
提供:ARK Wiki
ナビゲーションに移動 検索に移動
Lua エラー モジュール:Version/legacy 内、75 行目: unknown Switch version 599.0
cheat summon TerrorBird_Character_BP_C
cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/TerrorBird/TerrorBird_Character_BP.TerrorBird_Character_BP'" 500 0 0 35
Variant Terror Bird (Escort)
cheat summon TerrorBird_Character_BP_Escort_C
cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Genesis/Dinos/MissionVariants/Escort/Bog/TerrorBird_Character_BP_Escort.TerrorBird_Character_BP_Escort'" 500 0 0 35
Variant Terror Bird (Gauntlet)
cheat summon TerrorBird_Character_BP_Gauntlet_C
cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Genesis/Dinos/MissionVariants/Gauntlet/Bog/TerrorBird_Character_BP_Gauntlet.TerrorBird_Character_BP_Gauntlet'" 500 0 0 35
Variant Terror Bird (Summoned)
cheat summon TerrorBird_Character_BP_Summoned_C
cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Genesis2/Dinos/Summoner/SummonedDinos/TerrorBird_Character_BP_Summoned.TerrorBird_Character_BP_Summoned'" 500 0 0 35
Variant Terror Bird (Gauntlet2)
cheat summon TerrorBird_Character_BP_STA_C
cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Genesis2/Missions/ModularMission/Gauntlet2/STA/Dinos/TerrorBird_Character_BP_STA.TerrorBird_Character_BP_STA'" 500 0 0 35
Variant VR Terror Bird (Mashup)
cheat summon TerrorBird_Character_BP_ExpG_C
cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Genesis2/Missions/ModularMission/Mashup/ExperimentG/DinosAndStructures/TerrorBird_Character_BP_ExpG.TerrorBird_Character_BP_ExpG'" 500 0 0 35
Variant Terror Bird (Mashup)
cheat summon TerrorBird_Character_BP_ExpG_Pod_C
cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Genesis2/Missions/ModularMission/Mashup/ExperimentG/DinosAndStructures/TerrorBird_Character_BP_ExpG_Pod.TerrorBird_Character_BP_ExpG_Pod'" 500 0 0 35
Check mark.svg できる
Check mark.svg できる
Check mark.svg できる
X mark.svg なし
好きな食べ物 ARK: Survival Evolved Mobile
20 - 28 °C / 68 - 82 °F
 孵化装置: 24 °C / 75 °F
1時間 59分 59.424秒
4時間 37分 46.666秒
18時間 31分 6.662秒
23時間 8分 53.328秒
1日 22時間 17分 46.656秒
18時間 - 2日

The Island Topographic Map.jpg
Spawning Terror Bird The Island.svg

The Center Topographic Map.jpg
Spawning Terror Bird The Center.svg

Scorched Earth Topographic Map.jpg
Spawning Terror Bird Scorched Earth.svg

Ragnarok Ocean Topographic Map.jpg
Spawning Terror Bird Ragnarok.svg

Extinction Topographic Map.jpg
Spawning Terror Bird Extinction.svg

Valguero Topographic Map.jpg
Spawning Terror Bird Valguero.svg

Genesis Part 1 Topographic Map.jpg
Spawning Terror Bird Genesis Part 1.svg

Crystal Isles Topographic Map.jpg
Spawning Terror Bird Crystal Isles.svg

Genesis Part 2 Map.jpg
Spawning Terror Bird Genesis Part 2.svg

Lost Island Map.jpg
Spawning Terror Bird Lost Island.svg

Fjordur Map.jpg
Spawning Terror Bird Fjordur Midgard.svg

Fjordur Asgard Topographic Map.jpg
Spawning Terror Bird Fjordur Asgard.svg

Fjordur Vanaheim Topographic Map.jpg
Spawning Terror Bird Fjordur Vanaheim.svg

コモン        レア
  テイム不可  洞窟

テラーバードは、ARK: Survival Evolved生物の一種です。





Phorusrhacidae rapidesultor


Late Paleocene










The Terror Bird is an extremely aggressive avian species. Whilst they commonly travel in groups of 3 (occasionally 4), they can be seen (albeit rarely) on their own; caution is still strongly advised.

Whilst typically found all over the island, the Redwood forest offers the richest source of prey, which includes the player if they are caught within their large aggro range. Therefore, they are most likely to be seen in and around this region.

The Terror bird is a remarkably fast predator, making outrunning them on foot very difficult.


A Terror Bird stands as tall as a man and is a highly aggressive carnivore. Having evolved to sprint in pursuit of small prey, Terror Birds have long legs and powerful hooked beaks designed to tear flesh and crush bone. They have traded the power of flight for this, having only vestigial wings, generally used for balance in high-speed chases in the dense forest.



この情報を使用して、チートコンソールcheat SetTargetDinoColor <ColorRegion> <ColorID>と入力することにより、テラーバードの領域を変更できます。たとえば、cheat SetTargetDinoColor 0 6はテラーバードの"feathers"がmagenta色になります。

No image available.svg
Region 0:
X mark.svg

Region 1 is not used
for this Creature.

X mark.svg

Region 2 is not used
for this Creature.

X mark.svg

Region 3 is not used
for this Creature.

