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In ARK: Survival Evolved you can wear different sets of armor by equipping it in your inventory.

So far, there are 11 tiers of armor in the game. These armor sets can either be crafted, or found in supply drops.

Full Set Overview

Armor Type Unlock Level Armor rating Cold protection Heat protection Weight Durability (Ø) Found in Beacon Ingredients
Cloth Gear 3 40 40 60 3 25 White Beacon 145 ×  Fiber, 10 ×  Hide
Hide Gear 15 100 85 -25 10.5 45 Green Beacon
  1. 82 ×  Hide, 33 ×  Fiber
Fur Gear 23 200 249 -105 34 125 Deep Sea Loot Crate 320 ×  Pelt, Hair, or Wool, 53 ×  Metal Ingot, 40 ×  Hide, 18 ×  Fiber
Desert Cloth Gear1 28 200 31 130 16 45 Green beacon (only on Scorched Earth) 77 ×  Hide, 33 ×  Fiber, 48 ×  Silk, 10 ×  Crystal, 3 ×  Silica Pearls
Ghillie Gear 33 160 24 155 24 45 Deep Sea Loot Crate 26 ×  Organic Polymer, 40 ×  Hide, 18 ×  Fiber
Chitin Gear 37 250 43 -35 22 50 Blue Beacon, Deep Sea Loot Crate 82 ×  Chitin, 40 ×  Hide, 18 ×  Fiber
Flak Gear 56 500 60 -25 30 120 Yellow Beacon, Deep Sea Loot Crate 53 ×  Metal Ingot, 40 ×  Hide, 18 ×  Fiber
Hazard Suit 2 68 325 50 300 23 85.5 Unknown Beacon, Deep Sea Loot Crate 155 ×  Hide, 235 ×  Fiber, 85 ×  Blue Gem, 72 ×  Polymer, 166 ×  Crystal, 125 ×  Congealed Gas Ball
SCUBA Gear3 81 5 70 (270) -15 23 185 Deep Sea Loot Crate 87 ×  Hide, 23 ×  Fiber, 12 ×  Chitin or Keratin, 16 ×  Metal Ingot, 6 ×  Cementing Paste, 7 ×  Silica Pearls, 43 ×  Polymer, 10 ×  Crystal
Riot Gear 98 575 60 -16.8 42 120 Deep Sea Loot Crate 245 ×  Polymer, 138 ×  Silica Pearls, 40 ×  Hide, 18 ×  Fiber, 35 ×  Crystal
TEK Armor After beating all bosses 900 255 208 23 120 No 600 ×  Polymer, 2250 ×  Metal Ingot, 600 ×  Crystal, 100 ×  Element, 275 ×  Black Pearl
Federation Exo Armor None 100 55 8 22 Unbreakable On Genesis: Part 2 only, immediately given to the player, while connecting or opening the inventory of a  Mission Dispatcher or a  Tek Transmitter Free

1The desert cloth armor is part of Scorched Earth.

2The hazard suit is part of the Aberration.

3The SCUBA gear is a unique type of armor as it only consists of 4 parts (no hand-slot item), with each part granting a special ability.

Cloth Gear

Cloth Shirt.png
  • Provides 10 armor points per piece (50 total).
  • Drops from level 3 white beam loot crates.
  • Grants low insulation from heat.
  • Breaks very easily from strong attacks and offers little damage reduction.
  • Offers insulation and defense to low-level players.

Hide Gear

Hide Shirt.png
  • Provides 20 armor points per piece (100 total).
  • Drops from level 15 green beam loot crates.
  • Grants insulation from the cold and passable damage reduction.

Fur Gear

Fur Chestpiece.png
  • Provides 40 armor points per piece (200 total).
  • Transporting goods can be difficult when wearing/carrying this armor due to how much it weighs in comparison to other sets.
  • Provides the highest insulation from the cold, but significantly lowers heat resistance.
  • Provides no cold insulation while in water, making it useless when diving.

