Amazing Structures is a building mod for ARK: Survival Ascended in development by GregInd.
The mod is inspired by S+ and uses several redesigned features from S+. It currently includes a pulling system based on S+ as well as structures for farming automation and improved storages.


Release date
November 25, 2023
The plans for this mod are to in include QoL structures and add some RP elements with skinnable structures and features to make life on the ARKS a little more fun and easier while looking good too!
All structures have larger default storage and are controllable by INI settings.
Current Features
- Working pull system inspired by S+. Still modifying screens to match ASA.
- Transfer Gun and Transfer Tool inspired by S+.
- Blueprint Maker to allow you to make blueprints from items found in the wilds.
- Small and Large Storage boxes with editable labels.
- Large Vault with editable labels.
- Compost bin picks up poop, converts it to fertilizer and also distributes to dung beetles if nearby.
- Farmer that looks for fertilizer in compost bins and dung beetles then distributes to crop plots.
- Gardener that gets crops and seeds, also refrigerates all crops.
- Fridge that is labelable and has increased spoil timers. Will add more functional soon.
- TreeSapTap Added in version 11!
- Some tools coming in next update including demogun and more.
INI Settings:
Place INI options at the bottom of your GameUserSettings.ini (For dedicated servers this has to be on the server)
You must include the [AmazingStructures] header.
Some settings have defaults and you don't have to place a setting if you wish to use the default.
Pull System
Setting |
Details |
Default Value |
AllowResourcePulling |
Allow resource pulling by default. Setting this to FALSE will block pull system in inventory. |
True |
ResourcePullRangeInFoundations |
Sets distance for pulling. |
25 |
1 - 100
PullResourceRemovals |
Example |
Any Resource
PullResourceAdditions |
Example |
Any Resource
Setting |
Details |
Default Value |
SmallStorageSlotCount |
Small storage chest modified to allow labels and has a larger inventory slot count. |
60 |
Any Number
BookshelfSlotCount |
Bookshelf storage modified to allow labels and has a larger inventory slot count. |
150 |
Any Number
LargeStorageSlotCount |
Large Storage Chest modified to allow labels and has a larger inventory slot count. |
150 |
Any Number
VaultSlotCount |
Vault modified to allow labels and has a larger inventory slot count. |
300 |
Any Number
Farmer\Gardener System
Setting |
Details |
Default Value |
FarmerSlotCount |
Farmer slot count. |
300 |
Any Number
FarmerRangeInFoundations |
Sets distance for farmer to pull from compost bins and dung beetles. |
30 |
1 - 100
GardenerSlotCount |
Gardener slot count. |
300 |
Any Number
GardenerRangeInFoundations |
Sets distance for gardener to pull from crop plots. |
10 |
1 - 50
CompostBinSlotCount |
Sets distance for gardener to pull from crop plots. |
100 |
Any Number
CompostBinRangeInFoundations |
Sets distance for gardener to pull from crop plots. |
30 |
1 - 100
CompostBinCraftingSpeed |
Sets distance for gardener to pull from crop plots. |
25 |
1 - 100
Beehive Settings
Setting |
Details |
Default Value |
BeeHiveSlotCount |
BeeHive slot count. |
48 |
1 - 100
BeeHiveWateringRangeInFoundations |
Sets distance for BeeHive. |
30 |
1 - 100
BeeHiveHoneyIntervalInSeconds |
BeeHive pull interval in seconds. |
180 |
1 - 3600
Animal Tender \ Nanny Settings
Setting |
Details |
Default Value |
NannySlotCount |
Nanny slot count. |
100 |
Any Number
NannyRangeInFoundations |
Sets distance for Nanny. |
10 |
1 - 100
NannyMaxImprint |
Nanny max imprinting quality. |
100 |
1 - 100
DisableNannyImprinting |
Disable Nanny imprinting. |
False |
NannyIntervalInSeconds |
Nanny run interval in seconds. |
35 |
1 - 3600
NannyFeedingStartThreshold |
Nanny feeding threshold. |
20 |
1 - 100
AnimalTenderSlotCount |
Animal Tender slot count. |
300 |
Any Number
AnimalTenderRangeInFoundations |
Sets distance for Animal Tender. |
50 |
1 - 100
Misc Structure Settings
Setting |
Details |
Default Value |
FridgeSlotCount |
Refrigerator modified to allow labels and has a larger inventory slot count. |
600 |
Any Number
TreeSapSlotCount |
Tree Sap Tap modified to allow a larger inventory slot count. |
5 |
Any Number
Gun and Tool Settings
Setting |
Details |
Default Value |
AllowAdminToDemoAnyTribeWithDemoGun |
This setting allows server admins to demo any structure. Useful for cleaning up your server. |
True |
RestrictDemoGunPickup |
Pickup Gun bypasses pickup settings on server. |
False |
DisablePickupWhenDamaged |
Cannot pickup with gun if the structure or item is damaged. |
True |
Other Settings
Setting |
Details |
Default Value |
AllowTekOnlyPower |
By default some AS structures will power from TEK only. Ex: Gardener, Farmer, Nanny. You can turn this off for your server and power with any power source. |
True |
AllowTekItemBlueprintCreation |
By default allow the blueprint table to make blueprints from tek items. You can disable this feature. |
True |
AllowMakingWeaponsAndArmorBPs |
By default allow the blueprint table to make blueprints from weapons and armor. You can disable this feature. |
True |
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Additions | |
Customization | |
Maps | |
Overhauls | |
Reworks | |
Technicals | |
Programs | |