cheat summon Oasisaur_Character_BP_C
cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Packs/Frontier/Dinos/Oasisaur/Oasisaur_Character_BP.Oasisaur_Character_BP'" 500 0 0 35
The Oasisaur is one of the creatures in ARK: Survival Ascended. It was added to the game as part of the Frontier Adventure Pack of the Bob's Tall Tales DLC, which released alongside the free Scorched Earth DLC.
Basic Info
Oasisaur zurzura
- Wild
Where do I start with Oasisaur zurzura? Like most of the unique wildlife I’ve encountered here, this flying island feels like something from legendary fantasy. It’s as big as a Titanosaur, but somehow it can still defy gravity! My hunch is that Oasisaur consumes great bunches of vegetation at once, so a handful of berries wouldn’t be an enticing enough offering. You’d have better luck courting its affection with a topiary or potted shrub, as long as you’re ready to chase rival suitors off the behemoth’s back. This roaming oasis carries soil on its back so fertile that anything planted in it will flourish, even if practically ignored. And that back seems like it has room enough for a small neighborhood...
- Domesticated
This living landmass will nurture its longer-term inhabitants. That friendship is worth the time investment, because favored residents get access to a pool with truly miraculous properties. For starters, its restorative waters will cure bathers of nearly any illness or affliction. Most unbelievably, the wellspring of an Oasisaur can reincarnate your lost animal friends! Whether by transcendental magic or access to the mysterious technologies of these ARKs, I’ve seen a fallen pet returned to newborn life by committing their essence to that rejuvenating pool.
The Oasisaur can be found peacefully wandering the Dunes of Scorched Earth, unbothered by the denizens of the sands. It is a surprisingly gentle creature, and will not retaliate against Survivors that might attack it. The only caution needed when approaching an Oasisaur is against other hostile creatures that call the Dunes home, such as Deathworms.
The Oasisaur resembles something of a cross between an enormous insect or crab, a floating island, and corals. Each of its limbs are covered in thick armor plating, with the last joints of their limbs being particularly large and bulky from the plate-like growths covering them. Each limb also ends with crab-like pincers, though they are not used as weapons.
The Oasisaur has a small resemblance to the Megachelon, due to the large shell that can be built on, as well as the presence of grass and plant life.
Color Scheme and Regions
Base Stats and Growth
Attribute | Base Value | Level Increase | Taming Bonus | ||
Wild | Tamed | Additive | Multiplicative | ||
![]() |
20000 | +4000 | +3.4% | 0.07 | |
![]() |
100 | +10 | +10% | ||
![]() |
150 | +15 | +10% | ||
![]() |
8800 | +880 | +10% | ||
![]() |
2500 | +50 | +4% | ||
![]() |
N/A | N/A | N/A | ||
![]() |
0% | N/A | +1% | 0% | |
![]() |
10000 | +1000 | N/A | 0.1 |
- For a comparison of the stats of all creatures, see Base Creature Statistics.
- For an explanation of exactly how the levelup calculation works, see Creature Stats Calculation.
- 1These are the base speeds of the tamed creature at 100% Movement Speed, i.e. without a possible taming bonus.
- 2These are the speeds of the creature once tamed including a possible taming bonus and no imprinting bonus.
- For a comparison of the speeds of all creatures, see Base Creature Speeds.
Fly |
Resurrection/Reincarnation of Tames
Tamed adult creatures that are capable of breeding will drop a Death Essence on death, which resembles an occupied Cryopod. Placing a Death Essence within the inventory of the oasis on the Oasisaur will allow you to resurrect the fallen creature once, at the cost of having to raise them from a baby again. Resurrections can only be done once every 24 hours per Oasisaur, and can only be done once per creature. Death Essences will expire 24 hours after being dropped; the only way to store them and extend their expiration time is to store them inside of the Oasisaur's oasis, which extends the timer to around 3 days.
Resurrection is accomplished by placing a Death Essence into the inventory of the oasis (NOT the inventory of the Oasisaur!), then selecting the "Reincarnate" option from the Oasisaur's radial menu. Note that due to the Oasisaur's taming requirements, resurrections can not be done for the first 24 hours after taming the Oasisaur.
Fountain of Youth
Standing in the pool on the Oasisaur will grant Surviors a stacking buff known as Gaia's Embrace It is unknown what the buff does currently, but the buff can stack up to 20 times. Each stack of Gaia's Embrace expires after 30 seconds, but can be refreshed by standing in the pool. The pool also cures players from Diseases.
Sustainable Enviroment
The Oasisaur gives some advantages to certain structures if they are placed on its back:
- Gives infinite water to any structure that requires it.
- In addition with the unlimited water supply, any
Crop Plot will be automatically filled with unlimited fertilized, it also gives 300% of Greenhouse Effect.
- Any
Bee Hive will produce
Giant Bee Honey without
Rare Flower inside its inventory.
The Oasisaur is a gentle giant and possesses no attacks whatsoever, and therefore is completely incapable of defending itself from anything that it can't simply fly away from. Coupled with its incredibly slow flight speed, this makes an Oasisaur an easy target for flying creatures such as Wyverns, or for large creatures such as Giganotosaurus or Carcharadontosaurus.
The prospect of defending an Oasisaur is made even more difficult given that you cannot place automated turrets or Plant Species X on it.
