DontHideRiderDuringBlink

DinoSet Blink

<number>ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information
Argument information
Name Type Description

<number> float value must be between 0 and 1

Sets the blink vfx (forwards) to the specified percentage

cheat DinoSet Blink 0.5

DinoSet BlinkBack

<number>ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information
Argument information
Name Type Description

<number> float value must be between 0 and 1

Sets the blink vfx (backwards) to the specified percentage

cheat DinoSet BlinkBack 0.5

Dino Inflate

ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information

Sets current inflation to maximum

cheat Dino Inflate

DinoSet Inflate

<number>ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information
Argument information
Name Type Description

<number> Integer[32] amount of inflation

Increases inflation by a specific amount (also accepts negative numbers to reduce inflation)

cheat DinoSet Inflate 50

Dino InfiniteGas

ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information

Constantly refills inflation to keep it at maximum (toggle)

cheat Dino InfiniteGas

Dino TitanMode

ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information

Multiplies the inflation by 10x

cheat Dino TitanMode

Dino Reset

ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information

Resets Mek fuel to maximum and heat level to zero

cheat Dino Reset

Dino InfiniteFuel

ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information

Keeps fuel at 100%


DinoSet Fuel

<number>ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information
Argument information
Name Type Description

<number> ?? amount that gets added

Adds or subtracts the amount of fuel specified

cheat DinoSet Fuel -10

Dino NoHeat

ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information

Keeps heat at 0% (effectively infinite hover)


Dino ToggleUpkeep

ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information

Disables/Enables Mek upkeep (the system that subtracts fuel/health every 60 seconds)


DinoSet UpkeepInterval

<number>ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information
Argument information
Name Type Description

<number> Integer[32] interval in seconds

Sets the Mek's upkeep interval in seconds. Does not affect the rate of fuel/health loss, just how often it updates.

cheat DinoSet UpkeepInterval 60
Mega Mek

Dino ReplayIntro

ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information

Makes the MegaMek invisible, then replays the intro effect VFX.


DinoSet Blink

<number>ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information
Argument information
Name Type Description

<number> float value between 0 and 1

Sets the blink/intro effect to that level.

cheat DinoSet Blink 0.5

DinoSet EatTime

<number>ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information
Argument information
Name Type Description

<number> Integer[32] time in seconds

Sets the time in seconds between sitting down to digest

cheat DinoSet EatTime 3
Forest Titan

Dino DestroyRightNode

ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information

Dismembers right arm and destroys the node.


Dino DestroyLeftNode

ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information

Dismembers left arm and destroys the node.


Dino DestroyCenterNode

ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg Check mark.svg
General information

Destroys the center node.


Commands that seem to be available but no info on how to use them:



ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg X mark.svg
General information



<Duration>ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg X mark.svg
General information
Argument information
Name Type Description





ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg X mark.svg
General information

Unknown? Appears to trigger an internal map restart.



ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg X mark.svg
General information



<SteamId>ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg X mark.svg
General information
Added in: 254.0
Argument information
Name Type Description

<SteamId> Integer[32]

Bug: This command does not work correctly, including the one used in ShowMyAdminManager, returning an invalid ID, and does not work for commands that require player ID.


<PlayerId>ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg X mark.svg
General information
Added in: 254.0
Argument information
Name Type Description

<PlayerId> Integer[32]




<ActorName>ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg X mark.svg
General information
Argument information
Name Type Description

<ActorName> FString




ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg X mark.svg
General information




ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg X mark.svg
General information




ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg X mark.svg
General information




ARK: Survival Ascended Check mark.svgARK: Survival Evolved Check mark.svgXbox Series.svgPS.svg X mark.svg
General information

