These notes are intended to be an exact copy of the in-game items: there may be some discrepancies and lack of clarity between their text and the actual recipe used for each item they describe. They are not required to craft the items, existing only to provide a means of discovering the information within the game.
Notes on Rockwell Recipes
Spawn Commandcheat giveitemnum 259 1 0 0
cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Notes/PrimalItem_RecipeNote_Measurements.PrimalItem_RecipeNote_Measurements'" 1 0 0
Unlike most of the recipes, the measurement note is implied to not have been written by Rockwell.
I'm pretty sure I've figured out the measuring system used in those Rockwell Recipe sheets I've seen people packing away.
Serving of meat: 3 meat
Handful of berries: 10 berries
Dollop of medicine: 4 medicine
Water: Any container of water that is more than 25% full
Rockwell Recipes: Battle Tartare
Spawn Commandcheat giveitemnum 257 1 0 0
cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Notes/PrimalItem_RecipeNote_BattleTartare.PrimalItem_RecipeNote_BattleTartare'" 1 0 0
This recipe lists the items needed to cook Battle Tartare
Only eat this dish when you intend to go into a brawl. It causes pain and stress to your body, but grants you almost supernatural strength, speed, and resilience.
Warning: this concoction can be habit-forming.
1 serving of Raw Prime Meat
2 handful of Mejoberries
2 dollops of Stimulant
2 Rare Flowers
1 Citronal
1 Longrass
Submerge in Water
Cook in a Cooking Pot
Rockwell Recipes: Calien Soup
Spawn Commandcheat giveitemnum 254 1 0 0
cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Notes/PrimalItem_RecipeNote_CalienSoup.PrimalItem_RecipeNote_CalienSoup'" 1 0 0
This recipe lists the items needed to cook Calien Soup
This simple vegetarian dish refreshes your body like an oasis. Helps keep you stay hydrated and feel cool.
5 Citronal
2 handfuls of Tintoberries
2 handfuls of Amarberries
1 handful of Mejoberries
1/2 dollop of Stimulant
Submerge in Water
Cook in a Cooking Pot
Rockwell Recipes: Decorative Coloring
Spawn Commandcheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Notes/PrimalItem_RecipeNote_Dye.PrimalItem_RecipeNote_Dye'" 1 0 0
This recipe lists the items needed to create Coloring
Not only is this berry-based coloring is great for decorating cakes, it also doubles as a dye for clothing and buildings.
18 Berries
Add 1-3 of a chemical catalyst
Submerge in Water
Cook in a Cooking Pot
To make different colors:
1 - Use different berries in varying amounts
2 - Use a different catalyst, such as Charcoal or Gunpowder
Rockwell Recipes: Egg-Based Kibble
Spawn Commandcheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Notes/PrimalItem_RecipeNote_Kibble.PrimalItem_RecipeNote_Kibble'" 1 0 0
This recipe lists the items needed to cook Kibble
This recipe needs to be tweaked on a per-egg basis, but this will make a balanced pet food that can be eaten by any tamed creature. A long cooking time removes excess water, which means this will last a long time on the shelf. You will need to test the egg-meat-vegetable combinations.
1 egg
1 cooked-or-jerkied meat
1 vegetable
2 Mejoberries
3 Fiber (aids digestion)
Submerge in Water
Cook in a CookingPot
Rockwell Recipes: Enduro Stew
Spawn Commandcheat giveitemnum 252 1 0 0
cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Notes/PrimalItem_RecipeNote_EnduroStew.PrimalItem_RecipeNote_EnduroStew'" 1 0 0
This recipe lists the items needed to cook Enduro Stew
This hearty dish is like a workout in the form of a meal. You will find yourself hitting harder and running longer after eating this.
3 servings of cooked meat
5 Rockarrot
5 Savoroot
1 handful of Mejoberries
1/2 dollop of Stimulant
Submerge in Water
Cook in a Cooking Pot
Rockwell Recipes: Energy Brew
Spawn Commandcheat giveitemnum 298 1 0 0
cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Notes/PrimalItem_RecipeNote_StaminaSoup.PrimalItem_RecipeNote_StaminaSoup'" 1 0 0
This recipe lists the items needed to create Energy Brews
This simple tonic immediately jump-starts your body's natural healing.
