Battle Cave

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Mod Ebenus Astrum logo.png
Battle Cave

A dangerous cave on Battle Island in Ebenus Astrum

ARK: Survival Evolved­34.5° Lat, 22.6° Lon
ARK: Survival Evolved­35.4° Lat, 22.6° Lon
Artifact of the Pack.png
Artifact of the Pack
ARK: Survival Evolved­43.1° Lat, 18.7° Lon

The Battle Cave is a cave in the north-central part of the map Ebenus Astrum. The cave, located on Battle Island hosts the  Artifact of the Pack needed to summon the  Megapithecus.


This cave is only accessible on foot and contains various man-made structures along the pathways in the cave.


The cave itself does not spawn creatures, but a strong Boss is awaiting at the end.


The cave has two rocks from which  Stone,  Flint and  Metal can be mined.


Item Latitude Longitude Remarks
Entrance North 34.5 22.6 Can only be crossed on foot
Entrance South 35.4 22.6 Can only be crossed on foot
 Artifact 43.1 18.7 Only available after beating the Boss
Dossier X X Araneo
Explorer Note X X Helena Note #26
Explorer Note X X Helena Note #27

Finding, Navigating and Artifact Hunting The Battle Cave

Video courtesy of Lucky Panda

Due to the map being expanded and not being finalised, the  GPS coords shown in the video no longer sync with the wiki coords.


  • The entrances to the cave are only accessible on foot.
  • Beware of dangerous  Auto Turrets and other unpleasant surprises in the cave.
  • When teleported to the Boss Arena section, turn back and walk into the cave entrance to find the Boss. Come prepared!!
