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Stamina is a representation of how much energy you have. Actions such as running, jumping, swimming, harvesting resources, and attacking will all drain your Stamina.  Water level drops faster when Stamina is being consumed, and so does  Food while Stamina is being regenerated.


Putting a point into Stamina will increase your maximum Stamina by 10. When you're out of energy you can recover it by either waiting in one spot or eating consumables like  Stimberries.


  • Walking does not decrease your stamina, but will cause it to regenerate slower than if you stand still.
  • If the player out of Stamina while swimming, you will move extremely slowly. When diving this could cause you to drown when trying to reach the surface.
    • To avoid this situation use  Lazarus Chowder, this recipe recovers enough stamina to allow the player to do constant swimming without runs out of stamina.
    • Although perhaps not intentional, if its necessary the player can have a sitting object such as  Wooden Chair on its inventory to sit under the water, this allows the player to recover stamina while "swimming".
  • If the player crouches or prones on the ground his  Food and  Water stats will drop slower while it recores stamina.
    • While crouching the player also consumes less stamina if he attacks.
  • Stamina can be refilled faster by consuming  Stimberries,  Stimulant, or  Energy Brew. Watch for dehydration as a side-effect.
  • Wild creatures normally don't lose or recovers stamina, i.e. they can run, swim or attack forever. There are some exceptions where they do (e.g. when trying to jump out of the water), but those are very rare.
    • The  Triceratops is one of the few creatures that can run out of stamina in the wild by itself, whenever it charges its ram attack the Trike consumes stamina, and because wild creatures cannot recovers stamina if the Trike runs out of it this creature will only be able to walk instead of run towards its targets.
    • Creatures that can drain stamina from creatures such as  Kaprosuchus or  Troodon can drain the stamina from wild creatures and disabling their ability to run, being a good strategy to tame most of them.
  • Unridden tamed creatures don't lose stamina by attacking or running, but they can lose it by swimming if they are not aquatic creatures.