Metal Spike Wall

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Metal Spike Wall
Metal Spike Wall.png

These incredibly sharp metal spikes are dangerous to any that touch them. Large creatures take more damage.

Decay time
Stack size
Added in
Spawn Command
cheat giveitemnum 292 1 0 0
cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Structures/Metal/PrimalItemStructure_MetalSpikeWall.PrimalItemStructure_MetalSpikeWall'" 1 0 0
Required level
Engram points
11 EP
Crafting XP
18.8 XP
Required stations

The Metal Spike Wall is a structure in ARK: Survival Evolved that can be used to defend against melee attacks by Humans or Creatures. It deals damage to any survivor or creature touching it, and also knocks the attacker back. By default, Spike Walls do not damage wild dinosaurs upon contact—they will only injure wild dinosaurs that are attacking them. It is the upgraded version of the  Wooden Spike Wall. Despite its name, Metal Spike Wall is treated as a stone structure.


  • Despite being a metal object, the Metal Spike Wall takes damage as if it were stone.
  • Arthropleura damage spiked walls upon death due to suspected Thorns Damage (PVE)
  • Setting the Game.ini option bPassiveDefensesDamageRiderlessDinos to true allows riderless dinosaurs to take damage upon contact.
  • Console command to spawn a Metal Spike Wall in front of the character: cheat summon SpikeWall_C
    • This will spawn a Metal Spike Wall that don't belong to you! You can use console command cheat givetome to take ownership.

Painting and Color Regions

For more information on Paint Regions and how to use them, please view the Blue Coloring.png Dye,  Paintbrush, or  Spray Painter pages.

Metal Spike Wall PaintRegion1.jpg

Region 1:
Upper Spikes

Metal Spike Wall PaintRegion2.jpg

Region 2:

Metal Spike Wall PaintRegion3.jpg

Region 3:
Lower Spikes

Metal Spike Wall PaintRegion4.jpg

Region 4:
Horizontal Support Beam

X mark.svg

Region 5 is not used
for this Object.

X mark.svg

Region 6 is not used
for this Object.


Patch  ARK: Survival Evolved Changes
173.0 Metal Spike Wall is added to the game.
184.0 Metal Spike Walls now have correct structure damage type (weak metal rather than "wood"), and have correct scaled destruction mesh.
185.0 Now takes approx 3 grenades to bring down a spike wall, fixed the explosion damage multiplier on 'em to be consistent with all other metal structures.