Brick Dinosaur Gate (Primitive Plus)

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Brick Dinosaur Gate
Reinforced Dinosaur Gate.png

A large, reinforced wooden gate that can be used with a Gateway to keep dinosaurs in or out.

Stack size
Spawn Command
cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/PrimitivePlusMod/Items/PrimalItemStructure_BrickGate.PrimalItemStructure_BrickGate'" 1 0 0
Required level
Engram points
16 EP
Crafting XP
40 XP
Crafting time
Crafted in
Resources breakdown [Expand]
30 × Steel Ingot (Primitive Plus)
30 × Iron Ingot
60 × Iron
60 × Carbon (Primitive Plus)
Total Base Ingredients

The Brick Dinosaur Gate is a Structure in the Primitive+-DLC of ARK: Survival Evolved. The Brick Dinosaur Gate is designed to work together with the  Brick Dinosaur Gateway (Primitive Plus). Together, they provide protection against dinosaurs and can help keep them contained inside of an area.


  • This item was named "Concrete Dinosaur Gate" before v1.5.
  • In game this item is named "Reinforced Concrete Dinosaur Gate" after being placed.