cheat summon Carcha_Character_BP_C
cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Carcharodontosaurus/Carcha_Character_BP.Carcha_Character_BP'" 500 0 0 35
Untameable Cave
The Carcharodontosaurus (often shortened to Carcha or Carcharo) is a large, carnivorous dinosaur known for its ability to rapidly build up damage and healing with its Bloodrage and Killing Frenzy abilities. It was first added in ARK: Survival Evolved on the 6th of November, 2022.
This section is intended to be an exact copy of what the survivor Helena Walker, the author of the dossiers, has written. There may be some discrepancies between this text and the in-game creature.
Carcharodontosaurus medicupestis
TimeLate Cretaceous
- Wild
I feel lucky to have crossed paths with Carcharodontosaurus medicupestis and lived to tell the tale. Though I’m not sure if this predator grows bigger than a Giganotosaurus, I hope never to find out. Just one of these bruisers held its own against an army of us, and that encounter cost us dearly.
Carcharodontosaurus can sweep aside attackers with its tail, but it’s the other end you’ll really want to avoid. It has teeth like steak knives, set in jaws strong enough to shred most prey. Even a near-miss will carve you up, but good.
Like its namesake the great white shark, Carcharodontosaurus gets more dangerous once it tastes blood. Each kill seems to give these monsters a rush and drive it into a berserker frenzy.
- Domesticated
Anyone that manages to tame a Carcharodontosaurus will gain a new way to rally their tribe for battle. There’s something about this monster’s roar that drives others to fight — a war cry for Hell’s own army.
The more tactical tribes will let their Carcharodontosaurus tear through the mid-sized creatures in their enemy’s ranks, thereby building up its bloodrage to take on the largest threats. Talk about shock and awe!
The Carcharodontosaurus attacks wild creatures and players on sight.
Color Scheme and Regions
This section displays the Carcharodontosaurus's natural colors and regions. For demonstration, the regions below are colored red over an albino Carcharodontosaurus. The colored squares shown underneath each region's description are the colors that the Carcharodontosaurus will randomly spawn with to provide an overall range of its natural color scheme. Hover your cursor over a color to display its name and ID.
This information can be used to alter the Carcharodontosaurus's regions by entering cheat SetTargetDinoColor <ColorRegion> <ColorID>
in the cheat console. For instance, cheat SetTargetDinoColor 0 6
would color the Carcharodontosaurus's "main body" magenta.
Region 1 is not used
for this Creature.
- Harvest
- Guaranteed Special Loot
Base Stats and Growth
Attribute | Base Value | Level Increase | Taming Bonus | ||
Wild | Tamed | Additive | Multiplicative | ||
Health | 70000 | +56 | +0.08% | -54000 | |
Stamina | 480 | +2.88 | +2.5% | ||
Oxygen | 150 | +0.375 | +2.5% | ||
Food | 4000 | +10 | +2.5% | ||
Weight | 650 | +13 | +1% | ||
Melee Damage | 211 | +10.55 | +0.85% | -80% | |
Movement Speed | 100% | N/A | +0.31% | ||
Torpidity | 6000 | +360 | N/A |
Movement [u/s] |
Base Speed | Sprinting Speed | Stamina | ||||
Wild | Tamed1 | Tamed2 | Wild | Tamed1 | Tamed2 | ||
Walking | 1120 | 1120 | 1120 | 2241.1 | 2241.1 | 2241.1 | 29 |
- For a comparison of the stats of all creatures, see Base Creature Statistics.
- For an explanation of exactly how the levelup calculation works, see Creature Stats Calculation.
- 1These are the base speeds of the tamed creature at 100% Movement Speed, i.e. without a possible taming bonus.
- 2These are the speeds of the creature once tamed including a possible taming bonus and no imprinting bonus.
- For a comparison of the speeds of all creatures, see Base Creature Speeds.
Wild Stats Level-up
Type in values of a wild creature to see on which stats it's emphasized. Green values on a high-level creature are very good for breeding. If you have already tamed your creature you can try to recover the breeding stats with an external tool.[1]
The stat-calculator does not work in the mobile-view, see here for alternatives: Apps
Note that after the creature is tamed it gets bonuses on some stats depending on the taming effectiveness. This makes it hard to retrieve the levels on a tamed creature, so this tool is only for wild ones, but gives a first impression, how well the stats are distributed.