No image available.svg
Region 4:
Belly/Wings Accent
No image available.svg
Region 5:
Beak, Skin and Legs


In Primitive+


能力値 基準値 レベルアップ テイムボーナス
野性生物 テイム生物 追加 増加
 体力 270 +54 +5.4% 0.07
 スタミナ 160 +16 +10%
 酸素量 150 +15 +10%
 食料 1500 +150 +10%
 重量 120 +2.4 +4%
 近接攻撃力 18 +0.9 +1.7% 7% 17.6%
 移動速度 100% N/A +1% 20%
 気絶値 300 +18 N/A 0.5
基本速度 スプリント速度 スタミナ
野生 テイム1 テイム2 野生 テイム1 テイム2
歩行 255.36 ? ? 1080.1727 1200.1919 1440.23028 5
水泳 300 ? ? ? ? ? ?
  • すべての生物のステータスの比較については、生物の基本ステータスを参照。
  • レベルアップの計算が具体的にどのように行われるのかについては、生物の基本ステータスを参照。
  • 1これらは100%の移動速度での生物の基本速度です。
  • 2これらは生物をテイムし、刷り込みしない場合の速度です。
  • すべての生物の速度の比較については生物の基本速度を参照。




stat-calculatorはモバイルビューでは機能しません。代替方法についてはこちらをご覧ください: Apps



This section describes how to fight against the Terror Bird.


Terror Birds spawn in small clusters of three to four members, so be sure that you can handle multiple opponents. They are extremely fast and aggressive, patrolling the area while devouring anything they can get their beaks on. Be careful when exploring in their spawning areas, which includes the redwoods, the mountains and the rivers at the base of the mountains. Be sure to consider other animals while dealing with Terror Birds, as there are plenty where they spawn!


If the Terror Bird is unable to reach you, it cannot harm you. Fighting on the ground unprepared is usually risky as the Terror Bird is adapted to running and can easily overtake a player. Try to finish them off quickly before their damage adds up, as escape is not a viable option. Oddly enough, the birds sometimes get stuck on each other and cannot move. In this rare occasion, either run, kill or knock them out before they fix themselves. This is a bug, and it may be fixed in a future patch.


Due to their pack nature, ranged weapons are best used to avoid being overwhelmed. If a melee situation arises, a sword or pike should be used to cause decent damage. Shotguns work rather well to deal high damage to one or two birds.


The Terror Bird is a good sprinter, so make sure to stay away from it on open terrain if you are poorly equipped. Fast or durable mounts can evacuate you in a pinch, or they can simply aide in killing one. Be sure that other mountainous animals do not enter the battle, as a Rex or Giganotosaurus can easily turn a casual hunt into a nightmarish slaughter of beloved animals and helpful tribe members.


They are extremely slow in water, a person with no movement upgrades moves at a similar speed to a swimming Terror Bird. While this does not allow you to escape them entirely, it does make them far easier to fight. Similar to the Raptor, the Terror Bird can easily be trapped on rocks and attacked with either a ranged weapon or a pike. They do not have relatively high health, so they can be dispatched in a similar method to raptors. The Terror Bird, like some other creatures, has a special head hitbox, which make them take 3x more damages with headshots. If one Terror Bird charges you alone, the best weapons are bows or crossbows. Use iron arrows to make sure to one-shot it. If you're caught in the open with multiple Terror Birds charging at you, keep backing away and focus on one of them at a time. Getting headshots is critical for fighting a group of them.


The Terror Bird loses torpor quickly so make sure that you are stocked up on Narcotics when you knock one out.

