Swamp Cave

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Swamp Cave

Cave near the swamp of the Island.

Interior Map

Swamp Cave Map.png

The Island Topographic Map.jpg
ARK: Survival Evolved­62.7° Lat, 37.3° Lon
ARK: Survival Ascended­64.8° Lat, 35.1° Lon
Artifact of the Immune.png
Artifact of the Immune
ARK: Survival Evolved­62.2° Lat, 39.6° Lon
Loot quality
Blue Crate.png Blue
Yellow Crate.png Yellow
Red Crate.png Red

The Swamp Cave is a cave on The Island. The cave contains the  Artifact of the Immune, needed to summon the  Dragon. A survivor entering the Swamp Cave will notice that the heat is nearly unbearable and the toxic gas will slowly kill you. Come prepared with  Ghillie Armor, along with  Gas Mask or any 3 pieces of SCUBA and  Ghillie Armor. This will prevent a swift death caused by the extreme heat or toxic gas.


  • Wildlife: Swarms of araneo, meganeura and titanomyrma litter the cave. Titanoboa and the occasional megalania can also be confronted, as well as a large leech pool. Possibly the biggest threat are the arthropluera which can rapidly destroy armour and breathing equipment. On 1.0 difficulty, most of these creatures range between level 120 and 360. Achatinas can also be found but offer no threat.
  • Poisonous air: Breathing equipment including gas masks or a full set of SCUBA gear (including the mask, tank, leggings and for some reason the flippers), as the toxic fumes within the cave can rapidly cause death.

Recommended Equipment

Minimum Equipment (With Megatherium)


  • Complete protection from poison gas requires either gas masks or any 3 pieces of SCUBA (ex: SCUBA tank, SCUBA mask, SCUBA leggings, flippers or ghillie boots, and ghillie gauntlets).
  • Extra gas masks are not required if you are fast, but are recommended. - they only have 20 minutes of durability, but the player can survive with that gear alone (SCUBA is easily destroyed to arthropleura spit)
  • Bug repellant will help you in much of the cave, however there are many tight corridors where you cannot sneak past enemies.
  • Bring lots of stimulants with you and constantly watch your torpor. Everything in there wants you unconscious.
  • Entering the cave with a tall tame like the baryonyx or Megatherium will help increase survivability.
  • Ensure to pack extra armor/equipment, as arthropleura will likely break through whatever gear they can target.
  • Try to tackle each creature one at a time by selectively drawing aggro. The last thing the player wants to do is attract several swarms of different threats at once.


  •  Megatherium are the strongest mounts for this cave and highly recommended. This is due to their high HP and very good bonus damage against bugs. even a mid-level (~100 post-tame) Megatherium will plow through this cave and make it an absolute breeze. Megatheriums can easily be brought in with cryopods, but are too large to be ridden throughout and must be cryopoded in the cave at least once to explore the entire cave. Careful: players on foot are at higher risk of attack/gear destruction.
  • Beelzebufos is useful as a secondary tame for damage and gathering very large amounts of cementing paste, but arthropluera can easily target the player's gear if used as a mount. Careful not to let enemies swarm it!
  • A flamethrower with plenty of ammo is the best way to deal with the vermin in this cave if you are not mounted, and can quickly kill large swarms of meganeura and leeches.
  • Speedrun option: Near the start of the cave is a room with two stone pillars against the wall, with a high-elevation opening between them. Use a grappling hook enter this tunnel and get to the artifact. When you are using the hook (reeling-in) to the tunnel, you must crouch before the opening. This relatively easy maneuver bypasses the majority of enemies.


Compatible Tamed Creatures (Without Cryopods)

This table is incomplete.
You can help us by adding the tamed creatures you know can enter the cave. If the creature can't enter, please exclude it.

