Rock Drake Chambers

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Rock Drake Chambers Cave

A dedicated chamber containing Rock Drake nests within the Element Chambers of The Forgotten World in Ebenus Astrum

Interior Map


ARK: Survival Evolved­38.5° Lat, 23.5° Lon

The Rock Drake Chambers is an area accessible from the Element Chambers part of The Forgotten World on the map Ebenus Astrum. The chambers host the  Rock Drake nests where you can collect  Rock Drake Eggs.


This area comprises a well guarded narrow entrance that opens up into a much larger cavern with a lake in the middle that contains a large pillar-like structure that also contains a few nests. The left wall and right rear wall are almost entirely composed of Rock Drake nests that have been cleverly placed in such a way to maximize the possible eggs a player can collect as well as make the chamber aesthetically pleasing . There are large crystals on the ground and yellow pod like structures in the walls and ceiling of the cave providing a little illumination, although a  Torch,  Glow Stick and/or glowpets such as  Featherlights,  Bulbdogs,  Glowtails, or  Shinehorns would be of much greater assistance.


The cave contains many  Rock Drakes patrolling the nests and the beach along the lake, so be prepared for a healthy battle.

Very common



From local creatures


Item Latitude Longitude Remarks
Entrance 38.5 23.5


  • The entrance to the chambers is accessible on foot. The path through the cavern requires a considerable bit of courage as the moment the brave explorer steals an egg from one of the dozens of nests , they will immediately draw upon themselves the ire of all the  Rock Drakes within the chamber. A  Glider Suit and/or  Zip-Line Motor Attachment is advisable as a means of eluding the angry mob that will soon have their sights set upon the poor soul who so dares such an undertaking.