2 handful of Tintoberries
1/2 dollops of Narcotic
Submerge in Water
Cook in a Cooking Pot
Rockwell Recipes: Focal Chili
Spawn Commandcheat giveitemnum 256 1 0 0
cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Notes/PrimalItem_RecipeNote_FocalChili.PrimalItem_RecipeNote_FocalChili'" 1 0 0
This recipe lists the items needed to cook Focal Chili
This filling dish is full of nutritional energy. You will notice your mind more focussed after eating this, allowing you to avoid obstacles and distractions.
3 servings of cooked meat
5 Citronal
2 handfuls of Amarberries
2 handfuls of Azulberries
2 handfuls of Tintoberries
1 handful of Mejoberries
Submerge in Water
Cook in a Cooking Pot
Rockwell Recipes: Fria Curry
Spawn Commandcheat giveitemnum 255 1 0 0
cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Notes/PrimalItem_RecipeNote_FriaCurry.PrimalItem_RecipeNote_FriaCurry'" 1 0 0
This recipe lists the items needed to cook Fria Curry
This spicy vegetarian dish fills the body with a comfortable warmth. It controls your apetite while helping you ignore the cold.
5 Longrass
5 Rockarrot
2 handfuls of Azulberries
1 handful of Mejoberries
1/2 dollop of Narcotic
Submerge in Water
Cook in a Cooking Pot
Rockwell Recipes: Lazarus Chowder
Spawn Commandcheat giveitemnum 253 1 0 0
cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Notes/PrimalItem_RecipeNote_LazarusChowder.PrimalItem_RecipeNote_LazarusChowder'" 1 0 0
This recipe lists the items needed to cook Lazarus Chowder
This creamy dish improves the body's natural constitution. You will recover from injury more quickly after eating this, and your body will need less oxygen.
3 servings of cooked meat
5 Savoroot
5 Longrass
1 handful of Mejoberries
1/2 dollop of Narcotic
Submerge in Water
Cook in a Cooking Pot
Rockwell Recipes: Meat Jerky
Spawn Commandcheat giveitemnum 300 1 0 0
cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Notes/PrimalItem_RecipeNote_Jerky.PrimalItem_RecipeNote_Jerky'" 1 0 0
This recipe lists the items needed to create Prime Meat Jerky and Cooked Meat Jerky
While it might not taste as good as freshly cooked meat, jerky is just as nutritious and lasts much longer.
1/3 serving of meat (any quality)
1/4 dollop of Oil
Sprinkle with Sparkpowder (to dehydrate)
Cook in a Preserving Bin
Rockwell Recipes: Medical Brew
Spawn Commandcheat giveitemnum 297 1 0 0
cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Notes/PrimalItem_RecipeNote_HealSoup.PrimalItem_RecipeNote_HealSoup'" 1 0 0
This recipe lists the items needed to create Medical Brews
This simple tonic immediately jump-starts your body's natural healing.
2 handful of Tintoberries
1/2 dollops of Narcotic
Submerge in Water
Cook in a Cooking Pot
Rockwell Recipes: Mindwipe Tonic
This recipe lists the items needed to create the Mindwipe Tonic
When consumed, this tonic causes neural overload. Synapses fire off too quickly, resulting in damage to the memory centers of the brain related to construction.
Warning: this concoction may cause temporary memory loss, and resetting of Engrams.
8 serving of Cooked Prime Meat
20 handful of Mejoberries
18 dollops of Narcotic
18 dollops of Stimulant
20 Rare Mushrooms
20 Rare Flower
Submerge in Water
Cook in a Cooking Pot
Rockwell Recipes: Shadow Steak Saute
Spawn Commandcheat giveitemnum 258 1 0 0
cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Notes/PrimalItem_RecipeNote_ShadowSteak.PrimalItem_RecipeNote_ShadowSteak'" 1 0 0
This recipe lists the items needed to cook Shadow Steak Saute
Only eat this dish in the dark. It causes the light receptors in your eyes to become hyperactive, improves your hand-eye coordination, and allows your body to ignore extreme temperatures.
Warning: this concoction can be habit-forming.
1 serving of Cooked Prime Meat
2 handful of Mejoberries
2 dollops of Narcotic
2 Rare Mushrooms
1 Savoroot
1 Rockarrot
Submerge in Water
Cook in a Cooking Pot