Creative Mode

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Creative Mode
Admin Blink Rifle.png

Creative Mode

Added in
Patch 278.0
A fast and simple way of building.

Server admins can now activate Creative Mode for certain players. In Singleplayer you can activate Creative Mode for yourself.


Use the following commands in order to activate Creative Mode.

  • cheat GiveCreativeMode or GCM to activate it for yourself.
  • cheat GiveCreativeModeToTarget or GCMT to toggle Creative Mode for the player you are targeting.
  • cheat GiveCreativeModeToPlayer <playerid> or GCMP to toggle Creative Mode for a player by their ID.
  • All three console commands act as a toggle - running them a second time will remove Creative Mode (all effects except gained engrams, which require the player log out and log back in, or die to fully remove)


Creative Mode gives a bunch of different abilities to the user:

  • Removes weight restrictions (sets weight stat to 99999.9).
  • Removes Crafting Requirements.
  • Instant crafting of items.
  • Flying (without the use of additional commands, check the section below for details).
  • Unlocks all engrams.
  • Grants infinite stats and godmode [note: after December 2018 update it appears creature attacks no longer register].
  • Adds the Admin Blink Rifle to your inventory
  • You are no longer vulnerable to the Hurtme command, Destroy command, Kill command or the Admin Blink Rifle.


With Creative Mode, you can now toggle flying by double-tapping jump (default Space, A, Cross, A). You can also slow down (hold ⇧ Shift,LB,L2) while flying.

In PC, if you want to fly you must use fly command to fly. In particular, if you need to slow down, make sure you use fly command after you have already opened Creative Mode, then you will be able to slow down permanently by push sprint(default⇧ Shift) only once (by holding it would be faster like sprinting). If you active fly cheat mode before you active Creative Mode, you will permanently lost the ability to slow down, until you quit the map and re-enter the map, avtive Create Mode and active fly command sequentially to make the slow down function usable.


  • Does NOT make you invisible
  • If you are stuck in creative after relog, just force kick yourself to remove it.
  • You shouldn't give creative mode to players you don't trust
  • After removing Creative Mode from a player, the user will still have access to any gained engrams. To remove them, the user must log out and back in again (just like the GiveEngrams console command)
  • Currently you cannot create custom recipes without the materials required
  • With G you can immediately destroy misplaced structures so you can fix it (while in fly mode)
  • You can kill yourself with rockets.
  • You can kill yourself with Organic Polymer / Corrupted Nodule.
  • Players used to be able to kill you by headshotting you with a Pump-Action Shotgun (unknown if only on singleplayer), but this has been patched out prior to a recent update.
  • In previous patches of the game, you were still able to die to giganotosaurus and titanosaurus
  • You can die by flying too high on certain maps ( over the diamond in the obelisk), which makes your body irrecoverable and does not leave a death marker.