Accessibility Ratings:

  • Excellent: Full-Cave Access (Entrance-to-Artifact)
  • Limited: Can Access Portions of the Cave Safely
  • Not Recommended: Can Get Stuck/Unable to Leave Cave
Creature Accessibility Rideable Notes
 Araneo Excellent Yes
 Archaeopteryx Excellent No
  •  Can be carried in and out by player.
 Arthropluera Limited Yes
  •  It has difficulty just at the entrance.
 Baryonyx Excellent Yes
  •  Will not fit through some passages but will get you to the artifact tunnel just fine.
 Beelzebufo Excellent Yes
  •  Does very good damage against the Meganeura and Titanomyrma in the cave, and will gather good amounts of cementing paste from them. It also sweeps out the leech in water pools where the loot crates spawn in.
 Compy Excellent No
  •  Can keep one on shoulder or bring a whole pack.
 Dilophosaur Excellent No
 Dimorphodon Excellent No
  •  Can keep one on shoulder or bring a whole flock.
 Direwolf Excellent Yes
  •  Will not fit through some passages but will get you to the artifact tunnel just fine.
 Dodo Excellent No
  •  Can be carried in and out by player.
 Dung Beetle Excellent No
  •  Can be carried in and out by player.
 Gigantopithecus Excellent Yes
  •  Best mount for the cave, has high torpor and health and will quickly dispatch dangerous creatures.
 Hesperornis Excellent No
 Jerboa Excellent No
  •  Can be carried in and out by player.
 Kairuku Excellent No
  •  Can be carried in and out by player.
 Lystrosaurus Excellent No
 Mesopithecus Excellent No
  •  Can be carried on shoulder or bring a whole troop.
 Onyc Limited No
  •  Will not fit through some passages.
 Pteranodon Excellent Unofficial/
  •  Official Servers: Cannot mount in cave. 
  •  Unofficial/Single-Player: Requires server setting -ForceAllowCaveFlyers to mount.
 Raptor Excellent Yes
  •  Will not fit through some passages but will get you to the artifact tunnel just fine.
 Sabertooth Excellent Yes
  •  Will not fit through some passages but will get you to the artifact tunnel just fine.
 Terror Bird Excellent Yes
 Vulture Excellent No
  •  Can be carried on shoulder or bring a whole flock.
 Argentavis Limited Unofficial/
  •  Official Servers: Cannot mount in cave. 
  •  Unofficial/Single-Player: Requires server setting -ForceAllowCaveFlyers to mount.


  • An often made mistake is that people think the Tek helmet protects players from the poisonous gas. This is not true.
  • Each piece of SCUBA or ghillie you wear will reduce the damage the toxic gas will cause, with SCUBA reducing it by more, regardless of which slot it is (i.e. SCUBA tank alone is no more effective than just the leggings, but both together is quite effective).
  • Wearing one or two pieces of SCUBA/Ghillie means you take a small amount of damage from the gas which is survivable with  Enduro Stew and  Medical Brew.
  • The Swamp Cave houses very unique loot crates. The final room before the artifact contains Red Chests that function differently than any other loot crates in any other cave in the game. These crates operate on a loot table identical to that of surface loot beacons, in that their loot tables include basic structure blueprints and weapon attachments. While this may initially seem like a detriment, keep in mind that this ALSO includes the ability to loot fishing rods within the crates. The Swamp Cave Red Chests also operate on a 3.25 - 4.0 loot quality threshold, which is much higher than surface loot beacons, meaning the likelihood of finding Mastercraft and Ascendant quality gear is very high. The end result are Red Chests with the single greatest possibility of Ascendant quality fishing rods in the entire game.
  • Running from meganeura to the entrance and dying can cause your body/bag to glitch into a wall and prevent you from retrieving gear.
  • While the Thylacoleo is usually a good option for venturing into caves, it's a poor option for the Swamp Cave, as it could be swarmed by Meganeura. Even at levels up to 200, the Thylacoleo is very likely to die due to large groups of high level Meganeura.


Patch  ARK: Survival Evolved Changes
237.0 Swamp Cave is added to the game.
261.0 Added more Arthropleura, Titanoboa and Leeches in the Swamp Cave, and removed Scorpions.
  • Leeches have been added to the Swamp Cave.
  • Significantly reduced the number of Arthros in Swamp Cave=.
