Crystal Wyvern Egg

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Crystal Wyvern Egg
Tropical Crystal Wyvern Egg.pngEmber Crystal Wyvern Egg.pngBlood Crystal Wyvern Egg.png

Tremendously nourishing by itself, this egg provides extraordinary nutritional value in many cooking recipes.

Consumable (values pertain to Humans)
Egg size
Spoils in
Stack size
Decomposes in
Added in
Spawn Command
cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/CrystalWyvern/Eggs/PrimalItemConsumable_Egg_CrystalWyvern.PrimalItemConsumable_Egg_CrystalWyvern'" 1 0 0

Variant Tropical Crystal Wyvern Egg

cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/CrystalWyvern/Eggs/PrimalItemConsumable_Egg_CrystalWyvern_Fertilized_WS.PrimalItemConsumable_Egg_CrystalWyvern_Fertilized_WS'" 1 0 0

Variant Ember Crystal Wyvern Egg

cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/CrystalWyvern/Eggs/PrimalItemConsumable_Egg_CrystalWyvern_Fertilized_Ember.PrimalItemConsumable_Egg_CrystalWyvern_Fertilized_Ember'" 1 0 0

Variant Blood Crystal Wyvern Egg

cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/CrystalWyvern/Eggs/PrimalItemConsumable_Egg_CrystalWyvern_Fertilized_Bloodfall.PrimalItemConsumable_Egg_CrystalWyvern_Fertilized_Bloodfall'" 1 0 0
Used to craft

The Crystal Wyvern Egg is an egg in the Expansion Map Crystal Isles.


Crystal Wyvern Eggs are dropped after two  Crystal Wyverns have mated. They can be eaten or used to make  Extraordinary Kibble for taming  Astrocetus,  Griffin,  Megalania,  Rock Elemental,  Thylacoleo, and  Yutyrannus.

After two  Crystal Wyverns mate, the resulting egg can be hatched into a baby  Crystal Wyvern.

Grabbing an egg in the presence of wild  Crystal Wyverns will cause them to become hostile and attack the survivor.


Disambig.svg Main article: Incubation

The Crystal Wyvern Egg takes 4h 59m 58.56s to hatch. It must be in the temperature range of 75 to 85 °C / 167 to 185 °F to successfully hatch, otherwise it will start to lose  Health. The female  Crystal Wyvern needs between 18h and 2d before having the capacity to lay eggs again. The incubation time can be reduced by up to 20% if the egg is placed in an  Egg Incubator at the ideal temperature.


On Crystal Isles, in the desert region, nests of tropical, ember and blood crystal wyverns can be discovered where fertilized eggs can be found. The nests are located on the plates around the Desert Wyvern Hive. All wyverns around the nest are aggressive towards the player if you get to close to them. By collecting the eggs, all wyverns become aggressive towards the gatherer. While Crystal Wyverns can be tamed or bred for eggs, this is another way of gathering the Wyverns.

However, unlike the wyverns found at Scorched Earth, Valguero and Ragnarok, the crystal wyverns that resides in this area are faster than their main counterpart, making it virtually impossible to outrun them.


Building a trap near the hive to either trap or kill nearby wild Wyverns can take off some of the pressure when getting an egg.

Using an Oviraptor+Pteranodon/Argentavis

Oviraptors will, in fact, steal Wyvern eggs from nests when they are positioned close enough to do so, despite some sources claiming otherwise. (Tested working as of 306.89 on official servers) Consider using Nearest Follow settings to aid Oviraptor positioning. When the Oviraptor grabs the egg simply take it from Oviraptor. This avoids the penalty of angering every Wyvern in a huge radius as you technically did not steal the egg from the nest yourself according to the game. This is probably the safest method, but also probably the most labour intensive as taming even a low level Oviraptor can be outright impossible without already established egg production. Make sure you take the egg from the Oviraptor and do not carry it away while it is still holding the egg. This is reported to both erase the egg and break the Oviraptors ability to grab eggs in the future, likely related to the draw distance of the nest that the game may think the egg is still located at.

Using a Wyvern

If one already has a tamed  Wyvern/ Crystal Wyvern, they are the easiest way of getting an egg, and the only flying mount capable of tanking at least their variant if flying away isn't an option.

A Tropical Crystal Wyvern gets a speed boost when it is touching water which makes it faster than even a Crystal Wyvern Heir.

Using a Tropeognathus

If there is one tamed,  Tropeognathus are very agile with the jetpack boost on the saddle and can maneuver fast to avoid the  Crystal Wyverns' attacks. They can have decent health(around 1500) and enough weight to collect multiple eggs in one run.

