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Note.png 一部旧バージョン
Spoiled Meat.png このページには、ARK:Survival Evolvedの背景ストーリーに関連したネタバレが含まれている可能性があります。
Disambig.svg この記事はドラゴンに関するものであり、 ワイバーン クリスタルワイバーンと混同しないでください。

Lua エラー モジュール:Version/legacy 内、75 行目: unknown Switch version 599.0
cheat summon Dragon_Character_BP_Boss_C
cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Dragon/Dragon_Character_BP_Boss.Dragon_Character_BP_Boss'" 500 0 0 35
Variant Dragon (Gamma)
cheat summon Dragon_Character_BP_Boss_Easy_C
cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Dragon/Dragon_Character_BP_Boss_Easy.Dragon_Character_BP_Boss_Easy'" 500 0 0 35
Variant Dragon (Beta)
cheat summon Dragon_Character_BP_Boss_Medium_C
cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Dragon/Dragon_Character_BP_Boss_Medium.Dragon_Character_BP_Boss_Medium'" 500 0 0 35
Variant Dragon (Alpha)
cheat summon Dragon_Character_BP_Boss_Hard_C
cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Dragon/Dragon_Character_BP_Boss_Hard.Dragon_Character_BP_Boss_Hard'" 500 0 0 35
Variant Dragon (Gamma) (Ragnarok)
cheat summon Dragon_Character_BP_Boss_Easy_Ragnarok_C
cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/Ragnarok/Custom_Assets/Bosses/Dragon_Character_BP_Boss_Easy_Ragnarok.Dragon_Character_BP_Boss_Easy_Ragnarok'" 500 0 0 35
Variant Dragon (Beta) (Ragnarok)
cheat summon Dragon_Character_BP_Boss_Medium_Ragnarok_C
cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/Ragnarok/Custom_Assets/Bosses/Dragon_Character_BP_Boss_Medium_Ragnarok.Dragon_Character_BP_Boss_Medium_Ragnarok'" 500 0 0 35
Variant Dragon (Alpha) (Ragnarok)
cheat summon Dragon_Character_BP_Boss_Hard_Ragnarok_C
cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/Ragnarok/Custom_Assets/Bosses/Dragon_Character_BP_Boss_Hard_Ragnarok.Dragon_Character_BP_Boss_Hard_Ragnarok'" 500 0 0 35
Variant Dragon (Gamma) (Valguero)
cheat summon Dragon_Character_BP_Boss_Easy_C
cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/Valguero/Assets/CoreBlueprints/Boss/Dragon_Character_BP_Boss_Easy.Dragon_Character_BP_Boss_Easy'" 500 0 0 35
Variant Dragon (Beta) (Valguero)
cheat summon Dragon_Character_BP_Boss_Medium_C
cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/Valguero/Assets/CoreBlueprints/Boss/Dragon_Character_BP_Boss_Medium.Dragon_Character_BP_Boss_Medium'" 500 0 0 35
Variant Dragon (Alpha) (Valguero)
cheat summon Dragon_Character_BP_Boss_Hard_C
cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/Valguero/Assets/CoreBlueprints/Boss/Dragon_Character_BP_Boss_Hard.Dragon_Character_BP_Boss_Hard'" 500 0 0 35
X mark.svg できない1
X mark.svg できない2
X mark.svg できない
1 Survival of the Fittestでテイムすることができます。
2 Survival of the Fittestでドラゴンがデスポーンする前に15分間騎乗することができます。
Check mark.svg あり
12,000 XP

ドラゴンARK: Survival Evolvedボスの一つです。

The Islandでは、ドラゴンはDragon Arenaでのみ見つけることができます。この場所に行くには、プレイヤーは供給品クレートまたはオベリスクのいずれかに移動し、必要な貢物のアイテムを中に入れた後、 Generate Dragon Portalのアイテムをクリックする必要があります。近くのプレイヤーと恐竜をアリーナにテレポートするためのポータルが開かれます。シングルプレイモードでプレイしている場合、ポータルは赤のオベリスクからのみ生成できます。

ドラゴンはRagnarokRagnarok ArenaValgueroForsaken Oasisの両方で見つけることができ、両方のマップのどのオベリスクからも生成することができます。

Survival of the Fittestでは、ドラゴンは試合のほぼ半分で中央のプラットフォームに現れ、テイムすることができます。ドラゴンは短時間しか乗ることができず、マスターに牙をむくことになります。[1]



The Dragon is massive, easily dwarfing both the  Broodmother and  Megapithecus in size, it stands and walks in a bipedal stance. However it will become quadrupedal when sprinting. It is purple in color with orange wings and some orange patterning running along the side of the body with the 2 most notable being large orange strips running with the first running from the back of its head to the base of its neck and the second running along the sides of the body, Its head has a crown of horns.