Terror Bird.png Level 1 ナルコベリー 麻酔薬 バイオトキシン 時間
Regular Kibble.png キブル(通常) 2 10 3 2 0:03:12
Raw Mutton.png 羊肉 3 22 6 3 0:04:31
Cooked Lamb Chop.png ラムチョップ 5 51 13 7 0:07:30
Raw Prime Meat.png 霜降り肉 3 22 6 3 0:04:31
Cooked Prime Meat.png 霜降りこんがり肉 6 65 16 8 0:09:00
Raw Prime Fish Meat.png 大トロ 8 36 9 5 0:06:01
Raw Meat.png 生肉 9 108 27 14 0:13:31
Cooked Prime Fish Meat.png こんがり大トロ 15 89 22 11 0:11:34
Cooked Meat.png こんがり肉 17 100 25 13 0:12:46
Raw Fish Meat.png 魚肉 22 136 34 17 0:16:31
Cooked Fish Meat.png こんがり魚 43 132 33 17 0:16:08
気絶するまで: 木の棍棒 × 30, パチンコ × 13, 弓で麻酔矢 × 4, クロスボウで麻酔矢 × 2, 麻酔弾 × 2, 強力麻酔弾 × 1
気絶値の減少値: 2.25 / 秒, 気絶状態から回復する時間: 00:02:13
Terror Bird.png Level 30 ナルコベリー 麻酔薬 バイオトキシン 時間
Regular Kibble.png キブル(通常) 3 14 4 2 0:04:48
Raw Mutton.png 羊肉 6 65 18 9 0:09:01
Cooked Lamb Chop.png ラムチョップ 11 154 42 21 0:16:29
Raw Prime Meat.png 霜降り肉 7 83 22 11 0:10:31
Cooked Prime Meat.png 霜降りこんがり肉 14 208 56 28 0:20:59
Raw Prime Fish Meat.png 大トロ 18 119 32 16 0:13:31
Raw Meat.png 生肉 21 334 90 45 0:31:31
Cooked Prime Fish Meat.png こんがり大トロ 35 280 75 38 0:26:59
Cooked Meat.png こんがり肉 42 334 90 45 0:31:31
Raw Fish Meat.png 魚肉 52 424 114 57 0:39:01
Cooked Fish Meat.png こんがり魚 104 424 114 57 0:39:01
気絶するまで: 木の棍棒 × 83, パチンコ × 34, 弓で麻酔矢 × 10, クロスボウで麻酔矢 × 6, 麻酔弾 × 4, 強力麻酔弾 × 2
気絶値の減少値: 3.74 / 秒, 気絶状態から回復する時間: 00:03:39
Terror Bird.png Level 60 ナルコベリー 麻酔薬 バイオトキシン 時間
Regular Kibble.png キブル(通常) 5 45 13 7 0:08:00
Raw Mutton.png 羊肉 9 118 33 17 0:13:31
Cooked Lamb Chop.png ラムチョップ 17 276 78 39 0:25:29
Raw Prime Meat.png 霜降り肉 12 177 50 25 0:18:01
Cooked Prime Meat.png 霜降りこんがり肉 23 395 111 56 0:34:28
Raw Prime Fish Meat.png 大トロ 28 217 61 31 0:21:01
Raw Meat.png 生肉 34 614 172 86 0:51:01
Cooked Prime Fish Meat.png こんがり大トロ 56 510 143 72 0:43:10
Cooked Meat.png こんがり肉 67 604 169 85 0:50:16
Raw Fish Meat.png 魚肉 84 772 217 109 1:03:01
Cooked Fish Meat.png こんがり魚 168 772 217 109 1:03:01
気絶するまで: 木の棍棒 × 137, パチンコ × 56, 弓で麻酔矢 × 16, クロスボウで麻酔矢 × 9, 麻酔弾 × 7, 強力麻酔弾 × 4
気絶値の減少値: 4.88 / 秒, 気絶状態から回復する時間: 00:04:39
Terror Bird.png Level 90 ナルコベリー 麻酔薬 バイオトキシン 時間
Regular Kibble.png キブル(通常) 6 60 18 9 0:09:36
Raw Mutton.png 羊肉 13 199 58 29 0:19:31
Cooked Lamb Chop.png ラムチョップ 23 409 119 60 0:34:28
Raw Prime Meat.png 霜降り肉 16 262 76 38 0:24:01
Cooked Prime Meat.png 霜降りこんがり肉 31 578 167 84 0:46:27
Raw Prime Fish Meat.png 大トロ 39 336 98 49 0:29:16
Raw Meat.png 生肉 47 916 265 133 1:10:31
Cooked Prime Fish Meat.png こんがり大トロ 78 770 223 112 1:00:07
Cooked Meat.png こんがり肉 93 905 262 131 1:09:46
Raw Fish Meat.png 魚肉 116 1147 332 166 1:27:01
Cooked Fish Meat.png こんがり魚 232 1147 332 166 1:27:01
気絶するまで: 木の棍棒 × 191, パチンコ × 78, 弓で麻酔矢 × 22, クロスボウで麻酔矢 × 13, 麻酔弾 × 9, 強力麻酔弾 × 5
気絶値の減少値: 5.91 / 秒, 気絶状態から回復する時間: 00:05:22
Terror Bird.png Level 120 ナルコベリー 麻酔薬 バイオトキシン 時間
Regular Kibble.png キブル(通常) 8 101 30 15 0:12:48
Raw Mutton.png 羊肉 16 265 79 40 0:24:01
Cooked Lamb Chop.png ラムチョップ 30 573 170 85 0:44:58
Raw Prime Meat.png 霜降り肉 20 353 105 53 0:30:01
Cooked Prime Meat.png 霜降りこんがり肉 40 792 235 118 0:59:57
Raw Prime Fish Meat.png 大トロ 50 463 137 69 0:37:31
Raw Meat.png 生肉 59 1211 359 180 1:28:31
Cooked Prime Fish Meat.png こんがり大トロ 99 1032 306 153 1:16:18
Cooked Meat.png こんがり肉 118 1211 359 180 1:28:31
Raw Fish Meat.png 魚肉 148 1541 456 228 1:51:01
Cooked Fish Meat.png こんがり魚 295 1535 455 228 1:50:38
気絶するまで: 木の棍棒 × 245, パチンコ × 100, 弓で麻酔矢 × 28, クロスボウで麻酔矢 × 16, 麻酔弾 × 12, 強力麻酔弾 × 6
気絶値の減少値: 6.86 / 秒, 気絶状態から回復する時間: 00:05:56
Terror Bird.png Level 150 ナルコベリー 麻酔薬 バイオトキシン 時間
Regular Kibble.png キブル(通常) 9 122 37 19 0:14:24
Raw Mutton.png 羊肉 20 358 108 54 0:30:01
Cooked Lamb Chop.png ラムチョップ 36 720 217 109 0:53:57
Raw Prime Meat.png 霜降り肉 24 449 136 68 0:36:01
Cooked Prime Meat.png 霜降りこんがり肉 48 992 299 150 1:11:56
Raw Prime Fish Meat.png 大トロ 60 585 177 89 0:45:01
Raw Meat.png 生肉 72 1538 464 232 1:48:01
Cooked Prime Fish Meat.png こんがり大トロ 120 1303 393 197 1:32:29
Cooked Meat.png こんがり肉 144 1538 464 232 1:48:01
Raw Fish Meat.png 魚肉 180 1946 587 294 2:15:01
Cooked Fish Meat.png こんがり魚 359 1940 585 293 2:14:38
気絶するまで: 木の棍棒 × 299, パチンコ × 122, 弓で麻酔矢 × 34, クロスボウで麻酔矢 × 19, 麻酔弾 × 14, 強力麻酔弾 × 7
気絶値の減少値: 7.77 / 秒, 気絶状態から回復する時間: 00:06:24