Using an Argentavis

 Argentavis has good weight, making it capable of snagging the eggs, but escaping may be difficult due to its speed. It is advised to choose an egg that has as few as possible surrounding  Crystal Wyvern Heir. One could increase the health of their  Argentavis and try to tank their way out. Alternatively, by putting points into health, stamina and melee, it is possible to kill enough wyverns to escape. This is not recommended if there are many wyverns nearby, multiple alphas, or if you are using a low-level Argentavis.

Using a Pteranodon

The  Pteranodon is the fastest alternate flyer, although it is NOWHERE faster than wild  Crystal Wyverns and has low health. When escaping, try to fly low, through arches, around rocks, or any other maneuvering to put objects between you and the pursuing  Crystal Wyverns. They can sometimes get stuck on the rocks, putting more distance between you and them, and allowing more time to escape. If the  Pteranodon's stamina pool is high enough, the 'C'-spin maneuver can be used to create more distance between the  Pteranodon and the pursuing  Crystal Wyvern Heir as the 'C'-spin maneuver provides a small burst of increased speed.

Alternatively, try lure the Heirs into a set trap designed for Pteranodon size to stop them.

Using a Rock Elemental

 Rock Elemental has decent health, ranged attack and immunity to wyverns' breath attacks, plus its natural melee damage reduction, wyverns are having headache to deal with this golem.

Using a Griffin

With its high base speed, dual passenger seat and skydive ability, the  Griffin makes an ideal egg picker mount. Level up stamina and health.

Using a Giganotosaurus

 Giganotosaurus, when fully imprinted, can outmatch pursuing wyverns in term of brute force. If you are not very confident, any buff such as mate-boost, rider-imprinted and Yutyrannus encouragement may be utilized to ensure the victory.

Using a Bloodstalker

With it's high speed, mobility and redirection the Bloodstalker can easily lead Crystal Wyverns away so you can turn back and get out of their agro radius to get eggs with little problems.

Using a Managarmr

With it's ability to jump multiple times, dash long distances, and fit through tight spaces, the Managarmr is ideal for dashing in, grabbing an egg, and dashing out again. This only works with Crystal Wyverns however, as most wyvern trenches run the serious risk of death by lava.

Using Turrets

At a very high cost, a sufficient number of  Auto Turret can wipe out a swarm of Wyverns in mere seconds.

 Plant Species X can slow the wyverns down allowing you to escape (be careful when positioning as they will also target close wild creatures and can‘t attack the wyverns when distracted.

Using Tame Turrets

Using a bunch of  Velonasaurs on turret mode easily gets the trick done. 20 of them will kill them in seconds, though 10 will do fine if they are high level , healing won't be needed if they can't get hit, for example with a cage they can shoot from but stay out of range from wyvern breaths. Otherwise a  Snow Owl or  Daeodon will do fine. This is a more time consuming alternative to the turret idea seeing taming or breeding takes a lot of time. But at the same time, it doesn't cost any bullets, and meat for food is easy to come by. Expect some lag with the amount of particles flying compared to turrets.

Host Tethering

If playing on a non dedicated server, survivors can abuse the tethering mechanic to get an egg. Have a player that is not the host grab an egg, then have the host player kill themselves and quickly respawn far away. This will force all non-host players to teleport to the host's location.


If not on Hardcore mode, players can cheat death(as they revive as many time as they are dead). You will eventually obtain an egg by following the steps below:

  1. Tame a flying mount, any level is ok.
  2. Go to the wyvern nest, pick an egg and run. The flying mount should be at least able to carry you and the egg out the wyvern trench.
  3. Get killed by the wyvern, respawn, and find your corpse(or item cache).
  4. Pickup the egg from your corpse or item cache. If it does aggro nearby wyverns, use  Gallimimus or go back to step 2. The wyverns will eventually end up attacking other creatures, going back to their nests, or get deleted for being outside their main habitat for too long.


  • Eggs stolen from Wyvern Nest are laid by  Crystal Wyvern Heir along with their species name. However, the hatched eggs will always be regular crystal wyverns based on the variant stolen from.
  • Crystal Wyvern Egg are the third eggs obtainable via both stealing it from a nest and by breeding two tames parents. The others being the  Deinonychus Egg,,  Magmasaur Egg and  Wyvern Egg respectively.


Patch  ARK: Survival Evolved Changes
311.74 Crystal Wyvern Eggs are added to the game.
315.2 Crystal Wyvern Fertilized eggs now properly warn players before consuming.