The Carcharodontosaurus can be cloned with the Cloning Chamber.
Cloning calculations for Carcharodontosaurus | |
Base Cost Values | |
Element Shards | 2475 + 55 per level |
Time | 17325s + 385s per level |
Bite |
Roar |
Tail Whip |
Applied passively with every bite attack the Carcha lands, similar to the Giganotosaurus Gnashed effect, but does not induce bleeding; instead reducing healing the victim receives from any source.
Killing Frenzy
On landing a fatal blow, the Carcha gains the Killing Frenzy buff for 10 seconds; which boosts Movement Speed and makes the Carcha immune to Stuns for the duration. Every kill the Carcha lands refreshes Killing Frenzy's timer, but does not extend it.
Gained alongside Killing Frenzy by landing fatal blows, Bloodrage similarly provides two buffs; boosting the Carcha's healing rate and Melee Damage by 1.75% per stack. Unlike Killing Frenzy, Bloodrage is not locked to a timer and grows progressively stronger and longer-lasting; stacking on itself up to 100 times, ending in a whopping 175% increased damage and healing rate. Bloodrage degrades slowly at first, but if the Carcha goes so long without a kill, it begins to degrade faster until either 0 stacks are reached or the effect is refreshed by a new kill. The higher the base health of the enemy killed, the more stacks gained per kill.
On roaring, any and all stacks of Bloodrage are consumed to provide the Incited buff to all nearby allies, but not the Carcha itself (other allied Carchas can provide the buff to each other, however). On application, Incited gives a temporary boost to Movement Speed, with an increased duration for every stack of Bloodrage converted to apply it; capping out at 55 seconds for 100 stacks of Bloodrage.
Much like the Daeodon, Carchas process food differently than most tames, with plain Raw Meat being the only food a Carcha will ever need; far outpacing any other food source, even Kibble, when eaten by the Carcha. The reason normal raw meat is so effective is due to how healing works in ARK; to regenerate and maintain Health, the Food stat is what drains to fuel this. Due to the insane healing rates a Carcha can achieve at high stacks of Bloodrage, their healing can literally be so effective that it drains their food stat to empty in a matter of seconds, which would normally start dealing starvation damage. Their ability to completely refill their stomachs even on one stack of average raw meat entirely negates this issue, and they eat quickly enough on their own to fuel their self-healing. This makes Carchas one of the few tames to negate the need to force-feed to speed up healing.
The Carcharodontosaurus is a ferocious fighter comparable to the likes of the Giganotosaurus itself. A single Level 1 wild Carcharodontosaurus is powerful enough to kill even Bosses such as the Broodmother and Megapithecus in their Gamma forms, and a Level 150 can kill the Beta Broodmother and lose just half its health. Hence, engaging one directly is suicide unless you have several exceptionally powerful tames with ascendant saddles.
They are significantly stronger than most Alpha creatures such as Alpha Rex and even an Alpha Wyvern and can decimate dozens of tames if a survivor is unprepared.
In the wild, Carcharodontosaurus will mercilessly roam the lands, killing everything it sees. Its bite attack will apply the Shredding debuff which is indicated by a blue smoke effect. Once it scores a kill, it will enter a temporary Killing Frenzy, drastically increasing its already great movement speed.
The best way to take down a Carcharodontosaurus is to use a similar strategy as the Giga and lead it into water and attack it from below with a strong aquatic tame.
Alternatively, powerful flyers such as the Fire Wyvern and Lightning Wyvern (with points into melee damage) can safely kill a Carcharodontosaurus with their special attacks as they can avoid getting hit.
Survivors utilizing tamed Carcharodontosaurus may use its Tail Whip attack which boasts great knockback to even the largest creatures. Additionally, tamed Carchardontosaurus will gain stacks of Bloodrage for each kill it gets, increasing its damage and health regeneration. Exercise caution!
