Dino Cloud is a mod for ARK: Survival Evolved, that allows to upload/download dinos in the Cloud.
Tames tend to drag down Server-performance & take up space. Thus People are forced to build giant bases, which affect performance even more! No More!
This Mod uses a Cloud-Server System in the background and thus has certain limits hardcoded! Big Servers have the chance to unlock these Limits by a Patreon Pledge, this helps to cover the Cost of the Cloud-Server System running in the Background.
What is the Dino Cloud? The Dino Cloud is a revolutionary way to store Animals. Animals are uploaded into a Cloud-Database & can of course be downloaded again. But here is the decisive advantage: From any Server! You can imagine the Dino Cloud like a high performance Obelisk - just faster and safer!
You can of course Limit this Download/Upload ability to your Cluster(Grids) by a SecretKey in the .ini-Files & we highly recommend doing that!
Current Features
- Simply upload animals via the Cloud Terminal or via Cloud Node
- Mating cooldowns continue to run in the cloud
- Compatible with Dinos Mods and permanent cosmetic buffs
- Download via Cloud Terminal possible or via Cloud Node (if enabled in Ini)
- Production of Eggs, Poop and other things (completely adjustable by user)
Confirmed Features in the next update:
- Intelligent filtering within the cloud (search by name or animal species, use != to display everything except the search string)
- Cloud Node (Mobile Upload for Dinos)
- Tribe Shared Stable
- Dino Trading
Important (About SecretKey & ServerName):
In Dino Cloud we use 2 Ini Settings to Seperate & Cluster Servers: SecretKey and ServerName
This is like a Password it’s defined by you and should be secure! Use A-z, 0-9 and make it long enough! You wouldn’t secure your bank account with 123 either would you?
Think of it as your Username, while the name is exposed on our WebUI (once it’s available) the SecretKey is not!
A combination of both is required for all of your servers to be clustered together!
GuS INI-Settings:
SecretKey="" // MANDATORY SETTING - Without it you are Running "Public" and are Clustered with everyone, even SP that runs "Public" aswell! Please Read the above Section carefully !
ServerName="" // MANDATORY SETTING - Without it you are Running "Public" and are Clustered with everyone, even SP that runs "Public" aswell! Please Read the above Section carefully !
RequireStructuresInArea=0 // Default: 0, If >0 this is the Amount of Structures a DinoCloud must be Near of (Range: 50 Foundations) to be successfully placed!
DontUploadBabies=False/True // Default False, If True this will prevent Dino Cloud from storing Baby Animals!
PreventPersonal=False/True // Default False, If True this will prevent from Uploading to the Personal Stable
PreventTribe=False/True // Default False, If True this will prevent from Uploading to the Tribe Stable
PreventionList="" // List the Dino Classes you want to Prevent the Upload of!
DownloadCostHealth=False/True // Default False, If True this damage the Dino Cloud Structure with every Download
DownloadCostHealthAmount=0 // The Amount of Health a download should "cost" if DownloadCostHealth=True
TimeTillCloudMayBeUsed=600 // Default 600, Time in Seconds until the Stable can be used after Placement
DontUseCooldownTimeAfterPlacement=False // If False a freshly placed Stable cannot be used for X Seconds. Set to True to Disable this!
TimeForNodeNotFunctionalAfterDamage=0 // Default: 0, If >0 this is the Amount of Time you cannot use a Cloud Node on a Dino after it took Damage
PreventNodeDownload=False //Default: False, if True no Download is possible via CloudNode!
AllowStealing=False //Default: False, setting this to true would enable Players to download the Animals of others if they get their Hands on their Loaded Cloud Node
CloudNodeNerfDamageMultiplier=0,5 //Outgoing Damage in % while Nerf is active
CloudNodeNerfIncDamageMultiplier=2,0 //Incoming Damage in % while Nerf is active
CloudNodeNerfDuration=0 // Time in Seconds for the Nerf to last leave this at 0 to disable - Nerf will be active for Cloud Node downloads
CloudNodeNerfDurationAlsoAffectNonNodeDownloads=False //Default: False, setting this to true would always applay the Debuff wether the Dino Cloud Terminal or the Cloud Node was used!
OnlyDownloadFromSameServer=False //Default: False, setting this to true would only allow Players to download Dinos from the Same Server they have been uploaded to (within your SecretKey-Cluster)
LimitTerminalCountPerTribe=0 // Default: 0, if > 0 this will be the Maximum Amount of Dino Cloud Terminals a Tribe is allowed to own on the Map!
DontUseupNodes=False // Default: False, if True Nodes will not be used up on Download / Upload!
AllowOnPlatforms=False // Default: False, if True Dino Cloud will be placeable on Platforms
UploadServer="" // Normally Dino Cloud will use the Session Name (minus the Version) as the Upload Server, this means if you have set OnlyDownloadFromSameServer=True and change the Session Name, none of the already uploaded Dinos could be downloaded again. To Counter that you can use "UploadServer" now to manually Name the respective Server / Map e.g. UploadServer="RadioactiveGaming.eu - TheIsland"