Grave of the Tyrants (Scorched Earth)

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Scorched Earth DLC.jpg This article is about content exclusive to the DLC: Scorched Earth
Grave of the Tyrants
Grave of the Tyrants Interior ScE.jpg

Cave in the northwest mountains of the Scorched Earth map.

Interior Map

Grave Of The Tyrants (Scorched Earth) Cavemap.jpg

Scorched Earth Topographic Map.jpg
ARK: Survival Evolved­28.5° Lat, 29.3° Lon
ARK: Survival Ascended­28.2° Lat, 29.0° Lon
Artifact of the Crag.png
Artifact of the Crag
ARK: Survival Evolved­35.2° Lat, 28.1° Lon
ARK: Survival Ascended­34.9° Lat, 27.7° Lon

The Grave of the Tyrants is a Cave in the northwest mountains of the Scorched Earth map.

The  Artifact of the Crag and a  Scorched Torch Skin can be found in the artifact crate.


  • Risk of Drowning
  • Extreme Heat
  • Easy to Get Lost
  • Mega Rabies

Recommended Equipment


  • Wolves and other medium-sized tames can enter the cave to give you a big helping hand.
  • Be prepared to possibly encounter a rare  Rubble Golem (a smaller variant of the  Rock Elemental.) Extreme caution should be taken around them, and conflict is best avoided on-foot.
  • While it is not required to swim in order to reach the Artifact, getting knocked into water by wild creatures is a serious threat.
  • Be aware of your surroundings before jumping in water  Rubble Golem can spawn at the bottom.
  • It contains the Helena Note #7


Compatible Tamed Creatures

This table is incomplete.
You can help us by adding the tamed creatures you know can enter the cave. If the creature can't enter, please exclude it.

Accessibility Ratings:

  • Excellent: Full-Cave Access (Entrance-to-Artifact)
  • Limited: Can Access Portions of the Cave Safely
  • Not Recommended: Can Get Stuck/Unable to Leave Cave
Creature Accessibility Rideable Notes
 Araneo Excellent Yes
 Archaeopteryx Excellent No
  •  Can be carried in and out by player.
 Baryonyx Excellent Yes
 Carno Excellent Yes
 Chalicotherium Excellent Yes
 Compy Excellent No
  •  Can keep one on shoulder or bring a whole pack.
 Daeodon Excellent Yes
 Dimorphodon Excellent No
  •  Can keep one on shoulder or bring a whole flock.
 Direwolf Excellent Yes
 Doedicurus Excellent Yes
 Dodo Excellent No
  •  Can be carried in and out by player.
 Dung Beetle Excellent No
  •  Can be carried in and out by player.
 Equus Excellent Yes
 Gigantopithecus Excellent Yes
 Hesperornis Excellent No
  •  Can be carried on shoulder or bring a whole flock.
 Ichthyornis Excellent No
  •  Can be carried on shoulder.
 Iguanodon Excellent Yes
 Jerboa Excellent No
  •  Can be carried in and out by player.
 Kairuku Excellent No
  •  Can be carried in and out by player.
 Megalania Excellent Yes
 Otter Excellent No
  •  Can be carried on shoulder.
 Pegomastax Excellent No
  •  Can be carried on shoulder.
 Raptor Excellent Yes
 Mantis Excellent Yes
  •  Jump with leap attack.
 Mesopithecus Excellent No
  •  Can keep on shoulder or bring a whole troop.
 Megalosaurus Excellent Yes
 Megatherium Excellent Yes
 Microraptor Excellent No
  •  Can keep on shoulder or bring a whole flock.
 Sabertooth Excellent Yes
 Thylacoleo Excellent Yes
 Vulture Excellent No
  •  Can keep on shoulder or bring a whole flock.
 Terror Bird Excellent Yes
 Dire Bear Excellent Yes
 Kaprosuchus Excellent Yes
 Phoenix Excellent Unofficial/
 Pulmonoscorpius Excellent Yes


From local creatures


  • This is the cave that John Dahkeya described to be the nest and source of the mantis that attacked Nosti as he noticed that the mantis have travelled a long way just to attack the settlement.
    • The many skeletons and bones found in the cave is worth noting of this.
  • The name "Grave of the Tyrants" probably refers to multiple sets of large carnivore dinosaur fossils in this cave.