Soothing Balm Terror Bird.png Level 1 Narcoberry Narcotic Bio Toxin Time
Values without Soothing Balm Mobile Kibble.png Kibble (Gallimimus Egg) 2 10 3 2 0:03:12
Raw Prime Meat.png 霜降り肉 4 36 9 5 0:06:01
Cooked Prime Meat.png 霜降りこんがり肉 7 79 20 10 0:10:30
Raw Prime Fish Meat.png 大トロ 9 44 11 6 0:06:46
Raw Meat.png 生肉 10 122 30 15 0:15:01
Cooked Prime Fish Meat.png こんがり大トロ 17 104 26 13 0:13:06
Cooked Meat.png こんがり肉 20 122 30 15 0:15:01
Raw Fish Meat.png 魚肉 25 157 39 20 0:18:46
Cooked Fish Meat.png こんがり魚 49 154 38 19 0:18:23
Mobile Minor Soothing Balm.png Mobile Kibble.png Kibble (Gallimimus Egg) 1 0 0 0 0:01:36
Raw Prime Meat.png 霜降り肉 2 8 2 1 0:03:01
Cooked Prime Meat.png 霜降りこんがり肉 3 22 6 3 0:04:30
Raw Prime Fish Meat.png 大トロ 3 1 1 1 0:02:16
Raw Meat.png 生肉 4 36 9 5 0:06:01
Cooked Prime Fish Meat.png こんがり大トロ 6 23 6 3 0:04:38
Cooked Meat.png こんがり肉 7 29 8 4 0:05:16
Raw Fish Meat.png 魚肉 9 44 11 6 0:06:46
Cooked Fish Meat.png こんがり魚 17 40 10 5 0:06:23
Mobile Soothing Balm.png Mobile Kibble.png Kibble (Gallimimus Egg) 1 0 0 0 0:01:36
Raw Prime Meat.png 霜降り肉 1 0 0 0 0:01:31
Cooked Prime Meat.png 霜降りこんがり肉 1 0 0 0 0:01:30
Raw Prime Fish Meat.png 大トロ 1 0 0 0 0:00:46
Raw Meat.png 生肉 1 0 0 0 0:01:31
Cooked Prime Fish Meat.png こんがり大トロ 1 0 0 0 0:00:47
Cooked Meat.png こんがり肉 1 0 0 0 0:00:46
Raw Fish Meat.png 魚肉 1 0 0 0 0:00:46
Cooked Fish Meat.png こんがり魚 2 0 0 0 0:00:46
Mobile Major Soothing Balm.png Mobile Kibble.png Kibble (Gallimimus Egg) 1 0 0 0 0:01:36
Raw Prime Meat.png 霜降り肉 1 0 0 0 0:01:31
Cooked Prime Meat.png 霜降りこんがり肉 1 0 0 0 0:01:30
Raw Prime Fish Meat.png 大トロ 1 0 0 0 0:00:46
Raw Meat.png 生肉 1 0 0 0 0:01:31
Cooked Prime Fish Meat.png こんがり大トロ 1 0 0 0 0:00:47
Cooked Meat.png こんがり肉 1 0 0 0 0:00:46
Raw Fish Meat.png 魚肉 1 0 0 0 0:00:46
Cooked Fish Meat.png こんがり魚 1 0 0 0 0:00:23
KO: Wooden Club Hits × 30; Slingshot Hits × 13; Tranquilizer Arrows with a Bow × 4; Tranquilizer Arrows with a Crossbow × 2; Toxicant Arrows with a Bow × 2; Toxicant Arrows with a Compound Bow × 2; Tranquilizer Dart Shots × 2; Shocking Tranquilizer Dart Shots × 1
Torpidity-depletion: 2.25 / s, Time until all torpidity is depleted: 00:02:13
Soothing Balm Terror Bird.png Level 30 Narcoberry Narcotic Bio Toxin Time
Values without Soothing Balm Mobile Kibble.png Kibble (Gallimimus Egg) 3 14 4 2 0:04:48
Raw Prime Meat.png 霜降り肉 8 101 27 14 0:12:01
Cooked Prime Meat.png 霜降りこんがり肉 16 244 66 33 0:23:59
Raw Prime Fish Meat.png 大トロ 20 137 37 19 0:15:01
Raw Meat.png 生肉 24 388 104 52 0:36:01
Cooked Prime Fish Meat.png こんがり大トロ 40 326 88 44 0:30:50
Cooked Meat.png こんがり肉 48 388 104 52 0:36:01
Raw Fish Meat.png 魚肉 60 496 133 67 0:45:01
Cooked Fish Meat.png こんがり魚 119 491 132 66 0:44:38
Mobile Minor Soothing Balm.png Mobile Kibble.png Kibble (Gallimimus Egg) 1 0 0 0 0:01:36
Raw Prime Meat.png 霜降り肉 3 11 3 2 0:04:31
Cooked Prime Meat.png 霜降りこんがり肉 6 64 18 9 0:09:00
Raw Prime Fish Meat.png 大トロ 7 20 6 3 0:05:16
Raw Meat.png 生肉 8 101 27 14 0:12:01
Cooked Prime Fish Meat.png こんがり大トロ 14 86 23 12 0:10:48
Cooked Meat.png こんがり肉 16 101 27 14 0:12:01
Raw Fish Meat.png 魚肉 20 137 37 19 0:15:01
Cooked Fish Meat.png こんがり魚 40 137 37 19 0:15:01
Mobile Soothing Balm.png Mobile Kibble.png Kibble (Gallimimus Egg) 1 0 0 0 0:01:36
Raw Prime Meat.png 霜降り肉 1 0 0 0 0:01:31
Cooked Prime Meat.png 霜降りこんがり肉 1 0 0 0 0:01:30
