Wild babies

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In  ARK: Survival Ascended, creatures can spawn in the wild as babies. Their stats and colors are usually an identical copy of their parent, with a tiny chance of a single mutation.


Wild babies will follow their parent, they could freely move ~2 foundations around it, but if the parent moves farther than that the baby will move towards it.

If the parent or the baby itself is getting attacked the baby will stay with its parent and the parent will fight, even if the species commonly flee like  Parasaur or  Moschops. Once the parent is dead the baby will flee.

If the parent is knocked out the baby will stay near it, however if the parents got tamed by a tribe the baby start to flee from it.

Taming And Raising

Once Tamed, They will behave much like normal wild babies, requiring care and extra food as well as imprinting until adulthood. Checking the "Ancestry Tab" of the Dino will depict the parent of the baby, respective to the gender of the parent, with the other gender not being specified and given as a wild ancestor.

They can be claimed like a normal baby obtained through breeding or hatching, only if their parents are killed or tamed.

Potential Creatures

The Types of creatures that have the possibility to Spawn with wild babies along with the maximum age that those babies could spawn with and the amount of babies that could spawn with a single parent:

Species / Common Name Maximum Age 1 Baby 2 Babies 3 Babies
 Allosaurus 10% 12.5% 2% 0.5%
 Ankylosaurus 30% 25% 5%
 Archaeopteryx 40% 13% 2%
 Brontosaurus 30% 25% 4.5% 0.5%
 Carbonemys 10% 15% 5%
 Carno 30% 12.5% 2% 0.5%
 Castoroides 10% 30% 8% 2%
 Chalicotherium 30% 25% 4.5% 0.5%
 Compy 10% 8.5% 1.3% 0.2%
 Daeodon 10% 12.5% 2% 0.5%
 Dilophosaur 10% 15% 5%
 Dimetrodon 30% 27.5% 2.5%
 Diplodocus 10% 30% 8% 2%
 Dire Bear 40% 30% 8% 2%
 Direwolf 35% 30% 8% 2%
 Dodo 40% 15% 5%
 Doedicurus 30% 12.5% 2.5%
 Equus /  Unicorn 35% 12.5% 2% 0.5%
 Gallimimus 30% 12.5% 2% 0.5%
 Gigantopithecus 40% 30% 8% 2%
 Hyaenodon 30% 30% 8% 2%
 Iguanodon 30% 12.5% 2.5% 0.5%
 Jerboa 30% 30% 8% 2%
 Kairuku 66% 33% 33%
 Kentrosaurus 30% 30% 8% 2%
 Lystrosaurus 10% 15% 5%
 Mammoth 30% 12.5% 2% 0.5%
 Megalosaurus 40% 30% 8% 2%
 Megatherium 40% 12.5% 2.5%
 Mesopithecus 30% 12.5% 2% 0.5%
 Microraptor 50% 12.5% 2.5%
 Morellatops 30% 30% 8% 2%
 Moschops 10% 15% 5%
 Otter 40% 12.5% 2% 0.5%
 Oviraptor 40% 12.5% 2% 0.5%
 Ovis 10% 30% 8% 2%
 Pachy 10% 15% 4% 1%
 Pachyrhinosaurus 30% 7% 10% 3%
 Paraceratherium 30% 25% 4.5% 0.5%
 Parasaur 40% 15% 4% 1%
 Pegomastax 20% 15% 5%
 Phiomia 25% 30% 8% 2%
 Procoptodon 30% 15%
 Raptor 30% 12.5% 2% 0.5%
 Rex 30% 12.5% 2.5%
 Sabertooth 25% 30% 8% 2%
 Stegosaurus 40% 30% 8% 2%
 Terror Bird 40% 12.5% 2% 0.5%
 Therizinosaur 30% 12.5% 2.5%
 Thorny Dragon 30% 12.5% 2% 0.5%
 Thylacoleo 25% 10%
 Triceratops 40% 30% 8% 2%
 Troodon 30% 12.5% 2% 0.5%
 Woolly Rhino 30% 25% 4.5% 0.5%
 Yutyrannus 30% 12.5% 2% 0.5%

The list of creatures is different depending on the map. For example Wild  Parasaur babies can spawn on The Island, but do not spawn on Scorched Earth, whereas Wild  Direwolf babies can appear on Scorched Earth, but do not spawn on The Island.


  • Because sometimes is easier to kill a creature than to try to tame it, the babies will result a good alternative to tame certain creatures with difficult taming method like the  Troodon.
  • The  Gigantoraptor is currently the only way to claim wild babies without "losing" the extra taming levels.
  • Although in the ARK: Survival Ascended first trailer appears a wild  Argentavis with its babies it is actually not possible to found those babies in the wild.