The Dragon used to spawn with an extremely diverse range of colorization, however this was changed during the development of the Dragon's Boss Arena.

X mark.svg



Colors 色

The Dragon has different colors depending on its difficulty level:

Difficulty Level Color
Gamma Default Coloring
Beta Yellow
Alpha Red


The following items are needed to summon the Dragon:

Item Quantity
Gamma Beta Alpha
Player Level 55 75 100
 Artifact of the Cunning 1 1 1
 Artifact of the Immune 1 1 1
 Artifact of the Skylord 1 1 1
 Artifact of the Strong 1 1 1
 Allosaurus Brain - 5 10
 Basilosaurus Blubber - 5 10
 Giganotosaurus Heart - 1 2
 Tusoteuthis Tentacle - 5 10
 Tyrannosaurus Arm - 5 15
 Yutyrannus Lungs - 5 10


Use these commands to give yourself all the items needed for tribute:

cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Artifacts/PrimalItemArtifact_11.PrimalItemArtifact_11'" 1 0 0 | cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Artifacts/PrimalItemArtifact_08.PrimalItemArtifact_08'" 1 0 0 | cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Artifacts/PrimalItemArtifact_06.PrimalItemArtifact_06'" 1 0 0 | cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Artifacts/PrimalItemArtifact_09.PrimalItemArtifact_09'" 1 0 0
cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Resources/PrimalItemResource_ApexDrop_Allo.PrimalItemResource_ApexDrop_Allo'" 5 0 0 | cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Artifacts/PrimalItemArtifact_11.PrimalItemArtifact_11'" 1 0 0 | cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Artifacts/PrimalItemArtifact_08.PrimalItemArtifact_08'" 1 0 0 | cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Artifacts/PrimalItemArtifact_06.PrimalItemArtifact_06'" 1 0 0 | cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Artifacts/PrimalItemArtifact_09.PrimalItemArtifact_09'" 1 0 0 | cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Resources/PrimalItemResource_ApexDrop_Basilo.PrimalItemResource_ApexDrop_Basilo'" 5 0 0 | cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Resources/PrimalItemResource_apexdrop_giga.primalitemresource_apexdrop_giga'" 1 0 0 | cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Resources/PrimalItemResource_ApexDrop_Tuso.PrimalItemResource_ApexDrop_Tuso'" 5 0 0 | cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Resources/PrimalItemResource_ApexDrop_Rex.PrimalItemResource_ApexDrop_Rex'" 5 0 0 | cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Resources/PrimalItemResource_apexdrop_Yuty.primalitemresource_apexdrop_yuty'" 5 0 0
cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Artifacts/PrimalItemArtifact_11.PrimalItemArtifact_11'" 1 0 0 | cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Artifacts/PrimalItemArtifact_08.PrimalItemArtifact_08'" 1 0 0 | cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Artifacts/PrimalItemArtifact_06.PrimalItemArtifact_06'" 1 0 0 | cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Artifacts/PrimalItemArtifact_09.PrimalItemArtifact_09'" 1 0 0 | cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Resources/PrimalItemResource_ApexDrop_Allo.PrimalItemResource_ApexDrop_Allo'" 10 0 0 | cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Resources/PrimalItemResource_ApexDrop_Basilo.PrimalItemResource_ApexDrop_Basilo'" 10 0 0 | cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Resources/PrimalItemResource_apexdrop_giga.primalitemresource_apexdrop_giga'" 2 0 0 | cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Resources/PrimalItemResource_ApexDrop_Tuso.PrimalItemResource_ApexDrop_Tuso'" 10 0 0 | cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Resources/PrimalItemResource_ApexDrop_Rex.PrimalItemResource_ApexDrop_Rex'" 15 0 0 | cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Resources/PrimalItemResource_apexdrop_Yuty.primalitemresource_apexdrop_yuty'" 10 0 0


Item Dragon Level
Gamma Beta Alpha
 Element 80 220 440



Completing the harder difficulties will unlock all of the lower difficulty Tekgrams as well.


