Metal Doorframe

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Metal Doorframe
Metal Doorframe.png

A metal-plated concrete wall that provides entrance to a structure.

Decay time
Stack size
Found in Supply Crate
Spawn Command
cheat giveitemnum 177 1 0 0
cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Structures/Metal/PrimalItemStructure_MetalWallWithDoor.PrimalItemStructure_MetalWallWithDoor'" 1 0 0
Required level
Engram points
24 EP
Crafting XP
22 XP
Required stations

The Metal Doorframe is the fourth doorframe available. A doorframe functions as a wall, providing structure to a building and enclosing an area, but with the addition of hole to allow entrance and exit.


  • A Metal Doorframe can be placed on any  Foundation,  Fence Foundation,  Ceiling (with the exception of the  Thatch Roof), or another wall.
  • A  Door can be placed in the hole and locked to provide a way to restrict access to the structure while still allowing you and your tribemates a way through.
  • A Metal Doorframe also provides support to allow a structure built on top of it to extend up to 2 ceilings in any direction on the x and y-axis, and up to 1 ceiling diagonally from a doorframe which is directly above a foundation.


  • The insulation provided by a house is not affected by doorframes, whether the door is open, closed, or missing.
  • If a doorframe is destroyed, any building pieces that rely on it for support will be destroyed as well. If it was destroyed via the demolish option, no resources will be refunded for these extra building pieces.

Painting and Color Regions

The  Metal Wall and  Metal Doorframe share the same paint regions.


For more information on Paint Regions and how to use them, please view the Blue Coloring.png Dye,  Paintbrush, or  Spray Painter pages.

Metal Doorframe PaintRegion1.jpg

Region 1:

X mark.svg

Region 2 is not used
for this Object.

X mark.svg

Region 3 is not used
for this Object.

Metal Doorframe PaintRegion4.jpg

Region 4:
Decorative Plates

Metal Doorframe PaintRegion5.jpg

Region 5:

X mark.svg

Region 6 is not used
for this Object.