Raw Prime Fish Meat.png 大トロ 1 0 0 0 0:00:46
Raw Meat.png 生肉 1 0 0 0 0:01:31
Cooked Prime Fish Meat.png こんがり大トロ 2 0 0 0 0:01:33
Cooked Meat.png こんがり肉 2 0 0 0 0:01:31
Raw Fish Meat.png 魚肉 2 0 0 0 0:01:31
Cooked Fish Meat.png こんがり魚 4 0 0 0 0:01:31
Mobile Major Soothing Balm.png Mobile Kibble.png Kibble (Gallimimus Egg) 1 0 0 0 0:01:36
Raw Prime Meat.png 霜降り肉 1 0 0 0 0:01:31
Cooked Prime Meat.png 霜降りこんがり肉 1 0 0 0 0:01:30
Raw Prime Fish Meat.png 大トロ 1 0 0 0 0:00:46
Raw Meat.png 生肉 1 0 0 0 0:01:31
Cooked Prime Fish Meat.png こんがり大トロ 1 0 0 0 0:00:47
Cooked Meat.png こんがり肉 1 0 0 0 0:00:46
Raw Fish Meat.png 魚肉 1 0 0 0 0:00:46
Cooked Fish Meat.png こんがり魚 1 0 0 0 0:00:23
KO: Wooden Club Hits × 83; Slingshot Hits × 34; Tranquilizer Arrows with a Bow × 10; Tranquilizer Arrows with a Crossbow × 6; Toxicant Arrows with a Bow × 5; Toxicant Arrows with a Compound Bow × 4; Tranquilizer Dart Shots × 4; Shocking Tranquilizer Dart Shots × 2
Torpidity-depletion: 3.74 / s, Time until all torpidity is depleted: 00:03:39
Soothing Balm Terror Bird.png Level 75 Narcoberry Narcotic Bio Toxin Time
Values without Soothing Balm Mobile Kibble.png Kibble (Gallimimus Egg) 6 63 18 9 0:09:36
Raw Prime Meat.png 霜降り肉 16 260 74 37 0:24:01
Cooked Prime Meat.png 霜降りこんがり肉 31 567 162 81 0:46:27
Raw Prime Fish Meat.png 大トロ 38 321 92 46 0:28:31
Raw Meat.png 生肉 46 875 250 125 1:09:01
Cooked Prime Fish Meat.png こんがり大トロ 76 732 209 105 0:58:34
Cooked Meat.png こんがり肉 92 875 250 125 1:09:01
Raw Fish Meat.png 魚肉 114 1101 314 157 1:25:31
Cooked Fish Meat.png こんがり魚 228 1101 314 157 1:25:31
Mobile Minor Soothing Balm.png Mobile Kibble.png Kibble (Gallimimus Egg) 2 0 0 0 0:03:12
Raw Prime Meat.png 霜降り肉 6 55 16 8 0:09:01
Cooked Prime Meat.png 霜降りこんがり肉 11 157 45 23 0:16:29
Raw Prime Fish Meat.png 大トロ 13 65 19 10 0:09:46
Raw Meat.png 生肉 16 260 74 37 0:24:01
Cooked Prime Fish Meat.png こんがり大トロ 26 206 59 30 0:20:03
Cooked Meat.png こんがり肉 31 250 71 36 0:23:16
Raw Fish Meat.png 魚肉 38 321 92 46 0:28:31
Cooked Fish Meat.png こんがり魚 76 321 92 46 0:28:31
Mobile Soothing Balm.png Mobile Kibble.png Kibble (Gallimimus Egg) 1 0 0 0 0:01:36
Raw Prime Meat.png 霜降り肉 1 0 0 0 0:01:31
Cooked Prime Meat.png 霜降りこんがり肉 2 0 0 0 0:03:00
Raw Prime Fish Meat.png 大トロ 2 0 0 0 0:01:31
Raw Meat.png 生肉 2 0 0 0 0:03:01
Cooked Prime Fish Meat.png こんがり大トロ 3 0 0 0 0:02:19
Cooked Meat.png こんがり肉 4 0 0 0 0:03:01
Raw Fish Meat.png 魚肉 4 0 0 0 0:03:01
Cooked Fish Meat.png こんがり魚 8 0 0 0 0:03:01
Mobile Major Soothing Balm.png Mobile Kibble.png Kibble (Gallimimus Egg) 1 0 0 0 0:01:36
Raw Prime Meat.png 霜降り肉 1 0 0 0 0:01:31
Cooked Prime Meat.png 霜降りこんがり肉 1 0 0 0 0:01:30
Raw Prime Fish Meat.png 大トロ 1 0 0 0 0:00:46
Raw Meat.png 生肉 1 0 0 0 0:01:31
Cooked Prime Fish Meat.png こんがり大トロ 1 0 0 0 0:00:47
Cooked Meat.png こんがり肉 1 0 0 0 0:00:46
Raw Fish Meat.png 魚肉 1 0 0 0 0:00:46
Cooked Fish Meat.png こんがり魚 1 0 0 0 0:00:23
KO: Wooden Club Hits × 164; Slingshot Hits × 67; Tranquilizer Arrows with a Bow × 19; Tranquilizer Arrows with a Crossbow × 11; Toxicant Arrows with a Bow × 10; Toxicant Arrows with a Compound Bow × 7; Tranquilizer Dart Shots × 8; Shocking Tranquilizer Dart Shots × 4
Torpidity-depletion: 5.4 / s, Time until all torpidity is depleted: 00:05:02
Soothing Balm Terror Bird.png Level 150 Narcoberry Narcotic Bio Toxin Time
Values without Soothing Balm Mobile Kibble.png Kibble (Gallimimus Egg) 11 170 52 26 0:17:35
