Waterfall Cave

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Mod Ebenus Astrum logo.png
Waterfall Cave

An easy cave behind the waterfall in Ebenus Astrum

ARK: Survival Evolved­71.8° Lat, 13.8° Lon
Artifact of the Hunter.png
Artifact of the Hunter
ARK: Survival Evolved­72.4° Lat, 14.8° Lon
Loot quality
Red Crate.png Red

The Waterfall Cave is a cave in the southwestern part of the map Ebenus Astrum. The cave hosts the  Artifact of the Hunter needed to summon  Broodmother Lysrix.


This cave consists of a number of pools with pathways across stalagmites and underneath stalactites. There are large light blue crystals in the cave.


The cave contains many  Megalania, so there is a risk of contracting Rabies. Very high level (1000+) Cave Anglers are present in the second pool after the entrance.

Very common




The cave has no mineable resources whatsoever.

From local creatures


Item Latitude Longitude Remarks
Entrance 71.8 13.8 Can only be crossed swimming, not mounted on a tamed creature
 Artifact 72.4 14.8 Passage can only be crossed on foot
 Loot Crate X X Red quality
Dossier X X Onyc
Explorer Note X X Helena Note #1
Explorer Note X X Helena Note #19

Finding, Navigating and Artifact Hunting The Waterfall Cave

Video courtesy of Lucky Panda

Due to the map being expanded and not being finalised, the  GPS coords shown in the video no longer sync with the wiki coords.


  • The entrance to the cave and the passage to the artifact is only accessible on foot. The parts in between can be traversed by a small to medium tame, such as a  Beelzebufo,  Raptor or  Baryonyx.
  • It is possible to transport these tames in using the  Cryopod.
  • It is possible to get a  Baryonyx from the entrance to the artifact by spamming the jump button. However, once you reach the artifact DO NOT fall down the hole next to the artifact. Your tame will become stuck.
