Reaper Queen

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Mod No Untameables logo.png

The Reaper Queen functions as a rarer but more powerful companion to the Reaper King.


The issue with vanilla Reapers using the wrong coloursets is fixed by NU Reaper Queens, though the fix can be disabled. However, there are two adjustments made - a single color (WyvernBlue1) was missing from the tame King's color set, compared to the Surface Reaper colourset which is the obtainable one in vanilla. The second is the weighting for region 5 is edited changed so that variations of brown are not the majority. It is possible to use the unedited color set by using the respective ini config, and the color set configs do not affect event colors.

Color Scheme and Regions


While the majority of the wild behaviour is identical to vanilla, there are a few changes. Wild Queens no longer occasionally attack players immediately after dropping them, and will not bury and despawn if player is dropped before being impregnated.


Like Basilisks, tamed Reaper Queens can move around underground with a rider. Burying is done with the spacebar rather than jumping, though jumping can be optionally be enabled through an ini config. If jumping is enabled through INI, both burying and jumping remain on the jump input (spacebar) with R toggling between them. When toggled on, it is visible by a small arrow icon near the hotbar.
The right-click attack is the torpor-inducing needles that are used by wild Reaper Queens rather than the acid web used by the Reaper Kings. The base damage is reduced compared to wild Queens for the sake of balance, and both wild and tamed Reaper Queens are immune to damage and torpor from this attack.


Pressing X will attempt to grab and impregnate enemy players. This attack will pull players off mounts if they are hit. Allies, dinos, players on PvE, or players that already have some variation of the pregnancy buff cannot be grabbed. The grab attempt has a cooldown, regardless of success, to prevent abuse, and if successful has a longer cooldown of 30 minutes. Pressing X again while carrying a player will drop them. By default, impregnated enemy players will be instantly killed when the buff timer ends. Baby reapers spawned from this will bury and despawn shortly after.
If the config is enabled, tamed Reaper Queens will spawn the vanilla Reaper Kings instead of the temporary instant-despawn version (if configured, it can also be allowed to spawn Queens). No experience can be gained on this version of the buff, and wild stat levels are randomized (but remain equal to the queen's base level). This version has a much longer cooldown time by default, though it can still be overridden via config. When this config is enabled, allies and players on PvE can be grabbed, and this version does not instantly kill the player when the buff timer ends.

Base Stats and Growth



Combat is identical to the vanilla version. For information, see the vanilla page.



Reaper Queens are tamed with the same method as normal Reaper Kings, with the change that players are now immune to fall damage for 5 seconds after being impregnated to avoid deaths immediately after being dropped from too high up. The chance of obtaining a Queen is much lower by default, 1/5. If the File:Mod No Untameables Alpha Reaper Queen.png Alpha Reaper Queen (Mod:No Untameables) is enabled in the configs, they can be killed for an item that will guarantee a Queen on the next impregnation. Reaper Kings obtained from NU Queens are entirely vanilla. For in-depth taming guidance, view the vanilla page.


The Reaper Queen is a stronger form of the Reaper King, and is able to fulfill most of the roles that the King can, with the exception of aerial counters. However, it is able to fill a different role with its unique tail projectile.

  • Taming Mount: The Reaper Queen is fast, strong, and mobile, making it easily able to keep up with most creatures a survivor wishes to tame. While the spread of its tail projectiles make them poor suited to KOing smaller, agile creatures, they are incredibly effective on larger targets that will be hit by multiple projectiles at once. With their high amount of torpor compared to the lower amounts of damage they deal, they make for a safe method of taking out creatures on low health or with poor health to torpor ratios.


Patch Changes


  • Tamed Reaper Queens will have a mate boost effect while near allied Reaper Kings - this also applies to child classes, so modded reapers may also be affected. The mate boost effect is controlled by buffs and is identical to vanilla in terms of functionality.
  • Reaper Queens are not affected by the Yutyrannus Fear roar, unlike Reaper Kings

INI Configs

General configs affecting this creature, such as breeding and spawn colours, are not listed here. To view them, visit the full page of INI configs. All options must be placed under the [NoUntameables] header in GameUserSettings.ini. For general configuration information such as how to access the INI files, visit the Game Configuration page.

 ASA  ASE Config Description
X mark.svg Check mark.svg XenomorphFemaleOdds Default value: 0.2
Value type: Float
Odds of getting a Reaper Queen from wild queens (vs the vanilla reaper kings). Values from 0.0 (0%) to 1.0 (100%), values above 1 will revert the odds to default (0.2).
X mark.svg Check mark.svg DisableXenomorphMateBoost Default value: False
Value type: Boolean
Prevents Reaper Queens from being mate boosted with Reaper Kings
X mark.svg Check mark.svg DisableXenomorphQueenImpregnation Default value: False
Value type: Boolean
Prevents tamed Reaper Queens from being able to impregnate players. Overrides other related configs.
X mark.svg Check mark.svg XenomorphQueenImpregnateBuffNonTemporary Default value: False
Value type: Boolean
Reaper Kings spawned from tamed Reaper Queens will not despawn. This also changes the cooldown buff time default.
X mark.svg Check mark.svg XenomorphQueenCooldownBuffTimeOverride Default value: Nothing
Value type: Float
Overrides the cooldown buff time. Default time differs if the above config is enabled (1800.0 if false, 604800.0 if true, 43200.0 if true & on singleplayer)
X mark.svg Check mark.svg EnableJumpingXenomorphQueen Default value: False
Value type: Boolean
Allows Reaper Queens to use the same jump mechanics as the Reaper Kings. When enabled, both jumping and burying are on the spacebar input with the R key toggling between them. When toggled on, a small icon will show near the hotbar.
X mark.svg Check mark.svg XenomorphQueenDamageResistanceMultiplier Default value: 0.2
Value type: Float
Damage resistance multiplier for tamed Reaper Queens when not affected by Charge Light. Vanilla default is 0.2 for the tamed version and 0.05 for all wild versions. Min 0.0, max 1.0
X mark.svg Check mark.svg XenomorphQueenBaseHealthMultiplier Default value: 1.14
Value type: Float
Base health multiplier for tamed Reaper Queens. Min 1.0, max 10.0. Values under 1 will default to 1 to avoid issues with negative health.
X mark.svg Check mark.svg XenoBuffUseLevelScaling Default value: False
Value type: Boolean
Scales max experience on the Reaper pregnancy buff by the server's max difficulty level (eg. max +75 levels for 5, 90 for 6). Reaper Kings are affected by the level offset but will still spawn as vanilla creatures.
X mark.svg Check mark.svg XenoBuffNonTemporaryIncludeFemale Default value: False
Value type: Boolean
Allows players to get more reaper queens from tamed queens
X mark.svg Check mark.svg XenomorphFemaleOddsFromTamed Default value: False
Value type: Boolean
Odds if above config is active
X mark.svg Check mark.svg XenoBuffNonTemporaryPreventReroll Default value: False
Value type: Boolean
Prevents the stat reroll on the non-temporary pregnancy buff
X mark.svg Check mark.svg AddAlphaReaperQueenSpawns Default value: False
Value type: Boolean
Enables the spawning of the Alpha Reaper Queen

