Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling

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Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling
Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling.png

A metal-framed, glass ceiling that insulates the inside from the outside, and doubles as a floor for higher levels. Excellent for growing crops indoors.

Decay time
Stack size
Added in
Spawn Command
cheat giveitemnum 480 1 0 0
cheat gfi TriCeiling_GreenHouse 1 0 0
cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/StructuresPlus/Structures/Ceilings/Triangle/Greenhouse/PrimalItemStructure_TriCeiling_Greenhouse.PrimalItemStructure_TriCeiling_Greenhouse'" 1 0 0
Required level
Engram points
30 EP
Crafting XP
48 XP
Crafting time
Required stations

The Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling is a ceiling for a Greenhouse and gives advantages for Farming.

A ceiling provides protection from the elements, giving bonuses to hypo and hyperthermic insulation.


A ceiling requires support from a nearby foundation or pillar in order to be placed. The ceiling can only be placed up to 2 ceilings away in any direction on the x or y-axis, and up to 1 ceiling away diagonally from a wall or another ceiling that is directly above a connected foundation or pillar. The ceilings on the far ends of this setup will not be able to support walls

Once the first Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling is placed, subsequent Greenhouse Triangle Ceilings can snap into place along the first one, allowing them to line up, provided that there is adequate room to do so.


  • If a ceiling is destroyed, any building pieces that rely on it for support will be destroyed as well. If it was destroyed via the demolish option, no resources will be refunded for these extra building pieces.
  • The Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling is treated as a Greenhouse structure and can be damaged by anything except non-explosive ranged attacks.

Painting and Color Regions

The  Greenhouse Ceiling,  Greenhouse Doorframe,  Greenhouse Double Doorframe,  Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling,  Greenhouse Triangle Roof,  Greenhouse Wall,  Sloped Greenhouse Roof,  Sloped Greenhouse Wall Left and  Sloped Greenhouse Wall Right all share the same paint regions.


For more information on Paint Regions and how to use them, please view the Blue Coloring.png Dye,  Paintbrush, or  Spray Painter pages.

X mark.svg

Region 1 is not used
for this Object.

Core Greenhouse Structure Set PaintRegion2.jpg

Region 2:
Metal Frame

X mark.svg

Region 3 is not used
for this Object.

Core Greenhouse Structure Set PaintRegion4.jpg

Region 4:

X mark.svg

Region 5 is not used
for this Object.

X mark.svg

Region 6 is not used
for this Object.


Patch  ARK: Survival Evolved Changes
293.100 Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling is added to the game.