Forbidden Zone (Extinction)

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Extinction DLC.jpg This article is about content exclusive to the DLC: Extinction
Forbidden Zone
Forbidden Zone (Extinction).jpg

The Forbidden Zone is a region in the Extinction DLC.


The Forbidden Zone is a very dangerous area that leads up to the King Titan Arena. It is frequented by Corrupted Creatures including  Corrupted Wyverns and  Corrupted Giganotosaurus. Any attempts at making a base here would most likely fail. The Temperature 30 °C or 86 °F makes it to where you dehydrate easily while water is scarce and the huge threats here can easily kill Survivors.

Meteor showers are common in the Wasteland. The Forbidden Zone, and other sections of the map outside of the Sanctuary, the Sunken Forest or the Ice and Desert Domes, are unsafe from meteor showers, which not only instantly kills anything where it lands, it can also destroy anything near it.


Very Common



Very Uncommon


Very Rare


Note: Silicate, a substitute for  Silica Pearls, can be harvested from off-white irregularly shaped rocks. These rocks also provide Obsidian, Flint and Stone.

From Local Creatures


  • Even though dangerous  Corrupted Creatures like the  Corrupted Giganotosaurus and  Corrupted Wyvern and rex are found in mass amounts here, the most dangerous Creature in the area is the  Corrupted Chalicotherium. While it doesn't do much damage compared to the other  Corrupted Creatures found here, it retains the ability to throw mud at the survivor and slow them down as well as obscuring their view; allowing the more dangerous Creatures to swarm the survivor while they are vulnerable.
  • There is a Tunnel that does not spawn any dinos to go safer without damage in it. Use this to your advantage.
  • There is a part of Forbidden Zone out side the northern latitude extreme (Latitude < 0). It is safe and necessary to cross if the player wants to reach King Titan Terminal on foot.
  • Enraged Tyrannosaur spawns here naturally, so be careful.

