Tek Grenade

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This article is about Tek Grenade, not to be confused with  Grenade,  Smoke Grenade,  Poison Grenade,  Cluster Grenade, or  Tek Gravity Grenade

Tek Grenade
Tek Grenade.png

Sticks to targets with a powerful Tek Explosion after 5 seconds. Equipping requires learning this Tekgram.

Stack size
Single use
Unlocked upon defeating
Added in
Spawn Command
cheat gfi TekGrenade 1 0 0
cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Weapons/PrimalItem_TekGrenade.PrimalItem_TekGrenade'" 1 0 0
Unlock Tekgram
cheat unlockengram "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Weapons/PrimalItem_TekGrenade.PrimalItem_TekGrenade'"
Crafting XP
45.4 XP
Crafting time
Crafted in
Crafting yields
3 pieces

The Tek Grenade is an endgame explosive in ARK: Survival Evolved. It is part of the Tek Tier item set.


When tossed at a target, the Tek Grenade can stick to the target and will explode after 5 seconds. It deals 300 damage to a creature with no armor.

List of explosive damage versus various materials as of Patch 257:

Weapon/Structure Thatch Wood Stone Metal Tek
 C4 Charge * 11813 * 3544 788
 Grenade 788 788 1838 237 53
 Improvised Explosive Device (pair) * 7875 ** ** **
 Rocket Propelled Grenade * 7350 * 2205 596
 Tek Rifle 1260 536 294 29 185
 Tek Grenade 2625 1115 612 59 385
 Cannon * * 3446 355 40

* The damage is greater than the health-points of structures of that material
** IEDs are currently just about impossible to place on stone, metal, or Tek structures.


Unlocked by killing the Megapithecus or Manticore boss on Alpha difficulty.


Patch  ARK: Survival Evolved Changes
257.0 Tek Grenade is added to the game.
314.13 Tek Grenades when attached to a Scout will now instantly explode.