Raw Prime Meat.png 霜降り肉 28 539 163 82 0:42:01
Cooked Prime Meat.png 霜降りこんがり肉 55 1151 347 174 1:22:25
Raw Prime Fish Meat.png 大トロ 69 687 207 104 0:51:46
Raw Meat.png 生肉 82 1765 532 266 2:03:01
Cooked Prime Fish Meat.png こんがり大トロ 137 1501 453 227 1:45:35
Cooked Meat.png こんがり肉 164 1765 532 266 2:03:01
Raw Fish Meat.png 魚肉 205 2230 673 337 2:33:46
Cooked Fish Meat.png こんがり魚 410 2230 673 337 2:33:46
Mobile Minor Soothing Balm.png Mobile Kibble.png Kibble (Gallimimus Egg) 4 -0 -0 -0 0:06:24
Raw Prime Meat.png 霜降り肉 10 131 40 20 0:15:01
Cooked Prime Meat.png 霜降りこんがり肉 19 335 101 51 0:28:29
Raw Prime Fish Meat.png 大トロ 23 165 50 25 0:17:16
Raw Meat.png 生肉 28 539 163 82 0:42:01
Cooked Prime Fish Meat.png こんがり大トロ 46 440 133 67 0:35:27
Cooked Meat.png こんがり肉 55 528 160 80 0:41:16
Raw Fish Meat.png 魚肉 69 687 207 104 0:51:46
Cooked Fish Meat.png こんがり魚 137 681 206 103 0:51:23
Mobile Soothing Balm.png Mobile Kibble.png Kibble (Gallimimus Egg) 1 0 0 0 0:01:36
Raw Prime Meat.png 霜降り肉 1 0 0 0 0:01:31
Cooked Prime Meat.png 霜降りこんがり肉 2 0 0 0 0:03:00
Raw Prime Fish Meat.png 大トロ 3 0 0 0 0:02:16
Raw Meat.png 生肉 3 0 0 0 0:04:31
Cooked Prime Fish Meat.png こんがり大トロ 5 0 0 0 0:03:52
Cooked Meat.png こんがり肉 6 0 0 0 0:04:31
Raw Fish Meat.png 魚肉 7 0 0 0 0:05:16
Cooked Fish Meat.png こんがり魚 14 0 0 0 0:05:16
Mobile Major Soothing Balm.png Mobile Kibble.png Kibble (Gallimimus Egg) 1 0 0 0 0:01:36
Raw Prime Meat.png 霜降り肉 1 0 0 0 0:01:31
Cooked Prime Meat.png 霜降りこんがり肉 1 0 0 0 0:01:30
Raw Prime Fish Meat.png 大トロ 1 0 0 0 0:00:46
Raw Meat.png 生肉 1 0 0 0 0:01:31
Cooked Prime Fish Meat.png こんがり大トロ 1 0 0 0 0:00:47
Cooked Meat.png こんがり肉 1 0 0 0 0:00:46
Raw Fish Meat.png 魚肉 1 0 0 0 0:00:46
Cooked Fish Meat.png こんがり魚 1 0 0 0 0:00:23
KO: Wooden Club Hits × 299; Slingshot Hits × 122; Tranquilizer Arrows with a Bow × 34; Tranquilizer Arrows with a Crossbow × 19; Toxicant Arrows with a Bow × 17; Toxicant Arrows with a Compound Bow × 13; Tranquilizer Dart Shots × 14; Shocking Tranquilizer Dart Shots × 7
Torpidity-depletion: 7.77 / s, Time until all torpidity is depleted: 00:06:24
Soothing Balm Terror Bird.png Level 300 Narcoberry Narcotic Bio Toxin Time
Values without Soothing Balm Mobile Kibble.png Kibble (Gallimimus Egg) 20 397 127 64 0:31:59
Raw Prime Meat.png 霜降り肉 52 1158 370 185 1:18:01
Cooked Prime Meat.png 霜降りこんがり肉 104 2444 781 391 2:35:50
Raw Prime Fish Meat.png 大トロ 130 1480 473 237 1:37:31
Raw Meat.png 生肉 155 3711 1186 593 3:52:31
Cooked Prime Fish Meat.png こんがり大トロ 259 3166 1012 506 3:19:35
Cooked Meat.png こんがり肉 310 3711 1186 593 3:52:31
Raw Fish Meat.png 魚肉 388 4677 1494 747 4:51:01
Cooked Fish Meat.png こんがり魚 775 4671 1492 746 4:50:38
Mobile Minor Soothing Balm.png Mobile Kibble.png Kibble (Gallimimus Egg) 7 54 18 9 0:11:12
Raw Prime Meat.png 霜降り肉 18 315 101 51 0:27:01
Cooked Prime Meat.png 霜降りこんがり肉 35 735 235 118 0:52:27
Raw Prime Fish Meat.png 大トロ 44 414 133 67 0:33:01
Raw Meat.png 生肉 52 1158 370 185 1:18:01
Cooked Prime Fish Meat.png こんがり大トロ 87 977 312 156 1:07:03
Cooked Meat.png こんがり肉 104 1158 370 185 1:18:01
Raw Fish Meat.png 魚肉 130 1480 473 237 1:37:31
Cooked Fish Meat.png こんがり魚 259 1474 471 236 1:37:08
Mobile Soothing Balm.png Mobile Kibble.png Kibble (Gallimimus Egg) 1 0 0 0 0:01:36
Raw Prime Meat.png 霜降り肉 2 0 0 0 0:03:01
Cooked Prime Meat.png 霜降りこんがり肉 4 0 0 0 0:06:00
