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Mod Ebenus Astrum logo.png
The Jungle
Jungle Location Map.jpg

The Jungles of Ebenus Astrum are as dense as it is dangerous.


The Jungle is the dense forest area of Map Ebenus Astrum.


The Jungle consists of thick forests and is divided by five rivers. Stretching Southeast from the West, the area contains several lakes and islands. In the west the green Obelisk is located. The area contains bountiful resources and creatures. To the Southwest of the region the Waterfall Cave is located. The area, also, contains the Jungle Pyramid. The pyramid resides in a pit, it is difficult to find and virtually impossible to climb out of without use of  Grappling Hook or  Climbing Pick. Access to the Jungle Pyramid can also be gained using one of the Fliers.

The Jungle area is good for base building as it has, plentiful, resources and, easy, access to food and water.

Quite a lot of the Jungle area is mountainous and has rich deposits of  Crystal,  Metal and  Obsidian.

There is an Island to the Southwest called Crab Island which could, also, be classified as part of the jungle.


To the Northwest of the Jungle is a, small, swamp and RedWood, to the North is water with a chain of small isles and Battle Island, to the East is Grasslands and to the South is a range of mountains bordering The Desert.


Jungle's creatures are diverse and plentiful. The possible spawns are:



To the Southwest of the region the Waterfall Cave is located which is accessible on foot. To use tamed creatures inside the caves, a  Cryopod is required which can be obtained from the  Orbital Supply Drops found in the Snow, Desert or Grasslands on the map or crafted in a  Tek Replicator.

Cave Difficulty Artifact Latitude Longitude Remarks
Waterfall Cave Easy  Hunter 71.8 13.8 Entrance below the waterfall in the southwestern jungle
Lollipop Cave 49.2 9.0 Small cave with  Crystal and  Metal resources
Crystal Cave X X Medium sized pitch black cave with a significantly large amount of  Crystal as well as a few  Metal resources
Waterfall Cave Entrance


*Jungle is a great area to build, dense trees provide Wood, numerous rocks provide Stone, Flint and Metal, plants provide Fiber, all ideal building materials.

*The area has some of the easier areas to spawn in but still can be very hazardous.
