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Chibi-Pets are miniature pets serving primarily as cosmetic items, but also offering a level cap increase as discussed below. Unlike unlockable skins, they are considered just items - they're dropped along with other items in the survivor's inventory upon death, and will be lost if the death cache is not retrieved; the only exception is the Genesis Season Pass exclusive  Chibi-Noglin as a new, unleveled can be found in the inventory after respawn.

They are equipped in the off-hand slot - the pet then appears to the front-left of the survivor, and follows their movement and direction they're facing. While riding mounts chibi-pets remain in the survivor's lap, and while in bed they sit nearby. Note that for the  Tek Sleeping Pod the pets still follow the position, except facing upwards at the survivor's right, since survivors sleep on their backs in the pods instead of on their sides.

Chibi-Pets can be leveled up five times by killing certain predators while having the pet equipped. Each level up permanently increases the maximum level by 1 (up to 5 extra levels) of the survivor who's got the chibi equipped at the time of a level-up. Following creatures award Experience to the Chibi-Pets:

Received experience only scales with game-wide XP multipliers, and is not affected by the Explorer Notes buff.

Experience Requirements

Level XP needed XP total
1 30000 30000
2 105000 135000
3 405000 540000
4 465000 1005000
5 1020000 2025000

Note:  Alpha Raptor level 100 equals 5777 ChibiXP on SP/Rental.

Although Ragnaroks  Iceworm Queen counts as an Alpha Deathworm, she grants no ChibiXP.

List of Chibi-Pets

Chibi-Pets may refer to:


These ways of obtaining are generalized according to their main event. Years may differ, but their method of obtaining are generally the same.

ARK: Winter Wonderland

Most chibis can only be found from Presents dropped by  Raptor Claus, or from the regular Gacha Crystals dropped by  GachaClaus. Specific type of Chibis can only be obtained from either of the two.

ARK: Love Evolved

Most chibis may be obtained while fishing for  Coelacanth with an amorous (heart) effect with only  Fishing Rod.  Fish Net does not yield any chance of a chibi.

ARK: Eggcellent Adventure

Eggs from wild bunny Dodos can be placed and cracked. Cracking an egg has a 20% chance to drop a Chibi-Pet. This can only happen during the event and eggs saved for when the event is over will not have this option.

ARK: 5th Anniversary

Cakes found from harvesting from dead  Party Dodo can be used in a  Cooking Pot as a recipe for crafting random Chibi-Pets.

ARK: Summer Bash

Random Chibi-Pets may be crafted in a  Cooking Pot from 10  Prime Meat Jerky.

ARK: Fear Evolved

Random Chibi-Pets may either be found from remains of killed  Dodorex or  Dodo Wyvern, or crafted with 5 ×  Pumpkin, 5 ×  Scarecrow and 5 ×  Stolen Headstone in  Cooking Pot.

ARK: Turkey Trial

A random Chibi-Pet can be crafted from a single  Wishbone inside a  Cooking Pot. Alternatively, the player can craft a guaranteed rare or better Chibi-Pet from 5 ×  Wishbone.


4 Chibi-Pets can be smelted in a  Refining Forge to craft 1 random Chibi-Pet. Rarity are random, and does not account for what rarity of chibis are being smelted. Existing forges will not let you smelt Chibis (long standing bug, that after map load existing forges will loose the Chibi forge ability). You need to place a new one.


When obtaining a chibi, you have roughly an ~89.28% chance of receiving a chibi from the common list, a ~9.92% chance of receiving a chibi from the uncommon list, ~0.5% chance for one from the rare list, ~0.2% chance from the very rare list, and a ~0.1% chance of receiving a chibi from the legendary list.

Since the start of ARK: 5th Anniversary, colors of Chibi-Pet icons are denoted by their rarity, similar to  Supply Crates.


Icons of all common Chibi-Pets have a green background. Chibi Shadowmane is not obtainable with Events.


Icons of all uncommon Chibi-Pets have a blue background.


Icons of all rare Chibi-Pets have a purple background.

Very Rare

Icons of all very rare Chibi-Pets have a yellow background.


Icons of all legendary Chibi-Pets have a Pink background. Chibi Noglin is not obtainable with Events.

DLC Requirements

Some Chibi requires paid DLC installed to be used. This excludes Genesis: Part 1 Chibis or Chibis related to creature exclusive to free DLC maps.

Scorched Earth


Chibi-Light Pets emit radial charge light in an area much smaller than their regular counterparts. Moreover, these are for visual aesthetic, and does not affect charge-weakened creatures like  Reaper and  Nameless.


Genesis: Part 2


It is possible to sacrifice 4 Chibi-Pets in a  Refining Forge to get 1 new random Chibi-Pet. The obtained Chibi-Pet rarity is not affected by the rarity of the sacrificed Chibi-Pets. This procedure cannot be executed using an  Industrial Forge.  Chibi-Noglin and  Chibi-Shadowmane cannot be used as sacrifices.


  • Chibi are considered super-deformed versions of the original, hence why almost all of the chibis here have a large head with small body. [1] The only exceptions are  Chibi-Dodo and  Chibi-Pulmonoscorpius, whose head:body ratio is unchanged.
  • Originally, when the survivor was sitting on a mount, the chibi-pet was not visible, as it was inside the mount.
  • There is an occasional issue that results in all chibi experience being lost, however the levels gained will remain.
  • Pair-o-Saurs chibi currently has a dino icon that does not exist in any of the known dinos.
  • Multiple Chibis can be leveled up, but will not extend the level cap past the 5 first levels.
  • If a survivor gets their first Chibi to level 4 (having their level cap increased by 4), and then finds another Chibi which they start to level up, the second Chibi (or any subsequent) will not increase the level cap until it reaches a level high enough to surpass player's bonus.


Patch  ARK: Survival Evolved Changes
304.2 Fixed issues relating to chibi max levels.
304.4 Chibi xp can no longer be buffed or affected by killing enraged corrupted Rex.
304.458 Fixed an issue that prevented chibis from getting XP if you were max level.
305.12 Extra protections to prevent loss of chibi experience.
312.65 Chibi Creatures no longer disable the protection against Bees buff.
354.4 Smelting Chibis requires the placement of a new refining Forge.
355.13 Fixed the Random Chibi Engram in the Refining Forge not saving on server restart.