Achievement Master Survivor.jpg
Xbox One.svg
Epic Games.svg
竜狩りの証/Master Survivor



Note: The Dragon in the Ragnarok Arena has the same stat values, but takes 3x damage (or consider it suffers a 2/3 Health Nerf).

能力値 基準値 レベルアップ
 体力 432000 +86400
 スタミナ 10000 +1000
 酸素量 N/A N/A
 食料 2600 +260
 重量 4000 +80
 近接攻撃力 0 +0
 移動速度 100% N/A
 気絶値 350 +21
基本速度 スプリント速度
野生 野生
歩行 1650

水泳 1100

飛行 4000

  • すべての生物のステータスの比較については、生物の基本ステータスを参照。
  • レベルアップの計算が具体的にどのように行われるのかについては、生物の基本ステータスを参照。
  • 1これらは100%の移動速度での生物の基本速度です。
  • 2これらは生物をテイムし、刷り込みしない場合の速度です。
  • すべての生物の速度の比較については生物の基本速度を参照。

能力値 基準値 レベルアップ
 体力 864000 +172800
 スタミナ 10000 +1000
 酸素量 N/A N/A
 食料 2600 +260
 重量 4000 +80
 近接攻撃力 0 +0
 移動速度 100% N/A
 気絶値 350 +21
基本速度 スプリント速度
野生 野生
歩行 1650

水泳 1100

飛行 4000

  • すべての生物のステータスの比較については、生物の基本ステータスを参照。
  • レベルアップの計算が具体的にどのように行われるのかについては、生物の基本ステータスを参照。
  • 1これらは100%の移動速度での生物の基本速度です。
  • 2これらは生物をテイムし、刷り込みしない場合の速度です。
  • すべての生物の速度の比較については生物の基本速度を参照。

能力値 基準値 レベルアップ
 体力 972000 +243000
 スタミナ 10000 +1000
 酸素量 N/A N/A
 食料 2600 +260
 重量 4000 +80
 近接攻撃力 0 +0
 移動速度 100% N/A
 気絶値 350 +21
基本速度 スプリント速度
野生 野生
歩行 1650

水泳 1100

飛行 4000

  • すべての生物のステータスの比較については、生物の基本ステータスを参照。
  • レベルアップの計算が具体的にどのように行われるのかについては、生物の基本ステータスを参照。
  • 1これらは100%の移動速度での生物の基本速度です。
  • 2これらは生物をテイムし、刷り込みしない場合の速度です。
  • すべての生物の速度の比較については生物の基本速度を参照。

The Firebreath-attack yields up to 2000 damage (probably depending on the amount of flames the target is covered with) and is applied over a time of 10s. The flame-damage is not affected by the Melee Damage-Stat and thus cannot be increased by level-ups.

テイム方法 (Survival of the Fittest)

'The Dragon can only be tamed in Survival of the Fittest - in which, after 20 - 40 minutes, it'll disappear.


レベルに応じて必要な資源を計算するには、外部のTaming calculatorをご利用ください。



This section describes how to fight against the Dragon.


Please keep in mind that the Dragon is considered by many players to be the third toughest boss to defeat (Previously the hardest, but that title was overtaken by the  King Titan, but due to the release of Genesis: Part 1, it was overtaken again by the  Corrupted Master Controller)

The Dragon is the strongest of the 3 island Guardians and should be saved for last due to how tough it is, on top of that, taking down the  Megapithecus and  Broodmother will help give the players a advantage due to having new better equipment to take on the Dragon with.


The Dragon is far stronger than the two previous Guardians on the Island, thanks to the ability to do percent-based fire breath damage. This fire will drain 20% of anything's max health as well as doing some direct impact damage, so brute forcing with your dino armies won't exactly work out like it did in the  Megapithecus and  Broodmother fights.

