Stone Pillar
cheat giveitemnum 317 1 0 0
cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Structures/Stone/PrimalItemStructure_StonePillar.PrimalItemStructure_StonePillar'" 1 0 0
The Stone Pillar is the second unlockable pillar. A pillar is a stackable form of a foundation, which is required for building any kind of housing or storage structure.
The Stone Pillar can be placed on even or slightly uneven ground, or on the top or bottom of foundations, ceilings, or other pillars. Once the first Pillar is placed, subsequent pillars can snap into place on the top or bottom of the first one, provided there is adequate room to do so.
A pillar or series of pillars with the bottom touching the ground and a ceiling on top will function as a foundation, providing support and allowing structures to be built on top of it.
Pillars provides sufficient support to allow a structure built on top of it to extend up to 2 ceilings in any direction on the x and y-axis, and up to 1 ceiling diagonally, not counting the center ceiling. However, the ceilings on the far end will not support walls.
✖ | ||||
A diagram showing how a single pillar or foundation (✖) can support 13 ceilings (indicated in green). The edges marked in red will not be able to support a wall without additional support beneath.
- Like other stone structures, the Stone Pillar has the same durability as its
Wooden counterpart, but takes significantly less damage from all sources.
- Since the Stone Pillar doesn't have gaps in it like the
Wooden Pillar and is more flat on top; most players prefers using the Stone Pillar while trying to build even structures or for lowering floor foundations.
- The Stone Pillar is treated as a stone structure and can only be damaged by:
Metal Weapons (5%)
Tek Sword (~218%)
Explosives (150%)
Ballista Turret (40%)
Cannon (~137%)
Therizinosaur (Headbutt only, ~2%)
Dunkleosteus (15%)
Corrupted Creatures
Alpha Creatures (10%)
Enraged Creatures
DodoRex (300%)
Dodo Wyvern (300%)
Bosses (10%)
Titanosaur (~462%)
Defense Unit (~462%)
- These can damage stone, but can not damage auto turrets:
Giganotosaurus (15%)
Tek Rifle (~50%)
Rock Elemental
Painting and Color Regions
The Stone Double Doorframe and
Stone Pillar all share the same paint regions.
For more information on Paint Regions and how to use them, please view the Dye,
Paintbrush, or
Spray Painter pages.
Region 3 is not used
for this Object.