Welcome to Better Chat - Your All-in-one Chat solution!
Heres What Better Chat will do in its initial Version:
- Adds many Chat Commands that normally require Plugins like /suicide, /unstuck
- Easy Interface for Modders to Hook into Better Chat and Post notifications via Chat!
- cheat ScriptCommand tp <CCC Coordinates> // This will bring you to the given CCC (WC's TP is broken so i made my own)
Upcoming Features:
- Revys-Mods Core Functions (Events controled via Discord (Change Server Rates without Restarts for a defined time)
- Claim Rewards from various Voting-Sites
- Crosschat (Between Servers and Discord) Support
Command | Useage |
/suicide | Kills you Instantly - Cannot be used if you have taken Damage recently (Last 30 Seconds) |
/unstuck | Teleports you a close distance from where you are if seated on a Dino, teleports this Dino with you. On PvP Cannot be used while Handcuffed, Torpid or near Enemy Bases |
/getuniqueID | Gives you the UniqueID of your Account, this replaces the SteamID / EpicID / PSN-ID and so on in ASA |
/website | Opens the Link to the Servers Website (must be configured in the ini) |
/discord | Opens the Discord Invite-Link in your Browser (must be configured in the ini) |
/ccc | Copies a CCC Command into your Clipboard, give this to a Staff Member to enable him to directly apear at the location where the Command was used! |
/donate | Opens the Shop of the Server in your Browser (must be configured in the ini) |
/unstuckcorpse | Attempts to unstuck your Corpse, must be nearby (~2 Foundations) |
/vote | Opens the Voting-Link of the Server in your Browser (must be configured in the ini) |
/report | Will post a Report with Teleport Coordinates to Discord - Any Text after /report will be used as Comment (must be configured in the ini) |
GuS INI-Settings:
Vote="" //Change this to your direct Voting-Site or leave it out of the Ini to deactivate!
Donate="" //Change this to your direct Donation-Site or leave it out of the Ini to deactivate!
Website="" //Change this to your direct Website or leave it out of the Ini to deactivate!
Discord="" //Change this to your direct Discord-Invite-Link or leave it out of the Ini to deactivate!
ReportWebhook="" //Change this to a Discord-Webhook to recieve "/report" from your Players or leave it out of the Ini to deactivate!
Version History:
- V30: Added cheat ScriptCommand tp
- V31: Added /report Command, Optimized Background of the Chat Pannel
- V32: Fixed a Bug with the /report result in DC