Raw Prime Fish Meat.png 大トロ 5 0 0 0 0:03:46
Raw Meat.png 生肉 6 18 6 3 0:09:01
Cooked Prime Fish Meat.png こんがり大トロ 9 0 0 0 0:06:57
Cooked Meat.png こんがり肉 11 5 2 1 0:08:16
Raw Fish Meat.png 魚肉 13 30 10 5 0:09:46
Cooked Fish Meat.png こんがり魚 26 30 10 5 0:09:46
Mobile Major Soothing Balm.png Mobile Kibble.png Kibble (Gallimimus Egg) 1 0 0 0 0:01:36
Raw Prime Meat.png 霜降り肉 1 0 0 0 0:01:31
Cooked Prime Meat.png 霜降りこんがり肉 1 0 0 0 0:01:30
Raw Prime Fish Meat.png 大トロ 1 0 0 0 0:00:46
Raw Meat.png 生肉 1 0 0 0 0:01:31
Cooked Prime Fish Meat.png こんがり大トロ 1 0 0 0 0:00:47
Cooked Meat.png こんがり肉 1 0 0 0 0:00:46
Raw Fish Meat.png 魚肉 1 0 0 0 0:00:46
Cooked Fish Meat.png こんがり魚 2 0 0 0 0:00:46
KO: Wooden Club Hits × 569; Slingshot Hits × 232; Tranquilizer Arrows with a Bow × 64; Tranquilizer Arrows with a Crossbow × 37; Toxicant Arrows with a Bow × 32; Toxicant Arrows with a Compound Bow × 24; Tranquilizer Dart Shots × 26; Shocking Tranquilizer Dart Shots × 13
Torpidity-depletion: 11.88 / s, Time until all torpidity is depleted: 00:07:58
Soothing Balm Terror Bird.png Level 450 Narcoberry Narcotic Bio Toxin Time
Values without Soothing Balm Mobile Kibble.png Kibble (Gallimimus Egg) 29 645 213 107 0:46:22
Raw Prime Meat.png 霜降り肉 76 1811 597 299 1:54:01
Cooked Prime Meat.png 霜降りこんがり肉 152 3771 1243 622 3:47:45
Raw Prime Fish Meat.png 大トロ 190 2302 759 380 2:22:31
Raw Meat.png 生肉 228 5741 1892 946 5:42:01
Cooked Prime Fish Meat.png こんがり大トロ 380 4893 1612 806 4:52:50
Cooked Meat.png こんがり肉 456 5741 1892 946 5:42:01
Raw Fish Meat.png 魚肉 570 7214 2377 1189 7:07:31
Cooked Fish Meat.png こんがり魚 1139 7207 2375 1188 7:07:08
Mobile Minor Soothing Balm.png Mobile Kibble.png Kibble (Gallimimus Egg) 10 122 40 20 0:16:00
Raw Prime Meat.png 霜降り肉 26 518 171 86 0:39:01
Cooked Prime Meat.png 霜降りこんがり肉 51 1163 383 192 1:16:25
Raw Prime Fish Meat.png 大トロ 64 674 222 111 0:48:01
Raw Meat.png 生肉 76 1811 597 299 1:54:01
Cooked Prime Fish Meat.png こんがり大トロ 127 1533 505 253 1:37:52
Cooked Meat.png こんがり肉 152 1811 597 299 1:54:01
Raw Fish Meat.png 魚肉 190 2302 759 380 2:22:31
Cooked Fish Meat.png こんがり魚 380 2302 759 380 2:22:31
Mobile Soothing Balm.png Mobile Kibble.png Kibble (Gallimimus Egg) 1 0 0 0 0:01:36
Raw Prime Meat.png 霜降り肉 3 0 0 0 0:04:31
Cooked Prime Meat.png 霜降りこんがり肉 6 1 1 1 0:09:00
Raw Prime Fish Meat.png 大トロ 7 0 0 0 0:05:16
Raw Meat.png 生肉 8 53 18 9 0:12:01
Cooked Prime Fish Meat.png こんがり大トロ 13 19 7 4 0:10:02
Cooked Meat.png こんがり肉 16 53 18 9 0:12:01
Raw Fish Meat.png 魚肉 19 92 31 16 0:14:16
Cooked Fish Meat.png こんがり魚 38 92 31 16 0:14:16
Mobile Major Soothing Balm.png Mobile Kibble.png Kibble (Gallimimus Egg) 1 0 0 0 0:01:36
Raw Prime Meat.png 霜降り肉 1 0 0 0 0:01:31
Cooked Prime Meat.png 霜降りこんがり肉 1 0 0 0 0:01:30
Raw Prime Fish Meat.png 大トロ 1 0 0 0 0:00:46
Raw Meat.png 生肉 1 0 0 0 0:01:31
Cooked Prime Fish Meat.png こんがり大トロ 1 0 0 0 0:00:47
Cooked Meat.png こんがり肉 2 0 0 0 0:01:31
Raw Fish Meat.png 魚肉 2 0 0 0 0:01:31
Cooked Fish Meat.png こんがり魚 3 0 0 0 0:01:08
KO: Wooden Club Hits × 839; Slingshot Hits × 343; Tranquilizer Arrows with a Bow × 94; Tranquilizer Arrows with a Crossbow × 54; Toxicant Arrows with a Bow × 47; Toxicant Arrows with a Compound Bow × 35; Tranquilizer Dart Shots × 38; Shocking Tranquilizer Dart Shots × 19
Torpidity-depletion: 15.59 / s, Time until all torpidity is depleted: 00:08:57