Desert Cloth Gear

Desert Cloth Shirt.png
  • Provides 40 armor points per piece (200 total).
  • Offers moderate physical protection, low cold insulation, and excellent heat insulation.

Ghillie Gear

Ghillie Chestpiece.png
  • Provides 32 armor points per piece (160 total).
  • Functions as a camouflage suit, as it reduces enemy sight range by 50%.
  • Provides excellent insulation from heat and moderate insulation from the cold.

Chitin Gear

Chitin Chestpiece.png
  • Provides 50 armor points per piece (250 total).
  • Drops from level 25 blue beam loot crates.
  • Provides poor insulation from climatic conditions and offers adequate damage reduction.
  • Reduces heat insulation and provides minimal cold insulation.

Flak Gear

Flak Chestpiece.png
  • Provides 100 armor points per piece (500 total).
  • Drops from level 45 yellow beam loot crates.
  • Provides poor insulation from climatic conditions and offers superior damage reduction.
  • Reduces heat insulation and provides little cold insulation.

Hazard Suit

Hazard Suit Shirt.png
  • Provides 65 armor per piece (325 total).
  • Provides immunity to radiation with a full set worn.
  • Provides the best heat insulation of any armor set, in addition to minimal cold insulation.


SCUBA Tank.png
  • Provides 0 armor points per piece, except for the SCUBA leggings, which provide 5 armor points (5 total).
  • Although it provides minimal defense, this armor set is very useful for exploring locations where you can not easily access clean air. It grants the wearer unlimited oxygen, stamina, clear underwater vision, and drastically increased swimming speed.
  • Usually useless when worn on land due to slowing its wearer and obstructing vision.
  • This armor set only consists of 4 parts, as there are no SCUBA gloves.
  • Reduces the amount of damage taken from poisonous air in the Swamp Cave.

Riot Gear

Riot Chestpiece.png
  • Provides 115 armor points per piece (575 total).
  • Provides poor defense against climatic conditions and a very good defense against players and dinos.
  • Reduces the amount of torpor taken, which makes it harder to knock the wearer out.

TEK Gear

Tek Chestpiece.png
  • Provides 180 armor points per piece (900 total).
  • Provides modest insulation from the cold and offers extraordinary damage reduction.
  • Each part of this armor set grants different special abilities. When the full set is equipped, it provides night vision, a jet pack, a heavy hitting punch, fall damage negation, and a speed boost.
  • Provides +200 insulation against climatic conditions when charged with element
  • Provides immunity to radiation with a full set worn. Does not require the armor to be charged with element for this effect.
  • As the ultimate armor of Ark, a player must obtain all necessary Tekgrams from bosses before being able to wear this armor.

Federation Exo Armor

Federation Exo-Chestpiece Skin.png
  • Provides 20 armor points per piece (100 total).
  • Has no durability loss; cannot be broken.
  • Each part of this armor set grants different special abilities. When the full set is equipped within Genesis: Part 2, it provides night vision, a jet pack, a heavy hitting punch, fall damage negation, and a speed boost.
  • Does not use Elements within Genesis: Part 2 map.
  • Provides immunity to radiation with a full set worn. Does not require the armor to be charged with element for this effect even outside said map.
  • Provides modest insulation from the cold and heat.
  • Does not require Tekgrams from bosses unlike Tek Armor. However, the DLC Genesis is required to wear them.

Armor's protection from damage

The damage modifier granted by Armor is calculated as follows, which can also be expressed as damage reduction:
  damage modifier = 100 / (100 + Armor Coefficient * Armor)
  damage taken = damage * damage modifier
  damage reduction = (1 - damage modifier) * 100

Alternatively, the effective health points, or EHP, resulting from the armors protection may be calculated as:

EHP=HP×(100+armor×coefficient)100In terms of EHP, for a player with 100HP, 100 armor adds an additional 100EHP. 200 armor adds 200EHP, or 2 times as much as 100 armor, and 300 armor adds 3 times as much. Each armor point added therefore provides the same EHP gain.

