Forgotten World

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Forgotten World

An underground Aberration experience of the Ebenus Astrum map

Interior Map


ARK: Survival Evolved­41.0° Lat, 23.0° Lon

The Forgotten World is a large Aberration-style underground area of the Ebenus Astrum map mod. The Forgotten World can be reached via a  Tek Teleporter accessible in the Forgotten World Entrance Cave by Jumping in the lake near the ruins on Battle Island, swim through the tunnel and continue until you reach the teleport terminal and teleport to the starting lake. The Forgotten World consists of five different biomes; the Fertile Chambers (green zone), Biolum Chambers (blue zone), Element Chambers (red zone), Rock Drake Chambers (in the red zone) and the "Surface" , a region similar to the surface of Aberration.


The Forgotten World is a large Aberration-style underground area of the Ebenus Astrum map mod. The Forgotten World can be reached via a  Tek Teleporter accessible in the Forgotten World Entrance Cave by Jumping in the lake near the ruins on Battle Island, swim through the tunnel and continue until you reach the teleport terminal and teleport to the starting lake. As of v1.19 of Ebenus Astrum, the Forgotten World is one of the highest priorities by the map mod developers.


The Forgotten World consists of five different biomes; the Fertile Chambers (green zone), Biolum Chambers (blue zone), Element Chambers (red zone), Rock Drake Chambers (in the red zone) and the "Surface" , a region similar to the surface of Aberration.

Fertile Chambers

The Fertile Chambers are the first biome of the Forgotten World. The green zone consists of steep cliffs and platforms, the broken metal bridge linking the Fertile Chambers Entrance to the main Chambers, many natural ziplines, a lake at the bottom of the Chambers and various routes to explore.


The following creatures can spawn in the biome:

As of version 1.19 not (yet) spawning in this biome are:


The following resources and consumables can be obtained in the biome:

From local creatures

Locations of interest

Location Latitude Longitude Remarks
Entrance 13.1 22.9 Can be reached through the Forgotten World Entrance cave on Battle Island at 41.0, 23.0
Green Obelisk X X
 Tek Teleporter X X Teleports out to the Forgotten World Entrance cave on Battle Island
Fertile Cave 6.1 25.3 Contains  Artifact of the Shadows
Rusty Mek Located in the first section of the Fertile Chambers as an Easter egg by the map creators
North Exit to Biolum Chambers 6.2 28.3
North Exit Via Footpath to Biolum Chambers 4.7 27.4 Accessible by land from paths near the lakes
South Exit to Biolum Chambers 23.1 27.1 High up, needs  Climbing Picks or  Ravager with 2  Zip-Line Anchor to reach

Navigating and Artifact Hunting in The Forgotten World

Video courtesy of Lucky Panda

Due to the map being expanded and not being finalised, the  GPS coords shown in the video no longer sync with the wiki coords.

Biolum Chambers

The Biolum Chambers are the second biome of the Forgotten World. The blue zone consists of cliffs and platforms above a central lake at the bottom of the biome, natural ziplines, and various routes to explore. Two of the entrances to the Biolum Chambers can only be reached with  Climbing Picks or a  Ravager using the natural ziplines and one extra zipline using two  Zip-Line Anchor , the third entrance can be reached on foot from paths near the lakes.


The following creatures can spawn in the biome:

As of version 1.19 not (yet) spawning in this biome are:


The following resources and consumables can be obtained in the biome:

From local creatures

Locations of interest

Location Latitude Longitude Remarks
North Entrance 6.2 28.3
North Entrance Via Footpath to Biolum Chambers 4.7 27.4 Accessible by land from paths near the lakes
South Entrance 23.1 27.1 High up, needs  Climbing Picks or  Ravager with 2  Zip-Line Anchor to reach
Exit to Element Chambers 29.6 18.1
Exit to Surface 29.5 31.8

Element Chambers

The Element Chambers are the third biome of the Forgotten World. The red zone consists of cliffs and platforms surrounding Element waters at the bottom of the biome. The entrance to the Element Chambers is reached after going down a waterfall from the Biolum Chambers. The biome has very dense creature spawns, so come prepared. The Element Chambers are littered with  Red Gem and have harvestable  Organic Polymer.


The following creatures can spawn in the biome:

As of version 1.19 not (yet) spawning in this biome are:


The following resources can be obtained in the biome:

From local creatures

Locations of interest

Location Latitude Longitude Remarks
Entrance 29.6 18.1
Element Cave 38.2 17.1 Contains  Artifact of the Stalker
Exit to Rock Drake Chambers 38.5 23.5
Exit to Surface 35.5 25.6

Rock Drake Chambers

The Rock Drake Chambers are a large hall full with Rock Drake nest sites of which some are filled with  Rock Drake Eggs. The area is accessible via a passageway from the Element Chambers through which small and medium-sized tamed creatures fit. Hundreds of Rock Drakes spawn in the chambers, so come prepared. The Rock Drake Chambers contain a small number of resource rocks at the entrance.


The following creatures can spawn in the biome:


The following resources can be obtained in the biome:

Locations of interest

Location Latitude Longitude Remarks
Entrance and exit 38.5 23.5 Accessible with medium-sized tames


A very dangerous biome in the Forgotten World accessible from both the Element Chambers and the Biolum Chambers


The following creatures can spawn in the biome:


The following resources can be obtained in the biome:

Locations of interest

Location Latitude Longitude Remarks
Entrance from Biolum Chambers 29.5 31.8
Entrance from Element Chambers 35.5 25.6



Map of the Forgotten World


