Archepelian is a free Map for ARK: Survival Evolved.
This mod map is split into 2 mods: Archepelian and Archepelian extras
Stranded on a broken ark that has been torn into multiple islands, you the player will need to survive in the remnants of this once normal ark. Dont worry its not as broken as Aberration but it might even be worse. Corruption in different forms have entered the ark, and have taken over some of the parts of the ark. All the overseers are dead, only 3 overseers remain. Altough this ark was once a thriving place for humans it has been changed since a titan of gigantic size attacked. The titan died but the earthquakes and damage it caused were beyond repair and soon with the broken terminals hell layed loose, if you arrive on this ark you will find that all ruins have been sunken underground and only nature thrives above.You may find recent ruins by unlucky survivors.
New creatures
These creatures received an A-Variant.
- Allosaurus
- Andrewsarchus
- Argentavis
- Baryonyx
- Basilisk
- Bulbdog
- Carcharodontosaurus
- Desmodus
- Dunkleosteus
- Featherlight
- Ferox
- Glowtail
- Griffin
- Kaprosuchus
- Managarmr
- Mosasaurus
- Rock Drake
- Rock Elemental
- Sabertooth
- Shadowmane
- Shinehorn
- Snow Owl
- Spino
- Tusoteuthis
- Velonasaur
- Woolly Rhino
Evolved A-Variants
Revamped creatures
Tek Mosasaurus also spawns on the map
Old creatures
- Aberrant Achatina
- Aberrant Anglerfish
- Aberrant Ankylosaurus
- Aberrant Araneo
- Aberrant Arthropluera
- Aberrant Baryonyx
- Aberrant Beelzebufo
- Aberrant Carbonemys
- Aberrant Carnotaurus
- Aberrant Cnidaria
- Aberrant Coelacanth
- Aberrant Dimetrodon
- Aberrant Dimorphodon
- Aberrant Diplocaulus
- Aberrant Diplodocus
- Aberrant Dire Bear
- Aberrant Dodo
- Aberrant Doedicurus
- Aberrant Dung Beetle
- Aberrant Electrophorus
- Aberrant Equus
- Aberrant Gigantopithecus
- Aberrant Iguanodon
- Aberrant Lystrosaurus
- Aberrant Manta
- Aberrant Megalania
- Aberrant Megalosaurus
- Aberrant Meganeura
- Aberrant Moschops
- Aberrant Otter
- Aberrant Ovis
- Aberrant Paraceratherium
- Aberrant Parasaur
- Aberrant Piranha
- Aberrant Pulmonoscorpius
- Aberrant Purlovia
- Aberrant Raptor
- Aberrant Salmon
- Aberrant Sarco
- Aberrant Spino
- Aberrant Stegosaurus
- Aberrant Titanoboa
- Aberrant Triceratops
- Aberrant Trilobite
- Achatina
- Allosaurus
- Alpha Carnotaurus
- Alpha Basilisk
- Alpha Blood Crystal Wyvern
- Alpha Deathworm
- Alpha Fire Wyvern
- Alpha Karkinos
- Alpha Leedsichthys
- Alpha Megalodon
- Alpha Mosasaur
- Alpha Raptor
- Alpha Surface Reaper King
- Alpha T-Rex
- Alpha Tusoteuthis
- Amargasaurus
- Ammonite
- Andrewsarchus
- Anglerfish
- Ankylosaurus
- Araneo
- Archaeopteryx
- Argentavis
- Arthropluera
- Astrocetus
- Astrodelphis
- Attack Drone
- Baryonyx
- Basilisk
- Basilosaurus
- Beelzebufo
- Blood Crystal Wyvern
- Bloodstalker
- Brontosaurus
- Bulbdog
- Carbonemys
- Carcharodontosaurus
- Carnotaurus
- Castoroides
- Chalicotherium
- Chalk Golem
- Cnidaria
- Coelacanth
- Compy
- Corrupted Arthropluera
- Corrupted Carnotaurus
- Corrupted Chalicotherium