Though similar to one another, the Carcharodontosaurus is tamed not through knock-out like the Giganotosaurus, but passively through dragging fresh kills to it; appeasing the animal through offerings to build trust, showing the beast you can hunt for it, before it will allow you to hunt with it. This can be a dangerous and difficult process, as the Carcha lives in areas in which it can be surrounded by numerous wild carnivores that will attempt to eat the offering you give it before it can do so itself; Argentavis especially are a plague and a scourge to this stage. You will want to begin the taming process by eliminating any and all wild carnivores anywhere near the Carcharodontosaurus. Once this is done, you will know it has accepted your offering if it rears up and sniffs at the air, before walking over to slowly eat the kill at its leisure. The very second you see it start to sniff the air: drop the body immediately and retreat as quickly as you can by any means necessary. If your offering is not enough to completely fill the trust meter in one feeding, the Carcha will not hesitate to eat you after it's finished with your offering.
The higher the drag weight of the offered body, the more it fills the Carcha's trust meter, which quickly degrades if not filled in one sitting. This can make trying to build trust with smaller bodies more difficult, especially since the Carcha often has trouble accepting multiple offerings in quick succession. Once trust is established with the Carcharodontosaurus, it will allow the survivor to climb aboard and give them the chance to show they are worthy to guide its bloodlust. This will begin a short window of time in which you are allowed to ride and command the wild Carcha, before either taming is completed, or you are bucked off (600 second initially). You will get booted off the back at certain intervals of taming (every 20% for a lvl 150 with 1x taming rates, servers with higher taming rates reduce or eliminate the frequency in which you are bucked off). If you are bucked off before reaching a taming interval this will result in a loss of taming effectiveness. If you are bucked off its back, you must repeat the steps of offering it corpses, before it will allow you to re-mount and continue the taming process. Taming is progressed through landing killing blows on prey while riding the Carcha, but beware that while doing this, any damage the Carcha takes during will lower the taming effectiveness, resulting in lower bonus levels once taming is completed. Focus on prey you know has less of a chance of successfully retaliating and damaging the Carcha. When taming is completed, you will fall off the Carcha's back, and riding it from then on will require its saddle.
Listed below are short tips and strategies to consider that might help ease the difficulty of the task of taming the Carcharodontosaurus:
- Console vs PC: On the PC version of the game, your mount is capable of carrying bodies for you, bodies that are too big for humans to drag by hand, which massively alleviates the difficulty of offering the Carcha corpses. Console does not have this luxury, so either more intensive efforts or alternative strategies must be taken into consideration.
- PvE vs PvP: It can actually be more difficult to tame a Carcha on PvE settings than PvP. On PvP settings, you can release baby creatures from Cryopods, unclaim, slaughter, and then offer them to the Carcha. The best strategy is to utilize baby Yutyrannus, which have the required drag weight to fill the trust meter in one go, and whose corpses are still able to be dragged by the player in their infancy. You can also use unclaimed dinos with high maximum health like Diplodocus as fodder for the riding segment of the taming process, allowing for taming to be done in a very controlled environment. PvE settings prevent this strategy, unless the Disable Friendly Fire setting is disabled.
- Flyer Platform Unaligned Basing: If this setting is enabled, a Quetzal with a platform saddle may be used with the above strategy. With a partially closed 'slaughter box' built on its back to prevent losing your bait, you can position a flying Quetzal above the wild Carcha, and utilize the baby Yutyrannus and Cryopod technique, without putting yourself in danger of being attacked by the Carcha; dragging the slaughtered corpse to the edge of the platform, waiting for the sniffing animation, then dropping the bait. Even after the Carcha allows you on its back, the Quetzal can be set to follow and function as a flying safety net to escape to if the Carcha bucks you off its back. This is perhaps the easiest and safest strategy to employ.
- Trapping: Building a trap to hold the Carcha in a safe and controllable area for the trust feeding segment presents issues. Due to the dino AI, the Carcha often has difficulties accepting offered bodies when it is confined by structures, and even after it has been freed from them. This can outright ruin the taming process, though exiting the Carcha's render distance and returning has been known to fix this issue. Results vary, use traps at your own discretion, you have been warned. Trapping does however function as a good means of safely containing the Carcha in one location, if you have to abandon the taming process, and need to come back another time.
