Snow Cave

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Mod Ebenus Astrum logo.png
Snow Cave

A medium cave found in the Snow Biome of Ebenus Astrum

ARK: Survival Evolved­18.5° Lat, 34.5° Lon
Artifact of the Skylord.png
Artifact of the Skylord
ARK: Survival Evolved­16.7° Lat, 33.5° Lon
Loot quality
Red Crate.png Red

The Snow Cave is found on in the Snow Biome part of the map Ebenus Astrum. The cave hosts the  Artifact of the Skylord needed to summon  Dragon for all difficulties.


This cave comprises ice pathways, walls and ceilings with stalagmites and stalactites. There are large blue ice crystals in the cave shedding a reasonable amount light, it is not nescessary to take a  Torch and / or Light Pet.


The cave contains many, high level,  Direwolf,  Polar Bear,  Yeti,  Purlovia and  Megalosaurus so be prepared for a heavy battle.

The water in the cave contains many, high level,  Sabertooth Salmon and  Cave Angler, entering into the water is not for the faint hearted.

Very common


Very common in the water


The cave has large quantities of  Crystal from which  Stone,  Crystal and  Rare Mushroom can be gathered.

From local creatures


Item Latitude Longitude Remarks
Entrance 18.5 34.5
 Artifact 16.7 33.5 Passage can be crossed on foot
 Loot Crate X X Red quality
 Loot Crate X X Blue quality
 Loot Crate X X Yellow quality
Dossier X X Diplodocus
Explorer Note X X Helena Note #23
Explorer Note X X Helena Note #24

Finding, Navigating and Artifact Hunting The Snow Cave

Video courtesy of Lucky Panda

Due to the map being expanded and not being finalised, the  GPS coords shown in the video no longer sync with the wiki coords.


  • The entrance to the cave and the passage to the artifact is, mostly, accessible on foot. The path through the cave may require a  Grappling Hook and jumping skills to gain access to the artifact, found on the way to the artifact. Taking a  Climbing Pick and a  Zip-Line Anchor with you would also be worth while, especially if you wish to take one or two  Ravager with you.
  • Another option is taking a  Thylacoleo, then no climbing picks or ziplines are needed.
  • It is possible to transport medium sized non-flyer tames in or out using the  Cryopod.
