Water Jar

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Water Jar
Water Jar.pngWater Jar (Full).pngIced Water Jar.png

Safely carries a lot of water, but is also a bit heavy.

Consumable (values pertain to Humans)
Stack size
Decomposes in
Found in Supply Crate
Spawn Command
cheat giveitemnum 15 1 0 0
cheat gfi WaterJarCraftable 1 0 0
cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Consumables/PrimalItemConsumable_WaterJarCraftable.PrimalItemConsumable_WaterJarCraftable'" 1 0 0
Required level
Engram points
12 EP
Crafting XP
12.8 XP
Used to craft
Crafted in

The Water Jar is one of the Tools in ARK: Survival Evolved. It is unlocked at Level 26 for 12 Engram Points.

The Water Jar holds 200 units of  Water and, unlike the  Waterskin, does not slowly leak out over time. However, the Water Jar is far heavier than the Waterskin, making carrying around multiple of them a bit of a hassle. Additionally, empty Water Jars can be used with  Beer Liquid in a  Beer Barrel to create  Beer Jars.

The Water Jar is superseded by the  Canteen.


  •  Gachas will eat Water Jars put in a  Feeding Trough, since you are allowed to put them there because of the Tek Trough. Because it provides little nutrition, it will be the first item eaten and will probably disappear very quickly.
  • On Scorched Earth, the Water Jar, like all water containers, will slowly lose water over time.
  • To drink from the Water Jar, highlight it in your inventory and select Use Item, or put it on your hotbar and press the designated key. Players can drink from a filled Water Jar twice before it needs to be refilled.
  • The cheat command "AddEquipmentDurability <amount>" can be used to add water to a Water Jar in the hotbar.
  • To refill the Water Jar, use it while standing in the rain or while standing in shallow water. You can also fill it by placing it in the inventory of a  Stone Irrigation Pipe - Tap or  Metal Irrigation Pipe - Tap.
  • Putting a filled Water Jar into a  Refrigerator or a  Tek Trough will give you an  Iced Water Jar after 60 seconds. Drinking from an Iced Water Jar increases your hyperthermal insulation by 84 and decreases your hypothermal insulation by the same amount, which makes it easier to survive in hot places like the Lava Cave or on Scorched Earth. Once removed from the Refrigerator, the Iced Water Jar will "spoil" into a normal Water Jar after 240 seconds. However, leaving it in the Refridgerator will extend the spoil time to what equates to almost 2 real-life years. Iced Water Jars also help to remove Heatstroke.


Patch  ARK: Survival Evolved Changes
177.0 Fixed water jar blueprint.
191.0 Water Jars can now be used twice, with 100  Water restored per sip.
  • Fixed an exploit where filled water containers could be used forever in recipes that require a filled water container.
  • Fixed an exploit where you could fill water canteens/jars up fully at a watertank even if you did not have enough water to do so.