- Equipment: Bringing a few of these things along can help in the taming process, primarily by keeping you alive if your trust food isn't good enough to fill the meter in one feeding, or the Carcha bucks you off. A full suit of Tek Armor fueled up with Element is probably the best escape option for both the trust feeding and buck-off scenarios; quickly able to catapult you up into the air with a jetpack thrust and get you out of range from the Carcha's bites. A Sinomacrops can do this as well, but lacks the speed of the Tek Pack's thruster, and is the less safe option. As a distraction, Giant Bee Honey can be dropped from the tool bar to save your skin, and Bug Repellant can be used to lower the Carcha's aggression range against you.
Being one of the strongest creatures in the entire game, the Carcharodontosaurus is a terrifying beast, easily comparable to a Giganotosaurus. Though while comparable, there are key differences which set the Carcha apart from its close cousin. Perhaps the most important thing to consider that isn't immediately obvious; while Gigas possess rage mechanics that make them even more devastating in large numbers, Carchas are instead more effective in singles or mated pairs. Giganotosaurus require taking high amounts of damage to trigger and chain their dangerous rage state among each other. In contrast, the Carcharodontosaurus requires landing killing blows against enemies to increase their effectiveness. This simple difference creates a huge gap in how each creature should be utilized, as filling the Carcha's bloodrage through kills is the determining factor in whether or not a Giga would better serve in its place. With no stacks of Bloodrage, a Carcha is about half as effective as a Giga with roughly the same leveled stats, but with maximum stacks of Bloodrage the Carcha becomes a rampaging monster that can far outpace that Giga's damage output. Being damaged is a given in combat, whereas there are only so many deathblows to go around in comparison; thus the more Carcharodontosaurs you bring into battle, the more difficult it is to gain stacks of Bloodrage for each of them. If the battle you're going into doesn't have enough fodder to fuel Bloodrage; multiple Carchas can create a diminishing returns problem, while the raw damage of a pack of Giganotosaurus would have maintained optimum output in contrast. This means if you plan to make use of a Carcha, they are best utilized on their own or with bare essential support, so that they can hog the kills to themselves and keep fueling their Bloodrage. In this situation, where a Giga might have been fearsome, a Carcha can become a one-dino army.
With proper strategy taken into consideration, clever survivors can make use of the Carcha's mechanics to turn it into a walking meatgrinder if the circumstances are right. Firstly, its main bite attack will apply the Shredded debuff, which reduces the effects of healing on any creatures inflicted with it. This can serve as a great counter against self-healing creatures like Argentavis, Blood Crystal Wyvern, and even other Bloodraged Carchas, as well as support healers like Daeodon or Snow Owl. Secondly, its tail whip attack boasts a very powerful knock back even against Giganotosaurus, allowing for great crowd control in certain environments. Thirdly, its roar ability provides a speed boost to any friendly tames at the cost of Bloodrage, making it great support for armies of slower dinos like Stegosaurus, when retreat or repositioning to the next objective is required. Lastly, its Killing Frenzy and Bloodrage mechanics grant additional damage, health regeneration, and speed bonuses for every kill the Carcharodontosaurus gets. While the increased damage is the main draw, the health regeneration is likewise phenomenal; becoming outright broken at maximum stacks if it isn't countered. If taken against an injured tribe or PvE horde events, it can quickly lead to a devastating snowball effect as kill after kill turns the Carcha into a living slaughter-train. Everything listed paired with the remarkable maneuverability of the Carcharodontosaurus (especially for its size) makes it one of the strongest dinosaurs for most forms of combat.
- Endgame Battle Mount: With its killing blow mechanics granting it building damage output, health regeneration, and speed that can reach ludicrous proportions, the Carcharodontosaurus is a god of war and death among its peers. While its large size and heavy drag weight can exclude it from some encounters, when it isn't prohibited from joining, the Carcha can easily establish dominance in most frays. Whether it's world bossing, PvE events, or tribal warfare, when determining whether you should pick a Giganotosaurus or the Carcha, you must always ask this question: will there be enough fodder kills to fuel my Carcha's Bloodrage? If the answer is yes, then saddle that Carcha and get to rampaging.
