Upper South Cave

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Upper South Cave

Cave in the Northern South of the Island

Interior Map

Upper South Cave Cavemap.jpg

The Island Topographic Map.jpg
ARK: Survival Evolved­68.2° Lat, 56.2° Lon
ARK: Survival Ascended­71.3° Lat, 57.2° Lon
Artifact of the Pack.png
Artifact of the Pack
ARK: Survival Evolved­73.0° Lat, 61.0° Lon
ARK: Survival Ascended­76.8° Lat, 62.8° Lon
Artifact level
Loot quality
Blue Crate.png Blue

The Upper South Cave is a cave to the north of the swamp on The Island. The cave contains the  Artifact of the Pack, needed to summon the  Megapithecus. This large cave was considered one of the hardest caves prior to the Snow Cave and Swamp Cave, added in PC Update v252.0. The Mammoth and Lystrosaurus dossiers can be found here, as well as Helena Note #11.


  • Cold (-5°C) underwater.
  • Swarms of enemies underwater.
  • Risk of drowning in underwater tunnels.
  • Mega Rabies from  Megalania or  Onyc.
  • Arthropluera in the upper parts can one-shot most armor.

Recommended Equipment


  • A very large part of the cave is underwater. You will likely need 3-5 points in oxygen or Lazarus chowder to get through the underwater parts. Note that the water is cold.
  • If you are planning to use a SCUBA Tank to cross the water sections, it is advised to bring along more than one. If you get dismounted the Piranha and Sarco will cause it to break very quickly.
  • Bring a Baryonyx. It is surprisingly good for this cave as an exceptional swimmer, and can fend off Piranha and Sarco with ease using RMB attack.
  • Follow the green glowing moss on the floor in the tunnel that will lead you to the artifact.


Compatible Tamed Creatures

Now that Cryopods are very easy to obtain (available on every map, crafted in supply drops) it's possible to bring in every creature in any cave, as long as the area is big enough to deploy said creature. This is not going to be assessed in the CTC table.

This cave contains multiple bottleneck points which deny many creatures to access. The first one will prevent creature from engaging any cave creatures. The second one is after a cliff and the first spawn location, and climbers can bypass it by jumping down and climbing back. The risk of drowning in the underwater tunnel is not assessed.

This table is incomplete.
You can help us by adding the tamed creatures you know can enter the cave. If the creature can't enter, please exclude it.

Accessibility Ratings:

  • Excellent: Full-Cave Access (Entrance-to-Artifact)
  • Limited: Can Access Portions of the Cave Safely
  • Not Recommended: Can Get Stuck/Unable to Leave Cave
Creature Accessibility Rideable Notes
 Archaeopteryx Excellent No
  •  Can be carried in and out by player.
 Argentavis Limited Unofficial/
  •  Official Servers: Cannot mount in cave. 
  •  Unofficial/Single-Player: Requires server setting -ForceAllowCaveFlyers to mount.
 Baryonyx ASE: Excellent
ASA: Limited
  •  Good swimmer for the underwater tunnels. Can stun-lock Sarco and kill Piranha in bulk via its RMB attack. 
  •   ARK: Survival Evolved: Full traversal confirmed in patch 358.25, 15 Jan 2025. 
  •   ARK: Survival Ascended: Can jump down the "hall", which evades both choke-points.
 Beelzebufo Not Recommended Yes
  •  Very difficult to get back out of the cave.
 Carbonemys Limited Yes
 Carnotaurus Limited Yes
 Castoroides Limited Yes
 Chalicotherium Limited Yes
 Coelacanth Limited No
  •  Can only be brought in using a  Fish Basket. But can only be released in the water inside the cave.
 Compy Excellent No
  •  Can keep one on shoulder or bring a whole pack.
 Daeodon Limited Yes
 Doedicurus Limited Yes
 Dilophosaur Excellent No
 Dimorphodon Excellent No
  •  Can keep one on shoulder or bring a whole flock.
 Direwolf Excellent Yes
  •  Enters the cave easily through the narrow path. Exit via the narrow path with some right-to-left-to-right adjustments to your walking direction.
 Dodo Excellent No
  •  Can be carried in and out by player.
 Dung Beetle Excellent No
  •  Can be carried in and out by player.
 Enforcer Excellent Yes
  •  Can pass the first bottleneck with some effort of Teleporting and Wall Climbing. Bypasses the second one as a climber
 Equus Excellent Yes
 Gallimimus Limited Yes
 Gigantopithecus Excellent Yes
  •  Can mount and ride one or bring a whole troop.
 Hesperornis Excellent No
 Hyaenodon Excellent No
  •  Can bring one or bring a whole pack.
 Ichthyornis Excellent No
 Iguanodon Limited Yes
 Jerboa Excellent No
  •  Can be carried in and out by player.
 Kairuku Excellent No
  •  Can be carried in and out by player.
 Kaprosuchus Limited Yes
  •  Can pass everywhere except the second bottleneck.
 Kentrosaurus Limited No
 Lystrosaurus Excellent No
 Megalania Excellent Yes
  •  Can climb walls and reach the artifact chamber easily.
 Megaloceros Excellent Yes
 Mesopithecus Excellent No
  •  Can keep on shoulder or can bring a whole troop.
 Microraptor Excellent No
  •  Can be carried on shoulder.
 Moschops Excellent Yes
 Onyc Excellent No
  •  Cannot go underwater, but will escort the survivor via a shortcut to the Artifact chamber.
 Otter Excellent No
  •  Can be carried on shoulder.
 Oviraptor Excellent No
 Ovis Excellent Yes
 Pachy Excellent Yes
 Pachyrhinosaurus Limited Yes
 Parasaurolophus Limited Yes
 Pelagornis Excellent Unofficial/
 Pegomastax Excellent No
  •  Can be carried on shoulder.
 Phiomia Limited Yes
 Piranha Limited No
  •  Can be brought in using a  Fish Basket. But can only be released in the water inside the cave.
 Procoptodon Limited Yes
 Pteranodon Excellent Unofficial/
  •  Official Servers: Cannot mount in cave. 
  •  Unofficial/Single-Player: Requires server setting -ForceAllowCaveFlyers to mount.
 Purlovia Excellent No
 Raptor Excellent Yes
 Ravager Excellent Yes
 Sabertooth Salmon Limited No
  •  Can only be brought in using a  Fish Basket. But can only be released into the water inside the cave.
 Sabertooth Limited Yes
  •  Can pass everywhere except the second bottleneck.
 Scorpion Excellent Yes
 Sinomacrops Excellent
  •  Can be carried on shoulder. 
  •  Scream temporarily stops Onycs from attacking.
 Spider Excellent Yes
 Terror Bird Excellent Yes
  •  Can be used to glide over most underwater portions. Can also mount and ride or bring a whole flock.
 Thorny Dragon Limited Yes
 Thylacoleo Limited Yes
 Triceratops Limited Yes
  •  Cannot pass the first bottleneck.
 Troodon Excellent No
  •  Can bring one or bring a whole pack.
 Vulture Excellent No
  •  Can be carried on shoulder or bring a whole flock.


  • The entrance is facing south, on a small cliff.
  • Bring Cryopod to be certain your mount can exit.
  • The underwater part is teeming with Piranhas and Sarcos. If mounted bring some good leather armor and fiber to repair midway, or multiple sets of flak.
  • The main path will direct you in front of a lake at the bottom of the cave. There is a shortcut on the right-hand side cliff which is accessible via  Grappling Hook and climbers, leading to the Artifact chamber.
  • There's a glitch to kill piranhas by tricking them to go above water.