The only defense an Oasisaur has, other than any tames or weaponry its aligned tribe possesses, is its enormous health pool of 20,000 hitpoints; tames capable of high damage output, such as Wyvern, would be adept for taking down an Oasisaur in a PVP setting. However, given its peaceful nature, theoretically any tame or weapon will be enough to get the job done so long as you have enough time to spend trying to slay it.
Creatures capable of inflicting bleeding status debuffs, such as Allosaurus, Deinonychus, or Thylacoleo, are also useful for killing Oasisaurs in PVP.
- Floating Fortress: The Oasisaur can fulfill a role similar to that of the Titanosaur; while it is incapable of destroying structures (let alone damaging anything at all), players can build structures on it for a variety of purposes, although it will not allow the placement of turrets or Plant Species X. Additionally, you cannot place structures beyond the edges of its back, preventing players from encasing parts of the creature in "armor" like a Paracer or a Quetzal. (Level Health, Food, and Weight)
- Tame Resurrector: By gathering the Death Essences of slain tames, the Oasisaur can be used to resurrect them (if they are capable of breeding), at the cost of reincarnating them as a baby. Reincarnation can only occur once per creature, and the Oasisaur has a 24-hour cooldown between resurrections.
- Resource Generator: A tamed Oasisaur will automatically generate resources in the inventory of their oasis, which are randomly generated per-Oasisaur similarly to the Gacha. One can tell what resources it will generate by looking at its back; items relating to their resources (such as trees, bushes, rocks, crystals, etc) will appear, in correlation to the amount of resources it has generated in the oasis' inventory. The list of confirmed resources Oasisaurs can generate include Cactus Sap, Crystal, Fiber, Flint, Metal, Stone, Sulfur, Thatch, and Wood. Resource nodes that spawn on its back are not harvestable and will disappear as structures are placed, or as resources are harvested from the oasis' inventory.
Taming the Oasisaur will require two things; a deceased creature's Death Essence, and a weapon. Ranged weapons and ammo for them such as a Fabricated Sniper Rifle or a Longneck Rifle are recommended.
In order to begin the taming progress, a Survivor must climb onto the Oasisaur's back (whether by landing on it with a flying creature or using Grappling Hooks). Placing the Death Essence inside the inventory of the oasis will begin a taming mini-game. A baby clone of the resurrected creature will spawn in the oasis, with three bars over it; the green bar is the baby's health bar, the white bar is related to how many enemies you have to kill to complete the current wave, and the orange bar is the mini-game/taming progress.
After the baby is spawned, Vultures will spawn around the Oasisaur and home in on the baby to try and kill it. If the baby takes too much damage while the mini-game is ongoing, the taming process will reset to zero and kill the baby. As each wave is completed, the Vultures will gradually spawn at higher levels; they will spawn at level 31 for the first wave, level 61 for the second wave, and level 121 for the third wave. Once the mini-game is completed, the Oasisaur will be instantly tamed. However, the creature used for the taming progress will be destroyed, so it is recommended to use the Death Essence of a tame that you are not particularly attached to!
Once the Oasisaur is tamed, you will not be able to immediately revive a creature with it for the first 24 hours; this is because resurrections can only be done once every 24 hours, and the creature used in the taming progress counts towards the limit. It is currently unknown if failing the mini-game will force you to wait 24 hours before trying to tame the Oasisaur again.
It is unknown if an actively reincarnating baby can be damaged by a player's own tames or weapons, or if damaging the Oasisaur will negatively impact taming process/efficiency. It is also unknown if the species of creature has any impact on the levels or stats an Oasisaur will gain after taming, like with the Rhyniognatha.
Patch | ![]() |
41.23 |
41.31 | Fixed a hang that occurred when an Oasisaur with player-built structures entered render range |
45.14 | Fixed a desync caused by the Oasisaur |
- Unlike the Titanosaur, which cannot eat and will eventually starve to death (except in servers where the setting to feed them is enabled), the Oasisaur can be fed and prevented from starving; however, it only eats from foliage grown in Plant Pots. Plants may be dug up with a Shovel while an empty plant pot is in the player's inventory, and the plant will automatically fill the pot. Filled pots placed in the Oasisaur's inventory provide food, with the amount of food restored being larger for larger plants.
- Only one Oasisaur may be tamed per tribe.
- Oasisaurs can't carry Titanosaurs.
- The Oasisaur's rejuvenating pool and ability to reincarnate fallen tames may be based on the legendary Fountain of Youth, which is described as a mythical spring that restores the youth of anyone who drinks or bathes in its waters.
- Its species name, "zurzura", means 'Oasis of Little Birds'.
- "Zurzura" is also a reference to the mythological city of the same name, Zerzura (Arabic: زرزورة). Zerzura is described as being a city that was "as white as a dove" and was also called "The Oasis of Little Birds". Zerzura allegedly exists somewhere in the Sahara Desert, west of the Nile River.
- The Oasisaur oddly does not have a mouth or nostrils, making it currently unknown how the Oasisaur eats or breathes. It could be gaining sustenance from plants grown in Plant Pots through their roots growing into its shell and transferring nutrients. The Oasisaur's shell features a series of honeycomb-like holes, with the largest ones resembling gills, which might explain how it breathes and flies.
- The Oasisaur is one of the few creatures that does not have any form of attack.
- The Oasisaur does not generate resources while flying. Resource generation and visibility restarts once on the ground.
Creatures |