- Overworld Menace: Outside of special encounters, events, tribal warfare, or anything of the sort; the Carcha is an absolute powerhouse that renders most wild threats inconsequential, and as it is incapable of turning on you out of anger like a Giga: a Carcha as your guardian can give you plenty of peace and security. It is easily capable of defending against, or hunting down and killing problematic threats to your way of life; such as Alpha Creatures, Titanosaurs, Elementals, Deathworms, and so on. If raised from an egg, sufficiently imprinted and leveled, it is likewise more than capable of killing other Carcharodontosaurus and Giganotosaurus in their wild state. This likewise makes it a perfect choice for gathering Trophies, provided they're all terrestrial, as the Carcha's low Oxygen stat makes swimming a dangerous endeavor for it.
- World Boss Support: While too big and heavy to be teleported into traditional Boss Arenas, the Carcharodontosaurus can be a great mount choice against the open-world bosses of certain maps like Extinction and Fjordur, provided the battles offer fodder kills for them to gain Bloodrage stacks while dealing with the boss. They are still support however, as a single mated pair of Carchas work best in this role; used alongside a more numerous pack of Giganotosaurus and other bossing support tames. The reason for this being that too many Carchas will thin the amount of Bloodrage rewarded, which ultimately leaves them less effective than a Giga. By bringing less Carchas than Gigas, the Gigas provide the raw damage while your smaller team of Carchas deal with boss minions and gain stacks to close the DPS gap. Aside from this, your one or two Carchas are an excellent choice to ride during these battles, as their large size easily allows you to survey the battlefield atop their backs, and their relative speed and maneuverability can allow them to keep distance if your Giga pack becomes enraged. If the fight you are going into does not provide fodder kills for your Carchas to gain Bloodrage stacks however, they are best left at home while you bring more Gigas.
- Orbital Supply Drop Defender: Arguably, the Carcharodontosaurus is the best creature to use to defend the higher tiers of Orbital Supply Drops on Extinction. Firstly, its great mobility allows for it to be easily piloted across the rough wasteland terrain, in an activity where mobility and positioning are just as if not more important than actual damage output. Secondly, its tail whip attack functions as an excellent spacer that helps to stall creatures from reaching the OSD. Lastly, the sheer numbers of attacking Corrupted Dinosaurs will ensure that the Carcharodontosaurus' Bloodrage will quickly max out and stay topped off. Everything considered, a sufficiently leveled, imprinted Carcha's damage and self-healing, when coupled with a higher tier saddle, can be powerful enough to solo even the most difficult OSD's.
- Hexagon Point Farmer: Similar to OSD's on Extinction, the high damage of a fully Bloodraged Carchardontosaurus, when paired with its movement speed buff, make it an excellent choice for farming hexagon points on Genesis 2; far exceeding the mission completion times of highly mutated Giganotosaurus.
- Tek Cave Completionist: While Gigas were once the top pick for dealing with the long slog through the Tek Cave on The Island, the Carcharodontosaurus has now supplanted them as the best choice. Slightly smaller and more maneuverable than the Giga, the Carcha has less difficulty in navigating the turns and tight corners of the magma tunnels, and is perfectly adapted for dealing with the horde of aggressive creatures guarding the way to the teleport that leads to the Overseer and their Arena. While the Giga's damage was sufficient, aside from the maneuverability, it is the Carcha's insane healing rate at maximum Bloodrage stacks that makes them perfect for the role, completely negating the most glaring issue the Giga experienced; forced to make frequent rest stops and heal through force-feeding, after being hit with high reflection damage from numerous Arthropluera in the gauntlet.
- Wild Ambush: Uniquely this is a role that only a wild Carcha can perform. Similar to luring a wild Giganotosaurus to an enemy base; during the taming process for the Carchardontosaurus, survivors will gain the ability to ride it temporarily. In this state, the Carcharodontosaurus retains its wild stats. This includes its great attacking power and monstrous 70,000 health. In a PvP setting, clever survivors can make use of this time to attack enemy tribes with it. However, eventually one of two scenarios will likely occur. Firstly, if the mounted survivor successfully kills enough to tame the Carcharodontosaurus, its attack and health will be reduced greatly. Secondly, if the mounted survivor dismounts, runs out of taming time, or is killed, the wild Carcharodontosaurus will proceed to attack everything in its vicinity. This may be a useful tactic if one manages to ride it into the middle of the enemy tribe's base.
Resource | Efficiency |
Raw Meat | ? |
For information pertaining specifically to the real-world Carcharodontosaurus, see the relevant Wikipedia article.