You'll need to pay attention to the Dragon's fireball and minion summoning attacks, as well as making sure you bring mastercraft to ascendant quality firearms that do good damage. Primitive weapons are a waste of time and will do little damage. As for the previously mentioned attacks, the fireballs do a fair amount of damage (less to herbivores) and have a large explosion radius, as well as having the ability to directly damage riders.

The minions that the Dragon summons are hostile  Pteranodon and  Dimorphodon.

The dragon should be saved for last due to the difficulty and saving it for last gives you more time to get better equipment and ideal tames plus by then you'll have access to some tek equipment.

You'll want to bring very high level weapons, armor, saddles, and dishes like Medical Brews and Calien Soup.

If you have access to Scorched Earth, Ragnarok, or Valguero DLCs, then Wyvern Milk can drastically help as it makes the player/dino invulnerable to the flame breath.


  • An army of  Therizinosaurus are a players best chance at beating the dragon since they have stats to rival the Rex's and because they are herbivores they take less damage from the Dragons attacks(Does NOT reduce damage from Fire Breath), ideally a Yutyrannus could definitely improve the odds of winning so long as the player is careful with them. Note that Dragon's fire breath ignores herbivores fire resistance and saddle armor, and will deal more damage than the Daeodon can effectively heal unless on passive healing (which makes healing erratic and unreliable, so the best option is to not use one at all, and replace it with a ridden rhino or other dps dealer.) It also helps if you give them veggie cakes which heals them.
  • The Dragons Fire Breath damage debuff shows 20% damage of the maximum health of the affected dino, but the percentage actually scales with the difficulty. 20% only are reached on Alpha difficulty.
  • A  Yutyrannus can still be useful as long as it's mounted (so it's easier to keep safe and can be used to full potential) and kept away from the Dragon instead acting as support buffing the Therizinos or any other damage tames.
  • A very tanky  Megaloceros could be useful to help kite the dragon and get its attention and in the process allowing tribemates to open fire on it without fear of the dragon killing them.
  •  Rex could still work however if attempted over the Therizino Strategy they would definitely need the help of a Daeodon and Yutyrannus due Therizinos having fire resistance against fireball and Rexes unable to heal with vegetable cakes.
  • A  Daeodon can be useful due to the passive healing ability it has.
  • It is highly recommended to bring a pack of either  Allosaurus or  Deinonychus as both of them have a bleeding damage and gain an Alpha boost.
    • Bringing both packs of dinosaurs is ideal as the dps of the allosaurus and the massive bleed damage from the deinonychus can have huge damage potential that can complement the use of Rexes.


  • The Firebreath tears through health and no resistance or armor will reduce it, so be careful when facing it.
  • The fireballs it shoots are AOE dealing alot of damage to not only the tame but the rider as well so be very careful.
  • The dimorphs that spawn in the arena will kill you even on your mount.
  • Try to avoid the lava streams while fighting it as the dragon is immune to them only causing them to be hazards for your own tames.
  • Its breath attacks deal more damage to carnivores so normal tactics such as Rex Rushing while possible aren't advised as it's very risky.
  • The arena itself is very hot so putting points into fortitude, bringing some Callien Soup (aka Calliens), and Ghillie armor to protect yourself is advised.
  • Due to the Dimorphs and the Dragons fireball attack damaging riders the player will definitely need high level armor to help withstand the damage.
  • The Dragon can instakill a player with it's bite attack so be very careful of that especially if playing single player.
  • A rare bug can cause you to fall through the lava and out of the world.


While the biggest of all the Island bosses, its backside has the largest hitbox. The ruins around the arena can cause the dragon to be stuck on, allowing shots to be taken afar (but do not rely on this happening during the fight as it will eventually fly away).

Sometimes the dragon will only go to the player, giving your army a chance to cause damage to it.

Wyvern Milk disables the dragon's fire breath making it incredibly valuable for a fight like this.

If players spread their creatures around and completely surround and pin the dragon, it would be distracted and focus its fire attack on one side, helping your unaffected creatures live a little longer during the fight.




