For each instance of foliage there are only a few values that are different each other, but this is the general workflow.
1. Open up the foliage tool.
2. In the content browser search for what ever bush, tree or rock you wish to place.
3. Look for the ones that have _SM (Static Mesh) in the name.
4. Drag it into the bottom of the Foliage window.
5. Click on show Instance settings.
6. In your content browser, look for the Foliage Settings of your current bush, tree or rock.
7. In the foliage tool, click on the foliage icon next to (not using shared settings). (Example below)
8. Check Replicate This Component
9. Set the Start Cull Distance to 15000 and the End Cull Distance to 20000 for bushes, small trees and rocks
10. Set the Low End Start Cull Distance to 150000 and the Low End End Cull Distance to 200000 for ALL big trees
11. Set the appropriate settings for each of your bush, tree or rock:
Bushes - Click the drop down arrow on Damage FXActor to Spawn and search for SeedHarvestEmitter - Click the drop down arrow on Attached Component Class and search for SeedHarvestComponent - Change the Destroyed Mesh to your current bush. Filename ends with _DM - Click the drop down arrow on Destroyed Mesh Actor Class and search for DestroyedMeshBase_IgnoreSeld_FastFade
Trees - Click the drop down arrow on Damage FXActor to Spawn and search for TreeHarvestImpactEmitter - Click the drop down arrow on Attached Component Class and search for WoodHarvestComponent, WoodHarvestComponent_LessWood or WoodHarvestComponent_ExtraWood depending on the type of tree PS: You can check for each tree which Attached Component it uses by right clicking the Foliage Settings of your tree and choosing Details - Click the drop down arrow on Destroyed Mesh Actor Class and search for TreeFallingBlueprint - Check Is Falling Tree - Create two Override Destruction Materials - Look for Trunk_MIC_Inst of your tree on the first one - Look for Atlas/Leaf_MIC_Inst of your tree on the second one - Change the Collision Preset to BlockAllExceptIK
Rocks - Click the drop down arrow on Damage FXActor to Spawn and search for StoneHarvestImpactEmitter - Set the Max Scale for Attached Component to 5 - Click the drop down arrow on Attached Component Class and search for StoneHarvestComponent, StoneHarvestComponent_LowHealth or StoneHarvestComponent_RequiresMetal depending on the type of rock PS: You can check for each rock which Attached Component it uses by right clicking the Foliage Settings of your rock and choosing Details - Change the Destroyed Mesh to your current bush. Filename ends with _DM - Click the drop down arrow on Destroyed Mesh Actor Class and search for DestroyedMeshBase_IgnoreSeld_FastFade - Change Override Walkable Floor Z to 0.4 - Change the Collision Preset to BlockAll