- The Carcharodontosaurus was in both the Lost Island and Fjordur creature votes and came in second both times.
- The Carcharodontosaurus and Giganotosaurus are related with both being in the Carcharodontosauridae family.
- The Carcharodontosaurus replaces the Giganotosaurus as the last creature in the Tek Cave that guards teleporter to the Overseer on both Alpha and Beta.
- Carcharodontosaurus taming steps and behavior falls similar to several creatures:
- The requirement to feed it carcasses is similar to Fjordhawk.
- The ability to temporarily mount it is similar to Equus, Voidwyrm and Andrewsarchus.
- Its requirement to tame via combat and gaining trust is similar to Amargasaurus's.
- Its tail swing ability is similar to Reaper King's, albeit faster at a smaller range.
- On killing an enemy, the Carcha gains access to two status effects: Bloodrage and Killing Frenzy. Killing Frenzy lasts 10 seconds, refreshing the 10 second timer for every kill, and provides two boosts; buffing the Carcha's movement speed and making it immune to stuns for the duration. Bloodrage similarly provides two buffs; boosting the Carcha's healing rate and melee damage. Unlike Killing Frenzy, Bloodrage is not locked to a timer and grows progressively stronger and longer-lasting; stacking on itself up to 100 times. Bloodrage degrades slowly at first, but if the Carcha goes so long without a kill, it begins to degrade faster until either 0 stacks are reached or the effect is refreshed by a new kill. Some stronger enemies such as Gigas and Rock Elementals are worth more stacks of Bloodrage per kill than other enemies. The Carcha's base damage at 0/100 stacks of Bloodrage is roughly half that of a Giga's, roughly equal to a Giga's at 50/100 stacks of Bloodrage, and roughly 50% higher than a Giga's at 100/100 stacks of Bloodrage. The healing provided by Bloodrage, when at maximum stacks, is powerful enough to completely negate the health lost from dangerous bleeding status effects such as Gnashed, and allows the Carcha to tank incredible amounts of damage even with a primitive quality saddle. This increased healing however rapidly drains the Carcha's food stat, which can result in the Starvation status effect, though this can easily be countered by force-feeding the Carcha meat harvested from its kills; as just one piece of Raw Meat restores 100 points of food for a Carcha. When the Carcha roars, all stacks of Bloodrage it has are consumed to provide the Incited buff to all nearby allies (excluding the Carcha itself), which boosts movement speed. The more stacks of Bloodrage the Carcha has, the longer Incited lasts when roaring to activate, up to 55 seconds at 100 stacks. If Bloodrage is not active when roaring, the Carcha's roar is merely cosmetic; granting no Incited buff to allies.
- Despite being different species, wild Carchas drops Giganotosaurus Heart after being killed, this is mainly because both species share the same spawns on all maps and have similar statistics, so in order to obtain this tribute both species drops it to make the search "easier".
- There is a bug on Nintendo Switch where releasing a recently tamed Carcha from a Cryopod will result in everything in your inventory being deleted.
Patch | ARK: Survival Evolved Changes |
352.6 | Carcharodontosaurus was added to the game. |
353.1 |
353.2 | Fixed Carcha disappearing on Genesis. |
354.4 | Fixed Carcha losing taming affinity on SP restart. |
355.16 | Carcha will now drop Giganotosaurus Heart. |
Patch | ARK: Survival Ascended Changes |
32.12 | Fixed Carcha not dropping Giganotosaurus Heart. |
33.28 | Fixed Carcharodontosaurus' bite hitbox being inconsistent. |
53.1 | Reduced Carcharodontosaurus healing per bloodrage stack by approximately 20%. |
Carcharodontosaurus Keyart[2]
Size comparison with Rex, Giganotosaurus, Bronto and Titanosaur
(It's similar size to Giganotosaurus, with Giga being slightly taller than Carcha)
Creatures |
- Requires dv value verification
- Dinosaurs
- Carnivores
- Aggressive creatures
- Creatures released in v352
- Creatures released in 2022
- Creatures released in v953
- Creatures released in v708
- Creatures released in v608
- Tameable creatures
- Rideable creatures
- Breedable creatures
- Creatures that drop large feces
- Creatures that lay eggs
- Incubation
- Creatures