Armor Coefficient is the unique value that each source of damage has, representing how much each attack affected by armor. There are two different type of Armor Coefficient values in each damage source, the first one is a value against a survivor's armor and the second one is a value against saddles on creatures.

For example, bite attack of the rex has the Armor Coefficient value 4 against a creature's saddle and armor coefficient value 1 against a survivor's armor.

The value of the Armor Coefficient varies based on the source of the damage and are shown in the following sections. In most cases, Armor Coefficient value 4 is applied against saddle and 1 is applied against a survivor's armor.

  • For example, when attacked by a rex, 70 armor has a damage modifier of 0.588 which equates to 41.2% damage reduction. 95% damage reduction allows you live twice as long as 90% damage reduction. This is because the effective damage at 90% damage reduction is 10%, making the your effective health 1000% of your nominal health (10 times), while the effective damage at 95% damage reduction is only 5%, making your effective health 2000% of you nominal health (20 times).
    Diminishing return on damage reduction
    This graph demonstrates the diminishing returns of damage reduction from armor.

Test Case

When a survivor attacked by a grenade, which has the Armor Coefficient value 1 against the survivor's armor, following calculations are applied.

  • With 0 armor and being hit by a grenade, resulting in 375 damage.[1]
  damage modifier = 100 / (100 + 0)
  damage modifier = 1
  damage taken = 375 * 1
  damage taken = 375
  • With 551.5 armor and being hit by a grenade, resulting in 57.6 damage.
  damage modifier = 100 / (100 + 551.5)
  damage modifier = 0.153
  damage taken = 375 * 0.153
  damage taken = 57.6
Cheat sheet

The following table is based on the default/primitive armor value of the game's 11 armor sets.

Armor Type Pieces in set Armor rating Damage Reduced By EHP %
Cloth Armor 5 50 33.33% 150%
Hide Armor / Federation Exo Armor 5 100 50.00% 200%
Fur Armor 5 200 66.67% 300%
Desert Cloth Armor 5 200 66.67% 300%
Ghillie Armor 5 160 61.54% 260%
Chitin Armor 5 250 71.43% 350%
Flak Armor 5 500 83.33% 600%
Hazard Suit 5 325 76.5% 425%
SCUBA Armor 4 5 4.76% 105%
Riot Armor 5 575 85.18% 675%
Tek Armor 5 900 90.00% 1000%


Against most creatures, for every ~16 damage mitigated by armor, each piece of equipped armor loses a point of durability.

Each piece of Tek armor has 300 durability and can mitigate 300 * 16 = 4800 damage before breaking. With a 90% damage reduction, a survivor can take 4800 / 0.9 = ~5333 of unmitigated damage before their Tek Armor breaks.

Cheat sheet

The following table is based on the default/primitive armor value of the game's armor sets.

Armor Type Durability Armor rating per piece Armor rating full Damage Reduced By Mitigated damage Unmitigated damage Total damage (HP)
Cloth Armor 25 10 50 33.33% 400 1,200 800
Hide Armor 45 20 100 50.00% 720 1,440 720
Fur Armor 120 40 200 66.67% 1,920 2,880 960
Desert Cloth Armor 45 40 200 66.67% 720 1,080 360
Ghillie Armor 45 32 160 61.54% 720 1,170 450
Chitin Armor 50 50 250 71.43% 800 1,120 320
Flak Armor 120 100 500 83.33% 1,920 2,304 384
Hazard Suit 85 65 325 76.47% 1,360 1,778 418
Riot Armor 120 115 575 85.19% 1,920 2,254 334
Tek Armor 300 180 900 90.00% 4,800 5,333 533

Tamed Dino Clothing

With the exception of the Tek helmet, most of the head pieces can be worn by specific tamed dinos. In this case, head pieces equipped by creatures considered as a saddle, and Armor Coefficient value against creature's saddle applied to them when they are attacked.