- Corrupted Deathworm
- Corrupted Dilophosaur
- Corrupted Dimorphodon
- Corrupted Giganotosaurus
- Corrupted Paraceratherium
- Corrupted Pteranodon
- Corrupted Raptor
- Corrupted Reaper King
- Corrupted Rex
- Corrupted Rock Drake
- Corrupted Spino
- Corrupted Stegosaurus
- Corrupted Triceratops
- Corrupted Wyvern
- Daeodon
- Deathworm
- Defense Unit
- Deinonychus
- Desmodus
- Dilophosaur
- Dimetrodon
- Dimorphodon
- Dinopithecus
- Diplocaulus
- Diplodocus
- Dire Bear
- Dire Polar Bear
- Direwolf
- Dodo
- Doedicurus
- Dung Beetle
- Dunkleosteus
- Eel Minion
- Electrophorus
- Ember Crystal Wyvern
- Enforcer
- Enraged Corrupted Rex
- Enraged Triceratops
- Equus
- Eurypterid
- Featherlight
- Fenrir
- Ferox
- Fire Wyvern
- Fjordhawk
- Gacha
- Gallimimus
- Gasbags
- Giant Queen Bee
- Giganotosaurus
- Gigantopithecus
- Glowbug
- Glowtail
- Griffin
- Hesperornis
- Hyaenodon
- Ice Golem
- Iceworm Male
- Ice Wyvern
- Ichthyornis
- Ichthyosaurus
- Iguanodon
- Insect Swarm
- Jerboa
- Kaprosuchus
- Karkinos
- Kentrosaurus
- Lamprey
- Leech
- Leedsichthys
- Liopleurodon
- Lightning Wyvern
- Lymantria
- Lystrosaurus
- Macrophage
- Maewing
- Magmasaur
- Mammoth
- Managarmr
- Manta
- Mantis
- Megachelon
- Megalania
- Megaloceros
- Megalodon
- Megalosaurus
- Meganeura
- Megatherium
- Mesopithecus
- Microraptor
- Morellatops
- Mosasaurus
- Moschops
- Nameless
- Noglin
- Oil Jug Bug
- Onyc
- Otter
- Oviraptor
- Ovis
- Pachy
- Pachyrhinosaurus
- Paraceratherium
- Parakeet Fish School
- Parasaur
- Pegomastax
- Pelagornis
- Piranha
- Plesiosaur
- Poison Wyvern
- Polar Bear
- Polar Purlovia
- Procoptodon
- Pteranodon
- Pulmonoscorpius
- Purlovia
- Phiomia
- Phoenix
- Quetzal
- R-Allosaurus
- R-Brontosaurus
- R-Carbonemys
- R-Carnotaurus
- R-Daeodon
- R-Dilophosaur
- R-Direwolf
- R-Equus
- R-Gasbags
- R-Giganotosaurus
- R-Megatherium
- R-Parasaur
- R-Procoptodon
- R-Quetzal
- R-Reaper King
- R-Reaper Queen
- R-Snow Owl
- R-Thylacoleo
- R-Velonasaur
- Raptor
- Rare X-Sabertooth Salmon
- Ravager
- Reaper
- Rex
- Rock Drake
- Rock Elemental
- Roll Rat
- Rubble Golem
- Sabertooth
- Sabertooth Salmon
- Sarco
- Scout
- Seeker
- Shadowmane
- Shinehorn
- Sinomacrops
- Snow Owl
- Spino
- Stegosaurus
- Subterranean Reaper King
- Summoner
- Surface Reaper King
- Tapejara
- Tek Giganotosaurus
- Tek Stryder
- Tek Parasaur
- Tek Quetzal
- Tek Raptor
- Tek Rex
- Tek Stegosaurus
- Tek Triceratops
- Terror Bird
- Therizinosaur
- Thorny Dragon
- Thylacoleo
- Titanoboa
- Titanomyrma
- Triceratops
- Trilobite
- Troodon
- Tropeognathus
- Tropical Crystal Wyvern
- Tusoteuthis
- Unicorn
- Velonasaur
- Voidwyrm
- Vulture
- Water Jug Bug
- Woolly Rhino
- X-Allosaurus
- X-Ankylosaurus
- X-Argentavis
- X-Basilosaurus
- X-Dunkleosteus
- X-Ichthyosaurus
- X-Megalodon
- X-Mosasaurus
- X-Paraceratherium
- X-Parasaur
- X-Raptor
- X-Spino
- X-Tapejara
- X-Otter
- X-Rex
- X-Rock Elemental
- X-Sabertooth
- X-Sabertooth Salmon
- X-Triceratops
- X-Woolly Rhino
- X-Yutyrannus
- Yeti
- Yutyrannus
- Zombie Fire Wyvern
- Zombie Lightning Wyvern
- Zombie Poison Wyvern
- Zomdodo