レベルに応じて必要な資源を計算するには、外部のTaming calculatorをご利用ください。

 キブル(通常)の材料: 1 ×  干し肉、1 ×  中型の卵、5 ×  繊維、2 ×  トウモロコシ、2 ×  ジャガイモ、1 ×  


  1.  Regular Kibble
  2.  Raw Mutton
  3.  Raw Prime Meat
  4.  Cooked Prime Meat
  5.  Raw Meat


The Terror Bird is very fast and will usually circle around you, which can make it difficult to properly hit. It is recommended to lock the Terror Bird in place to not waste ammunition by either grabbing it with an Argentavis or Quetzal, lure it into a prepared trap like a 1x1 stone house without ceiling, or use a Bola.



  • Scout: The Terror Bird can be very fast, and together with its gliding ability, good turn radius, and high damage there is little that can stop you from exploring, except for maybe large pools of water. However, its low carry weight makes it difficult to transport more than you and your basic equipment. (Upgrade speed, stamina, and to your choice health/damage/weight)
  • Mountain Jumper: If you frequently travel mountains but do not want to use a flying mount, the Terror Bird is an excellent ground alternative. With its gliding ability you can quickly cover chasms or depart from the mountain all together, all without having to deal with falling damage. With upgraded damage and health it usually can deal with all attackers, however it is difficult to carry resources home. (Upgrade health, stamina, and damage)
  • War Mount: Similar to a Raptor with higher damage and the ability to glide. Its circling attack pattern can be very confusing in PvP, if sent into combat unmounted. Additional speed can make it difficult for an enemy player to hit the Terror Bird. (Upgrade health, Melee damage, and speed)
  • Sniper's Mount: It has the mobility to get you around and out of trouble during your field sniping. When hunting or in PvP, it will serve a sniper well.
  • Prime Harvest: Due to their hooked beaks, the Terror Bird can more efficiently harvest prime meat from larger predators than most other mounts.
  • Cave Glider: Being the closest thing to a mountable flier in a cave, the Terror Bird safely makes jumps with its glide ability that would often be treacherous with other mounts. Its initial vertical jump is also useful, especially in the North East Cave.


資源 効率
Raw Prime Meat.png 霜降り肉 ★★★☆☆
Raw Prime Fish Meat.png 大トロ ★★★☆☆
Raw Fish Meat.png 魚肉 ★★★☆☆
Hide.png ★★★☆☆
Raw Meat.png 生肉 ★★★☆☆
Chitin.png キチン ★★★☆☆
Keratin.png ケラチン ★★☆☆☆




  • The dossier was revealed on 08/25/15 [2]
  • To glide press and hold the jump button (default Space). The Terror Bird will glide with the same speed it was running when you jumped. This gliding speed can be maintained for a good distance, but it eventually does start slowing down, and the bird will (gently) descend along with the decrease in speed.
  • If you stop gliding the bird will start falling even if you hit space again afterwards. Flapping its wings will however reduce the falling damage.
  • The Terror Bird's "genus", Phorusrhacidae, actually refers to the family informally known as Terror Birds rather than a particular genus. The skull that is seen in its dossier appears to be of the famous Terror Bird Phorusrhacos. If this is the true identity of the Terror Bird seen in ARK, its true scientific name would be Phorusrhacos rapidesultor.
  • The dossier image of the Terror Bird shows it with a vestigial dew claw, but the in-game model of the creature lacks this feature.
  • Despite spawning most commonly in the mountains, real life Terror Birds were plains dwellers that hunted out in the open.
  • In game, a Terror Bird can glide quite long distances, something that isn't seen in its real life counterpart.
  • When writing her notes Helena didn't add art of a saddle with a check mark like with most other creatures. The Terror Bird is one of the few animals that doesn't have a saddle or check mark shown in it's notes
  • The specimen name roughly translate to "Swift Glider"
  • Terror Birds might have been one of the creatures that inhabited the ARK known as Aberration before it got damaged. The surviving creatures adapted and became mutated by the new environment. The Terror Birds could have been one of the creatures that couldn't survive the radiation leaking from the damaged ARK which changed the environment on Aberration.

