cheat gfi CandyCorn 1 0 0
cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Consumables/PrimalItemConsumable_FE_Crafted_CandyCorn.PrimalItemConsumable_FE_Crafted_CandyCorn'" 1 0 0

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This article is about content exclusive to the Event: This content is not available outside of this Event. |
cheat gfi CandyCorn 1 0 0
cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Consumables/PrimalItemConsumable_FE_Crafted_CandyCorn.PrimalItemConsumable_FE_Crafted_CandyCorn'" 1 0 0
cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Consumables/PrimalItemConsumable_Crafted_FourthOfJulyDinoCandy.PrimalItemConsumable_Crafted_FourthOfJulyDinoCandy'" 1 0 0
cheat gfi FestiveDinoCandy 1 0 0
cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Consumables/PrimalItemConsumable_FestiveDinoCandy.PrimalItemConsumable_FestiveDinoCandy'" 1 0 0
cheat gfi EasterDinoCandy 1 0 0
cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Consumables/PrimalItemConsumable_EasterDinoCandy.PrimalItemConsumable_EasterDinoCandy'" 1 0 0
cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Consumables/PrimalItemConsumable_TT_Crafted_ThanksgivingCandy.PrimalItemConsumable_TT_Crafted_ThanksgivingCandy'" 1 0 0
cheat gfi ValentinesDinoCandy 1 0 0
cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Consumables/Vday/PrimalItemConsumable_ValentinesDinoCandy.PrimalItemConsumable_ValentinesDinoCandy'" 1 0 0
cheat gfi VdayCandy 1 0 0
The various Dino Candy are items available only in ARK: Survival Evolved's Events. They can be used to give a tamed dinosaur a random coloring.
When force fed to a tame, it will obtain a random color pattern for 20 hours. It gives you the exact color of each 6 regions it will dye. Grades other than Ascendant draw colors from a set pool.
Furthermore, the candy comes with additional temporary Movement Speed bonus:
You can still paint over the candy's effect with the Spray Painter or the Paint Brush by using Paint.
Once the candy effect expires, or if the dino was cryofrozen with a Cryopod and released, the tame reverts back to its original color. No offspring will inherit the color region changes done by the candy effect.