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Mod No Untameables logo.png
Spawn Command
cheat summon ChupaCabra_Character_BP_Tameable_C
cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/NoUntameables/Chupacabra/ChupaCabra_Character_BP_Tameable.ChupaCabra_Character_BP_Tameable'" 500 0 0 35

Variant R-Nameless

cheat summon ChupaCabra_Character_BP_Rockwell_Tameable_C
cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/NoUntameables/Chupacabra/ChupaCabra_Character_BP_Rockwell_Tameable.ChupaCabra_Character_BP_Rockwell_Tameable'" 500 0 0 35

Variant Nameless Ghost

cheat summon Ghost_ChupaCabra_Character_BP_C
cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/NoUntameables/Chupacabra/Ghost_ChupaCabra_Character_BP.Ghost_ChupaCabra_Character_BP'" 500 0 0 35

Variant Nameless (Surface)

cheat summon ChupaCabra_Character_BP_Tameable_Surface_C
cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/NoUntameables/Chupacabra/ChupaCabra_Character_BP_Tameable_Surface.ChupaCabra_Character_BP_Tameable_Surface'" 500 0 0 35

Variant Nameless Minion

cheat summon ChupaCabra_Character_BP_Minion_Tame_C
cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/NoUntameables/Chupacabra/Minions/ChupaCabra_Character_BP_Minion_Tamed.ChupaCabra_Character_BP_Minion_Tame'" 500 0 0 35

Variant Subterranean Reaper King (Tamed Minion)

cheat summon Xenomorph_Character_BP_Male_Chupa_Minio_C
cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/NoUntameables/Chupacabra/Minions/Xenomorph_Character_BP_Male_Chupa_Minion.Xenomorph_Character_BP_Male_Chupa_Minio'" 500 0 0 35

Variant Subterranean Reaper King Ghost

cheat summon Ghost_Xenomorph_Character_BP_Male_Chupa_C
cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/NoUntameables/Chupacabra/Minions/Ghost_Xenomorph_Character_BP_Male_Chupa.Ghost_Xenomorph_Character_BP_Male_Chupa'" 500 0 0 35
3 Can be enabled via INI Config

While weak individually, the Nameless are capable of summoning allies to fight alongside them- including the  Reaper King. They also have tweaked bury mechanics and will no longer spawn in bases like the vanilla version.


The R-Nameless are striped with curvy tendrils, which are primarily bright white, purple or green. They can be found with their backs in many dark blues, oranges and purples, and the Alpha glows with purple veins rather than orange.

Color Scheme and Regions


Behavior is identical to the vanilla version. For information, see the vanilla page


Alpha mechanics

The highest leveled Nameless in a group will turn into an alpha. This includes being by itself, and only Nameless in the same tribe will count. Alpha status is disabled when burying underground. If a higher leveled Nameless is present, the current alpha will return to normal and the higher level one will transform instead.

Minion mechanics

Minions from tamed Nameless are all wild spawns that are treated as allies via scripting. They cannot damage or be damaged by players/creatures from the same tribe as the summoner, but also cannot be tamed, ordered or cryopodded/uploaded.
When tamed, the current alpha Nameless can summon wild Nameless as temporarily allies while in combat. Summoned Nameless minions are a random lower level than the Nameless that summoned them. They also have lower base stats, cannot turn alpha, and are marked with a black smoke. They will despawn after a certain amount of time, or if they have no target for 30 seconds. They will despawn if there are no allied non-minion Nameless nearby, but if their summoner is killed and another Nameless turns alpha they will stick around. They will not target anything that is not being targeted by the alpha Nameless.
Once 10 allied Nameless are present (including temporary summons), the alpha can summon a Subterranean  Reaper King as a temporary ally. This only happens if the current alpha has been in combat for at least 60 seconds. Summoned Reapers have specific targeting priority; anything that the summoner Nameless is targeting has highest priority, followed by aggressive wild dinos that are targeting anything in the same tribe as the summoner. They will ignore unconscious or dead dinos, and dinos with taming progress, but will target players/dinos that damage them if the server is not PvE (they cannot, however, be damaged by allies). The Reaper will bury and despawn early if their health falls below 25%, if they have no target for 60 seconds, or if the summoner nameless is no longer present.

Base Stats and Growth



Combat is identical to the vanilla version. For information, see the vanilla page



Nameless have two specific conditions for taming - only the current Alpha can be tamed, and charge light resets all of their torpor. The non-alphas can be knocked out but you cannot access their inventory. In order to tame a specific Nameless in a group, kill the current Alpha and the surrounding Nameless until the one you want turns into an alpha. The Nameless is a carnivore, preferring Superior Kibble as a taming food.


  • Combat Companions: In any drawn out battle, a pack of Nameless can be overwhelming when swarming a target. This becomes particularly true when a Reaper King is summoned- and due to being a wild-summoned creature, there less fear of losing a tame that is difficult to reacquire if the King is killed, making them great for combat situations where the outcome is uncertain.


Patch Changes


  • Despite having genders, wild Nameless do not receive mate boost damage and resistance modifiers. Tamed Nameless retain the bonuses.
  • Surface Nameless can be tamed and will automatically convert themselves to the normal Nameless post-tame.

INI Configs

General configs affecting this creature, such as breeding and spawn colours, are not listed here. To view them, visit the full page of INI configs. All options must be placed under the [NoUntameables] header in GameUserSettings.ini. For general configuration information such as how to access the INI files, visit the Game Configuration page.

 ASA  ASE Config Description
X mark.svg Check mark.svg ForceAllowChupacabraBaseSpawning Default value: False
Value type: Boolean
Allows wild Nameless to spawn on structures
Context: Vanilla Nameless will spawn other Nameless in a random location nearby, including through solid walls and into bases. The result is Nameless randomly appearing in enclosed spaces if an alpha is aggro'd nearby, and causes a mess especially when they get stuck in structures, so the NU Nameless will automatically despawn if a wild one is freshly spawned directly on top ot a structure.
X mark.svg Check mark.svg DisableChupaMinionSummoning Default value: False
Value type: Boolean
Prevents tamed Nameless from summoning other Nameless allies when AI Special Attack is enabled. Does not have any effect on wild Nameless, does not stop Reaper summons
X mark.svg Check mark.svg DisableChupaSuperminionSummoning Default value: False
Value type: Boolean
Prevents tamed Nameless from summoning Subterranean Reaper King once a certain amount of allied Nameless are present and AI Special Attack is enabled. Does not affect wild Nameless.
X mark.svg Check mark.svg DisableChupaSuperminionAggro Default value: False
Value type: Boolean
Prevents Reapers summoned by tamed Nameless from being set to aggressive by default. This option is automatic on PvE servers.
X mark.svg Check mark.svg DisableDefaultChupaAISummoning Default value: False
Value type: Boolean
Prevents AI Special Attack from being set to enabled by default
X mark.svg Check mark.svg EnableChupaVenomHarvesting Default value: False
Value type: Boolean
Allows tamed Nameless to be harvested for Nameless Venom
X mark.svg Check mark.svg ChupacabraDeathItemDropChance Default value: 0.15
Value type: Float
Odds of Nameless dropping venom when killed. Values 0 to 1.