  • If one uses The summon command to spawn a large amount of dragons and than kills them all instantly with The creative mode rifle, the corpses will stretch and get flung all over the place, causing all sorts of chaos, due to this making it hard to see. It is albeit hilarious to watch, though. This also happens with The ankylosaurus.
  • The Dragon is the eleventh largest creature in the game (the largest being  King Titan, second being  Rockwell, the third being  Moeder followed by the  Alpha Deathworm/ Iceworm Queen as 4th,  Ice Titan as 5th,  Forest Titan as 6th,  Desert Titan as 7th, the  Titanosaur being 8th, the  Astrocetus at 9th and finally the  Alpha Tusoteuthis as 10th largest), its even larger than most of the large creatures such as  Brontosaurus,  DodoRex or  Giganotosaurus and it ties with the  Alpha Mosasaurus for 11th place.
  • The Dragon is the 1st boss to specifically be based on a real mythological creature, the 2nd being the  Manticore and the 3rd being the  Crystal Wyvern Queen.
    • Interestingly all 3 can fly.
  • Admin spawned dragons despawn 20 minutes after taming.
  • Its purple and orange color scheme may be a reference to the Spyro franchise.
  • In the Creature's dossier it looks bigger than the Titanosaur, though this is inaccurate. This can be explained by the fact that dragon boss in early access was about 15% bigger, than now. Moreover, initial dragon in the first EA trailer was about 1.5 times bigger than titanosaur. Since mid-2016, dragon boss in-game is still slightly larger than bronto and about 20% smaller than titanosaur.
  • If tamed or spawned through the use of Console Commands, the Dragon will be unable to move, use some of its attacks, be ridden or respect player's whistles due to its AI being dependent on the presence of the arena.
  • In SotF, the Dragon is permanently passive, and will not attack anything unless ridden.
  • The Dragon cannot swim, but can walk or even fly in water.
  • You can not use any kind of Tek Gear inside the Arena.
  • The Dragon was brought into Ark Park via the Pterosaur Hill DLC as the Final Boss.
  • The Dragon is the only Guardian in Genesis: Part 1 that got a X variant, and also the only Guardian that doesn't appear in Gauntlet either.
  • In Ragnarok Arena, the dragon takes 3x damage, making its actual health divided by 3. This is perhaps to balance the difficulty of bosses in Ragnarok as fighting 2 bosses both at their original stats on default server settings could be somewhat impossible.
  • When facing the Dragon, herbivorous creatures have a resistance to its devastating fire breath. In lore, Helena noted of how the herbivorous creatures that Mei Yin had and in general thick hides that can help them to resist explosions and fire. However, in game the fire breath damage is not reduced by herbivore fire resistance.
  • Despite having even thicker armor, the reaper doesn't have a resistance for some odd reason.
  • Possibly a bug, Dragons summoned underwater can be tamed passively by putting meat in their inventory and will fully function as a mount. However they only last a few minutes and cannot harvest nor obey whistles.
  • Dragon's Dermis could transfer in different server and function normally, but not Ragnarok/Valguero variants.
  • There is a code "Volcanic_Dragon_Character_BP_C" which spawns a dragon, that glows red and orange in darkness.
    • This Dragon was a exclusive to genesis but then was replaced by a Brute Fire Wyvern.
      • The same happened wit tek giganotosaurus (BionicGigant_Character_BP_C) whick is now replaced with Reaper Boss.


  • In the story, Gaius Marcellus Nerva and his tribe, the New Legion, managed to kill the Dragon. He refers to it as a Dragon belonging to the roman goddess Ceres, then corrects himself, stating it was too colossal and wild for even a god's chariot.
  • He notes that the combined strength of the dragon, Mei Yin's tames, and Mei Yin's giganotosaurus were enough to weaken the New Legion to a point where lesser tribes began to take over the territory they conquered.


Patch 変更点
209.4 You can no longer upload and download Dragons via the obelisk
213.0 Dragon fire now damages flyers
242.0 Added the Dragon Arena
254.5 Improved attack hit detection
258.2 Fixed landscape on The Center Dragon arena
259.0 Colorized boss health to indicate boss difficulty
  • With exception to the Center boss fight, all boss  Health and  Melee Damage have been rebalanced for singleplayer, 1x(Gamma) to 3x(Alpha)
  • Dragon boss no longer present on The Center
  • Fixed boss levels so that they are no longer random, but now scale correctly on game mode and server difficulty
  • Player spawn point adjusted inside Dragon arena
278.0 Dragon's fire breath direct impact  Damage reduced by 50%
316.18 Element reward from The Island bosses has been increased by 100%

